POLL: Do you support the Washington State Republican Party’s endorsement of Semi Bird over Dave Reichert in the governor’s race?

Do you support the Washington State Republican Party's endorsement of Semi Bird over Dave Reichert in the governor's race?
POLL: Do you support the Washington State Republican Party's endorsement of Semi Bird over Dave Reichert in the governor's race?*
3038 votes

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    1. David Knight

      Wait what? If just a few of you would have done that all over the state, then we would not have such a different result here.
      I just want us to get what we deserve. If we can return to the constitution and avoid the collapse of this corrupt debt laden empire it would be better. But… if we all vote to keep creating money out of thin air to prop up the socialist empire then I guess that is what we deserve.

      1. MetaWorld2

        Exactly Dave! I cannot believe (I was a DEM my whole life) people cling to their DIM party, even when it can mean their own death! UNbelievable.

    2. MetaWorld2

      How can you be disappointed in the REPUBS? You have lived in a DEM State for how long now? LOL!
      You apparently are ready to SEE America FALL, because THAT is where we are headed. Maybe you will be thrilled when an illegal immigrant shows up at your door, and drops some Fentynol to YOUR child! 18 Million, UNvetted, Drug carrying terroists, comin across YOUR Border! Wow! What will it take for you too see?????!

    3. Michael Peterson

      Why? What is soon good about Dave? I’m disappointed in the Rino Republicans that tried to Bribe semi not to run. I think we all need to back Semi and take down Ferguson. It’s not a R and D issue it’s a Washington Voters issue. We need new leadership. The Old Gaurd is not helping.

  1. David Knight

    So if we are to believe the results, ALL the people that pay attention and get involved enough to participate in real life are out of touch with those who vote in online polls.

    1. Mary Jennings

      Semi could have 100% and this is what it amounts to against the number of registered Voters in this state. Soooo what did it really reveal? Not Much TBT

      1. David Knight

        Of course they aren’t the whole population. These are people that paid enough attention to go to the neighborhood caucus and be voted on by their neighbors to go to the county convention, and then be voted by those delegates to go to the state convention.
        But the online “voters” are more representative than that? In your online dreams.

    2. MetaWorld2

      I met him years ago at Felida Park! A man of TOTAL Integrity! Oh! But thats right. We cant have people in government who actually FIGHT for the people!

      Sadly. There are still people who suffer from lack of analytical abilities! Obviously those who are wealthy, and dont have to worry how they are going to feed their children!
      Those who dont care we are over run by Terrorists! Right here in The USA ! I am SMH in absolute shock! I guess we shall all hold our breath, because if there are not some people who actually CARE, and can set aside their GRAFT, we are in DEEP Trouble!

      1. Stephen Mosier

        We are in deep trouble. It didn’t get this way overnight and people not caring and graft is not what caused it. Yes, those two maladies do exist but they are symptoms, not causes.  

  2. Nita

    Voting for Semi Bird all the way!! Great man, love listening to him and the Direction he will take our once great state. If you are on the fence go listen to him.

  3. Chopper

    A Rino, is a Rino, is a Rino. Reichert will vote with the socialist democrats of Wa State more often than not. He’s NOT a conservative!

    1. MetaWorld2

      The fool couldnt even get his Campaign together until recently! LOL! SO of course someone is backing him. With $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ !
      I guess some people think $$$ is everything, as America goes to the dogs!

  4. Laura

    Yes I do. Semi has answers for every problem we have. He is outspoken and engages every person who wants to talk to him. He is very transparent. I am a huge Semi fan.

  5. Gail Egner

    Semi Bird’s supporters apparently do not understand the simplicity of honesty!
    I have never run for any public office; however, if I did I would list all my shortcomings and past problems to a committee whose job is/should be to vet and even qualify me for a public office.
    Games should not be played with elections. I want to see the positions that a candidate has held in his lifetime. What makes this candidate the best choice for the office of Governor in the state of Washington? How has Semi Bird handled past problem in his life? Is this record readily available for all to see?
    Semi Bird was enlisted in the military for 23 years and his highest promotion was Tech Sergeant! This shows thinking people that there is no leadership ability with Semi Bird; otherwise, the officers in the military would have recognized it and promoted this black man to much higher ranks.
    Next—What positions, what jobs has Semi Bird held in public life since his retirement from the military? Before any make a negative comment regarding this post—please list the jobs that Semi Bird has held in public life! Tell us who he is and what precisely are his abilities!

    1. Sean

      Semi was a Sergeant First Class when he retired; this is an E-8. There is only one enlisted rank higher, E-9 Master Sergeant. Many military retire honorably at a rank of E-6. Your insinuation that he should have been promoted higher is without merit, especially considering that his service wasn’t consecutive, and promotion in the national guard at that level is extremely rare. Your comment shows that you know nothing about military ranks or military service. He held a Top Secret/Sensitive Compartmented Information clearance, the highest security clearance in the USA, which he could not have qualified for if any of the scurrilous accusations against him had any substance.

      His military awards include:

      His education includes:

      Since his military retirement his experience includes:

      Because of his leadership experience, vast life experience and education, he is far and away the best choice for Governor, especially over the ambulance chasers the Democrats put forward!

      1. Deryl

        SFC = E7, GS14 = LTC, but Bronze Star with V and PH, is a big deal so is CIB -which together say you looked the devil (ie combat) in the eye and came away the winner. If that had happened to me, I be a pastor now too.

      2. K.J. Hinton

        He was an E7. There are two pay grades higher: E8 (Master Sergeant or First Sergeant) and E9 (Command Sergeant Major or Sergeant Major)

        Tech Sergeant does not exist in the Army. It is however, an Air Force rank and it is an E6 pay grade.

        Just sayin’.

        1. Scruffy

          KJ, you’re absolutely right. The ranks structure of the other services always baffled me, especially the Navy. Still, E-7 isn’t too shabby, considering a broken enlistment record. I wonder how much rank he lost when he reenlisted? I knew a guy who was an E-7 when he left his first enlistment, couldn’t make it as a civilian and when he came back they made him an E-5.

    2. MetaWorld2

      YOU just answered your own questions! LOLOL. When I LOOK at ALL the Traitors we now have in our Government? Wow! And YOU cannot see it? WOE to the UNinformed man!
      And just a little nod? I believe we are soon coming to a time where ALL the CROOKED participants in the present downfall in our Government, INcluding Main Stream Media who LIE and make up stories all the time; WILL NO LONGER BE any more! WHERE will you be then?
      Nope people today? It is down to GOD and MAN! SO I hope you are all making the right choices!

      GOOD & EVIL is strictly where the battle is today! WAKE UP!

    3. Mary J

      Ohhh no…don’t trust semis speeches or bio’s 😵😬Make some calls on your own! WSU will let you know he was NOT AN ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR as he claimed. In fact they said there was No Such Job Title during the time he listed with them 2017-2018 (see Facebook or LinkedIn) CALL!

      1. MetaWorld2

        Look at Mary! A multi-starred life history and Mary takes one small LINK in a 5-Star Record to throw a guy under the bus! WoW be so proud of yourself!

    4. Mary Jennings

      Really simple to call WSU TALENT ACQUISITION OFFICE phone: 509-335-9156 ask about 2017-2018 if semi was as he states in his bio a Director or a Teacher of anything

  6. MetaWorld2

    SEMI BIRD has been working campaign since before Covid! Reickart just pops up on the scene recently? Come on people, Cant you see The Democratic State is NOT what it used to be? I used to be one!!!!!

    CAN you not see the nasty LYING and disparities in that Party today? $$$ Should have NOTHING TO DO with whether a guy wins or not! DIMS wanna hold on to all the $$$ they get, and it does NOT go to the people!
    DO THEY give 2 Shakes about what happens to the working people? PLEASE People for ONCE, especially in a time when our Nation is going DOWN THE TUBE? REPUBLICANS have NOT CAUSED ANY Of this! PLZ VOTE Republican. IT IS TIME FOR CHANGE !

  7. Mary

    Every single Republican in Clark County had an opportunity to go to the convention and change the outcome. Complaining after the fact does nothing. Want different results? Get involved and make them happen.

    1. Windy Sea

      Participation in the State convention was a pay to play scheme to generate money for the very same state “establishment” that Bird and his supporters constantly rail against. This 4 day voting process cost 500$ -1000$, required taking a minimum of two days off work and finding care for children and/or pets. Tell me how that is not rigged towards one demographic of voters.
      All this for an experiment in “Republican unification” that has clearly fallen flat in its face. Unfortunately but predictably, Republican leadership has managed to remain incompetent in finding solidly vetted and electable candidates that inspire the base.

      1. Mary

        It has been this way for as many years as I have been involved. Unlike the Democrats that have a pay to play nomination, Republicans actually choose their endorsed candidates. What are you doing to change this if you feel it is unfair?

        1. Windy Sea

          This is the first time the State party has endorsed candidates before primaries, and before filing week at that. Historically, the state and county parties defer to the voters to pick a candidate and endorse after the August results come in. That is why I labeled this an experiment. In a few months we’ll see if it’s of value or not.
          Traditional Republicans typically buck the group think ‘cave-to-the small- mob’ populist mindset. I’m of that camp.
          What am I doing? I throw active support behind individual candidates, but only based on my own research and hearing from all options after I see who’s filed.

    2. Stephen Mosier

      That’s not true Mary. In 2020 about 1.6 million voted for Trump in this state. How many delegate slots were open at the state convention? Less than 4000 probably? You ought to know the number so I’ll let you tell me. But even if there were 10,000 delegate positions available it would have been impossible for even 1% of the likely Republican voters to attend the WSRP convention. 

      Do the 1800 delegates who attended the convention provide 100% of the financial funding for the operation of the WSRP? Do they provide 100% of the volunteer time, energy, and labor that is required at the WSRP and in each of the county parties? No, of course not.

      Those who are able to attend as delegates are very fortunate to have the time, money, health and energy to do so–but they are not the only ones who have vested interests in that event. Those who do attend are there to represent the vested interests of those who cannot be there. They do not go there to stick their noses in the air toward those who were not there and whine, “You wasn’t there so you don’t have any right to say anything about it.”  Or do they? 

      1. David Knight

        They certainly had the right to attend the precinct caucuses and vote for a guy (or three) to go to the county caucus. Maybe they went themselves – it was cheap.
        But at the county they voted for those that spent the money it took to rent hotel rooms etc in Spokane. So the delegates in Spokane had to EARN the votes to be able to represent the county at the state convention.
        Just in case anyone thinks this online poll has too much meaning.
        But don’t get me wrong. It has meaning. It means there is money and influence pushing against the election process of those that are paying close attention to conservative values. People that could not be bothered to participate in an actual election process to get delegates to the state convention now want to weigh in. Of course it is also likely they are democrats sowing division.
        Back when Ron Paul first ran(2008), we only got online polls from people. Today the deep state has bots that can do it for them too.

  8. Paul

    Honesty matters! I am voting for Semi. I was so disappointed that Dave backed out of the fight at the convention leaving his supporters on the battle field.

    1. Mary J

      Dave was in Spokane. He was told semi was Disqualified. He was prepping to enter convention was called and told the WSRP might not endorse a governor since he didn’t sign the agreement to step down if he was not the selected candidate. Then he was told he was back on again. Then his team called him to let him know that it was allowed to SET THE RULES ASIDE and let semi back in for endorsement consideration. Dave made a decision at that point to decline the endorsement all together if they could not make up their minds and in fact changed the rules. He does not need 1600, all 1800 or even 2000 to endorse him as it is a speck among the number of Registered Voters in this state!

  9. Stephen Mosier

    I would like to have seen a third option on the poll for those of us who would prefer that no endorsements were made at all before the primary election. I support Reichert but that is beside the point relative to the early endorsement issues.  

    1. Terry Busch

      I agree Stephen, unfortunately the Convention candidate vetting committee majority decision to allow voters to “endorse’ Bird didn’t sit well with the CCRP Chairman.

      I agree with Lars Larson.
      Birds criminal history of Bank fraud is not going away. The democrats are going to destroy him if he makes past the primary. Trashing the only Republican Candidate that can defeat Bob Ferguson is a loosing strategy.


  10. Dani

    I have been to a handful of events where both Reichert and Bird were invited. Why is it that Bird shows up to every single one and Reichert does not? Bird is definitely more promising and shows his passion to fight for the people, with the people.

    1. Averagejoe

      Yes. Didn’t even show at the convention and pulled his booth after day 1 knowing he faced resistance. If he can’t stand for his positions in his own party how will he do with the legislative Democrats??? That is, if he has any positions different from the Democrats

  11. oldyankee

    I agree that Democrats will destroy Bird by bringing up his past criminal record, no matter how old it is. It will sway independents.


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