Is Ivermectin a safe way to fight COVID-19 as Delta-variant cases rise?

Inexpensive drug appears to shorten hospital stays, possibly a use as prophylactic treatment

In the battle against COVID-19, the Delta variant is currently getting the most attention, as roughly three out of four cases being reported by health officials are this variant of the coronavirus. “Breakthrough cases” are being reported as 125,000 vaccinated individuals have now gotten this version of COVID.

People are understandably seeking numerous ways to prevent getting the virus. Boosting your immune system is important and low vitamin D levels appear to significantly increase people’s risk of getting the virus.

What about Ivermectin or other alternative “repurposed” medications?

Last fall, local Physicians Assistant Scott Miller shared an early perspective on helping his patients with possible medications. Ivermectin is one that he’s seen a decrease in viral replication within 48 hours. It’s anti-parasitic, but it can be vital for especially at-risk patients, and it’s very affordable, Miller said.

In December, Dr. Pierre Kory testified in Congress about the positive impact Ivermectin had in fighting the virus. He represented the Front-Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC). They were interested in finding research on the use of any other already existing, safe, low-cost therapeutic agents.

“Ivermectin is highly safe, widely available, and low cost,” Kory said. “Its discovery was awarded the Nobel Prize in medicine, and is already included on the WHO’s ‘World’s List of Essential Medicines.’

CLICK TO PLAY VIDEO. Dr. Pierre Kory of the Front-Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance addresses a Senate committee and answers questions about the use and effectiveness of ivermectin. 

“We now have data from over 20 well-designed clinical studies, ten of them randomized, controlled trials, with every study consistently reporting large magnitude and statistically significant benefits in decreasing transmission rates, shortening recovery times, decreasing hospitalizations, or large reductions in deaths.”

The National Institutes of Health said in February there was insufficient data to “recommend either for or against the use of ivermectin for the treatment of COVID-19.” Lab tests found the drug stopped the reproduction of the SARS-CoV-2 virus that caused the disease. However, to be effective, the dosages would need to be “100-fold higher than those approved for use in humans.”

In March, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a special warning that “you should not use ivermectin to treat or prevent COVID-19. Using any treatment for COVID-19 that’s not approved or authorized by the FDA, unless part of a clinical trial, can cause serious harm,” the FDA says.

A study first published in Nov. 2020 reported a lower incidence associated with prophylactic administration of ivermectin by evaluating countries in Africa that regularly take the drug for parasitic infections. 

“We show that countries with routine mass drug administration of prophylactic chemotherapy including ivermectin have a significantly lower incidence of COVID-19. Prophylactic use of ivermectin against parasitic infections is most common in Africa and we hence show that the reported correlation is highly significant both when compared among African nations as well as in a worldwide context.”

The authors noted that the percentage of the overall population that received prophylactic treatment using ivermectin mostly ranged from 30–90 percent, yet “there was no significant difference in the resulting incidence of COVID-19. Even the lower treatment coverages achieved the same reductions resulting from MDA reaching nearly the entire population.” The reasons for this fact are so far unexplained.

Incidence of COVID-19 as a function of prophylactic chemotherapy (PCT) with ivermectin in African countries as a violin plot. The graphic shows countries using ivermectin, using other treatments, and those using no treatments. Graphic from NIH
Incidence of COVID-19 as a function of prophylactic chemotherapy (PCT) with ivermectin in African countries as a violin plot. The graphic shows countries using ivermectin (left), using other treatments (center), and those using no treatments (right). Graphic from NIH

The Jerusalem Post reported Aug. 2 that a new Israeli study shows positive results. A small randomized, controlled, double-blind trial from May 2020, through January 2021, evaluated the effectiveness of ivermectin in reducing viral shedding among non-hospitalized patients with mild to moderate COVID-19.

Nearly 72 percent of volunteers treated with ivermectin tested negative for the virus by day six. In contrast, only 50 percent of those who received the placebo tested negative.

The study also looked at how infectious the patients were, and found that only 13 percent of ivermectin patients were infectious after six days, compared with 50 percent of the placebo group – almost four times as many.

The study did not prove ivermectin was effective as a prophylactic, meaning that it could prevent disease, nor did it show that it reduces the chances of hospitalization.

The American Journal of Therapeutics did release a study showing some positive results for prophylactic use of ivermectin, in addition to its use in treating COVID-19.

Their conclusion states: “Moderate-certainty evidence finds that large reductions in COVID-19 deaths are possible using ivermectin. Using ivermectin early in the clinical course may reduce numbers progressing to severe disease. The apparent safety and low cost suggest that ivermectin is likely to have a significant impact on the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic globally.”

Yet the World Health Organization (WHO) has recommended against using the drug except in clinical trials. The Israeli doctor in the above referenced story said he was very disappointed that the WHO did not support any trial to determine whether the drug could be viable.

“Developing new medications can take years; therefore, identifying existing drugs that can be repurposed against COVID-19 [and] that already have an established safety profile through decades of use could play a critical role in suppressing or even ending the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic,” wrote the researchers in the American Journal of Therapeutics. “Using repurposed medications may be especially important because it could take months, possibly years, for much of the world’s population to get vaccinated, particularly among low- to middle-income populations.”

Evaluating “repurposed drugs” is what Dr. Kory and his FLCCC Alliance are all about.

“Why is the FDA attacking a safe, effective drug” asked David Henderson and Charles Hooper in the Wall St. Journal last month.

“Ivermectin is on the World Health Organization’s List of Essential Medicines. Merck has donated four billion doses to prevent river blindness and other diseases in Africa and other places where parasites are common. A group of 10 doctors who call themselves the Front Line Covid-19 Critical Care Alliance have said ivermectin is “one of the safest, low cost, and widely available drugs in the history of medicine.”

They report 70 clinical trials are evaluating the use of ivermectin for treating COVID-19. The statistically significant evidence suggests that it is safe and works for both treating and preventing the disease.

Fewer ivermectin patients developed respiratory distress (2.6 percent vs. 15.8 percent); fewer required oxygen (9.6 percent vs. 45.9 percent); fewer required antibiotics (15.7 percent vs. 60.2 percent); and fewer entered intensive care (0.1 percent vs. 8.3 percent). Ivermectin-treated patients tested negative faster, in four days instead of 15, and stayed in the hospital nine days on average instead of 15. Ivermectin patients experienced 13.3 percent mortality compared with 24.5 percent in the control Group.

Moreover, the drug can help prevent Covid-19. One 2020 article in Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications looked at what happened after the drug was given to family members of confirmed Covid-19 patients. Less than 8 percent became infected, versus 58.4 percent of those untreated. Among 200 healthcare workers and others at high risk of exposure, only 2 percent of those given ivermectin developed Covid-19. But 10 percent of the control group did.”

They cite the American Journal of Therapeutics. “Out of four billion doses administered since 1998, there have been only 28 cases of serious neurological adverse events.” The same study found that ivermectin has been used safely in pregnant women, children and infants

Eight states in Peru chose to give ivermectin as a prophylactic, whereas Lima did not. The graphics show COVID-19 cases for Lima (in red) and the other eight states. Graphic FL CCC
Eight states in Peru chose to give ivermectin as a prophylactic, whereas Lima did not. The graphics show COVID-19 cases for Lima (in red) and the other eight states (shades of blue). Graphic FL CCC

Dr. Kory and FLCCC Alliance reported in May that South Africa, Zimbabwe, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Mexico, and India, have approved the drug for use by medical professionals.

In June, Oxford University in the UK added ivermectin to a major study.They indicate little data from large-scale randomised controlled clinical trials are available to validate its effect on recovery speed or decreasing hospitalisation. They hope to change that.

Chief investigator professor Chris Butler said: “Ivermectin is readily available globally, has been in wide use for many other infectious conditions so it’s a well-known medicine with a good safety profile, and because of the early promising results in some studies it is already being widely used to treat COVID-19 in several countries.

“By including ivermectin in a large-scale trial, we hope to generate robust evidence to determine how effective the treatment is against COVID-19, and whether there are benefits or harms associated with its use.”

The Oxford University Principle Trial has more than 5,000 participants and will give a three-day course of oral ivermectin treatment to individuals randomly and compare their results to individuals who will receive standard care. 

In the US, the NIH is evaluating therapeutics for COVID-19 with its Accelerating COVID-19 Therapeutic Interventions and Vaccines (ACTIV) master protocol. Ivermectin was added in phase three of ACTIV-6, which will test the effectiveness of repurposed drugs.

There has been a growing number of people taking ivermectin for animals as word spread on social media about its possible use to cure COVID-19. This has resulted in some people calling state poison centers after taking the incorrect dosage since the medication is intended for animals.

“If the FDA were driven by science and evidence, it would give an emergency-use authorization for ivermectin for Covid-19,” said Henderson and Hooper. “Instead, the FDA asserts without evidence that ivermectin is dangerous.

“At the bottom of the FDA’s warning against ivermectin is this statement: ‘Meanwhile, effective ways to limit the spread of COVID-19 continue to be to wear your mask, stay at least 6 feet from others who don’t live with you, wash hands frequently, and avoid crowds.’ Is this based on the kinds of double-blind studies that the FDA requires for drug approvals? No.”

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  1. Drake Peters

    It is affective and for any doctor to not recommend a drug which has no harmful side effects that could potentially save someone’s life is irresponsible and just shameful. Why does India use the drug among other nations? The amount of trust I have lost for the US medical community is beyond words. Do your own research people …look outside of the USA for different opinions….we are being fed narratives to make money for big pharma.

    1. That guy

      I just think it’s funny how they don’t have enough data to say yay or nay to using it but they wanna force everyone to take these vaccines with a minuscule amount of testing and that’s doesn’t work at all. Causes some really scary morphing of people’s blood cells. (Imagine a plate of spaghetti o’s all of them separated and not mushed. That’s normal. People having gotten the shot and had blood swatches tested now look like the o’s have combined with each other and flattened out.

      seems real safe.

      1. Stev

        The vaccines dont do what you claim and notably none of the sources in this article reccomend ivermectin as a substitute for vaccination if vaccination is available.

      2. Gemma

        Yeh right… and Slenderman is hiding behind a tree waiting to whisk you off to never never land. Grow a few smarts bc your comment is not only ridiculous, but down right dangerous to other fools playing in to such nonsense. Good thing people didn’t act like you during the smallox & polio epidemics – which had since been eradicated bc of mandatory vaccines – FOR THE GOOD OF PUBLIC HEALTH… Maybe this is just Mother Nature’s thinning out overpopulation of the planet – weeding out survival of the FITTEST, by the stupid being killed off to benefit the whole of humanity. People need to shut up with the nonsense conspiracy theories & get a brain… and vaccinated

        1. No

          You all have nothing better to do rather than sit here and bark at each other?

          More people die a year from tobacco use. They have removed god and religion from everyday life so they need something else to control the masses. Here comes your pandemic. The US government is using it to put us all in check and make us reliant on their help. Prices are going up. Personal debts are magically disappearing. Unemployment is going up. And the US government is using the world climate change to create panic in order to further scare you into believing that you need their help. Racism is increasing and being promoted at every level. Ask yourself, what is the endgame?

      3. Gemma

        Positively ridiculous comment all based on conspiracy theories. What you say also makes ZERO sense – both medically & with any level of common sense.
        BULLIONS OF PEOPLE have taken both courses of the vaccine for approx a year- that have proven scientifically without any doubt, that VACCINES WORK to protect tou from severe illness AND DEATH.
        Bu all means, go take the CATTLE & LIVESTOCK DEWORMER they’re pushing in this article- that 3RD WORLD COUNTRIES WITH NO VACCINE, THAT ARE DESPERATE FOR TRYING ANYTHING are very mistakenly taking…
        Stupid is as Stupid does – as is the point you’re attempting to very wrongly make

          1. Bob

            New vaccines are inherently potentially dangerous. Medical history shows missteps with disastrous results. I suggest all take a (long) listen to this: httpsopen.spotify.comepisode16X3VckZeuuoXD0lCNJoiksi=R7Nt1JI6Qnye0AOqF86gwg&context=spotify%3Ashow%3A57R7dOcs60jUfOnuNG0J1R&dl_branch=1&nd=1

          2. R. H.

            If this vaccine serum is so safe, why is Pfizer and the FDA asking a Federal Judge to seal all records concerning this “safe” vaccine for 75 years? Because all will have died by then.

        1. R. H.

          At what level of effectiveness from being “vaccinated” do we have so far to call the drug serum effective? Seems this man made virus just walks right through the vaccine barrier. And talk about fear mongering, you know as well as most, ivermectin has a human dose as well as animal dose. It’s prescribed by the weight of the patients, and medical doctors don’t prescribe to animals any more that veterinarian prescribe to humans. Grow up

      4. Dan Wyatt

        Uhh, what? You don’t know what you’re talking about, and you have poor grammar, as does the guy above you.

        No vaccine turns your blood to spaghetti-O’s. In fact, 98% of American physicians have had their Covid vaccines, and the only spaghetti-o complaints overheard were those mentioning the hospital cafeteria’s redundant serving of canned pasta.

        Additionally, there’s robust evidence of the safety of the vaccines considering that now well over half of Americans are fully vaccinated.

        The only people we see dying are those that haven’t gotten their shots, probably as a result of being sold quack alternative “natural” medicines on Facebook by their high school friends. Btw, botulism, too, is “natural,” folks.
        Dr. Wyatt

        1. Kari

          Not true. The majority of breakthrough cases if that’s what they are calling them now, 60 to 70 percent are from vaccinated people. Pfizer has 14 days to provide all the ingredients they used in this concoction..for their data sheet..which currently is BLANK. We’ll see.. if they don’t provide, the FDA will deny them. The story that it was approved was jumping the gun a tad. It’s not approved

        2. Dr C

          Actually Dr. Wyatt statistically and literally it is inaccurate that 98% of doctors have received their shots and there have been no complaints. Some doctors and other Healthcare providers have died after receiving it.
          Check the data and try an unbiased approach and you will see there are many things that are questionable here.
          Also read up on the past history of Sars CoV research and the unfortunate outcomes.

          1. Valerie

            Have you heard of Dr. Joel Wallskog? If not, Google Dr. Joel Wallskog and
            Senate hearing. You will see his testimony regarding his injuries that he feels are attributable the vaccine. Then watch the others’ testimony if you like. This truly started my desire to dig deeper and educate myself fully about the jab that is only ever referred to as ‘safe and effective’. Also research VAERS and the Department of Justice article about Pfizer being found criminally and civilly liable for health care fraud. Read the actual publication, in full, for yourself. #askmorequestions

        3. Jacob Newsome

          I have worked the Covid unit since the beginning of the pandemic. I have seen a many breakthrough cases. Patients are still dying from Covid after being fully vaccinated. We need to look at alternative treatments.

        4. R. H.

          No true in any sense. Break through cases are dying too. And it’s obvious you are running out of material to regergitate l, so it’s time to start the personal attacks

      5. Truelty

        So dumb. Do you remember SARS? Because if you do, then you know when mRNA vaccines first started being developed. And, wait for it, specifically against coronaviruses. Since you’re probably extremely malinformed, sars is also a coronavirus. This vaccine has been in development for literally decades. The only thing they changed for covid-19, was the targeted spike protein.

        mrna therapies have been around since the fucking 90’s. If you have any idea about how mrna works, you shouldn’t have any worry about ‘blood cell mutations.’


        1. K Carson

          Exactly. IVM was released (counter to WHO advice) into a spiking Delta wave in Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, & Uttarkand. Within days, covid cases crashed hard. But hey, FDA sez the 100+ studies all show it’s useless, (not at all), toxic, (nope) etc. With breakthroughs hitting, the actual IVM toxicity is to the Vax boosters $$$ flow

          1. Balder

            I am blown away at the lack of humanity by not using IVM. I knew greed existed, but to this level is bewildering to me. As a society we have allowed Big Pharma to rule the government is sad. How can you stop the big ball rolling now?

      1. Chris

        If you talk to people who live in India they say that’s fake news. I have spoke to them and Covid is not spreading at high rate. It’s a fear campaign for Western Country to keep you a slave to Big Pharma expensive drugs. Ivermectin works per real people in India, Not those fake actors on the news.

        I was told that media, government has paid poor Indians who desperately need money to lie about Covid

        1. kathy Andreasen

          first thing Mexico does is deliver directly to your home, they put you on it immediately. We have two friends in Mexico and one has Covid and that is exactly what they gave him. Another long time friend in a wheelchair had two scary days, took Ivermectin by day 3 so much better, he never got really ill thank god, as we know he already does not breath well. His dad got Covid 3.5 months after his vaccine, he is been in ICU for 6 weeks. Finally got a Dr. to prescribe Ivermectin, he is not going to be moved to rehab, AFTER the family being told he would most likely not be leaving the hospital. These are real people, these are out friends. I only know what we have seen and I have to say it worked…

      1. Gemma

        Go get a Pfizer of Moderna vaccine for Christ’s sake… and stop the nonsense. IVERMECTIN IS APPROVED AS A DEWORMER IN CATTLE/ LIVESTOCK & HORSES… No wonder.your son is sick, and qujte frankly – you pretty much have nobody to blame but yourself for not protecting yourself, and in turn HIM. GO to Walgreens,ngo to CVS & get your vaccines for FREE. Use some common sense, please

        1. Felix

          Gemma – please get educated. Tina Perry and son Currently have Covid – that is NOT when you take a vaccine (which mimics the virus to fool your system into generating antibodies) – that is like throwing gasoline on a fire. In addition, ivermectin formulated for animals is far different than formulation for humans. Ivermectin has been used very successfully with humans and has proven very safe.

        2. R. H.

          Gemma, you and those like you have an agenda….probably could follow the money and find yours easy enough…. ivermectin was developed for human use, and was then adapted to animal use. What’s in the Pfizer serum that they want the courts to seal the records for the next 75 years over?

    2. Gemma

      BC INDIA IS A 3RD WORLD NATION & HAS NO VACCINE… then Russia offered them one BUT then they all decided that they would wait for their own country to make one… as their leader spouted that the virus was NOTHING TO WORRY ABOUT – even AFTER people were dying by massive numbers in the streets.
      Delta is also a DOUBLE DOUBLE MUTATION strainmof Covid – it has 4 mutations, 2 of which have learned to BYPASS vaccines to infect, yet vaccines STILL PROTECT AGAINST SEVERE ILLNESS & DEATH. THOSE ARE THE FACTS, period.

      1. Sri

        Hello. I’m from India. We have Covaxin, which is produced in India. Covishield(Astrazeneca) and we are also using Sputnik(Russian Vaccine).
        Also we’re about to produce a DNA vaccine very soon.
        Please get your facts right.

    3. Nod

      Be good sheep and get vaccinated for a disease so deadly that you have to be tested to know you have it.

      While you’re at the doctor’s office, just pick up your stimulus check, call your boss a d quit your job. Make your arrangements to die and don’t be a minority because apparently that’s who is unvaccinated and climate change is targeting. Help me joe and kamala. If climate change was caused by humans – bring on Covid 22 and let’s get this over with and let Mother Nature at least have a fighting chance to rebuild herself!

      1. Sylvia

        Indeed, look outside the US – great suggestion.

        Viruses are obligate intracellular parasites. That means viruses are parasites that have to infect and reproduce in cells.

        Ivermectin has been used successfully for many years in many countries – as is hydroxychloroquin. US is likely the only country which bans both in the treatment of Covid 19 cases, and mandates Remdesivir (RunDeathIsNear) and/or Dexamethasone instead. Why? Both make far more money!
        Yes, Ivermectin is used in equine treatment against parasites. The fact that it is used to treat horses does not preclude it from human use, as long as the content and dosage are correctly adapted. Mammals are mammals after all!
        Ivermectin has helped many people and produces maximum effect when administered as early as possible, ie as soon as Covid symptoms are detected. Anecdotal evidence must be taken seriously since they describe actual events experienced by real people. Anecdotal data is not manipulated and not tweaked.

        Thank you, John H M, for displaying mutual respect and for maintaining pragmatism in the face of some extremely aggressive and highly emotional posts that have zero scientific facts!

      1. John Ley

        My understanding as a prophylaxis, you take 0.2 mg per kg of weight. Therefore a 170# person would take about 15 mg, once per week.

        But as always, consult your personal healthcare provider to see if it is contra indicated for you or your family.

        1. Dan Wyatt

          It’s 300 mcg/kg from my reference. Just don’t use the stuff you buy OTC for animals. You WILL over dose unless you know how to do a serial dilution properly.

      2. Gemma

        Its called the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine, & you get 2 shots – either 3 or 4 wks apart, depending on which one. If you’re one of those crazies afraid of side effects (which r only MILD after a 2nd dose, which indicate your immune system is working), go get the Pfizer doses, which might leave you with a slightly sore arm for A DAY.
        Sounds a hell of a lot better than taking a DEWORMER FOR CATTLE & LIVESTOCK. WTF is WRONG with you ppl, unless you live in a 3RD WORLD COUNTRY WITHOUT ANY ACCESS TO APPROVED VACCINES AT ALL!

      3. Gemma

        Dosage = NONE. It is a CATTLE & LIVESTOCK DEWORMER, NOT a Covid treatment… btw, there is already one of those down at your local Walgreens, CVS, even Walmart pharmacy in the form of 2 vaccines being given for FREE…. thtlat has been taken by BILLIONS for almost a year that has been PROVEN to work with little to no side effects – as compared to those of Covid = DEATH. Have a little common sense

        1. Isme


          You may not mean to, but you’re stating to appear as though you might be working for one of the companies who look for discussions and post contrary opinions.

          More likely is that you can be a person who has been terrified by the media to have an unnecessarily high fear of this flu.

          The antidote to that is to turn off the television, stop streaming videos and don’t read the news for a few days. Take a breath and allow yourself to rest.

          Keeping people in a high state of anxiety has been proven to lower immune response. Anyone can simply put;

          people in a high state of anxiety have lower immune response

          … into the address, or url, bar of your Web browser and click to search.

          This entire scenario is a double-edged sword. Keeping people ramped up can result in those people getting ill – and not necessarily from Covid.

          Please consider taking the time to rest and recover from the constant barrage of bad news being presently pushed.

        2. R. H.

          Gemma, besides you not having any thing really important to keep adding to this article, what’s in the drug serum you keep promoting that Pfizer want the courts to keep hidden for the next 75 years? Known carcinogen?.

    1. Gemma

      HIGHLY doubtful… stop spreading bs to suck in the rest of the fools falling for it. It’s quite sickening at this point. The stupidly of Americans is overwhelmingly mind boggling

      1. Raven

        The rudeness of those, hoping other’s will get vaccinated is disheartening. What’s the point of living if people are going to treat each other with such harshness.

        If you are vaccinated you are safe right? Why worry about another’s decisions for their own body.

    2. Gemma

      I HIGHLY doubt it, unless your just raided your local FEED STORE.
      It is an approved DEWORMER FOR CATTLE & LIVESTOCK that DESPERATE 3RD WORLD COUNTRIES WITH NO VACCINE & NO HOPE are grasping at straws. You should also next say that your pretend irresponsible dr is also giving you injections of bleach & prescribing you to lie in a UV/ tanning bed 8 hours a day too. You’re ill advising otherwise unknowing susceptible people to do great harm to themselves – which will ultimately land them in the hospital anyway…

      1. Isme

        Ivermectin has been in use medically (human use) since 1981. That’s 40 years. How do you get “desperate” use if it’s been around, and proven generally safe, since 1981?

  2. C Neal

    I tested the theory that oil keeps engines running. It seemed to prevent problems for me but further study was needed. So I ran a trial. I drained all the oil an put in two quarts. Ran the truck for 3 days and blew the damned engine. So I can’t tell if oil works or not. The evidence is inconclusive.

  3. Scott Miller

    Thank you again John for taking the time to get this information out to the public. I can tell you unequivocally that Ivermectin saves lives, But for those to reach out to me that are in a late stage infection, but often takes much more than a round of ivermectin. The vitamins are also essential, vitamin D, vitamin C, NAC, glutathione, melatonin, zinc, quercetin, aspirin, etc, along with dexamethasone, zithromax or doxycycline, budesonide, etc. The goal is to keep these patients out of the hospital, where all known effective treatments are discontinued and regardless of a patient’s increased need for supplemental oxygen, no changes are made regarding increased dosing/further therapeutics for management of the inflammatory phase. Currently, their ICU management of acute inflammatory phase of covid-19, is similar to the management of a 5-year-old with croup (outside of the supplemental oxygen.)
    It will take only a very short time before we look back and will be able to prove that what our hospital systems have done is equally as nefarious as the concentration camp showers

    1. Andi Schwartz, Webmaster/Graphic Designer

      Thank you Dr. Miller for all you are doing to help and get this information out! I have an acquaintance that you provided treatment to and her mom speaks highly of you. Thank you!

    2. Jack Burton

      The fact that someone can equate American hospitals in 2021 to Aushwitz with absolutely no argument says a lot about the community here at CCT. I’m going to be the rebel in the echo chamber: comparing the pandemic response to the Holocaust is despicable, cowardly, and intellectually lazy. Inject your bleach, crack open your chest for some sunshine, and take your hydrochloroquine/ivermectin if you want but please stop with the false equivalencies.

      Why is the vaccine disinformation crowd so adamantly against a vaccine with transparent, though accelerated, trials but so in favor of “miracle” drugs that have trials that are so flawed that they can’t even publish them. One could almost think there is a political angle here. I guess that would explain why there were as many MAGA and F*CK BIDEN signs and flags at the “vaccine choice” rally on Mill Plain Saturday as there were medical choice signs.

      1. NewsView

        600K Americans died because COVID-19 positive seniors in at least four states were sent into the nursing homes — already known for being a dangerous place to be during a flu season, let alone a pandemic. Nothing to see there! Millions of Americans went to testing centers instead of doctor’s offices and when they did call their doctors they were told not to come in — just stay at home and go to the hospital if the hypoxia sets in. When patients got to the hospital they got the same intervention that a child with croup would get — not the all-hands-on deck response to a novel pathogen already known to have a high mortality rate among people who are 40+ years old. And those hospitals? They got $13K for diagnosing a COVID-19 patient and $39K for patients on ventilators, of which only about 20% survived. Can we say, conflict of interest? No it’s not the holocaust. But it will go down in history as America’s most shameful public health moment — until the next time. And there will be a next time. Just ask Bill Gates. He’s already said it. But don’t worry, the 80-year-old doctor who penned an article in 2012 saying that the benefits of gain-of-function outweigh the risk of pandemic is still on CNN every day to reassure us that if only we can get to the point where babies are vaccinated this all goes away! (Sorry Dr. Brilliant. Your approach to eradicating smallpox is lost on this quack. No point in reasoning with Lord Fauci!)

      2. NewsView

        640K Americans died, many early on in the pandemic after COVID-19 positive seniors in at least four states were sent into the nursing homes. Was it unknown to the medical community that congregate care settings are a horrible place to be during a flu season, let alone a pandemic? You bet it was known. But they were likely older more conservative people who might have voted for Trump so the Democrat governors got sneaky with it and played dumb. Nothing to see here — Biden administration has dropped the investigation!

        Oh, but it gets better. Millions of Americans went to testing centers, instead of doctor’s offices, and when they did call their doctors after testing positive they were told not to come in — just stay at home and go to the hospital if the hypoxia sets in and the lips start going blue!

        When patients left to their own devices at home arrived at the hospital they received about as much intervention, apart from the oxygen mask, that a child with croup would get — not the “right to try”/compassionate care standards a novel pathogen already known to have a high mortality rate among people who are 40+ years old should receive. So what happened to all those monoclonal antibodies. Well, they were set aside gathering dust, reserved for healthcare workers, presidents and others who were smart enough to ask. But the pregnant women who died after giving birth? Oh well. No Regeneron for them!

        And you know, there was absolutely no conflict of interest either if you set aside the fact that hospitals got $13K for diagnosing a COVID-19 patient fresh off an ambulance for a broken hip — and $39K for patients on ventilators (of which only about 20% survived).

        No it’s not a “holocaust”. Nevertheless, the COVID-19 pandemic will go down in history as America’s most shameful public health responses — at least until the next time. And there will be another pandemic. Just ask Bill Gates. He’s already said it, just like he predicted this current pandemic. But never fear, the 80-year-old doctor who’s claim to fame was making HIV patients sick with his many 1980s-era vaccine failures penned an article in 2012 saying that the benefits of gain-of-function research outweigh the risk of pandemic. The good doctor is still on CNN every day to reassure us that if only we can get to the point where babies are vaccinated this all goes away! (Sorry Dr. Brilliant. Your approach to eradicating smallpox is lost on Lord Fauci!)

      3. Gemma

        Hate to say, but maybe Mother Nature is just doing what she should be doing with survival of the fittest… weeding out the stupid, to do this world & planet a favor… As awful as it sounds, it certainly does consist of the seeds of truth

        1. Isme

          No it has no truth. Survival of the fittest, or natural selection, would demand that no vaccines would be given to anyone and only those whose genetics could withstand the disease would be allowed to survive.

          But, this is a potentially a human engineered disease potentially to enrich some few greedy humans through a “solution” that they’ve been investigating since at least 1990, but they never had somewhere to test it.

          NOTE: They have been trying to find a way to cut the time to develop conventional vaccines (from dead virus) maybe to serve people, but more likely imho so that the “researchers” can gain the financial recompense faster aka “get rich quick”.

          Welcome to the alpha test.

          Time will tell. There are sites where those who are vaccine injured with heart attacks, cardiac infections, severe neurological damage, strokes, brain bleeds, etc., are telling their stores in videos. If the numbers continue to increase it will become very apparent that taking an unproved (over time) vaccine is similar to playing Russian Roulette.

          There is no guarantee, nor are there ANY parties in this entire charade responsible criminally, or financially for any vaccine injuries.

          But boy oh boy are they going to be willing, for a price, to treat those vaccine injuries? You bet! /sarcasm

          I’ll hedge my bets and wait until the current alpha testing period is over.

        2. R. H.

          Gemma, So now you want to compare the Wuhan lab and the gain of function research to “mother nature”? If this virus was going to do a cross over from cave bats to humans, it would have done it billions of years ago.

      4. R. H.

        Maybe it’s because big pharma is asking the courts to seal all records on the drug serum for the next 75 years. See all will have died in 75 years from either covid, accident, old age or a cancer that the serum caused

    3. Gemma


      IVERMECTIN is a CATTLE & LIVESTOCK DWORMER, NOT a Covid treatment… btw, there is already one of those down at your local Walgreens, CVS, even Walmart pharmacy in the form of 2 vaccines being given for FREE…. that has been taken by BILLIONS for almost a year that has been PROVEN to work with little to no side effects – as compared to those of Covid = DEATH. Have a little common sense people

  4. Anne Humphrey

    It is useful to understand that the alphabet agencies concerned with health are all captured by stakeholders in power, and not the general population.

    1. Gemma

      Right… and tell that to all those that got the mandatory vaccines (thru the school system to boot) for smallpox & polio (myself included) – which resulted in their complete demise & obliteration in society here in the modern world…
      Then again, that was at least until the anti-vaxxers started in & started up localized epidemics of measles again. See any correlation yet?
      It’s a good thing you don’t or didn’t obviously get vaccinated yourself for Covid… eventually you’ll end up hospitalized (& as all do, wishing you had) & nature will have succeeded once again at thinning out the over-population by survival of the fittest – in this case the fittest being those intelligent enough to get properly vaccinated.

      1. Ron Chang

        I love reading your answers, Gemma. I wish my brother will talk to you soon. He is in a calm place now which I guess he would love to have your company to share. He believed exactly like you. He trotted down so happily to get his Pfizer jab at 11 am on 21 May. At 12.53 am on 22 May, less than 14 hours after his first happy jab, he was called by his creator with cremation done on 26 May. His autopsy is still a highly secretive paper to date. My brother Richard will dearly love to have your company because he believed in free jabs to save the world.

    1. Gemma

      Ivermectin is an FDA approved DEWORMER FOR CATTLE & LIVESTOCK… Good luck with that bc it sure does sound like a better way to avoid getting Covid vs an FDA approved & FREE vaccine method ofm2 shots that MILLIONS of people worldwide have already proven to work – across the board. Bit by all means, go take a LIVESTOCK DEWORMER… (being used against recommendations & majir WARNINGS IN 3RD WORLD COUNTRIES WITH NO VACCINES), and then maybe that injection of bleach…
      Are you freakn’ kidding me? The clues are more than just a warning on the wall

      1. Shay

        more lies Gemma ivermectin has been used on humans for more than 40 years worldwide billions of doses have been given ……The medication receive the Nobel peace prize for use in humans……..what you’re doing is lying to people which makes you personally responsible for harm that takes place to people ……these are safe medications….. your despicable and disgusting person for doing this stop telling lies why don’t you do some research.
        Gemma I’m going to challenge you to something very basic and a kindergarten or could do go online right now google ivermectin human doses and read up on the medication it’s a human medication stop repeating lies that it’s only given for animals……
        There’s gonna be a day when you’re going to need these medications you’re gonna lie right there in the bed Gemma and you’re gonna take your last breath……

  5. Nini

    This article is interesting but it is lacking quite a lot of data. Correlation does not imply causation. I want more information before I conclude that country A, which takes drug X, has fewer cases of Covid because of that drug. What is their population spread? What other factors are similar and different?

    For example: A very large majority of people that I know who have died have done so in a hospital bed, therefore, hospital beds increase an individual’s chance of dying, right?

    Also, the graphs are too difficult to read. It would be nice to have a clickable, high resolution file.

      1. Gemma

        FYI. DEHLI IS A 3RD WORLD COUNTRY WITH NO VACCINE desperately grasping for ANY sign of hope – incl an FDA approved DEWORMER FOR CATTLE & LIVESTOCK… NOT SMART, esp in a Country that offers an approved vaccine that works… FOR FREE. Billions across the world have gotten vaccinated with little to NO SIDE EFFECTS THAT IS PROVEN TO WORK… but by all means, go take a LIVESTOCK DEWORMER that will also land you in the hospital & take care away from the CHILDREN not yet approved to get vaccinated

  6. Charlaine Andrulot

    I think anyone who takes Ivermecctin is not doing the right thing. Take Acetaminophen or Ibuprofen for body aches & elevated temp.

  7. Gemma

    Here’s food for thought… if you don’t live in a 3rd worls country and have an actually FDA approved drug/ vaccine availabe (NOTE – which also FREE)… GO GET THE VACCINE!!! The blatent STUPIDITY of people, esp in the US is totally mind staggering!
    If you don’t want to get Covid, go to any major chain pharmacy and get your 2 shots… not 1, but the required TWO!
    Otherwise, to be perfectly frank – maybe you actually deserve to get sick from it bc you’re not doing yourself or anyone else any favors by not getting vaccinated – and espby NOT taking a dewormer made for LIVESTOCK! PERIOD.

      1. Ralph Gorton

        All I can say is Ivermectin worked for me to lessen Covid and protected my wife and adult son from getting seriously sick from the Covid virus. Both tested negative for the Virus after being exposed by me and both tested positive for the antigen with not realizing that they every had the virus. Say what what you want. Think what you want. Ivermectin is generic. Who wants to support studies on a generic product that is not going to line the pockets of the pharmaceutical company who supports the research.

    1. Shay

      This is clearly an uneducated mentally unstable reckless person that has no idea what they’re talking about. Gemma why don’t you get the real data and the real information? instead of spewing nothing but lies you have no idea what you’re talking about you cannot support an intelligent argument because you don’t have the information or the facts you’re just spouting your mouth off ……you don’t even have the correct information

  8. Chris

    WATCH VIDEO. Here’s a Great Reason Governments, Big Pharma, WHO, NIH, Dr Fauci and CD And FDA don’t Want You Trust Ivermectin. They have Stock in these vaccines.

  9. Robin

    So why have politicians and healthcare workers gotten the (free) vaccine and not this? I bet you also told your readers to inject bleach at this time last year. Everyone telling you not to grt vaccinated has been vaccinated. No vaccine is 100%. Nothing is ever 100%. But what happened to smallpox, polio, measles, mumps, rubella, and chickenpox? The purpose of a vaccine is to prevent infection.

    but I guess we don’t trust an entire organization who spends millions of dollars a year studying diseases. Do you still trust the FDA because they didn’t tell you what you want to hear and because the (free) Pfizer vaccine is now fully approved?

    August 22: “but the vaccine isn’t FDA approved!”
    August 23: “you can’t trust the FDA!”

    States with the most COVID cases and deaths resist masking and vaccinating. Just look at Texas and Florida. Greg Abbott banned mask mandates and vaccine mandates and now he needs 2500 additional medical personnel to fight the Delta variant. Florida and Texas make up 1/3 of all new COVID cases in the whole country.

    Also, it’s very clear that your publication has an agenda. And it’s very clear what that agenda is. Your publication should be dissolved for spreading dangerous and irresponsible misinformation.

  10. Eileen

    trusting a news “source” made on WordPress, which literally anyone can use is the biggest problem. There is no byline and no accountability. Our education system has profoundly failed us. Now we have an endless pandemic because of it. Get vaccinated.

  11. crin

    What that journal–or that this article–doesn’t say is that the makers of Ivermectin (Merck) says that it’s not for use in humans except for two specific African parasites. If used inappropriately, side effects include shredded intestines, encephalitis, and confusion. Especially not for pregnant women since it’s passed in the milk and there are no studies on the effect on people over 65. FAFO.

    If Merck could make billions of dollars off of a medicine they already have, wouldn’t they be yelling the loudest to use their stuff?

  12. D Lee

    As of August 27, 2021 our local Public Health Department began an active campaign to suppress Ivermectin by using pharmacists to report any physician who prescribes Ivermectin for covid.

    Read it yourself:

    My relative was able to get only half of their prescription filled by a local pharmacy just before this order came out. They were told that the pharmacy would not be allowed to fill any more. When they called other pharmacies they were told that while they had the drug in stock, they would not fill any orders if it was for covid. (And btw, if the script was for a “skin condition” the quoted cost was 1/4 of what my relative was charged.)

  13. geraldine ryan

    When India was using Ivermectin to treat Covid their numbers were so much lower. It is dreadful that they are no longer allowed use it and the death rate is soaring.It is past the time for the FDA to wake up or own up.As a preventative measure for un vaxed people maybe ye could tell me how many MG and how often to take it if I have no choice but to be around vaxed people.

  14. Chris

    Does anyone here know how well ivermectin treats Covid-19 a month after contracting it, that’s how long it took me to receive my ivermectin order.

  15. Edna D

    Why haven’t you mentioned that none of the studies that show significant effects of ivermectin are peer-reviewed? That means none of this research can be used as clinical advice. If you’re going to claim that you want to educate without bias, then why are you leaving that very important detail out?


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