Opinion: Mandated Vaccinations — Who is responsible for their risks?

Clark County Today Administrator Heidi Wetzler shares her thoughts on the repercussions of COVID-19 vaccine mandates

If I am mandated to receive a COVID-19 vaccine in order to keep my job, and subsequently experience an adverse event, who is responsible? Who is responsible if I have neurological complications, a heart attack, or a stroke and am never able to work again.  Who is responsible if I die? 

Heidi Wetzler, administrator, ClarkCountyToday.com
Heidi Wetzler, administrator, ClarkCountyToday.com

Correct me if I’m wrong, but I’ve read that neither the vaccine companies, the government entities imposing the mandates, nor the employers themselves will be held responsible in any way if the worst happens. In fact, from what I’ve seen and read so far, it will take a Herculean effort to prove that my adverse reaction was caused by the vaccine. Correlation does not equal causation, they say. But when you are counted as a COVID-19 death, correlation ALWAYS equals causation.

Recently there was a lawsuit filed against the federal government accusing the government of covering up the fact that 45,000 people have died within the first three days of receiving a COVID-19 vaccine. There are over 13,000 deaths reported to VAERS (vaccine adverse event reporting system) on the CDC website. This number is widely believed to include only 1-10 percent of the actual deaths that have occurred. And then there are hundreds of thousands of transient to severe reactions reported to VAERS.  That being said, I can easily find article after article debunking the accuracy of these statistics.  Anyone can report anything in the VAERS system, they say, so obviously it is not going to be perfect. But it is the ONLY avenue people have to account for their experiences. A line item on a discounted reporting system is the ONLY recourse one has when they believe they’ve lost their loved one to this “safe and effective” vaccine.

Clark County Today Administrator Heidi Wetzler shares her thoughts on the repercussions of COVID-19 vaccine mandates.
File photo.

If the validity of every single one of these adverse events is going to be questioned, then can someone please direct me to the “verified” information? Where can I find the non-refuted deaths, heart attacks, blood clots, and neurological problems that HAVE been associated with the vaccine?  You can’t expect the general public to believe there are zero. So where is the data? In my mind, for each doctor, government official, and layperson to claim that these vaccines are safe, the risk of death needs to be zero. The risk of an adverse event needs to be zero. If that is not the truth, then the truth needs to be spelled out in black and white. Where is it? Informed consent. Where is it?

I’ve heard the following argument for getting the vaccination a nauseating amount of times. The argument is that the deaths and risks from the vaccine pale in comparison to the deaths from COVID-19. If you knew ahead of time that you or your child were going to die from this vaccine would your heart be comforted by the fact that “so many more people died from the virus?” This debate is illogical on a personal level. This is a decision that should be based on each and every one of our own personal risk and benefit analyses. Speaking of children, in the 2017-2018 flu season 643 children died. To date, 332 children have died from COVID-19. Mass vaccinating children with an experimental product, who are at little-to-no risk of harm from this virus, is in my opinion, grossly negligent.

There is now compelling evidence that the vaccinated spread the virus with the same viral load as the unvaccinated. So what the heck does it matter if I get the vaccine or not, if it is not protecting the people around me at all. The argument that the vaccinated are protecting the unvaccinated is moot. Why are the same ineffective vaccines still being pushed? And now there is talk of boosters. Government contracts perhaps. 

Clark County Today Administrator Heidi Wetzler shares her thoughts on the repercussions of COVID-19 vaccine mandates.
File photo.

Another argument is that the unvaccinated are getting sick more often and taking up hospital bed space. I’ve heard the opposite as well. The truth is elusive. To this I say, 78 percent of those who have been hospitalized with COVID-19 are overweight or obese. As many as 95 percent of those who die are obese. So before we blame the unvaccinated for hogging up all of the hospital bed space, let’s first blame the obese. But that’s not appropriate to mention.  It’s much more acceptable to call those that are concerned about the side effects of the vaccine, selfish and deserving of death. Additionally, 80 percent of those that get COVID-19 have low Vitamin D levels in their body. How about we focus on this metric and see if we can drastically reduce the number of those that are becoming ill? But there’s no money to be made on Vitamin D.

I have watched countless videos, and read many more stories from health care professionals as well as individuals who believe these vaccines are causing grave harm. And this is only in the first year. Many more virologists, doctors and scientists purport that the majority of the deaths are still to come due to clotting, antibody dependent enhancement and a general weakening of the immune system. And the coming boosters will increase these risks. This information continues to be censored and suppressed. I’ve written in this space before about the global suppression of early treatment options and how 85 percent of those who have died from COVID-19, died needlessly without the aid of effective early treatment.

And why in the world are we not talking about natural immunity? Testing for natural immunity? Accepting it as an alternative to the vaccine? Natural immunity is robust and durable. They say “we don’t know how long it lasts.”  Well then I hope they are testing vigorously to find out. We already know the vaccine is failing before natural immunity. Conservatively, 100 million Americans have been exposed to this virus and are therefore immune. Those who had SARS-CoV-1 in 2002-2003 were still immune 17 years later, and those who survived the influenza pandemic of 1918 were still immune to the H1N1 outbreak in 2009-2010 a stunning 92 years later. Why is this conversation non existent? Especially when we are at a crossroads between those who are willing to get the vaccine and those who aren’t. My family has already had the virus and under normal circumstances, the medical community would agree that we are now most likely immune. For some reason natural immunity through infection is all of a sudden questioned. 

You aren’t being forced to get the vaccine, they say. You just can’t have a job they say. Well if that’s not medical coercion, then please tell me what is. Most people need to make money to eat.

Clark County Today Administrator Heidi Wetzler shares her thoughts on the repercussions of COVID-19 vaccine mandates.
File photo.

Lastly, there is the issue of variants. Variants of viruses with animal reservoirs such as COVID-19 will exist until the end of time. They will never go away. I’ve read that vaccinating during the height of a pandemic causes stronger variants. The virus has not had a chance to weaken, which normally takes 2-3 years. The vaccine is applying non lethal pressure to the virus, which is encouraging the creation of stronger variants. This could help to explain why we have a nation with a fairly high vaccination rate, dealing with a strong variant. 

If my choice to not get vaccinated, ends up with me dying from COVID-19, then that has been my choice. That should remain my choice. No one needs to protect me from myself. In all honesty, I am terrified of the vaccine. Just as many are terrified of COVID-19. We need to demand the adverse event statistics they are gathering and refusing to release. This is a continuing trial period, so you know they are tracking everything and have copious data. People are hesitant because calling it completely safe is irresponsible and untrue. The suppression of known risks is nothing less than malfeasance from our government and medical professionals. We won’t know the gravity of this experiment for 10 years or more.

As long as 480,000 Americans die from tobacco-related illnesses each year, and we still have tobacco products on the store shelves, you will never convince me that the government cares about my health. Which is fine by me. That’s freedom. This is about power and control that they never want to relinquish and it will take every single one of our voices to overcome that. 

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    1. Brian
      1. The problem lies in the fact that this intelligent lady is attempting to use rational logical and critical thinking skills and asking what are Hard questions of self proclaimed “experts” and their very much non use of science. The lady from Clark county is correct imho👍👍. The answer is going to be far too much truth for many I’m afraid
  1. Christine

    I wish this article would have touched on the corruption of pharmaceutical companies, they will never have our best interest in mind. Pfizer for example is a “habitual offender” persistently engaging in illegal and corrupt marketing practices, bribing physicians and suppressing adverse trial results. Since 2002 the company and its subsidiaries have been assessed $3 billion in criminal convictions, civil penalties and jury awards. 

    1. Heidi Wetzler

      I strongly encourage you to write an opinion piece on this subject and submit it for publication. This sounds like important information for our readers.

      1. Debra

        I would love to hear Your opinion on Ivercrmtin treatment for preventative and positive Covid patients. The data shows It’s extremely successful! This medicine is widely available and is already fda approved for treating Conditions like parasites and other skin conditions. Other countries are using it and has 98.9 success rate. Other than that not being financially beneficial for Bug Pharma I’m not sure why it’s not being spoken about?

          1. Angelika Dumanski

            I know a Dr. in the US that helps out patients ,they go home in no time,,,and he dosent let them go to hospital…Dr.Vldimir Zelenko, he is well known. An amazing man, who many look up to…he also uses Ivermectin,,and more…

          2. caprice

            He is in Monroe, New York but if he is licensed to practice in your state you can contact him for a telemedicine appt here:
            https://vladimirzelenkomd.com/about/ however wait times could be long. Another option are the protocols I-MASK+, MATH+, or I-RECOVER which you can find at Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC) https://covid19criticalcare.com/ivermectin-in-covid-19/how-to-get-ivermectin/
            Here they also provide a list of medical professionals who are also available for telemedicine appointments.

          3. Gloria

            There is no such thing as a Delta Variant and for sure NO WAY to test for it!!! SO. How then can the Media focus the fear NOW, on HOW rampant and dangerous this Delta is?

          4. Darrell Witcher

            pfizer has ties with the Wuhan Lab, Fauci and Obama were their in 2017 in which Obama donated over 2mill.to the Wuhan lab. The virus was manf.in the lab, and covid was intentionally released on us, I wouldn’t believe nothing Pfizer said. Trust me a lot more going on behind this than u realize!! Getting rich on a vaccine and depopulating at the same time!! Bill Gates has a hand in it as well. Do some research!!

          5. Lance

            “who paid the largest fine in history and why?”
            Its going to surprise you. Some pharmas will go to great lengths to make a profit.

          6. JonRon

            Smugly dishes out medical advice and tells others to “do some research”…

            …spells at a fifth grade level.

            I believe the phrase is “only in America”.

          7. Lily Powell

            So exactly “where ” did you go to do this research !!?? That’s a very important question? To your normal place of info !? The gov depts , or the CDC , or who , or FDA !? Or did you actually do real research outside of those areas serving this government operators !? I bet not at all !! The information for research cannot come from the already paid by gov, medical depts, Gates, FAUCI , Soros , Zuckerberg , or other so called millionaire person who support the vaccines ! That’s not research ! Your just going back to the source of the liars who are all in position to gain financially from the sale ,manufacturing , distribution , and other related vaccine areas !! You can only get real info on the complete situation by doing actual research , as we can clearly see you have not ! As with all people who prefer lies to the painful truth, you do not want to know that very painful truth ! Here’s one you cannot hide from …. These vaccines have NOT been tested ! Not at all , they have not been proven safe ! You are their lab rat ! That goes against the Nerumberg Code !! Now , go look that one up ! By the way , the punishment for that , is , DEATH !!

          8. Orb

            Why would you cast insults. Interesting, you’ve successfully proven it’d be better to spell incorrectly then prove to be an jerk! And should you fail to understand, as I’m most positive you will, where the hell do you see the commenter, “dishing out medical advice?” So actually your an jerk and an IDIOT! What was your point anyway! Were you needing attention? Regardless Sherlock, many will notice you now!

            Go find the Troll site! Oh… and should there not be one, take then lead!

          9. Josie M. Boatwright

            Im with Heidi. I will not take one willingly. I believe its made to depopulate the world, & make sheep out of people by having them under subjection to the govt. I would bet that the ruthless leaders only take a saline shot if they take one in front of the public trying to encourage others of their safety.

          10. Cid Miller

            Exactly. Just like Fraudci told his staff in the lab. “Do not take the vaccine”.
            When asked why by one of his employees, Fraudci got angry.
            He claimed he had too much $$ and time invested (our $ btw) to allow his team to die from them.
            This was a whistle-blower that recorded the conversation.
            Crazy, it’s not allover the internet, instead it’s been banned.
            Banned just like Fraudci claiming how effective Iverictim is in treating SARS when it was around.
            Now he denies both after thousands have seen the videos.
            No where to be found now.

          11. Simon Stavrou

            He did say he didn’t need to take it.. ‘I am a healthy 55 yr old not at risk’. Do you really believe he’s taken the Pfizer jab knowing the marketing optics on his position?

          12. Rubicon

            Nor with the wealthy amongst us. Didn’t you see Nancy Pelosi give a speech in Napa, California with a large group of her sponsors paying $30 thousand for a plate of food. NONE of them were wearing masks, and “social distancing” was seen no where there.

          13. Diane

            She is absolutely one of the most evil and horrific persons on planet earth. Ole Nance and Joe are not ghb oing to make Heaven they proudly like to boast of!!!

          14. Bonnie Hawkins

            Trump isn’t evil…the ones in the Washington are…Biden, Hilary, Nancy, several others. They are the evil ones. Quit listening to the media, they lie like dogs!!

          15. Wesley Coburn

            Who are you referring to? The Pfizer CEO didn’t take it at first because he wasn’t in the age group and didn’t want to butt in line. That was in December of 2020, but he took it in March of 2021.

          16. Tonto

            You actually bought that line of garbage? Right……the billionaire risked death to make sure some unknown old person got the jab first…..WAKE UP MAN

          17. Matt

            I doubt the ceo of a company that has paid 3 billion in settlements and fines cares about waiting in line for anything. He had made millions since Covid started. He may be one of the few who gets paid to get the vaccine. To him it may be worth it. Now that’s he’s severely profiting on this atrocity.

          18. Lissa Hufford

            HUH?? Um, yes Gloria there is a way to test it’s called genomic sequencing. Different to PCR, but this is how variants are tracked. Positive tests are run through genomic sequencing to identify the source and variant in an outbreak, and determine stats.

          19. Jen

            Yes but, genomic sequencing isn’t widely available. Most places where people are getting tested (unless it’s a genome sequence lab) do not have capabilities for genomic sequencing lab tests and therefore don’t have the means to properly test chemical makeup of differing variations of a virus. So…. If the symptoms look exactly the same and they are in fact using the PCR tests, because that’s all they have available, then how can the general clinicians and even hospital ER’s tell you it’s a specific variant above another with absolute certainty? The answer is, they can’t.

          20. Jennifer Tritt

            As someone who recently got out of the hospital with Covid, my doctor told me “he could not tell me which variant I had”. He said there was no way for him to tell. And they send them off and never get the results. Trust no one. There’s way too much money involved in all of this.

          21. Yall R Ridiculous

            Yeah, no way for him to test, because genomic testing takes a specific set of tools that not all hospitals or labs are equipped with. Explain to me how this relates to “money being made” off COVID? I don’t trust “no one”—I trust people trained to do this work. What I don’t trust is your logic.

          22. caprice

            Since the vaccine contains “zero” attenuated covid virus,how can it be a vaccine? The vax also contains a computer-designed spike protein that “looks like” the one on the surface of the virus, but is a pathogen (specifically created through gain of function research to be fatal to humans) which is responsible for the clotting/epithelial and heart damage/neurological issues/spontaneous heavy bleeding/etc. and yes, Antibody Dependent Enhancement. Every person who has received an mRNA vax is a walking spike protein factory. This vax which was injected into muscle does NOT remain there, and most certainly enters your organs, your blood vessels, and crosses the blood-brain barrier. When the vaxxed come in contact with Covid, their body may not show symptoms and if they are tested in the early days of the illness nothing will be detected on a PCR test. Just look at the travelers in and out of South Africa that passed their tests yet within days developed symptoms and tested positive. That means even with triple-vaccinations, and PCR testing, they still potentially passed the virus to others. The un-vaxxed, however, will not have their symptoms masked, and will not be able to “unknowingly” make others sick. They will also have the advantage that their natural immune system will never need a booster.

          23. Barb

            My coworker is back from having covid. He said they could not test for any variant and they have no idea. He also mentioned both his fully vaccinated inlaws had worse symptoms than he and his wife who are not vaxd

          24. Brian

            They never had an isolate of a novel virus. They admitted as much from very beginning when the scientist tasked with designing a test asked for it,they plainly said there was no isolate of novel virus available,so they ran out a genome sequence on computer model. Same way they came up with 10s of millions were gonna die.

          25. Vanessa

            They don’t have a way, 9 days of having my blood drawn for tests in the hospital.. my records state “suspected variant” ..they didn’t know

          26. Giopizza head

            There’s only one fda approved Covid test, and it’s the least used test not available to me. Could not procure one.

          27. Yall R Ridiculous

            I don’t think you know what gaslighting means. You don’t have a medical degree, so she can’t be gaslighting. Gaslighting involves making someone think they’re crazy, by making them question their reality. She’s just pointing out that your “common sense” isn’t actually that. If you had attended medical school, or were a epidemiologist—shoot, even a lab tech—you’d know why what you think you know is false. But instead, you read “articles” like this one, full of conjecture and half truth, and think you have the answers.

          28. Fountain O. Knowledge, LLC

            I’m disgusted with this whole mess. Why don’t we take these useless tax and spend politicians, put them on a beta test to Mars, they can all screw each other over and tell us what to do from there. Wouldn’t have to worry about that new fence around that domed bldg. They can populate the place all they want. We can stand around, drink coffee, wait on our next check and smile&nod when they call for a vid conf. Come on Elon, you know you’re my hero, big boy.

          29. Yall R Ridiculous

            Would you also. E interested in that, Dee? Well I’d. E interested how your critical thinking skills became so flawed.

          30. A Brown

            Could the “Delta Variant” be a title manufactured by someone to cover up a failed vaccine? Blackrock and Vangaurd the top two major investors in the vaccines have a lot to lose if this vaccine fails. I would love to see the dna markers proving a variant but you cannot find that information. Also, if the variant is real does it too contain CGG-CGG sequence? This vaccine seems to have failed yet it is still being over promoted. Great Article!

          31. Patricia

            They approved Blackrocks vax today. So everyone who said no because none were approved by the FDA, now have a reason not to take the “one”. I felt all along it would come down to 1. Now it has.

          32. Paulianne

            The FDA doesn’t do any of the testing for drug approval. NIH does and provides its findings for FDA approval.
            Christine Grady is the Head of NIH Bio Ethics. Can you guess who her spouse is?? Coincidence??? 🤨

          33. Yall R Ridiculous

            Who the fuck is Andrew Fauci? If you’re gonna slander the man, at least get his name right. Better yet, just don’t say anything, because you haven’t a clue what you’re on about.

          34. Fountain O. Knowledge, LLC

            Neither does he, big pharma boy. Wonder where I can get an abortion pill for real cheap? I’m sick of the opioids and my kids scarf up the edibles faster than Little Joey can throw you under a bus

          35. Eliza

            Funny how people believe everything they read. What was the source of that information, a Reddit thread? First of all, these claims are totally false. Secondly, she is a highly-educated PHD-holding woman and did not earn her spot at the NIH by coincidence. Reducing her to “Fauci’s wife” is demeaning and misogynistic. She is highly qualified for her position. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2021/08/30/fact-check-faucis-wife-has-no-role-vaccine-approval/5616304001/

          36. Tonto

            Fauci himself is highly qualified on paper, but in reality, nobody could have done a worse job predicting what was coming and guiding us through this. He’s grossly incompetent at best, and deeply evil and corrupt at worst. But the point of mentioning that his wife is in that position is just to illustrate that the entire system is corrupt and all connected. It has nothing to do with her gender. And specifically, what claims are false? Provide the facts. Is that not her position?

          37. Eliza

            I provided a link above. That is her position, but she does not contribute to the FDA approval process. Whoever claimed that in the first place had no source.

          38. Fountain O. Knowledge, LLC

            which position is she in now? Last time I saw her, she had her legs pinned back like a Christmas turkey and talking gobble gobble down on Lolita Isle with Killary

          39. Sputnick Spooner

            The approved shot does not even exist. It will be manufactured by a partner company in Germany sometime in the future. There is no approved vaccine period.

          40. Lily Powell

            Just because ” THEY” approved some thing doesn’t ever mean it’s safe ! As testing a vaccine takes years before it can be used on the public ! It has not been years !! And when I say years ..your looking at ten years on average ! Like on Rats !! Not humans ! Last time I looked in my mirror I didn’t see a rat looking back at me !

          41. Katie

            Blackrock and Vanguard? You do realize they are investment managers (i.e., you give them money and they invest it) and thus, they don’t have an ownership stake in any pharmaceutical company. They make money by taking a annual fee for their services of managing your money. BTW, Blackrock and Vanguard run the largest index funds in the world and thus, you’ll see their names everywhere with respect to public company “ownership”, however, the real owners are individual investors who the Index funds they manage.

          42. Fountain O. Knowledge, LLC

            yall gotta calm down, there’s enough of that poisonous shit to go around. Sure am glad I took that job as crash test monkey for Kawasaki last year…I dont have time to worry about it. Like to hurry up every chance I get. Last crash of the day…my turn to poke the pig down at Big Berthas Topless Car Wash & Saloon, I love working on the weekends.

          43. Offthepink

            She would have recovered faster if she were healthier. Covid mainly kills elderly and unfit and fat people. Everyone else just gets a cold or flu for a couple days.

          44. Brenda Fender

            Yes, and it happens during a second run of the positive swab. They can now rapid test for positivity … the swab is then tested for variant to track the movement of the virus.

          45. Yall R Ridiculous

            I’m surprised this has any upvotes. People here do not seem interested in facts. Just conjecture. But yes, of course, you are correct.

          46. Don

            It’s all bullshit made up by the left side! These people are all satanic and have had this plan to kill us for years! Just look up about the Georgia stones that was erected in Georgia by the new world order assholes!! It tells there plan about the future they want! Depopulated to five hundred million by any means!! Number one Covid vaccine!!

          47. Wesley Coburn

            That’s BS! I have close family that works at the local Health Department. They send samples off and they come back as to which variant it is.

          48. Diane

            No one is going to care because Ole’ Joe just made the whole world a very dangerous place! It’s called terrorism and in Bible Prophecy America is not on the world stage and I wonder how God was going to take us off while the others take over Now We Know! People please listen get saved and Know Christ the Rapture of all Believers is imminent! I pray for all people to come to know our Risen Savior but sadly many do not! Pray!😊✝️🕎

          49. Yall R Ridiculous

            My best friend is a doctor—you folks using Jesus as your vaccine are begging for their shot once they’re told they’re dying from Covid. It’s heartbreaking. Your “Risen Savior” hasn’t a thing to do with this pandemic.

          50. Matt

            Isn’t there a BLM rally or a trans parade you should be at? A young naive, impressionable and vaccinated Greta Thunberg like yourself with all this debating prowess surely must have bigger fish to fry. Or… and this is just me spitballing here. Your comments sound impulsive, poorly formed and immature. So I don’t think your getting anywhere. And not just in life. I meant in this forum.

          51. Maggie

            You can test through a PCR which is done via randomly selected samples. However, you usually will never know yours was among them. My brother happens to run a lab which is the only way one might find out 😉.
            Delta is currently the reining variant in the US, accounting for approximately 98% of cases tested since August. That is quite a difference from Jan 2021.
            Mu-uuuuve over, Delta, Gamma, and Beta! Mu is the baddest belle of the ball this side of the firmament’s divide.
            Mu has the ability (“they” say “potential”) to evade the immune response in both convalescent and vaccinated sera! Both vaxxed and unvaxxed are in trouble. Mu is now in all 50 states.
            Granted, many variants form and many are outshined by more contagious or more deadly versions, but Mu is deadly. Time will soon tell if it becomes the next delta. But, I think it just might. There are currently only around 2400 cases, but, that may change. Or…may not! Again, only time will tell.

          52. Mike

            Why are you Suggesting something that is used to treat Worms, for something that is a respiratory tract infection? I would also think you would make mention of other pre-existing issues patients had that was the actual cause to them dying. Just because they had COVID-19 and died, doesn’t mean they died because of that? If that is the thought then I could easily say that people that died from Cancer, didn’t die because of Cancer, but because of their Asthma. Its Ridiculous, no matter what is said and done people will fight. The main point is that the World is affected and fighting this Disease. Just like all other Diseases that can spread, we have Vaccines for them, Scientists are trying to figure out the best way to fight it. Regardless if we can find people that have a natural immunity to or not is hard.

            Its Ridiculous to say that this is Our Freedom that is being affected. Its not, This is something that everyone is going through. There’s no issue if you have to present your Vax Card for school or when your kids go to school is there? There’s no violation of rights if its the same all across the board. You can still out out and do the shit you need to so. yea, its limited, but Just wear a mask, if a Store asks to wear a mask, regardless if you have been vaccinated for Covid or not, that’s their Business and their right to request it, and their Right as the Business to refuse you service, its a Public Business, but their business and have the right to say no. Just as the signs used to say “No Shoes, No Shirt, No Service”. This isn’t a Discrimination against anyone, it just the store owners running their business as they see fit. I am sure there is no skin off their teeth if you don’t use their services or products. Just as if you wanted to have your business and not allow people with Masks on, just don’t go there then. But know the virus and any for that matter, doesn’t care who you are.

            If you use sun screen while out on a Sunny day (The Beach, Race Track, etc…) to help prevent Skin Cancer, then wear a mask, its a similar ideal to aiding you not getting the virus. Just as Sun screen can’t 100% prevent you getting Skin Cancer, the mask is affective with helping. Everyone has their options, this is mine. All I ask is research and have open ideals to watching, reading different articles and such and just think about this. It can’t be gotten rid of without the help of everyone just like Measles and rubella and similar diseases that have been handled with Vaccinations.

            All of us are tired of this, we just want it to be safe.

          53. Julie

            Mike, it’s a virus. It doesn’t go away. It’s not like “measles and rubella and similar diseases.” The vaccines do NOT prevent the virus; they claim only to lessen the symptoms. This is in contrast to, say, a smallpox vaccination which prevents the disease. This is here to stay; fortunately, viruses weaken as they age.

            Again, the main point is that NONE of these vaccines prevent a person from getting Covid. None.

          54. Eliza

            The vaccines do prevent contraction of the virus actually, hence the reported efficacy of 95%. They don’t ‘guarantee’ you won’t get it, and that is the same as any vaccine, contrary to what you have falsely claimed. No vaccine or drug is 100% effective. No process in general is 100% effective or efficient – that’s impossible. But your chances of contracting the virus are drastically reduced when you are vaccinated. Data shows that +90% of people getting the virus right now are unvaccinated, because even if vaccinated people contract the virus, the symptoms are so mild they don’t know they have it.

          55. David Gault

            Isn’t that the case before the vaccine came along as 99.7% of infected people recovered and 90% of them didn’t even know it or feel it. Talk about distorting the truth.

          56. Yall R Ridiculous

            Ummm… no Julie. Sorry. It doesn’t always prevent infection, but it absolutely does protect against infection for the majority of people with a vaccine. To say it “does NOT” prevent infection is a straight-up falsehood. Not sure where you heard that. Care to share your source?

          57. Diane

            You would not be tired or fighting if you knew the Bible. Pestilence, Weather such as floods, fires, tornadoes and much more around the world in places you would never expect landslides and earthquakes are going to salvage the West. This is NOTHING compared to the Wrath or judgment he will put down during The Great Tribulation! So before the Great Tribulation can happen Christ will sound trumpets that only Believers will hear that is The Rapture we Believers do not go through the Great Trib. So know Christ he is the only way! We are the generation to live out Bibical Prophecy for Believers it’s exciting knowing we are going home but for those who do not know what is happening it is a very scary time. I pray for you all to know Christ he came for The World however a lot did not accept his gift of SALVATION and are lost and will be forever.
            In his service,

          58. Ga heinz

            ALL medicines have to go through 10- 15 years of study and trials before they are approved by the FDA to use for the specific disease, disorder or malady THEN they CONTINUE to study it because NOW there are other individuals outside of the study groups that have all sorts of other medical conditions not included in the study/ test groups and interactions with other drugs etc… (then sometimes these drugs get removed from the market because of new data) AND THEY EXPECT US TO LINE UP LIKE SHEEPS BEING LED TO SLAUGHTER FOR A VACCINE THAT WAS “CREATED” IN A MATTER OF MONTHS!!!!! I personally have several auto immune disorders which basically means my immune system is confused and attacks itself and I’m just supposed to HOPE this vaccine doesn’t create havoc.. NO THANKS

          59. Lily Powell

            This is true , the Supreme Court of the U.S. even put out a statement saying exactly that because the vacs have not yet been properly tested for years ! That’s why parents can legally refuse school vaccines ! It because of that very fact !!

          60. Lily Powell

            Yes I listen to the two hour long interview with Doctor Malone , who was the scientist that worked on the creation of that vaccine ! And your wrong ! He even says don’t take it ! He is being censored because he speaks out against it ! It was put together for the military , but has never been properly tested ! Was not made for this virus today ! But hey … I guess ” he” doesn’t know what he’s talking about either according to ” you “!!!

          61. Lily Powell

            I’m with you dear ! I have Lupus ! No way could you make me take any vaccine !!! Not even their flu vaccine ! The only time I ever got sick with flu like symptoms was after a flu shot ! And not was I sick !! Even today my dumb doctor tried to push me to take it !? I don’t know what his problem is !? He wants me to take that lousy virus vax ! I just laughed at him !! I had that virus , and now I’m immune , thank you very much ! By the way , I am 72 years old ! I survived without doctors help !?

          62. Yall R Ridiculous

            Are you really asking why? I’d think you’d have figured it out by now—these folks have been thoroughly steeped in horseshit for two years straight. Now they have those “worms” you speak or in their brains. But thanks for the cogent remarks! Not much of that going on here.

          63. Rob E

            I don’t read anything hear about masks. Whether they work or not people are wearing them. The problem is when you have a governor like Newsom who mandates mask wearing and distancing only to be seen dining at one of the most expensive restaurants in the state not following his own mandates. Or when our president says he won’t trust a vaccine created under the Trump administration and that he doesn’t trust the FDA while mandating that I get the vaccine or lose my job. Do you not see the hypocrisy? Do you truly believe that this virus isn’t man made? Maybe it was released by accident but boy does one have to be awful trusting to think that it’s all a coincidence. Everything is about money and it always has been and always will. Money equals power and control and the more they have the more they want.

          64. Lily Powell

            Ivermectin has been used for other things besides worms honey ! Read something beside the trash out out by government stooge’s ! My goodness it’s sold in some countries over the counter ! You must be a lefty as you just ate to hear opposition to your perceived imaginations !! Come on wise up !! Never take all of your info from one source !! Good research rules !!!

          65. Thehorsesmouth

            And this is where misinformation runs rampant.. I am a horse person.. yes, I give Ivermectin for worms to my horses…in their animal dosed form. However, I was treated at a young age with Ivermectin. It is considered a human wonder drug that treats so many things. Nobel prize winner for it. Please read the MEDICAL REPORT from Feb 2011. ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3043740/. The news has misinformed you. May I suggest a possible reason why a parasite drug works so well? But don’t start a conspiracy theory please cause I am not an expert, I just research sources other that news article to find the facts. But in this case I will use big news thoughts on where this virus came from. Simply a bat or bat virus..? Hmm. Drug for parasites, virus thought to come from bats (with or without parasites who knows?) If I’m in the hospital dying from covid give me one of those doctors. Not the ones who can’t use common sense and think for themselves and do some RESEARCH THEN ASK ME FOR MY CONSENT! Don’t force me or threaten my livelihood.

          66. Matt

            I know you get all your news from cnn. Billions of doses to humans in the last 50 years . Nobel prize awarded to the inventor. A drug with antiviral properties is reduced to horse dewormer by freaking Chris Cuomo, Don Lemon and Scotty P. You guys should work together more often.

        1. Shanna


        2. Ryan

          Just used Ivermectin to get through COVID and it was a game changer for me. I am very thankful to have been able to connect to a doc that was pro-Ivermectin because they are few and far between.

          1. Lily Powell

            I guess I’ll have to research that as any address like emails doesn’t work from here ! So If another virus “gets out” We will have something to fight it with !! Can’t trust hospital’s anymore !! They get paid extra thousands of dollars for every death certificate that list COVID as the cause of death ! How do I know this , well nurses , doctors and whistle blowers all tell the same story over the last year and a half , so numbers and sources count to me ! Yep I believe it !!!

        3. Patricia

          It was spoken about when Trump was in office and they shut him down. If there is an alternative to the mnra shot then they can not give it. Only if nothing else is available. That is clear here. Nothing Trump created still remains.

        4. Rubicon

          Better yet, simply go to http://www.globalresearch.ca. Many worldwide medical specialists have extolled its virtues. Currently, parts of India have started using this treatment, while sueing an Indian doctor at WHO for her malfeasance in distributing numerous lies about all these “vaccines.”

        5. Diane

          Big Pharma can’t make money on therapeutics or vitamin C, D3, Zinc, hydroxychloriquin, intervectim. Or remdesavere. Ask your Dr
          To write you a script incase you have symptoms if he say’s no get a new Dr.

        6. Larry delancey

          Parasites in farm animals. The side effects are horrible !!! And people getting really sick already . Also covid isn’t s parasite !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That’s ok tho thin out the herd . Let the stupid die off

          1. Lily Powell

            Yes dear it is part of this unfortunate global Kabal !! How else will they get control of a whole world !? Get poor dumb sheep to believe that scary lie about a virus that can only be cured with a crazy yet untested shot , that still doesn’t do that , and destroy all evidence of a very cheap easy drug that’s been on the market for 40 years , and has no serious side effects ! Works fast ..but no body will get rich or famous with it’s use ! And that extremely honest TV news shows talking heads gives the drug an ugly story dumb sheep believe it because they heard it on TV !!? From trusted talking heads ! Ok they are not doctors !! But their nice !! Yeah ! That’s the ticket !! Oh who cares if people like Gates , Soros and others like Zuckerberg gives them millions upon millions to tell this story !! Money talks ! Don’t you know that !? Who cares if the doctor …Malone , who made that vaccines says do not take it , and then they censor him ! Yeah !! I’m sure he’s just lying !! Ok ! Sure ! But God didn’t make me a sheep , thank God !! Hehehehe ! So I have a brain who questions everything I put into my body ! Like I would think anyone who has a brain should do !! No !? Why not !? My mommy didn’t birth a fool !!!

          1. Lily Powell

            But Hydroxychloriquin and Ivermectin was available and shown to work , well before that awful yet untested vaccine was put out there as a ” maybe fix”!? So which came first !? That’s easy !! Not the vaccine ! So those drugs where available first ! By your own words … Should have been used first ! Not the later yet untested vaccine ! ( By the way that RNA vaccine was not developed for this virus ! It was an experiment designed by the Scientist Doctor Malone for a military use (Incase of germ warfare by the way !) So it was not yet tested on humans or tested at all before this virus !! So it still breaks the Nerumberg Code ! The punishment for that is still Execution !! FACT !!!

        1. Austin Boil

          “Snopes”, give me a break. If YOU do some research you will find who all these so called “fact checkers” really are and who they are paid by.

          1. Scott Pilgram

            I love when people try and get on their liberal soap box quoting snopes ….that’s like using MSNBC as your Guage for truth telling.

          2. Tillman Bunch

            I did my own calculations based upon CDC data and determined the 45,000 was not at all credible. I am not a doctor or a scientist. I can do simple math and usually know when something does not pass the smell test. Forget Snopes! That misinformative figure, 45,000, should not have been included in a serious article about the vaccines. Our objective should be to seek the truth as opposed to scaring people to our side of a debate. For those who remain unconvinced, here is a better explanation of where that imaginary figure of 45,000 originated.

          3. Isme

            I understand where she was coming from. Maybe some don’t care about poor people and elderly who do not have access to VAERS, but I do. No-one is checking with those folks, are they?

            Really now, stop being on a side. People are being scared out of their minds no matter which side of this issue they are on.

            Imho none of the facts bear out to ANY truth. Every single medical situation is completely different because of genetics, diet, environment and lifestyle.

            All a person can do is read as much as they can, and then make up their own minds about what to do for the health and safety of their family and selves.

            We all really need to stop treating this as a “us versus them” issue. The last time that was allowed to go on and on a war was fought and millions died.

            What made America great was, above all – working on tolerance. Both sides acting out with hatred and violence is tearing the country apart. Don’t let hatred into yourself, if you must feel something for the “other side” feel pity.

            At least that way if “your side” is proven wrong in the end, you won’t have to live with any guilt that was primarily given to you by others.

            Don’t follow the crowd; educate yourself; keep your own counsel; advise don’t chastise.

            Old wise saying; You can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make him drink.

          4. Lily Powell


          5. Lily Powell

            Yeah .. that’s all well and good , as that would be great if we had the freedom to choose , but we don’t ! They say get that vaccine or else !? Get your babies vaxed as well or else !! Now there is no freedom ! And no choice !! Now what do you have to say about that ? Our freedoms gone our jobs are under threat , our children are under threat , our lives are as well ! Forced is not choice!!! The world’s economy has been destroyed , people have died needlessly , good drugs are denied us ! What’s wrong with this picture ?? If you can’t see the real problem , you never will !! THAT IS THE REAL ISSUE HERE !!!

          6. Tom

            Saw “Fact Checkers” and I laughed. Fact Checkers are there to push agendas. They are not there to set the record straight. They are there to protect the current administration. If you look up who makes up the fact checkers they are from NY Times and other left leaning “news” (I use that very loosely) organizations. You should read fact checkers articles on how they are protecting this administration as it comes to the Afghanistan debacle.

          7. Lily Powell

            Yes that’s another unfortunate FACT !! FACT CHECKERS WORK FOR WHO ? THATS A QUESTION YOU MUST LOOK INTO BEFORE YOU EXCEPT THEIR CONCLUSIONS !! A SMART HUMAN WHO USES THEIR BRAIN AND , DOES THEIR OWN RESEARCH , AND LOOKS BEYOND THE GOVERNMENT FOR INFORMATION ( considering how untrustworthy we should all know by now this government is !) SHOULD KNOW THIS ! that is if you REALLY DO WANT TRUTH !! Today people must trust no one , particularly when those who want your trust , have so much to gain financially !! Think about THAT for just a second !!!

        2. Victoria

          Snopes has been discredited completely as it’s been proven to have a far-left bias (one of the founders is openly far-left). It’s not a good idea to use this for any fact checking as it may as well be another branch of MSM at this point.

        3. Shawn M Slatter

          Yeah… cause one can trust Snopes…. the site that has been proven to be biased and caught lying many times, and its President was recently fired or something for getting caught lying………..

          1. Eric Fearon

            So how many deaths from the vaccine are you willing to accept. Like your bs snopes article said swine flu vaccine was pulled after 53 deaths…..

          1. Tillman Bunch

            I did my own calculations based upon CDC data and determined the 45,000 was not at all credible. I am not a doctor or a scientist. I can do simple math and usually know when something does not pass the smell test. Forget Snopes! That misinformative figure, 45,000, should not have been included in a serious article about the vaccines. Our objective should be to seek the truth as opposed to scaring people to our side of a debate. For those who remain unconvinced, here is a better explanation of where that imaginary figure of 45,000 originated.

      2. Alastair McLoughlin

        To Christine and Heidi. The hiding of “negative data” results from pharmaceutical trials is well documented. An excellent resource on this subject can be found in a book called ‘Doctoring Data’ published (Columbus Publishing Ltd) in 2014 by UK’s Dr Malcolm Kendrick. He mentions specifically vaccine result data that is never published. So I ask the question: Who would be so naive as to believe we have been presented with all the research results from the mRNA tests? Cover-ups have happened in the past and they’re happening right now.

        1. Isme

          Agreed. Really dislike this reliance on polls, surveys, and statistics that aren’t fact checked as to how they were carried out.

          I’ve worked in marketing research (and quit) in the past and it is very simple and easy to skew the outcome of any poll, survey or set of statistics by simply claiming one set of resulting data as irrelevant.

          Irrelevant that is to the aims of the people or company doing the research.

          No, after seeing what I saw I don’t put 100% trust in any such research.

          To those who may not understand it’s as though 10,000 people are asked “Is the sky blue?” and the research company wants the result to be green. Anyone who says, “sometimes it’s teal (or aquamarine, or turquoise)”, those answers are kept while any answers where it’s stated “Yes, it’s blue” are thrown out as irrelevant. Only the answers kept will be counted as “respondents” and that’s how 70-100% answers on their “side” are gotten.

    2. Adam D

      Another irritating point, and the article does touch on it, the medical reporting and data is laughably unreliable with regards to both covid deaths, VAERS, and what these numbers would be with correct early treatment methods. Treat most illnesses incorrectly and the hospitalization and death rates would spike. Sadly, follow the money….

        1. Adam D

          Didn’t realize there was a word limit (thank you) and the article was absolutely fantastic covering a very broad range of issues to consider.

    3. Paul

      The CDC is a For Profit company (even says so on their web site) so where is the profit coming from?!?! Is it not the pharmaceutical companies?

      1. Darcy

        I was wondering how long it would take before the FDA was brow-beat into approving the vaccines. Well, one for now. With all the money to be made I would imagine more will follow. One thing I am annoyed by is how many seem to think it is everyone else’s responsibility to protest their health. “It’s her job, his job, the county, state, or federal government’s job to protect me.” Yeah good luck with that. Pfft. Where is personal accountability? I kind of know the answer to this. At least in many cases.

        As a person with an auto-immune disease and no immune system, I feel it is my personal responsibility. There is no way I am going to put my health in someone else’s hands. My body…my health…my immune system. Period. Also, my doctor has told me, no way on getting vaccinated. At least for now. She added in time, with more data we can revisit the matter. Consequently I honestly can’t tell you the last time I had the flu. My last cold was in 2017. I am careful and very cautious. With no immune system I need to be. I am not an anti-vaxer, but right now I do not feel comfortable getting any of the available vaccines. If I get Covid, I will either get better and have at least some natural immunity…or I won’t get better. I can’t cower and live in fear anymore. To some extent I have done that since I was diagnosed with my auto-immune disease. I am done with living like that.

        1. Lily Powell

          Too bad we now do not have an option to choose ! You need money to buy food to eat ! If you are threatened with losing your job if your not taking that shot … What do you do now ? They will not except any reason or excuse ! And if that shot kills you or disables you in anyway , you have nowhere to turn ! The vax people pharma company and everyone associated with these vaccine have total immunity from prosecution , now what do you do !? You cannot say I object on religious grounds either ! Now what !? Tell us , “all you take that vaccine pushers !? ” Tell us what YOU would do !?

    4. Lorraine Steen

      And it’s not a vaccine. It contains mRNA. It is changing us. It can be manipulated. True vaccines do not do this, do not work this way.

      1. Austin Boil

        True vaccines kill the virus, these “treatments” being sold as a vaccine are ludicrous! Jabbed people are still catching Covid & spreading it. Nobody knows the long term affects & nobody will accept any liability for resulting health issues or death including Health insurance companies who deny claims because it’s an experimental, non-approved drug. If they approve it this week as we are hearing it’s another falsehood just giving politicians a tool to control people.The SARS jab had less than 20 people die and they pulled it off the market. These Covid jabs have killed thousands and resulted in long term health issues for many more than that. Politicians making my health related decisions isn’t going to happen!

        1. Lily Powell


    5. Polly

      it is NOT necessarily the drug companies, themselves.Bill Gates, George Soros, Dr. Fauci and others, are making money hand over fist with this vaccine.

    6. Linda Adams

      I don’t know what to believe.sure not sure about taking it. I guess it’s like the flu shot you get every year it’s not as bad if you take it.im gonna keep praying about this until I get peace.i guess if they have to come to the door with a gun.you can shoot me either way I know where I’m going. So it doesn’t matter. Until then.it took my husband forever to get me to take the flu shot.

    7. Katie

      Christine — So, you’re saying Pfizer and the other pharmaceutical companies created COVID-19? Have you ever taken a prescription drug before? Birth control, etc.? Thanks.

    8. Debra Hagen

      I wrote a paper in graduate school on how to fix the pharmaceutical company problems and decrease drug costs. I have been thinking about pursuing that further.it is a huge problem. They should not hold the amount of power that they do. Where are the non- bias control studies? The only way to have control studies in mass vaccinations is to have an equal amount of people unvaccinated.

      1. RN with autonomous thinking

        I hear you loud and clear. Some in my family including one of my adult kids took the jab. I was shocked. They won’t even look at the truth.

        1. Wesley Coburn

          Very strange that you should feel that way. My own teenage son has 2 Cardiologists that said they recommended the shot over getting Covid. That’s based on what they actually see every day in the clinical setting. You are seeing the opposite of truth, but I’m sure you don’t care as long as people look to you for your expert opinion.

          1. Julie

            Interesting. My cardiologist says the opposite. According to him, the risk of death is considerably higher from myocarditis (sp?) and clots than from dying from COVID. Unless your son is obese, I can’t imagine the statistical risk being low enough for a teenager to take the jab. Remember, it was never to prevent COVID, only to lessen the symptoms.

            But I wish your son the best of luck. It would be heartbreaking for him to develop complications.

  2. K.J. Hinton

    I guess I missed it. “Mandated” is no different than any other job requirement. You ALWAYS have the choice to refuse.

    But no one ever claimed that YOUR choice won’t have consequences. You know what they are. Make a decision. Live with it.

    But stop whining.

      1. redrum

        First let me say that I agree with just about everything in this article. However, I’m going to guess that your job probably requires you to show up – and your daily commute almost certainly involves a small risk of injury or death.

        1. Jim Comfort

          But, if you and your employer agree upon hiring you that you won’t ever have to lift anything over, say 30 lbs., they can’t then turn around and put you in a position that requires lifting 50 lbs.

          Employment agreements are legal contracts.

          1. Austin Boil

            I’ve never seen an employer say they will have the right to make your personal health decisions as a condition of employment. Does that even make logical sense. I don’t go to my employer or a politician to ask for medical advice because that is insanity isn’t it? Jabbed people are proving to still get Covid and spread it, so what’s the point again? 40 schools in Florida had strict masking and social distancing, 29 schools had none of either… take a guess what the results were regarding Covid…NO DIFFERENCE. Those ‘real” case studies should tell any sane person something.

    1. Veronica Dahlstrom

      What ever happened to my body my choice? This is not A real “choice” is a forcing of the hand for something that has a small amount of information on the effectiveness.. All the maybies and mights and shoulds.. Damn huh

    2. Sanora

      Every job has a right mandate things. Job duties, dress code, or conduct. But for an employer to mandate a medical treatment is unexcusable. No one has the right to tell me what type of medical treatment I should take. And as many deaths as the flu causes every year no one even suggested mandating the flu shot. It was always a personal choice. Just as this shot should be.

      1. Gloria

        It would serve these Tyrants well; for everyone to just NOT COME IN TO Work! Then let’s see these lying fear mongering PAID LIARS and phonies would run their businesses!

        1. Gloria

          Ironical isn’t it that all the Healthcare people be forced to get it and the ramifications of them all being injured by the arm poke and then, no one to take care of them or the hospitalized!

      2. Kathy

        Right! What if Hooters mandated that all employees need to have breast implants? It would be part of their “uniform”, so I guess that’s ok?

    3. Wilson

      Hmm 🤔 whinnying? No I think not! It’s called standing up for what you believe in. Being a voice for others. What about you? Are you complaining that we disagree with you?

    4. Kaye Gorton

      When the government mandated to your job we all have to be vaccinated… it is different. I am a nurse. In 28 years I have never been mandated to do something to my body I was against. Flu vac?? I opted out and wore a mask they mandated. The Covid jab is now mandated by the government. They don’t offer a choice to wear a mask. You get the jab, and still wear a mask. I don’t hear “whining” at the hospital I work for when 1/2 the nurses refused to get the experimental jab. They were prepared to walk out. Frustrated? Yes. Angry? Yes. Overwhelmed and understaffed? Always. Doing the best we can? Daily. Whining ???? Nope not my team. Maybe you are talking about your place of business….

      1. Ang

        Whining? Save that crap. As a living soul we have the right to make our own decisions no matter what the gvmt says. As to jobs mandating you take a medication that the possible side effect is death? Laughable. Sue them. You can win if you know the law…not the maritime/admiralty law, but the real law. Ignorant comment w no thought behind it. This is the reason things are the way they are. Oh…”I’m willing to be irresponsible w my health and put it into a corporations hands…” Well some ppl are not willing to do that, and no amount of money or threats will change their mind. I Am one of those living souls. They wanna force this, and the more they do, the more I will resist it. I suggest many ppl do the same as I watch vaxxed ppl die all around me…before it’s too late and irreversible damage incurs.
        Much love to the smart ppl who question everything in this day and time. Communism is here…what say you…Comrade.

          1. Heidi Wetzler

            To this I add, where are all of the investigative journalists? The field I’ve worked in my entire life is no longer.

          2. Michael Lansdowne

            That’s a great point. You should go back and investigate the claims in your article and cite them. For the ones you can’t find sources on, perhaps reword them as being a possibility instead of facts. Raise the bar.

          3. Martin Parker

            While I agree with this opinion, Investigative journalists cite sources. This is a great article but without sources there’s nothing to stand behind. If we want to arm folks with the facts, you have to point them in the right direction. We need to be able to show these stats, show the proof.

      2. BK12

        The fact that they won’t even offer an alternative to the shot like wearing a mask like everyone has been for the last year and a half is ALARMING!!!! Especially ALARMING that they are mandating a shot for something that you can still get and still spread!!!!

        1. juliespehar

          Exactly, and them first saying “folks with shots don’t need masks” then when Delta started up, saying “folks with shots need masks” tells you all you need to know. It’s not about the virus, it’s about control; they are using a nasty virus as a means of control.

    5. cnoonan

      K.J. Hinton–you definitely missed it–whining? Why exactly are Health Care Workers and Teachers being forced to vaccinate or chose another career field but this same unfair mandate is not being levied straight across the board? Exactly what makes a healthcare worker more of a risk than a grocery cashier, a salon worker or say, a flight attendant? Exactly how less sterile of a situation is a medical facility compared to your local Walmart, Costco, McDonalds or any of the other way more compromised areas people populate on a daily? WTF is wrong with our World when some of us (thankfully we are not all SHEEPLES) think it is OKAY to force people into choosing between their livelihood or their freedom of choice. And don’t come at me with your big Pharma bullshit about the safe and effective vaccine. PROVE IT. Oh yeah, that’s right, you can’t–not yet, anyway. You have no EFFING clue why a person is not choosing to vaccinate, and you have NO RIGHT to that info, either. Listening to your bullshit, when my RN daughter is having to make the most difficult decisions about her career, lets me know EXACTLY what type of virus is really running rampant in this World, and it’s not Covid that concerns me. It’s the ignorance, like saying that anyone not happy with the mandate is a whiner. You chose to say something that ignorant. But hey–“no one ever claimed YOUR choice won’t have consequences.” right? Eat it up. I feel for you. Negative energy is sort of mind blowing to say the least. BTW–Covid is the #7 killer in the US as of the July 2021 figures, the spot right above Diabetes. Go figure.

    6. Lori

      You should consider this is relative to our personal mefical history and present condition. Would you like to share your entire medical history with your employer? I think not!

    7. Austin Boil

      So what’s the point of having your own doctor when your employer or some politician can make your health decisions for you? Actually brilliant, eliminate doctors and all those nasty bills they generate for us. Call the Governor or Senator to make your next checkup appointment. What moron agrees with an employer that they can make your personal health treatment decisions for you or you can’t work there? Not sure what Bizzaro World you are living in but glad I’m not in it.

    8. Ell

      Stop being a blind little sheep and supporting our loss of freedom. I don’t trust the government to make decisions about my health. Working to make money is a human right regardless of your decision to get the jab or not!

    9. Ell

      You’d be wrong anyways! At least were I come from, We have the right to refuse unsafe work most of the time without being fired! no consequences for refusing! Also not once has a boss ever asked to see medical records or vaccine cards! As far as Im concerned, its a human right to choose what we do with our health, as well as it not interfering with oyr right to work, unless it’s interfering with our ability to work. Fir example being sick requires time off, breaking both arms makes it impossible to work in a place where you need to use your arms! being highly addicted to drugs and going into work high would rightfully cone with the consequences of being fired!
      Telling someone the gave to inject something they dont want to inject is completely unacceptable!

    10. Carrie Reimer

      “Make a decision, live with it. But stop whining”.
      Getting vaccinated is like playing Russian roulette. 5 out of 6 chambers don’t have a bullet in them. The only way you can get a job to support your family and keep a roof over your children’s heads is if you put the gun to your head and pull the trigger.
      Stop whining and make a choice, the odds are in your favor that you won’t get the bullet, and if you do, oh well, there’s consequences to every choice we make.

  3. RCxyz

    Remember, for the most part, government decisions are based on the overall good of the population (not the individual good). So, if they believe the general population is better served with the vaccine (even though some will be be negatively impacted or even killed by it), that will be the govt decision. Overachievers and people who assert individual rights don’t really fit in well with the socialist govt system. With that being said, I am vaccinated and will even get the booster jab when it comes out. IMHO, if someone is over 18 and not vaccinated, they must be crazy.

    1. Louette Madison

      Check out Michael Yeardon, the former chief scientist for Pfizer and listen to his story before you decide to move forward! Find him on Rumble or any alternative to YouTube
      also find… Dr Bryan Bridal, Dr Robert Malone, Dr Sucharit Bhakdi, Dr Ryan Cole and frontline doctors on Rumble! It will be very eye opening! Blessings to you and your search for truth

        1. Jenson

          Are you absolutely sure they are posting false information? Are you just listening to the fact checkers who say that about everyone who posts information they disagree with.

        2. BK12

          Are you freaking kidding me??!! R.W. Malone created mRNA for Pfizer and the moderna shot not to mention he has 7 patents on “REAL” vaccines. Look up his website before you think YOU know everything. Maybe it will open your eyes a little!!!!

        3. Lily Powell


    2. Jen

      I mean, telling people to eat MyPlate and non-fat was based on terrible science that’s been proven wrong for decades…but big beneficial gov still promotes it out of love? NO. They promote it out of money. The government is not your friend, and definitely cares naught for you or benefit. IMHO, anyone who thinks the government is their friend is most definitely crazy and uninformed.

    3. RN with autonomous thinking

      Well…good job! You’re exactly what the “government” needs. A person who believes what they tell you to say and do. Brainwashed is a real thing. Ignorance is simply not knowing better. Stupidity is not knowing and not truly searching to know the truth. Can’t fix stupid. Sorry.

    4. Ang

      😂 or maybe they trust God more than a Big Pharma corporation who will profit off of their sickness…go watch some more tell lie vision…Lord help you. Fr 🙏

    5. Dayna

      You are oblivious if you think the government has you or any other persons best interest in mind. In the end it is all about the all mighty dollar and population reduction.
      When the very inventor of mRNA technology says that it is DANGEROUS and unsafe to use it as a “vaccine”, along with some of the lead virologists for some of the biggest pharmaceutical companies… Those are the people to listen to, they KNOW what they are talking about. Do your due diligence and research.

      1. Merowem

        Maybe historically. But that notion is quickly eroding. If enough people don’t stand up for what you just asserted, the socialist left will have their way and turn the tide completely against individual rights. Rigged elections, other behind-the scenes power plays to take away those just and fair constitutional rights.

    6. Angelika Dumanski

      Sorry to tell you,,,but Im not crazy….its hate you are promoting,,and that is not fair…everyone has the right to be vaxxed or not to be vaxxed,,whats it to you? Im not you..I have my own will and can choose. Im not a hater of anyone, To be kind to everyone will promote healing to others…To say someone is crazy,Is not appropriate in any language…I see people hating each other because this vaccine is made maditory ,and if your not vaxxed you cant do certain things…There will be a back lash on this,,because that is hate breading hate . One can see it happening,,,,We need to change our attitude on this, or things will get out of hand as they already are…

      1. Bobbie

        That’s part of the design…divide and conquer. This is the greatest evil since the holocaust. Globalists have rationalized this purge and orchestrated the collapse of the society of man. God have mercy on us.

    7. BK12

      FYI it’s not an “ACTUAL” vaccine because if it was an “ACTUAL” vaccine then you wouldn’t still be able to GET IT or SPREAD IT!!! The Rona shot is like a flu shot where it just makes YOUR symptoms less if YOU get the shot. It only protects YOU so yes it IS an individual’s right to get it or not. It’s not a vaccine so it is not for anyone else to decide what I or ANYONE else puts in their body period!!!!

  4. Ang

    I feel it would put more legitimacy to your opinion, and also be more helpful, if you actually cited your sources for the things you’ve read which dispute what the government is saying. Otherwise it just sounds like you’re perpetuating fear mongering.

    1. Sue

      Sources are cited all the time proving exactly what she is saying…but they are either censored or people are to afraid to believe them. It would make no difference to someone who believes the jab is 100% safe if you provided them with the 100s of the professional peer reviewed scientific papers that DO exist. Children Health Defense NEVER publishes anything without citing factual and scientific data, yet they have been blocked from FB for spreading misinformation.(I guess anything that doesn’t support the current narrative, including peer reviewed medical studies are now “misinformation”). Not saying this article still shouldn’t include the sources..just pointing out it would make no difference.

      1. Vanessa Amundson

        It’s always interesting to hear the pro-mandate crowd bleating about citing sources, but they never do it themselves. The story from the CDC et al has been the same. They say the science is settled but we never actually see it. And I can promise you it’s not because the CDC is being censored by Big Tech. If they are so confident on their position on masks, vax, etc, let’s see the unrefuted evidence. (Hint: it’s because there isn’t any)

      2. Sam Berman

        It would make a difference to me. But lets not confuse this for a researched article. This is an opinion piece full of logical fallacies. It would never pass for a factual article.

      3. Ang

        That’s the truth, I am constantly banned across social media for posting anything they consider against their narrative.
        War is here…ppl may wanna get ready. If that scares ppl, too bad, ppl being scared doesn’t stop it from being true and it’s better to be prepared than scared. Js.

    2. RN with autonomous thinking

      Or. You can actually do your own research through the “back doors” of the internet. You can question whether what you believe is true or not. If you truly have no clue where to start, maybe get on telegram and look. Some is BS, but there is information with links to the sites that will show you beyond a doubt that the government has, to sat the least, not been forthcoming with the truth.

    3. Amanda

      On fb I sited the cdc to back my statement. Fb blocked it saying my comment was spam. They dont want us to see that what they say doesnt match the data on their site.

      1. Carrie Reimer

        I had a heart attack after getting the Pfizer jab. I started a fb group asking if others had severe reactions to the vaccine. I wasn’t spreading any information. I only wanted to provide a place where people could share their experience, support each other and compare notes.
        I had thousands of people join in a couple of days and immediately received a warning from FB that if I continued to post “false” information I would be shut down. Within another day, all posts and comments had to be authorized by me but FB was removing them as FB saw fit. They would deny a post as partially false, and say the information wasn’t verified or proven. That doesn’t make it false. Such as VAERS numbers. The information from the VAERS official site was deemed “false”.
        I finally just walked away from it and let someone else take it over. I spent a day in FB jail and came back to 110 posts to authorize and 20 that had been deemed conspiracy posts and removed.
        Yeah, tell me again we are getting honest figures on who has suffered adverse effect and how many people have died.
        I don’t even know why people are arguing that everyone has to get vaccinated when we have solid, real time evidence it isn’t providing protection.
        It would be easier to risk my life by getting my 2nd jab if I saw that it was working. But why would I go through risking another heart attack for something that isn’t working? How stupid would I be?

  5. Jen Holbrook

    I love this! People are not researching the side effects-deaths that are not being talked about on the news! I resigned from my kitchen job at the school. Not going to work for a company that will stand behind this. I hope others walk as well. Sad day that it has come to

    1. RN with autonomous thinking

      Agreed. They’re going for the teachers, for crying out loud, we cannot afford to lose them. And Healthcare workers, it’s just such a strong no for many of us, for those who think outside the box. Truly wondering and saddened at what the next few years will show from this pandemic experiment on humanity.

        1. Wesley Coburn

          One of my teachers died from Covid! I actually know MANY unvaccinated that have died from Covid. I do not know of a single issue from all of the people I know that got the vaccine. Time for thy head to come out of thy rump Sam!

          1. Lily Powell

            You don’t know many people do you ! Your teacher did not get any treatment ,, and she was either over weight or had another health issue to boot ! Most people never die ” of ” COVID ! , But the doctors and hospital are not allowed to give them any kind of early treatment when they begin to have any symptoms !! Ever wonder why that would happen ,?
            If you came down with the flu , you would be given all sorts of treatments ! Why not do the same for those who have symptoms of this virus !? Instead they tell everyone to go home , until their lips turn blue and they can’t breath !! Honey that’s just criminal !!

        2. Lily Powell


  6. a schafer

    Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU, Ms Wetzler for having the courage to voice what so many of us are experiencing, and for what medical professionals are being silenced. And THANK YOU to Clark County Today for having the courage to print it!
    I feel for those who have lost loved ones due to the virus; of course this is sad, and for them, devastating. And I’m close to several friends and associates who have. Each member of my family has had COVID-19, so historical science would suggest that we are each more healthy and likely to be immune to further exposure, and more apt to adapt to any variants. However, we, too, are being threatened by our government for not taking their vaccine: my wife will lose her job if she doesn’t get vaccinated–and has been threatened to be fired if she even says anything negative about it. My kids can’t travel. My church patrons are now divided. My employment future is unclear.
    I agree with EVERYTHING Ms Wetzler stated in this article. What is happening is wrong! I believe the government is trying to help in its own way, is trying to stem the spread, is possibly doing what it thinks is best. But politicians are not health care professionals. Lead virologists who are pro-vaccine are speaking out against these manufactured vaccines because, as Ms Wetzler stated, not only are they proving ineffective, but may be worse for us than the virus! They are toxic to our bodies. There have been documented awful side effects and death. They can harm us long-term. The mRNA will be passed on to our children. Etc, etc.
    I, too, am pro-vaccine…where it makes sense. This one doesn’t. Yes, the public needs to be able to see all the real medical data, so each individual can make their own informed decision. Some will choose to be vaccinated and some will choose to not. And the virus will still spread for a time then die out because our bodies will be resistant.
    I shouldn’t lose my job, travel status, or freedom because I eat well, exercise everyday, and overcome illness without being hospitalized.

    1. juliespehar

      Are you and your wife in healthcare or another field? I read that TI is mandating the shots for all their employees; TI builds commercial electronics, and isn’t a defense contractor.

  7. Mary

    If enough folks refuse in schools and medical facilities, the money lost will freak out government. They like their money. We must stand up and be counted.

    Like Hitler, Providence medical facilities plan to make unvaxxed wear a special badge, to identify them. Like Hitler labeled the Jews with a yellow star. Do not accept this, stand up and do not let them turn our country into that!

    Write all elected politicians.

    Sign the petition going around.

    Refuse to let the guilt uou, shame you, or force you into something you do not want.

        1. Wesley Coburn

          I had 25+ vaccines injected from the time I was born until I graduated high school. The Covid vaccine WILL be added to the list and none of you bone-heads will have the power to stop it!

          1. Lily Powell

            Ah , well you should know this old saying … ” STUPID IS , AS STUPID DOES “!! By the way all those other vaccines didn’t kill or sicken people ! Any time in the past , if that happened , they would pull that stuff off the shelf !! TRUTH and FACT ! But not this one ! Not this time !? Ever wonder why !? Of course not your lefty group don’t ever ” THINK ” you just obey ! Without a thought in the world !! We have had many viruses in the past , and many were much worse then this , and it didn’t only effect old or sick or fat ! They got everyone ! , And yes many old sick or otherwise informed died ! No vaccine was made ! Nope !! But what is different about this one !? Nothing really , it’s not so much as this virus , but their end goal !? Control ! It’s all about control ! Of course MONEY IS EXTRA , AND GREAT !!! A BONUS ! BUT GLOBAL CONTROL IS THE ISSUE HERE ! NEW WORLD ORDER , ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT ! THE USA MUST BE BROUGHT DOWN FIRST OF ALL !! STUPID AMERICANS AND THEIR LOVE OF FREEDOM ! GUNS !! OH NO THAT MUST STOP ! SO SCARE THEM WITH A BIG FAT LIE ! ( not all deaths are virus related , but hell put them down as that anyway ! We need numbers !) NOW FORCE THEN TO SIT HIDING INDOORS , FORCE THEM TO COMPLY ! VACCINES FEAR WORKS GREAT FOR THAT ! NOW TAKE AWAY THEIR FREEDOMS ONE BY ONE ! FLOOD THEIR COUNTRY WITH NEW PEOPLE TO CHANGE DEMOGRAPHICS ! PLEASE DO NOT QUESTION AUTHORITY ANY MORE NO FREEDOMS OF THOUGHT ANY MORE ! WE MUST ALL AGREE WITH GOVERNMENT ! NO LONGER OF THE PEOPLE FOR THE PEOPLE OR BY THE PEOPLE ! THATS DEAD AND OVER !! OBEY COMPLY DUMB DOWN CHILDREN NO ONE READS ANY MORE ! WHY READ !

      1. Lily Powell

        And exactly what do ” YOU ” know about Hitler , and the makings of that war , the terrible things that were done !? How old are you !? I bet your under fifty for sure ! So you know nothing about WWII , or the FACT our own government as well as Great Britain was financing Hitler as well !? We had out own little Nazi club right here in the good old USA !! we didn’t even know about this problem of the Jews til the end of the WAR !!! oops ! Missed that one too didn’t you !? They didn’t teach that in school !

  8. waymire

    Thank you. There are additional issues as well. The federal government has paid over 7 billion dollars and counting of taxpayer money for these vaccines. Vaccines that do not prevent infection or spread. Now they are mandating a booster of a vaccine that didn’t work with no changes to the formula. Follow the money. The CDC removed the only regulations that did anything to prevent spread, even though there was no confirmed immunity IRL environment for the vaccine, they caused this outbreak. They were not enough.. we need continuous testing and mandatory quarantine of all sick, exposed, and everyone entering the country to control the spread which the US refuses to do.. but at least it was something. There is no “herd immunity” to a mutating virus with animal and human hosts. The only hope is to stop the spread, and stop the mutations that come with it. The current trend of forced vaccination is discriminatory and predatory, I can’t believe I’m seeing these draconian measures happening in my lifetime in the USA. My family is at high risk for serious illness or death from a syndrome even the CDC has admitted is linked to the vaccines.. and they refuse to admit the majority of the issues/deaths resultant from it so that tells you just how high the risk is. This syndrome destroyed my father, he lived only five years after acquiring it, if you could call his condition “living”. My exhusband had the same condition.. so my children, who already have confirmed allergies to other drugs and one of which almost died from a childhood vaccine as an infant, have a double risk. This condition has a 7% death rate, a 22% intubation rate, and up to 60% cannot walk after six months of recovery.. much higher risk than the virus. We are far from the only ones with such risk factors. Yet I have to live in fear of losing my job for refusing to risk my life for a vaccine that doesn’t work, and be criticized, harassed, questioned, and discriminated against in society. As if it’s not hard enough living and working in a pandemic where every person you come in contact with could mean not only your death but that of your family. My adult son is in the same position….and he has an even higher risk not only from immune reaction to the vaccine, but the confirmed risk of heart inflammation for his sex/age, AND a preexisting kidney malformation which would mean his death if clotting was present.

    1. RN with autonomous thinking

      Great response! I have a friend in the medical field who’s a young mom. Took both Pfizer jabs. Two month later legs dropped, numb. She couldn’t move. They found lesions in her spine and brain. Sudden onset. Not gradual. They ruled out MS. Now 6 months later are pushing that it’s MS. She had a “weird” experience during her recent MRI and realized she still had her rings on. Made me wonder if the graphene (think that’s what it’s called) in the jab is magnetic like shown in the videos. If so, I’m wondering where those tiny particles moved to during the MRI. creepy. And sad.

      1. Elisa

        Me and my daughter both work in the medical field she has so far got the first Pfizer jab due to she is a single mother and our work is mandating. Since just getting her first jab which was 2 weeks ago she has been filling tingling and numbness in her arms and legs. Scared for her to take the second and what might be next.

    2. juliespehar

      What in the shots aggravate the syndrome?

      Y’all are a clear example to the power-hungry @#$&’s in government, of folks who medically canNOT get the shots.

      1. waymire

        I’m not entirely sure other than the intense cascade immune response. Per the CDC the confirmed cases after vaccination were Janssen (J&J) 100, Moderna 162, Pfizer-BioNTech 190, as of June. Of the 100 cases from the J&J vaccine 95% were hospitalized, 1 died, 10 required mechanical ventilation. 24 reported bilateral paralysis, 12 reported unilateral paralysis and palsy. July 12, 2021: Authorized EUA Fact Sheets were
        updated to include new information about GBS
        EUA Fact Sheet for Healthcare Providers Administering Vaccine (Vaccination Providers)
        5 WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS Subsection ‘5.3 Guillain-Barré Syndrome’ including the following information was added:
        Reports of adverse events following use of the COVID-19 Vaccine under
        emergency use authorization suggest an increased risk of Guillain-Barré syndrome during
        the 42 days following vaccination.

  9. the collector

    those who mandate should be held liable. plain and simple. If you believe in the vac, put your money behind your stance or just shut up

    1. Michele

      Then those that don’t vaccinate or mask should be held liable for those they infect since they made no effort to Prosthedontics health of others. You can’t have it both ways.

      1. Vanessa Amundson

        Well except with a virus spread by aerosol, there’s no way to ascertain where a person acquired the virus. And the CDC has already acknowledged that the vax doesn’t actually stop transmission. So there’s that.

        1. Morticia

          And those silly masks everyone wears don’t do squat. Anyone actually trained in the use of PPE knows that. Virtue signalling at best.

      2. Lisa

        The vaccinated can still spread Covid. You would have a hard time proving where you became infected. And to her point about smokers, let’s just go ahead and hold every one of them financially responsible for all cancers. But why stop there, let’s hold the nut industry and everyone who consumes them in public, serves them in restaurants or uses them in food products liable for anaphylactic allergic reactions? Besides, the vaccinated are protected, right?

      3. RN with autonomous thinking

        The vaccinated are also spreading it exactly the same as the unvaccinated. Only difference is some of the vaxxed are not very sick so think it’s allergies and are still around everyone spreading it.

        1. Kathy

          That’s exactly what I’ve been saying! Vaxxed with mild symptoms don’t realize it’s covid and are out living their lives, spreading it. I believe this is why CDC changed their stance on masks for vaxxed – they realized they were spreading it more, but would never have the balls to admit why.

          1. Lily Powell


        2. Bobbie

          well..before you assert yhat the vaxxed are not getting very sick, please read the findings reported from Israel. They are reporting that vaxxed are filling up the ICU. Please study ADE (Antibody Dependent Enhancement). Vaccines are putting pressure on the virus to mutate. Appears vaxxed patients are more severely affected by their bout with Covid-19 than if they confronted their illness as unvaxxed. But hey, upside, (sarc) hospitals are making loads of money doing multiple tests on patients having adverse reactions to the jab/s. And, Cuomo (NY), NJ, MA, PA, MI, and CA helped trim the burden on the Soc Sec and pension payouts by putting infected individuals in care facilities housing elderly citizens/s. Evil.

      4. Dayna

        It’s been proven that the vaccinated are “super spreaders” of the virus.. Because of being vaccinated during the height of a pandemic it has created a larger pandemic and faster rate of viral mutations. Who should be held accountable for that?

      5. Katie

        Both the vaccinated and the unvaccinated would have to be held liable since both parties can transmit Covid. And, since there is still no definitive proof that the vaccinated viral load is to a lesser extent than the unvaccinated viral load–guess you are sh*t outta luck on your lawsuit. Oh, and apparently, you can have it both ways when it comes to Covid–with or without the vaccine.

      6. Elisa

        As someone not vaccinated I am still wearing my mask a lot of people have fear. But just a reminder being vaccinated doesn’t keep me from spreading it or you from getting it.

      7. Daniil

        You must be working for them or lacking simple logic. Did you read the article? Vaccinated still spread the illness, and masks don’t do anything accept a visual aspect to induce fear.

      8. Lily Powell

        What about the one who get that vax and then get that virus again ? The vax doesn’t work get more and more and more …. How many more !? How is that a good thing !? To many vax, and your immune system stops working ! Truth ! Then what ?

  10. AJM

    Spot on!

    The unvaccinated are the “bad guys” because we choose our own health to fight this virus. If I am to die from Covid, so be it. If I am to die from flu, so be it. My choice.
    Are you abetted person than me if you smoke, eat McDonald’s everyday and sit on a couch…as long as you get this vaccine?
    If so, good job, way to be a better person.
    You go ahead and take that hospital bed over me. After all you deserve it more because you got the shot right?
    I choose a healthy-ish lifestyle. I choose to working hard to be healthy…for years. But, I’m still the bad guy. Everyone wants the Mohican pill or shot because it’s easier, and shoot if the government says to do it…better trust them.

    Billions spent on pushing the vaccine agenda. Zero spent on adverse affects…strange.

    No logic. My faith in human intelligence is gone. Gone.

    1. Cyd

      Yes your choice if you did but the problem isn’t that you for it’s that those you come in contact with die. Government is to stop one person from harming another. If you’re going to quarantine and not get vaccinated or wear masks so be it. But no one else should suggest from your refusal.

      1. Vanessa Amundson

        The CDC has already acknowledged that the vax doesn’t stop transmission. That alone shoots down the “do it for your neighbor” virtue-signalling.

      2. Carrie Reimer

        But if you are vaccinated what does it matter if I am vaccinated? You are protected, you are the smart one. You got vaccinated so you are protected. Right? Isn’t that why you got the vaccine? To be protected? So how on earth can me not being vaccinated harm you?
        Oh, right, the vaccine doesn’t work, because vaccinated people can still carry the virus, spread the virus and get the virus. BUT, if you are vaccinated you won’t die of the virus. Oh right, vaccinated people ARE dying of the virus.
        But I am going to jump into line and get a shot of something (because it isn’t a vaccine) and take the chance of God knows what kind of side effects down the road, because …….. there’s a really good reason I’m sure. Oh right! Because someone told me too.
        Yeah ok.

    2. Carrie

      I beleive your body, your choice….with that being said my husband and I are vaccinated, he is over 50, I’m 49 with a auto immune disease so we thought it in our best interest to get vaccinated not only for ourselves but for our loved ones and other, now my 14 yr old son on the other hand will not be getting vaccinated, for one he is a healthy, non obese 14 yr old kid, the facts say his risk are extremely low, as for him transferring it, we keep a close eye on him, if at any time he shows any signs I will keep him isolated, and at home until we can confirm or deny covid but the risk for his age group and my age group are extreamly different, that being said if there is only one bed left at the hospital, you and I are the same age, and I chose to get vaccinated not only for myself but for others, you bet your ass I should get that bed before you, I risked my life getting vaccinated to save myself and others, where you have decided not to vaccinate to get to a heard immunity and so yeah I do think I deserve that bed over you….you have decided your healthy lifestyle will save you….great, good for you, but I’m not sure how your healthy lifestyle is going to save somebody else. The problem with your line of thinking is yes your healthy lifestyle is great, I commend you for choosing it, but I have chosen to vaccinate so that I can help save others so yeah I think that bed should go to me before you…..I wasnt just thinking of myself when I got vaccinated, it was a choice for myself and others with the information we have and what was recommended and still is, I’m not saying you cant get the virus or spread it, but my chances are better of not getting as ill and at the time I got the vaccine we beleived it was to help not transfer the virus even if today we know that’s not true, but at the time that was the information we had and so I wanted to protect others, you on the other hand were only thinking about your healthy lifestyle and how it would protect you, and you only….which like I said, good for you, i hope it works, your body your choice, but because i was going with the information we had at the time and trying to protect others…..yeah, I should get that bed before you, I was actually trying to help even with the little information we had, I wanted to do as much as possible to protect others, I couldnt live with the fact if I unintentionally harmed another human being…..that was my choice, and today knowing what we know now, I still stand behind it, because at the time it was what we thought and I was willing to do what ever I could to save people, so I hope if you and i end up at the hospital at the same time, and there is only one bed…..and if it comes down to it, they return the favor, and help me, as I was willing to help them with the information we had.

      1. Molly Charchol

        Truly caring about others and loving ❤ our community goes a lot farther than just taking a vaccine. Truly loving someone is Giving them the bed even if we think they don’t Deserve it. What you wrote is confusing 😕 because you stated how you care about others and that you risked your life by taking the vaccine…..but then repeatedly said that you better be the one to get life saving treatments….and that “Un Vaxxed” don’t deserve a bed. I will not get vaccinated and I don’t take any vaccines, but if I was sick in the hospital and it was either you or I to get the Last bed…..I’d give it to You, even though you’ve done nothing to deserve it More than me.

        1. Carrie Reimer

          Carrie, that’s very noble of you. What a good person you are. I too got the vaccine, against my gut instincts that told me not to but I wanted to do my part!
          I regretted my decision within days as I got sicker and weaker and when I was crawling on my living room floor to reach my phone so I could call 911 after collapsing from my heart stopping and breaking my ankle.
          As I was making the 911 operator promise to tell my son my last words were, “Tell my son I love him.”
          Believe me I was regretted my decision. But when I looked on the net and discovered that they had known about the Pfizer vaccine causing heart failure in 2020 and not said anything. And when I spoke about my experience I was called names, told, too bad, but don’t talk negative about vaccines because someone might not get the vaccine if they hear your story. When I heard from numerous doctors that yes they had heard the vaccine caused heart problems. When 3 people on my fb page alone, commented someone they knew had heart issues after the vaccine. I started to get angry. If anyone deserves special treatment it is people like me who did the right thing and are paying a hefty price for it. But no, they are shoved in a corner and told to shut up. So what if they will never work again have to get months or years of rehab or a family loses a loved one. As long as you get your bed in the hospital because you are such a Saint.

          1. Guest

            You’re mad at the wrong people. You got played and mad at everyone else because you thought you did the right thing. Sorry you were mislead and dealing with adverse side effects but ultimately that was your choice to make.
            The people that don’t want to take the vaccine actually want stories like yours to be shared and this data to be shared.
            Your government and Big Tech are censoring it.
            I hope you find healing.

      2. Lily Powell

        Too bad the facts do not support you view so much for you idea ! Facts do not change because of why’s you want to believe ! That the unfortunate truth your kind just do not want to face ! Life sucks and soon enough your still going to die ! As everyone else but crazy billionaires like Soros who can buy stuff that’s supposed to keep their ugly old bodies alive longer !? But why would anyone want to stay on this awful earth we have made for ourselves ! With evil all over the place and all of it is great and ok by everyone else !? Cause it’s fun !? No one wants to be kind ! You got insane stupid woke crap everywhere ! ? Stupid is what everyone WANTS to be ! Who is a boy !? No one ! Who is a girl ? No one !? What is that anyway !? PEDOPHILES want to be legal it’s natural now they say !? So there is nothing immoral anymore or wrong any more ! God is dead they say ! Or never was ! Family of mommy and daddy is wrong no children is better abortion up to and past birth is great !! Is anything wrong !? Nope ! What is bad is now good , and what is good is now bad !! Yeah , that’s the ticket !! That’s perfect !! That’s world we cannot afford ! Rent is too high , food cost is out of sight ! Gas is as well ! But we need to live longer ? Who can afford that !? Here comes another virus to wipe out old fat sick people ! And that along with abortion , should make everyone in this world happy ! The GLOBALIST Soros Oh and mostly the population control people ! Then only the rich can afford to be alive ! We who might be left will be here to take care of the wealthiest needs ! We will be the labor and they will feed off of what we do for them ! That’s the world they want ! Yep !!

  11. Jennifer

    Thank you! Words that so many are thinking and so many more people need to hear! Thank you for being brave enough to share your thoughts and make them into a respectable article that begs the question.

  12. Michele

    The fact that you don’t site your sources makes this article lack credibility. Also, I am guessing you are not an epidemiologist or infectious disease specialist? If employers should be held liable for the rare and even rarer serious adverse side affects, then shouldn’t the unvaccinated be held liable for those who they infect with COVID and consequently die?

    1. RN with autonomous thinking

      Let me guess. You believe in checking things through “fact checkers” or another type of site that will tell you this or that is fake. Look on FB who their checkers are and it will lead you to ppl in the open society funded by George Soros.

    2. Lily Powell

      Death and side effects are NOT RARE ! that’s where you and dumb people like you are so terribly wrong ! And that In itself is just awful ! And the real tragedy today ! The truth is hidden by the very government you voted for ! Why is that so difficult for people like you to understand ? Never in the history of any country has a drug or treatment or vaccine caused so much death and terrible side effects , and the government , and health officials turn a blind eye and hide these facts and out right lie about it , for what good reason !? There is NO GOOD REASON FOR IT ! YOU PROVE TO ALL OF US , THAT THIS IS THE RIGHT WAY TO HANDLE THIS CRAZY SITUATION !? AND WHEN HAS THIS BEHAVIOR EVER HAPPENED BEFORE IN HISTORY !? NO WHERE AND NOT EVER BEFORE !!! TRUTH , AND FACT !

    1. RN with autonomous thinking

      That’s the first I’ve heard that. But I wonder how responsible. Like an order of fries per victim or millions to support disability or death. Interesting.

    2. Kathy

      They changed that shortly after they came out with it. That statement is no longer true, unfortunately. They caved. No one is responsible or liable but you, if you choose to take the risk (as long as it’s still a choice).

  13. Sivispace

    You are so right. Medical care must be consented to after the patient is fully informed of the risks and benefits. No government officer has the right to impose medicine on anyone. Full disclosure, I got the Johnson and Johnson vaccine because it is not based on MRNA. I don’t care to have my genes manipulated.

  14. Susan

    Wow. This is a first for me. You need to regroup your personal thoughts and rants to what you need to get across in an accurate manor. I was reading the article and could see all the various sides without issue. UNTIL I read. “the truth is elusive. To this I say, 78 percent of those that have been hospitalized with Covid-19 are overweight or obese. As many as 95% of those who die are obese. So before we blame the unvaccinated for hogging up all the hospital bed space, let’s blame the obese. But that’s not appropriate to mention.”
    So yes, I am overweight and healthy. And WTF does the available bed space have to do with whether or not you choose to get a shot ??
    Wow. You have a serious chip on your shoulder for overweight/obese people. What made you put that drivel into this.? Your facts are coming from some other universe on this.. You should apologize to the public for this added unneeded rant. Or better yet remove it from an otherwise almost well written article.

    1. Michael b.

      what she said is that instead of blaming unavailability of hospital resources (beds) on the unvacinated (and false statement, based on statistics on both recent hospital data and covid hospitalization rates), a greater correlation can be drawn to hospitalization/death to obesity than to vacinated/ unvacinated. it is the “must not be spoken” behind the reason that “communities of color” are impacted greater by the covid-19 virus.

      (for example see https://www.statista.com/statistics/207436/overweight-and-obesity-rates-for-adults-by-ethnicity/)

    2. Over the mindless zombies !

      Oh my….. They aren’t the one with the chip on their shoulder at all!!!!! You need to get a grip. Are you that oblivious, that you don’t understand that is one of the many comparisons they could make . See it only takes people like this, people who forgot what common sense is., And react before they actually think. You serious have some issues huh. …….

  15. Shaaron

    She is saying what I have said from the beggining…. If I die from the virus… so be it! But at least, It is giving my body a chance to naturally, more healthy build ammunity,

  16. Sunny Moxley

    Very well written. Thank you for presenting this perspective. We need people like you to share other data than is being currently reported.

  17. Alise

    I got emotional reading this because it’s exactly what I would say if give. The opportunity to state my opinion publicly. This was perfectly written and filled with so many imperative points . I feel like my body my choice has never been more real for me. I decide what is best for me and all my complicated medical history , and everyone deserves that choice be it for or against the vaccine. Thank you for bringing light to this side of the argument and standing up for the ones deemed “ selfish and unintelligent “.

  18. Carter

    Love that the people in here refuting this article, and claiming Heidi didn’t take the time to cite sources, couldn’t be bothered to cite sources in their 150 word comebacks. Im certain the words “government told me to” don’t count. Also, the argument that an employer making you wear a uniform is somehow comparable to forcing you to inject an untested vaccine into your body is asinine…we live in an alternate universe…

    1. Hmmmm

      Ahahah “i know what I’m saying is completely made up, but because you aren’t citing a source to prove me wrong, that makes it a FACT!”

  19. Patrice Fairbanks

    One of my son’s friends died in her sleep from a blood clot, 2 days after receiving the vaccine. She was a very healthy, marathon runner, age 45 with NO known other health issues. Another of his friends also died from a blood clot within a few days of having the vaccine. She did have other health issues, but none terminal nor deemed to be fatal.

  20. Mike

    Heidi, we need a strong voice. Your article is clear and persuasive. A fight is here, but I’m afraid a violent revolt is coming. I’m a Firefighter, we have seen the sick, a majority of us in the field have the same reservations. We know this isn’t about or kids or those who could die. It’s bigger and we really need to stop this. The violence will come when they take away our careers then mandate our kids. Please keep writing about our concerns, so we can get good information to those not on the front lines.

    1. Lori

      My concern too Mike. Not only will firefighters police or other public servants including those who take care of Covid patients will opt to be dismissed from their jobs in lieu of taking the “vaccine”. I am a retired RN that would have to walk if I was still employed. I am very concerned we will lose our best nurses respiratory therapist and even physician should this “vaccine” be mandatory. Then where will we be. Hospitals are already maxed out of beds and employees are exhausted. What would happen even if inly 1/3 of hospital staff do as I would do…walk! God help us all!

    2. Tracy

      When you said “ the violence will come “ I thought about somehyng the Holy Spirit told me regarding this whole vaccine issue & that’s “ powder keg “.

  21. A Erman

    Wish the article would have links to case studies and lawsuits. Would be more credible if it has more links to MORE INFORMATION FROM OTHER SOURCES.

  22. Blake

    Great article. I’ve been talking these same statistics to my co workers for months and they look at me like I’m crazy. Then they recite someone’s Facebook post about why the vaccine makes sense. No data, no research. All of us should have the freedom to decide whether or not we’d like to get the vaccine. There should be no scrutiny in the decision either way. Thank you for speaking up.

  23. RN with autonomous thinking

    Wow! You covered it all! Excellent job and I agree completely with your article! Shock to see it was allowed to be posted in what appears to be the nations change to communism. Thank you for putting this out there! ❤️

  24. Cee Cee

    Thank you thank you THANK YOU!!! This is absolutely the best thing I’ve read in days. Keep fighting, People! If they get away with taking are medical freedoms, what’s next? This is a slippery slope!

  25. Little Red Hen

    I asked my doctor for an antibody test and he refused to send in the request. He did however, ask me no less than 10 times to be vaccinated.

    1. juliespehar

      IgG and IgM antibody combo test using blood from fingertip poke are available for $25 at Kroger Health + pharmacy.
      T-cell test from T-Detect is more, not sure of exact cost.

    2. Notasheep

      I did the same asking for an antibody test. And my doctor told me to get my paperwork in order because I was likely going to die if I don’t get vaccinated. I have spent the last 18 months working at home, been exposed to numerous positive Covid-19 individuals, not worn a mask, not taken the flu shot ever, never had the flu after a serious bout in 1975. I an over 60 and now have been mandated to take the vaccine or be terminated for insubordination with no compensation after 28 years with the company.

  26. {private elite cabal member}

    Keep arguing!
    That way we can keep devaluing the dollar, suppressing precious metals, becoming more profitable than ever online by closing small businesses, create tons of inflation to steal from your social security (you’re so dumb!!), continue charging you more for your “bad” credit because you’re always 2 days late paying your overdue minimum payment (don’t check how much you actually pay by doing this…shhh), and so much more!
    Keep it up! You’re doing great!

  27. Who wants to know?

    This is probably one of the worst written arguments I’ve ever read… doesn’t even matter whether I agree with this or not, there are so many bad comparisons in this article that I was cringing the whole time. I would think that someone would have edited this?

    1. dudzdigital

      “Worst written arguments” and “so many bad comparisons,” you say, but you never stated your own contra-argument. Not even one.

      1. Who wants to know?
        1. there are too many to know where to start
        2. almost all of the same arguments I would make are already in the comments, so I wasn’t planning to add to it. I’m just surprised that something so poorly written with such flimsy logic got published. Hopefully next time they will do a better editing job.
  28. Joseph Joe

    in countries with lower obesity rates like Japan(3% obese) death rates from covid are 10x lower. Americans have been warned about susceptibility to disease when overweight or obese yet people continue to eat fried chicken, french fries and sugary drinks at chick fila. Why wont the government mandate what type of food we eat or that people be forced to drink green drinks everyday..no one would stand for that bc it would be a serious human rights violation. But they have no problem mandating vaccines..

  29. Joanna Strain

    I live in a small community in Utah (approx. 3,000 population). We had a very mild response to the C19 virus in 2020, but many seniors went out and got vaccinated as soon as it was available. 20 people in my neighborhood congregation of 350 people, who were vaccinated, got Covid and 3 of them were hospitalized. I know of only one who got covid that was unvaccinated. Our hospital staff of vaccinated employees has had many come down with Covid. I also know several who have had very unpleasant reactions to the biologic injection. I will never be convinced it is safe and according to Pfiser and Moderna their efficacy is very low that is why the need for the booster. Thanks for this article.

  30. Sarah Mueller

    This is a succinct and brilliant overview of the mass amount of research and information that has been suppressed the last year and a half. Thank you for your boldness and exposing truth. This is how we protect Americans from coercion by healthcare professionals who have only considered one narrative that concludes the experimental injection is their only hope. Early treatment must be offered and the vaccine given only with truly informed consent of what we know and don’t know about potential short and long term consequences.
    Sarah Mueller, MN, RN

  31. Michael J Morgan

    Bravo Heidi, these are all the things I have been thinking but have not been able to find anyone to explain them so precisely. Thank you!

  32. Elle Freed

    I guess you are betting you life on it. Good luck with that, this is why the hospitals are full and the ambulance is not coming for hours!

  33. Elle Freed

    lol it costs the government $39 to vaccinate someone, but the monoclonial treatment start at $2,500. Big Pharma is sponsoring this opinion piece! Fools!

  34. Becky Bova

    Vaccines have not been out long enough to know what the long term side effects are. It takes year to develop vaccines. Yet people walk like sheep to the shot factory and stick out their arms. FEAR!!

  35. karim ders

    Great article. I would encourage the writer to use sources whenever numbers or other research are quoted as this will only strengthen the point.

  36. Jim foote

    Thank you for sharing your perspective. And I agree. For me this has nothing to do with the flu or vaccine but taking the freedom informed consent. The reports say the hospitals are being overrun yet we’re going to fire 20/30% of healthcare workers who choose not to take the vaccine. When we begin to force people to take medical treatment or your be fired from you job that crosses the line.

  37. John Miller

    You ask a lot of great questions. The lack of discussion from the pro-vax crowd about the issues you raise adds to a nagging suspicion that we’re not getting the full picture. How selfish of you to ask questions.

  38. Tina Benton

    I agree! This is a civil rights issue. I just resigned from teaching. I am not going to wear a mask into this third year!!! And I am not at high risk for covid and not getting the vaccine. If there is a class action lawsuit starting, I would join

  39. Babcock

    When I google Heidi Wetzler, all I see is that she is an opinion writer, no medical credentials, no position at a medical institution. She appears to be nothing more than an anti-vaxer spreading false narritives while watching nearly 650,000 die of this disease. Sad.

  40. David N Alexander

    there is absolutely NO WAY I would submit to this trash. I have valid medical conditions that my cardiologist supports. Give mine to any idiot that buys the “official story”

  41. jeanne hay

    First of all this is my husband’s FB account and he has been vaccinated. He reminds me often that “You need to get vaccinated.” We have agreed to disagree about this.The politicians, media, medical and pharmaceutical corporations continue their rants and he believes them. I am a retired ICU RN who worked from 1989 – 2016 in the ICUs during H1N1, SARS and MERS outbreaks; and every year through the October to March flu season here on the Gulf Coast. I didn’t take the ‘flu’ vaccine until it was mandated by my employer. I never got the flu.(Mild symptoms of flu with 1st ‘flu’ vaccine) I am not vaccinated for Covid. I haven’t gotten the flu vaccine in the last 6 years.I support this article, and have also researched the development of the vaccine; I’m watching, reading and waiting. I am chastised, or treated like an unwashed, stubborn or stupid person who doesn’t trust the government; deemed ridiculous and resistant to global healing if I explain why I am not getting vaccinated. It is very reassuring to see others speaking out and asking these questions. I hope and pray more people begin to understand why we say no. The hardest thing is being censured by my own close family members. I don’t trust the developers of the virus. I don’t trust the makers of the vaccine. Follow the money. Why the big push for more vaccinations? Follow the expiration dates. I am a faithful person. I also believe I have ‘natural immunity’ and am daily grateful for good health. I also wear my mask in public, keep 6 feet away from people, wash and sanitize my hands. This has worked for me by the grace of God. I do trust in him.Thank you for providing a forum to express my opinions. No one else except my step-daughter listens to or agrees with me. So, I remain silent.

    1. Katie

      Much respect to you. We have this same war brewing among our relatives. Seems almost to be politically driven, too, as in the more liberal members are also the pro-vax in our family. They are also somewhat agnostic and fans of things like CNN. Not saying it is this way anywhere else–but it sure is in our tribe. This is causing all sorts of friction, but makes it easier to stay the heck away from each other, too. Thankfully, my hubby is of a mind that what he does is not necessarily going to be the same as what I choose to do so we have never tried to persuade one another one way or the other as far as the vaccination is concerned. That has to be tough and I admire you greatly for not going off on him other than to allude to that maybe he is starting to drink the Kool-Aid. I have 38 years with my guy and although we have had some serious debates( started our marriage as a democrat married to a republican–it happens) we managed to put our differences aside. Sounds like you are in this balancing act as well. We have two daughters, both in the medical field and both having to make some gut wrenching decisions on what they want to do considering the mandate. I know whatever decision each of them makes is the right one for them and none of my business. When I am harassed by anyone over my stance on the vaccine mandates, I always ask some questions of the person pushing the vaccine. The first one is this one; If upper respiratory disease and particularly Pneumonia, is the cause of death in most Covid cases, why aren’t Pneumonia vaccinations being mandated instead? I mean, isn’t that one of the leading causes of death in Covid? And so that someone does not come in and try to discount this query, I will cite my source from a article that reads in part:” A Kaiser Permanente study showed that one type of pneumonia vaccine, the PCV13 vaccine, may affect the course of COVID-19 for some older adult patients. The study was published in The Journal of Infectious Diseases.”(Kaiser Permanente 3/21) BTW–both daughters could have written almost identical responses very similar to your own on their thoughts about the various vaccinations for Covid. They also do their parts in distancing, sanitizing and masking up. And they are both of a mind that since the vaccination does not stop the spread of Covid, we should continue practicing those things. Those at a higher risk of death from Covid(since there does seem to be several studies showing said risk groups) can be vaccinated if they choose–as it should be. I have found, personally, that the worst offenders of super spreading events in our area are the vaccinated. Still out, gathering in large groups, partying, filling up the local Casino and being downright rude when told they still have to mask up when in public. My unvaccinated friends are social distancing and staying home still, whenever they can, to avoid the throng of people out there thinking their vaccinations make them obsolete where Covid is concerned.

  42. Chad

    This opinion piece was frustrating to read, but I read it.

    Given the bulk of the comments, I’ll be in the minority for having issues.

    As I read it, you asked who is to blame for adverse affects and then careen into any number of tangents, leaving the original question as merely a smokescreen headline. Im interested in hearing who/what bears responsibility with a mandated vaccine, and in what cases.

    my focus is keeping people from feeling pain they did not need to face. It is protecting us from something that does not discriminate on gender, creed nor ideology.

    how many do you know who have gotten sick? How many became very sick? How many died? Of those who technically “survived”, how many are left with effects that may linger the rest of their lives? How many have had amputations, for example?

    for those adverse reactions to the vaccines, as there appear to be some, including possible deaths, how many do you know?

    I am no fan of the pharmaceutical industry but neither must all their motives be seen as profit driven or insidious. When you see or hear an ad for a medication, notice how many times possible side effects include death. In your opinion piece you mention that the chance of an adverse reaction must be zero. Given our society’s acceptance of a certain degree of risk, wouldn’t that also apply to vaccines?

  43. Michelle

    I was diagnosed with COVID-19 on December 2, 2020, I am unvaccinated and have decided to get regular tests for antibodies and on Friday aug 20 I tested Positive for IGG from Covid 19. I get tested at Ichor in Calgary Alberta for 65 bucks. I agree with this article on why are they not testing people that Have had Covid I would roll my sleeve up for a blood test as often as they like if they want to prove how long my natural immunity will last, but I’m not willing to take that vaccine! I am also diabetic asthmatic and have a liver condition. When I had Covid at no point did I feel I had to go to the hospital (lucky me). I don’t understand why they are not testing for natural immunity!

  44. Cathy Carlson

    Well said and all true in my opinon. There isn’t transparency. Earlier today someone posted a question, “Do more women have problem with the vaccines than men?” One person replying said “My 21 year old son died days after the vaccine” then another in the same thread said “My 20 year old son almost died and his heart is the size of a football”. What are the odds?

  45. Hmmmm

    Astounded at how many people think it’s perfectly fine for the consequence of your choice to be that you lose your life, but losing your job is just too much. That’s a bizarre thought process.

    1. Katie

      Maybe it is because they know their 1.8% chance of losing their lives due to Covid is far less than the 100% prospect of losing their job if they do not follow the mandate. Not bizarre at all–simple logistics.

  46. charlie

    Can you provide the case number for the “Recently there was a lawsuit filed against the federal government accusing the government of covering up the fact that 45,000 people have died within the first three days of receiving a COVID-19 vaccine” and provide the state that this was filed in please?

    1. Heidi Wetzler

      Ohio-based Attorney Thomas Renz was one of several speakers this past weekend at a conference in Anaheim, California, where he announced that with the help of America’s Frontline Doctors, he was filing a federal lawsuit in Alabama based on a “sworn declaration, under threat of perjury,” from an alleged whistleblower who claims to have inside knowledge of a cover-up of reported deaths filed with the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), which is operated by the CDC.

      I don’t have the case number at my fingertips, but will work to find it for you.

  47. Lee Gaswint

    Heidi, This encompasses everything that has been on my mind. But you have the ability to put it all together and put it into words perfectly. Very well said

  48. Lee Gaswint

    And why is it I can watch pharmaceutical commercials all day long and every one of them give the side-effects. EXCEPT when they advertise the vaccine?
    perhaps this is the reason they have not given it full FDA approval. Because then they might be required by law to show the side-effects? Just a question 🙋‍♂️

  49. CJC

    This is not to support or deny this article: But it’s interesting to note how the “science” can be misused. The article says: “…78 percent of those who have been hospitalized with COVID-19 are overweight or obese.” But from what I can find, that is approximately the same percentage of the general U.S. population that is considered to be “overweight or obese.” So COVID patients in the hospital are representative of the general population — so being overweight and obese would not really be much of a factor. The percent weight classification of COVID patients is approximately equal to the general population.

  50. Rob

    Excellent & rational points and questions. Wait, i thought only nut jobs are not getting the jab? The truth is the crowd is swelling with those who peaceably object not because they often walk around with tinfoil hats, but because they have critical thinking skills & common sense.

  51. Angelika Dumanski

    We should not be made to take anything we dont think is good for us,,vaccine or other. I know of many Drs who s have helped people in out patients for Corna virus and they are fine…and yes some die,,but to mandate the vaccine is wrong,,because then once this is a mandate,,something else will come around the corner. Its a scarry thought now that people are hating each other for choosing not to vaxx. This is putting people against each other,,Im hearing so much hate right now,,its not exceptable as the human race to hate this much. There can only come more bad out of this if they dont change their minds so people can choose. IM SHOCKED AT THE MARKSIST ATTITUDE, when we as humans should know better..TO BE KIND,,,many use this word for thier own thinking.Soon our governments, in our cities will look for the none vaxxed to see if they could come back to work,,they will cry for them to come back…Just a matter of time….

  52. Rhoda Gigstad

    This is by far the most articulate article on the subject. I am in agreement with everything said here. Thank you for being a voice to those of us who feel silenced. It will help us to stand up and fight.

  53. Russell Bonds

    This is by far the most well written article I’ve ever read about the concerns people have regarding the “vaccine.” Very well done, Ms. Wetzler!

  54. Lisa

    My mother in law and father in law were both vaccinated, but they both ended up getting covid. She ended up with pneumonia and was admitted in the hospital for 4 days. Proff that these vaccines do not work not even a little they say you won’t get as sick. Humm false. Yes you do. Covid. Is a virus, your body has to fight it and run its course as in any virus. There is no cure for covid. We have rights to refuse the vaccine. This is America we the people have rights. Amen.. Revelations It has begun..

  55. Amy

    She doesn’t link any data or sources to back up her opinions when she says she is stating ‘facts’. And I’m considered obese by medical standards, so if I had been hospitalized, as this so-called journalist intimates in her well-researched article,
    then it would be my fault for hogging a hospital bed from some skinny chick? I don’t disagree with everything here but back up the data and realize that NOTHING in this life has a risk of zero. Nothing. But for myself and many others, the benefits to their spouses and partners, children, communities, schools, families, workplaces and the economy far outweighed the risks in the last 18 month hellscape. So buck up y’all. Get vaccinated and hunker down. Unless things change, it’s going to continue to be a bumpy ride.

  56. Gloria

    THANK YOU Heidi! I have at least 1.25 yrs and 800 hours research on SARS-CoV1 and 2 /Covid, AND this experimental DNA altering, arm poke! It is NOT even, a vaccine. WE are the experiment and I would even suggest these “passports” are a way to trace the experiment, while creating a DNA Database for all the Faucioids out there!

    EVERYTHING you have said is right on! You, me, and others like us work tirelessly every day to get these truths out to the unaware. IMO you deserve a Nobel Peace Prize for your bravery!

  57. Mark

    Great article, right on the money. I had it early last year and now have natural immunity. There are studies that show if you have natural immunity, getting the vaccine can cause you to have numerous long term medical conditions. I will stay unvaxxed.

  58. Ted Van Natter

    You may have some valid questions, however, where does the figures regarding overweight/obese deaths as well as those with low vitamin D come from? If you can’t provide reliable sources for that information then it throws a shadow over the whole article!

  59. Kelly

    Well done Ms Wetzler. Many thanks for your well researched, excellently laid out and written, important article. Courageous reporting, beautifully done. Thank you for being a positive, professional voice during this difficult crisis.

  60. Sick of Fakers

    The writer used the word fact 16 times. Most of the facts were opinions and easiliy with a 10 second google search east to find in fact are not facts, not true, conspircacy drive, etc. Like 10 seconds and multiple legit resoruces from politifact to the Journal of New England Medicine. I am so tried of opinions be offered as lies.Thanks to this drival kids across this country are missing out on life long experience you adults who write this kind of drivel got to experience. No fall football, no proms, no school dances, BS graduations, no normal college experience… because selfish people only care about themselves and their fake self rightousness. So over it.

    1. Katie

      Wow, and all this time I thought the Vaccine Agenda’s main concern was about saving lives. Glad you pointed this out to me. It is really because you can no longer do the things you used to and are tired of your kiddos missing out on life long experiences like fall football, proms, school dances and whatnot. Look up the word; hypocrite, because you sound pretty self righteous and selfish yourself right about now, especially when you come on here and berate the Author, using what we all know is about the worst filtered search engine known to the history of mankind to refute your 16 instances of the word; fact–and all in the span of 10 seconds? Wow–just wow…..When this affects more than just your comfy little perfect idea of a nostalgic moment in time, maybe you will get what the pullback is all about.

  61. Krstina Campbell

    Excellent article and her points are clear. My body my right to choose. STOP THE MANDATES! WE MUST MAKE OUR OWN INFORMED DECISIONS.

  62. Call Me Mom

    Thank you for a sensible breakdown of the concerns we all ought to be thinking about.

    This is a continuing trial period, so you know they are tracking everything and have copious data.”
    I don’t know that anybody is tracking anything – at least not in a consistent manner that would provide real information.

    One might think, given the age and weight factors involved in serious presentations of the virus, that the incidence of adverse vaccine reactions would be able to be presented in the context of those figures, yet I have not seen it if it is. I would like to compare the incidence of death/hospitalization for people my age and general health with the incidence of adverse reactions to the vaccine in the same group, but I can’t. You would think that those supposedly collecting such information would be providing it in such a form so that people could make informed decisions for themselves and their children, but, as far as I can tell in all the conflicting information out there, “they” aren’t. What am I to conclude from the absence of such data? (For me, I am leaning towards either: A.) No one is collecting the data in a way that it can be presented in that way or, B.)The data looks bad when it is presented in that way.)

    The numbers of everything in this whole thing have been garbage, imo, from the beginning.

    1. Bobbie

      I agree. Let’s start with the most basic and egregious: Use of the PCR test to diagnose Covid-19. Never intended for use as a diagnostic tool. Cycle thresholds set at 35-40, resulting in HUGE numbers of false positives, and unable to distinguish between the Flu or Covid-19 or any variants. Now, the CDC has instructed medical professionals , as of May 1st, to not report any breakthrough Covid-19 cases, except those that result in hospitalization or death. How’s that for transparency?!

  63. C Ross

    Well written. Thank you. Question…are the employees of the CDC, the WHO, and all government employees (White House) mandated to have the vaccine? Have they been threatened with losing their jobs if they don’t?

  64. Chris

    The author is either willfully misleading people or woefully uninformed. All of these claims are easily reviewed for credibility for which there is little.

    It helps to know that the VAERS reporting system requires reporting of ALL post vaccine “adverse health events” even if there’s no clear causal link to the vaccine or the medical reporter doesn’t think the event has anything to do with the vaccine (you’re vaccinated, but died in a car crash–was it the vaccine that killed you? No, but it’s getting reported on VAERS). The idea is that IF any pattern emerges or an autopsy reveals causal link the vaccine can be reexamined for risk. The system has a long history of being misconstrued or misunderstood by hard core anti-vaxxers as providing evidence that all vaccines are more dangerous than the disease itself, which isn’t typically true. It also doesn’t help that VAERS is a self-reporting system, which are famous for severe inaccuracy, but it’s the only early warning detection we’ve got and it DID help us find the J&J issue.

    Even the system itself makes note of this: “VAERS reports alone cannot be used to determine if a vaccine caused or contributed to an adverse event or illness. The reports may contain information that is incomplete, inaccurate, coincidental, or unverifiable. In large part, reports to VAERS are voluntary, which means they are subject to biases. This creates specific limitations on how the data can be used scientifically. Data from VAERS reports should always be interpreted with these limitations in mind.”

    The article asks for verified deaths, which is an easy number to find: 3 linked to Johnson & Johnson–the blood clot thing that scared the hell out of everyone even though women under 50 (the people who are most at risk) on hormonal birth control have an exponentially higher chance of dying from blood clots than by taking J&J, which is why it remains in circulation. Since one of the effects of COVID is a much higher chance of deadly blood clots, the risks seem somewhat inconsequential, especially since that was 3 deaths out of 9 million J&J vaccinations vs. 628,000 deaths (and counting) out of 37.8 million (and counting) COVID infections. To put that into perspective, of preventable deaths there’s a 1 in 107 chance of dying in a car accident and a 1 in 3 million chance of dying from a COVID vaccine, IF you get J&J AND are a woman under 50.

    The article also talks about the Delta spread via vaccinated people while ignoring that only unvaccinated people are dying from COVID in increasing numbers and largely in places where there’s a large anti-mask/anti-vaccine culture. The vaccinated are now significant vectors for a disease that is increasingly killing younger people, another issue for which there’s easily found and verifiable data. The bit about 1918 flu survivors being immune to later variants isn’t true. A quick review turns up a Nat Geo article discussing a study in which it was determined these survivors are immune to the same flu variant from 1918. Like COVID, the flu mutates frequently, which is why there’s an ongoing international effort to find and distribute vaccines at the head of every flu season.

    So far that’s 3 verified vaccine-related deaths out of approximately 363 million vaccine doses administered in the US and no verified post vaccination COVID deaths. I hope this helps put things into perspective.

    1. Bobbie

      I think you need to do more research. See Israel’s reporting. Claiming something as fact does not make it true. What is not being addressed, and IMHO, should be, autopsies should be compulsory for all suspicious deaths related to adverse reactions. I am certain there would be multiple anomalies tying the injection to system failure.

      1. Chris

        Ironic that you’d say “claiming something as fact does not make it true.” Unlike the author of this article, I do research for a living and can lose my livelihood if I present misinformation or personal opinion as fact in my professional context. Therefore, I habitually find and review credible information and never, ever engage in sophistry as this author does.

        What YOU’RE doing is speculation. What, exactly, are you getting from Israel’s numbers? The data there is about the same as what we’re seeing in the US: Israel opened up to “business as usual” as soon as they decided enough people were vaccinated, but Delta is about 2x as infectious and only about 58% of the total population (when you count children and younger people who “trusted their immune systems”) are actually vaccinated (78% of eligible 12+ individuals are vaccinated there). So now you have a high rate of infection, but only people with already compromised immune systems and young people who didn’t get vaccinated are dying from COVID.

        The risk of vaccination against COVID, measles, flu, polio, etc., is infinitesimal compared to the alternative. You believe there’d be a causal relationship between death and vaccination if we only looked, but strangely there’s only three deaths in the US due to J&J so far. Maybe you’re the one who needs to do research. My first recommendation is that you consider taking some courses in information literacy first.

  65. Elisa

    Thank you for what you said on this article. I wish my family and friends that are all about the vaccines understood but I have realized the vaccinated are mostly close minded.

  66. Covid Kills

    You say you read a lot. But maybe you should come work a day in the hospital? And get your facts straight from the unvaxed! Oh wait they can’t talk, they have tubes down their throats, can’t have visitors, and I’m in there against my personal beliefs about my rights, just to get back out as fast as I can, so I’m not exactly stopping for convos either! You speak of clots, strokes, heart attacks? I sincerely hope you don’t have one unrelated to covid cuz the unvaccinated covid patients may already be taking up your bed! I wonder how much unbiased medical research you’ve actually done becuz when you get the vid your body is more likely to clot potentially causing a stroke or heart attack and pulmonary symptoms emboli. I see that everyday at work from the unvaccinated covid peeps. I’m all for pro choice. But that’s not why y’all say when you get to the ER in desperate need of some supportive care. I say don’t vaccinate if you don’t want to. But then stay home with your flu when you get it! Just stay home and ride it out. Don’t come take away my children’s actual right to choose to be vaccinated or not. They are under 12. They have no rights in this. No political agenda, no conspiracy theories, and no choice! But I can give my life or my children’s lives up for your lack of factual information in order to feed my kids? Okay. You must be more important than me and every other health care worker and their families right now!

  67. Janice Smith

    There is a PHYZER,whistle blower that has came out and and said that number is closer to 200,000! Yes..200,000 deaths according to their stats. Yes this person works/ worked for one of the very companies who’s becoming ENORMOUSLY WEALTHY,and responsible for this!!!

  68. Bill James

    The deaths reported are simply those who died after receiving a covid vaccine, it does not enter into causation whether the death was due to virus or vaccine.. And even if all were vaccine related, the numbers are insignificant compared to the number of deaths caused by covid in the unvaccinated… You must be running for office, feeding more fear into the ignorant..

  69. BK12

    Well said Heidi!!! Everything you talked about in this article is everything that I’ve been saying as well. This whole thing doesn’t make ANY sense!!! Why the push for something that’s not even an “ACTUAL” vaccine because if it were an “ACTUAL” vaccine you wouldn’t still be able to GET IT OR SPREAD IT!!!! The push on something like this is just getting weirder and freaking weirder.

  70. Nelson

    “My body my choice! Who can I sue if I get sick from the vaccine?” Either own your personal responsibility or don’t. You can’t have it both ways! Please, continue to politicize the science. Causation does not equal correlation. History shows that science tends to be right and the loudest voice in the room tends to be wrong.

  71. Tooni

    Agreed! And covered so well! This is by no definition a “vaccine”. And now approved despite significant side effects & deaths being reported in the VAERS system?
    Medical trials are not scheduled to be complete until April 2023? This is insanity. I’d like to think that the “experts” pushing this are merely mistaken. But at this point, I know they’re not this stupid, and I’m convinced this all serves a purpose that is rooted in nothing less than evil. I will not be the research.

  72. Mario Smith

    It is simple, make this form and hand it in and wait for a signature. “I, (whoever is administering the vaccine, requiring it, or someone in management) take full responsibility for (insert your name) and any health issues they develop as a result of this vaccine.” Sign and Date
    If the vaccine is safe, they shouldn’t have a problem signing it. If they don’t want to sign, tell them it is your requirement.

  73. Sandra Danjanic

    I have heard so many stories on this vaccine. The first one is that the are putting a sterile in the vaccine to make women go sterile. Another one is that they are adding new D.N.A. to us, and I heard that people who have had the shot when they go threw metal detectors at airport the place on them where they received it they set off the alarms so to me they chipped us in the process. Now when I was in nursing I always heard that you cannot have cures for viruses that it’s impossible. So I don’t know what to believe all I know if all this crap is happening to people they can kiss my a******* if you ask me.

  74. Darcy

    Thank you for your opinion piece, Heidi. I thought it was well thought out. I would like to see more of the research data as well. Why are the powers that be, so hell bent on there not being transparency? Well, I guess I can think of a few reason. At least a few of those being money, money, and….money.

  75. lori

    Awesome article. Please continue to get this information out there. I am a healthcare worker and this type of information is helpful. I am not anti vaccine. I am pro prevention, pro education, pro patient’s rights, and I am a medical professional who has pledge to take care of anyone who needs care and compassion no matter what life choices they make.

  76. Julie C

    Amazing article. I agree with every single point. This is exactly what I have been saying and sharing. Many do not want to hear this YET. I feel privileged that I am self employed. I feel for so many who now have to decide between food on the table or a jab they don’t believe in. Government and business should take responsibility of possible injury before demanding anything. I ran a business for years where if someone voluntarily was playing golf or skiing down a hill and got hurt could hold me as the business operator liable. Tell me how the situation we are in now makes any sense?

  77. David Wells

    Interesting opinion. My wife and I have taken a pause to look at these “shots” as opposed to old school vaccines that actually contained a weakened virus in the vaccine to teach our immune systems how to fight the virus. Why hasn’t this type of vaccine been developed? Seriously, since 2019, why hasn’t this effective form of vaccine been developed? A “vaccine” that targets a specific protein that can then mutate seems like a short term solution, at best, especially with Delta, Delta+, Lambda variants causing “break-thru” infections to fully vaxxed people.

    As a manager told me several decades ago, “We can always vote with our feet and work elsewhere”. And that’s the truth. We may have to get out of our personal comfort zones, change jobs, protest, and fight for our personal rights.

  78. Denise

    Thank you Heidi wetzler for this compelling , articulate article. I have been a nurse for over 30 years and have been arguing everything you have stated. So many of us have been backed into a corner to get the vaccine or lose your job. I wasn’t ready to retire but after reading your article I feel as though I should stick to my beliefs and fight. Have we been infiltrated by communism? What will be next?
    re-education camp!
    thanks again for bringing the truth into light. I will share this article like crazy.
    Denise Young RN

    1. Heidi Wetzler

      Your comment is the reason I keep fighting — and writing. The response to this column has been overwhelming. So many of us with similar opinions who have been completely discounted, silenced, deplatformed, and censored. I want to encourage you that we really are many, and we need to stand together to have a chance. They want us to feel alone and defeated. Best wishes to you, keep fighting and never lose hope!

  79. Clintonious

    Bravo!! Very well written and a presented persuasive argument. Unfortunately this line of questioning is suppressed and or outright censored in the primary public forums.

    Thank you for your well thought out and written article.

  80. Joe H. Hedgepeth

    I agree with you completely. I will never take the shot. In my opinion as you say it is an individual choice each person has to make. In past years when I would take the flu shot, I immediately came down with the flu, I quit taking it years ago for that reason. Who is to say the COVID shot would not cause me to get COVID. I will not have the shot regardless of what they threaten me with.

  81. Lynne Luker

    I meant fantastic article to Heidi! The one thing I’d like to add is that this is not a vaccine they are only calling it a vaccine. A vaccine takes a dead virus and injects that dead virus into our body so that our immune systems can build antibodies. This is a synthetic and foreign substance with the HIV spike protein that they are injecting into people our immune system is not able to identify and therefore is the whole time trying to fight it which allows foe a weakened response to the Covid virus when it attacks someone who has been so called vaccinated. But let’s be honest here there’s and agenda in the background and a great number of people are too lazy to do their own research. We have in our little community witnessed deaths after taking the jab that their ages vary from as young as 23 to 55 to 36 etc. Healthy human beings and yet it’s all in our head they must have had some other underlying issues is what everyone says. I for one will not be manipulated to that the Jab.

    1. Heidi Wetzler

      I plan to begin a large project of collecting and publishing anecdotal evidence from those who believe they have witnessed or experienced vaccine injuries. I would like to be able to contact you if you would like to participate. Please email your contact information to heidi.w@clarkcountytoday.com if you would like to be involved. Thank you!

  82. Dave

    In my opinion, the government and the fascist companies that are working with it are using lockdowns and the vaccine to control and reduce the population in order to accomplish a takeover by marxism.
    Maybe I’ll be considered a conspiracy theorist, but when I add up all the things that are going on, that is the only conclusion I can come to. In my opinion, believing the government is out to help anyone but themselves is nothing more than cognitive dissonance. Why on earth would a legitimate government want to force an experimental gene therapy on people to supposedly try to control a problem that can be solved by readily available and inexpensive therapies? Answer: Money and power.

  83. LaDonna Lee

    I retired from a state agency that documented negative events that happened in hospitals and clinics that was to be reported to the state by the facilities Risk Manager. The reason behind reporting was not to punish these hospitals/clinics but to watch for a pattern and help the facility improve on the same occurrence happening over and over again. Events such as meds missing, Dr. coming to work high or intoxicated, amputation of wrong digit, spread of staff infections, etc. etc. The problem was “follow the money” the bigger hospitals encouraged their Risk Manager not to report certain incidents to the State for fear that it would reflect people from choosing their hospital/clinic when needing medical care. This in the long run deprives these facilities of BIG MONEY made off insurance companies. I feel the same is happening with the vaccinations. If death and side affects are reported, there goes the billions of dollars made from big Pharma. The first round of vaccinations went so well and was so profitable, lets do another and a third! Get the picture?

  84. Emily Smith

    Heidi, Thank you for the taking the time and mustering the courage to write this piece. Thank you for your voice and offering a rational, thoughtful response to the prevail fear-based rhetoric.

  85. Sherry Albert

    Excellent – now would you please replace Dobbs! When Trump invested 2.5 million dollars in a vaccine, I don’t believe he had any idea that it would be used to create a depopulation death vaxx. But now he needs to take his losses and acknowledge what it has become or he will lose the votes of the anti-vaxxers, especially since by that time the devastating results will be apparent.

  86. Brooke Behanna

    Please add some links to the articles for which you’ve read. I do not disagree with you but feel perhaps including links to studies and so forth may give your viewpoint more “validity “ for those who still think all of this is a lie. Thank you for your article.

  87. Shawn M Slatter

    Why are Doctors & Practitioners heavily pushing & recommending the vax — especially when MANY are not getting it themselves? To understand the “push”, one has to understand the “Business” of Medicine. No one, not a single location is administering the vax for the love of it / for free / for the betterment & safety of society. Not a single one. Every dose equates to roughly $40 dollars per paid via insurance and or the government. If booked in 10 minute increments & as medical facilities always do, double book, they can administer 10-11 doses per hour. This equates to $400-440 per hour. Times this by a 9 hour day and its $3600-3960 – per day. Times this by 30 days a month, $108,000 – 118,800.
    Now understand the push???
    In the history of medicine, for all ailments, if something works, it is not free. If something works, they would not be bribing people or giving away stuff, they would charge the person.
    Chemo has been proven to work, yet has a high dollar price. Insulin works, yet has a high dollar price…….

  88. Lisa hebert

    This is a great article with all the questions I have asked myself. I Was starting to wonder if anyone else felt the same way! Glad to see so many do. My decision to not get the vaccine is because they are so secretive about the true adverse side effects of it. Media nor the government want to ask questions let alone report about it.

  89. Anonymous

    How many people have died from COVID itself compared to the number from taking the vaccine? If someone dies because they got COVID from you, and you weren’t vaccinated, who is responsible?

    1. Heidi Wetzler/ClarkCountyToday.com

      Your first point is the million dollar question. Deaths and adverse events from the vaccine are dismissed while COVID deaths are exponentially inflated. And to your second point, in the world before COVID – did you ever leave your house while sick with a cold or flu? Could you have potentially passed it to a co worker or friend who got sick and gave it to Grandma who developed pneumonia and died? Would you ever have decided that her death was your fault? This idea of killing one another with a virus is new. We need to largely learn to take responsibility for our own health by boosting our own immune system and protecting our own health through diet, exercise and lifestyle.

  90. Christin

    Finally! I’m so glad to see any news outlet stating this information! The pharmaceutical companies don’t care about us, our government doesn’t care about us, and all we can do is report this stuff on a tiny little website. There’s so many people who say that these reactions are not real yet people are screaming from the rooftops about it. Thank you so much for drawing attention to this. Hopefully somebody out there is listening!

  91. Linda

    There is compensation for people that get a vaccine and have a severe reaction to it. This is any vaccine. Check the HRSA website(health resource & service administration)

  92. Roxane

    Hello! I am a teacher and may be forced to get the shot. I’m 58 and close to retirement, age 60 for me. Who can possibly stand up for our teachers???? Bless you for speaking Truth!

  93. Van

    I totally agree with your questions and observations. I also question why we have not been given more information on those who have had the virus and our rate of secondary cases and the degree of symptoms. Are we included in the “unvaccinated” or do we have a separate category of those with natural antibodies? You only hear of the unvaccinated and never whether those unvaccinated had the virus previously. Also I am disappointed that there has been no guidance from the medical professionals as to what if any thing we can do to make our immune systems stronger naturally. Is anyone researching natural immunity?

  94. Lorne

    Just subscribed to say thank you for this incredibly well written piece. These are all the thoughts that have been in my head for months. I’ve been incredibly stressed about potentially losing my job/career of 15yrs due to vaccine mandates, but I’m legitimately terrified of these gene-altering experimental shots. We all know they’re hiding the true number of deaths and adverse affects, which is criminal. I wish more people would wake up. Our liberties are being handed over and will NEVER be given back…

  95. Rick Maddams

    I opted for the vaccine back in February, very early on. I was nervous, yes. I honestly felt like a Guinea pig, but that was also my choice. A choice I made to get rid of the damn mask, social distancing, and missed events. I couldn’t even legally have my four daughters over for Christmas dinner with their significant others! Now, in Oregon, we have gone backwards. When the mask mandate was lifted everyone stopped wearing. I get it that natural immunity is just as or maybe more effective, I’m fine with that. But would we be here again with mask mandates and canceled events if the non-immune had continued to wear masks? Who knows for sure? People talk about medical freedom, but what about my freedom to live life without the government telling me I have to wear a mask? I have to social distance. I can’t go to church. I can’t go to concerts. I can’t have my whole family over for dinner. Is that right? Where does your right to medical freedom end? Is it where my right to live my life free from other government mandates begins? You tell me. As for the purported adverse reactions, including death, to the vaccine. I’ve read and heard about those as well. What I haven’t encountered is anybody I know personally that has had any of those extreme reactions, and I know dozens, if not hundreds, of people who are vaccinated. Soar arms, weariness, mild headaches? Sure. Maybe your story is different. Maybe you know a plethora of people who have had serious reactions to the vaccine. Maybe the government secretly coded the vaccine to kill enough of us off to help counteract “climate change”. I guess we’ll see.

    1. Spinney

      I got the Johnson and Johnson vaccine and had an adverse reaction. Not a severe one far as I’m concerned, but a reaction never the less. I was all for getting the vaccine at first, no problem. But then I started seeing reports of people having issues after getting the shot, so I then started becoming more and more hesitant and didn’t really want the shot. But one day at my Drs appointment, my Dr. sprung on me that they had the J&J vaccine and she thought I ought to have it. While filling out the small question form I was given, there was a question that asked “have you ever had an adverse reaction to any shot?” And my answer was “yes”. And it says “if you answer is yes, do NOT take the injection” It’s a long story but I’ll tell you why I answered yes. I have asthma and I used to have to get allergy shots once a week, ever other week when I was a kid. I’d go in to my Drs office, get the shot and have to wait 15-20 min before I could go. The reason being, is that everything I was severely allergic to, like pollen, dust, mold, dander, etc., was being injected into my body through that shot. So after maybe 2 yrs of having those shots every other week with not one problem, I go in and get my shot once again. But this time, within two minutes I felt funny. That’s last thing I remembered other than feeling so peaceful. I never felt at such peace ever! Until I woke up in the ER with a tube down my throat and a dozen people all frantic doing all kinds of crap to me, I wanted to go back to sleep, it hurt so bad. Anyway, my heart had stopped and they brought me back. Now with my Dr knowing this happened she still insisted I get it anyway. After arguing for a few minutes about what the form said, I gave in and got it. I was sent to the waiting room for 15 min and within a few min she came to check on me and with a funny look on her face she and asked me “how do you feel?” I told her “I’m a bit dizzy and so confused right now, that I wasn’t even really sure where I was”. So they rushed me out back to one of the rooms gave me iv fluids and some other stuff. Soon I started to feel better. And within a couple of hours I came out of it. I was a bit foggy on my way home, but been fine since then. So I did have a reaction but not like the one I had when I was a kid, thank god! Also, I have an uncle who was in top shape, not on any medication at all, and he had a massive heart attack a few weeks after his Covid shot. My dad now has a heart condition where they have to shock his heart to get it beating normal again. Problem is they found a blood clot in one of his heart vessels, he’s on medication to get rid of it. They can’t do the procedure until the clot dissolves. This happened within a month or so after he got his. Are they both coincidences?? Idk, but there is something definitely going on that we’re not being told.

      1. Rick

        First off, I definitely appreciate your position. As you said, your reaction may not have been severe, but that’s definitely a bigger reaction than anyone I personally know. I guess for me, the point is less about choosing the vaccine than it is about cause and effect. A close family member of mine needed emergency care last week. She had to wait 12 hours due to the Covid patients that were already occupying the needed beds. Were they really there because they were obese? I’ve never heard of an obesity surge before. If you’re immune, however you acquired that, fine. If you are not immune and choose not to vaccinate, please wear a mask. Look at the issues created by people with no immunity also choosing not to wear a mask. Overcrowded hospitals is definitely the extreme. Loss of the freedoms I mentioned before is touching everyone. I know there are many people in the anti-vax movement that also think masks are not effective. Some people you just can’t argue with. Have doctors been wrong since the beginning by wearing masks? I don’t know, I’m not a medically trained person by any means. Some things just make common sense, at least to me.

  96. Kim

    Where are the statistics? Links to research? I don’t see any. Did I miss them? Are we allowed to make up numbers and stats and say they are fact? I’m against mandating 100% and this article is bogus. Your opinion is not the same as fact. Period.

    1. Heidi Wetzler

      You are correct, this is my opinion and it is listed under the opinion category on our website. While I feel confident that every statistic I cite is factual, and every idea backed up by multiple sources, I find when I cite every source, the engagement becomes about discrediting the source, rather than discussing the issues.

  97. Scartozz@yahoo.com

    This is an excellent article and thank you for writing it. I personally know of a handful of people that have had adverse effects to the vaccine. Some are still suffering later from side effects.

  98. Jenny

    You all are so coo coo for Cocoa Puffs it’s hilarious. You probably don’t believe there are wild fires and polar ice caps melting either. Keep on keepin on though

  99. Alayne

    You are spot on, with every word you e said. I am a 12 yr nurse with specialty in ICU. It is insanity what has happened and denying early treatment to those with the first sign of symptoms. But each pt that gets a ventilator is more profit for the hospital. I will always stand for medical freedom and informed consent even if that means I can no longer practice as a bedside nurse!!

  100. Tish

    Excellent points and very well said. We all need to join together to stand up against the push for getting vaccinated and demand the truth about their agenda in using this “pandemic” to control everyone from children to the elderly.

  101. Brian

    What does the synthetic “antibody” do to your natural antibodies ?
    An antibody test form, reveals that the test is not to be used to conform antibodies from the vaccine, what ? Why ? The are not really producing antibodies ? No wonder the vaccine doesn’t last !

  102. John Cooke

    Read the Nuremberg Law, this jab is an experimental shot. They have to give FULL DISCLOSURE OF SIDE EFFECTS AND DANGERS TO HAVE FULL WELL INFORMED CONSENT. Even on the paperwork of the jab it states it is EXPERIMENTAL. You should consult a CONSTITUTIONAL LAWYER.

  103. Mike

    Fine. But pay for your own care. The insured people that are vaccinated are paying for your chosen Illness. If you choose to not receive the vaccine and you end up at the ER, please present cash or a debit card prior to any treatments. That goes for Medicare as well.

    1. Heidi Wetzler/ClarkCountyToday.com

      This is a slippery slope. Do you suggest that anyone who knowingly increases their risks of needing medical care such as smoking, drinking, or drinking soda pop should also present cash prior to treatment? If you are overweight should you pay cash? This is a hard argument to win.

  104. MOM702

    There is zero logic being used. All of my coworkers are vax’d. However I will have to wear a mask, and be tested 2x a week even though the vax’d people can still bring the virus to work and spread it. But no mask mandate or test for them. BTW if you are exposed at all, vax’d or not you can’t come to work either so what’s the point? When will that nonsense end? So if my husband gets the flu I can come to work but if its covid nay nay!

  105. Shawn Fessenden

    Amen to natural immunity! Long story short, I didn’t even know I was sick, let alone with this “terrifying” virus that everyone is so convinced is absolutely lethal. Bigger question though: why are so many immune systems so weak they have a hard time with this virus? It’s not like novel viruses don’t happen occasionally. Better be concerned with general health first instead of worrying about a virus that can’t even be classified a mild cold for a naturally healthy immune system.

  106. Beth

    Please Heidi, look into the “approval” for the “P” jab. Dr Malone, who invented mRNA jabs, and Robert Kennedy, Jr., are both saying that the “P” jab is still only emergency use, while the approval is for Comirnaty v, which is actually not currently available, nor has it had any trials. The info that came out on Monday via the media, says something entirely different. If the P is still emergency only, that should put a whole different light on widespread mandates.

    1. Beth

      One last thing; a study coming out of Oxford University suggests that the viral load in a jabbed person’s nose is 251% higher than a non-jabbed. Oxford University is pretty prestigious.

  107. Peter Bacchus

    If the vaccine is as effective as is claimed by it’s supporters then they should have no concerns about catching the virus from an un-vaccinated person. I have had two close friends who have been very sick after close contact with people who have had the vaccine.

  108. Dan

    Garbage, the vaccinated are still much less likely to be infected with the delta variant. The unvaccinated are clogging hospitals. You are 29 times more likely to hospitalized if you are unvaccinated. This garbage has been disproven over and over. The only conspiracy is to end a pandemic. We all bear the costs of your bad decision not to get vaccinated. Death, skyrocketing insurance premiums and a pandemic that does not end. Listen to professionals not some extremely misinformed administrator (?). How many stupid hospitalized patient videos do you need to watch before it is too late.

  109. Patricia

    Thank you for being straight up and stating the facts! Why does natural immunity not get calculated in the factored numbers? Why do people that have had the mnra shot get the virus? Why are they offering incentives to take it? Why and how can it be considered to mandate? Never in history! It should make people press “pause”. What is being broadcast is Fear, turn off the propaganda tube and eliminate the fear factor.

  110. John Rost

    So well laid out and thoughtful. The only explanation is what you say, “This is about power and control that they never want to relinquish it…” people want to believe in the safety net of overlords.

  111. Kathy

    Militant Pro Vaxers are so fast to give up the freedoms that generations have fought and died for over this madness. Stop mass testing and restrictions!
    great article, I totally agree.

  112. Hope S

    Great article—hits the ‘nail on the head’ for countless people concerned about the COVID-19 vaccines. Or, ‘Fauxine’ is what I call them. Should be shared far and wide!

  113. Becky

    You go girl! You said it well. I encourage everyone to watch Dr. Lee Merritt’s interview with Mike Adams of TX. She said last year, in all the branches of the military combined, only 20 people died of COVID. Already, since being given a ‘vaccine’, over 80 people have myocarditis which has a 66% 5 year mortality rate. Is weakening our military and first responders a plan of sane people?

  114. Debra

    Well said Heid. I am in Australia and have been saying many of your thoughts. We are considered conspiracy theorists, but we are not. There is a conspiracy and we are being denied the facts about this virus and the vaccine. I simply want to make an informed decision. How can I do this without facts and data which, as you say, there must be a huge amount of collected data by now. Thanks for speaking out and please keep doing it

  115. Matthew M. Vogt

    Great article. I am an epileptic, and I don’t trust something such as this vaccine. Not because I want to be rebellious, but because of my neurological disorder. I have been epileptic for 32 years, and this last two or three years are the first time I have quality of life. Try having 15+ seizures a year, and then live some resemblance of a stable life. I don’t want to give that up because people are trying to control other people!!!

  116. Charlie

    I agree!!! We are a family of 6 and can’t afford to lose our jobs, but we can’t afford to lose our lives or health or faith either.

    both my wife and I are facing losing our jobs and therefore our house. What do we Do???

  117. A McDaniel

    This article explains exactly what I feel about the situation. No one will be held responsible if the vaccine doesn’t work or causes health problems. I’m sharing this every way I know how.
    Please write an article about the lack of responsibility of employers who demand their employees get vaccinated. The company my husband works for stayed open all through the shutdown as an essential business. They made MILLIONS. Now, they are considering making everyone get the vaccine. The rumor is that an employee who refuses will be fired with no unemployment benefits. At the beginning, they paid employees their regular salary if they had CVD or quarantined due to exposure. Now, workers use sick days and when those are gone, they don’t get paid.
    The sick day rule is also true for local school employees. Our schools were open most of the 20/21 year. Substitutes worked with no bonuses. Please write about this horrible treatment of folks who have worked all this time to make corporations millions and struggled to teach our children with no thanks.

  118. Charlie Lewis

    Metabolic disorders that cause such bad covid reactions are completely preventable. Where’s the media attention? Where are the mandates for a CAC scan? Sugar and refined carb reduction recommendations? Seed oil ban? Compulsory glucose testing?

  119. Loralei

    I know people who had terrible adverse events but didn’t report them. How many didn’t? One person especially said she “felt like death”, her words, and couldn’t do anything at all for a couple of days. Especially the first day. I’m unclear about how long it lasted. Thankfully last I knew she was ok but I asked her if she reported it and she didn’t. I also know two people who went deaf from it immediately.

  120. Synjon

    “the risk of death needs to be zero”. Wouldn’t that be lovely. Despite FAA regulations, people still die in airplanes. Look, Heidi…..Despite speed limits, safety regulations, and seat belt laws, people die by the tens of thousand each year in automobile accidents. Despite medical advances and treatments, people die from cancer and other ailments. Tens of thousands of private and public citizens are required to get numerous shots when traveling abroad. Is their risk of death zero from the myriad of vaccines they receive? Is there zero risk of death for the millions of children who get vaccinated each year to attend school? Every single piece I’ve read has stated that there are medical and religious exemptions for these mandates. Other than that, the choice is still yours to make. Choose to get the shot, or choose to find another line of work. Choose to get the shot, or choose to stay at home and not expose other people to your personal choice. What you don’t get to choose is putting me, my family, and my friends at risk. You don’t get to choose to land my eighty year old parents in ICU fighting for their lives because no one could guarantee you a “zero percent risk of death”. You don’t get to choose ignorance and negligence by endangering the people around you.



  122. Che Shiva

    Who is liable for stuff like this?

    these people are playing games with our lives and health!

    if you believe the Government or CDC gives a shit about your health
    ..you are living in the twilight zone

    the CDC was clearly responsible for the outbreak here in the US
    and now they have a cure? please!

    but when the “jab” isnt working ..lets blame it on the unvaxxed
    how does any of this make any sense to anyone?

    I had covid …I have natural immunity but now because my company
    has mandated the vax I am being told I will be fired …if you think that
    is ok and dont realize whats really on in this country right now ..there
    is no hope for any of us.

    get vaccinated or dont’ its your choice! force it on people and you are
    the worst possible excuse for a human being on the planet.

  123. Patty

    It’s also not polite to talk about drug abuse deaths from overdoses are nearly double those of Covid in King and Pierce counties but no one can restrict their needles or force them into drug rehab. It’s all upside down! In the meantime Israeli’s are the most vaccinated in the world with Covid infection rates 90% of what the were before vaccinated. 1 in 160 are infected! Not good stats!

  124. JamJam

    best be careful putting your comments on the computer anymore. They will be able to track each and every person who is against the whole program they’re rolling out right before our eyes and they will make sure you follow there agenda one way or the other. Always think ahead. Internet may end up being our down fall before its completely shut down along with our cell phones. start thinking people, this program has been 20 yrs. in the making if not longer. They have more advanced technology then the average person could dream of. We will be fighting our own species until the population is where they want it, only enough to control without problem.

  125. Twanger

    Your indictment of COVID vaccines seems primarily based on data from VAERS, which is a cesspool; a passive, self-reporting system that is simply not dependable.

    There are better data sources, such as the CDC’s Vaccine Safety Datalink, which is limited to health care professionals, and requires more documentation for submissions.

    Your “strong variant” argument has problems. The delta variant originated in India, which has had a very low rate of vaccination. The delta variant didn’t arise and spread because the rate of vaccination was high; it’s merely a successful mutation, a good example of Darwinian evolution, i.e., natural selection.

    You seem to suffer from a serious lack of perspective. You admit that you are “terrified” of the vaccine over some alleged, corner-case issues, when in actuality you should be terrified of COVID-19, a serious disease that has killed nearly 4.5 million people worldwide, and has left dozens of millions to struggle with debilitating “long-haul” symptoms that could last for years – or for the very remainder of those impacted people’s lives. 

    Vaccine please!

  126. Erin Fight

    Thank you so very much for your courage in writing this. You are a true hero. As to the 332 children that died from covid, only one was reportedly healthy. The others had various other health issues ranging from Cystic Fibrosis, leukemia to Down Syndrome. From everything I’ve discovered –not from mainstream sources, the numbers are manipulated to paint a picture that appears far worse than the reality. Again, thank you. I would be honored to meet you.

  127. Tay Ann

    Heidi, great article. Thanks for raising legitimate concerns and questions. I appreciate you sharing your thoughts. Do you have a list or link citing the statistics, articles, studies that you used to supoort the information you shared here? I would like to read them myself to continue doing my own research. Thanks in advance!

  128. Peggy

    I do not see how legally they can make you take the vaccine. I do not want the vaccine in my body, not knowing what it can do to you. Most of my family has not taken it.

  129. Rubicon

    The data about the huge number of deaths from the “vaccine” comes from a Texan cardiologist, Dr. McCullough who now has TWO whistle blowers in the CDC who were privy to those numbers, but, of which, the CDC covered up via electronic means. They related that number of vaccine deaths to the good doctor.

  130. S. Sansalone

    A follow-up question from me to you, then:

    Who will take responsibility if I or my loved one catches COVID-19 from an unvaccinated person who spread the disease when they attended the workplace without having been vaccinated? Who will take responsibility when their refusal to be vaccinated results in another’s death or permanent health sequela?

    1. L.Cook

      The vaccine is not supposed to stop you from spreading COVID but rather supposed to make you less sick, as was reported by the CDC. If I refuse to be vaccinated, and a co-worker who HAS been vaccinated spreads COVID, same question back to you. Who is responsible for my illness or death?

      The fact remains that whether or not you have been vaccinated has no impact on stopping the spread of the virus.

      My concern would be who is responsible for the side effects of a test vaccine if it is a job requirement, and then I still spread it because now I don’t have symptoms.

      I have personally spoken with several RNs and others in the medical field who are against the vaccine. In fact, they’ve said they know women (plural) who have not stopped menstruating since their shot and also I know someone who had a severe allergic reaction and the doctors told her to come back for a second shot! Needless to say, she refused!

      This article is very well stated, and I too have wondered why the current reporting is so one-sided.

      I have looked up death rates by states when we were in the thick of our lock down – less than 1% deaths. Lots and lots of cases, but so few deaths by comparison. I also recently found in WA State DOH (and other states as well) that COVID deaths are not even in the top 5 reasons for death.

  131. Mauro Cabrera

    Since you mentioned experts that say “We don’t know how long it lasts” here’s this study where they find immunity at 11 months after infection and say that humoral immunity (antibodies) may be long-live due to bone marrow plasma cells SARS-CoV-2 infection induces long-lived bone marrow plasma cells in humans – PubMed (nih.gov)

    And this one is a qualitative analysis of antibodies produced after asymptomatic infection, finding they’re functional Asymptomatic and symptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infections elicit polyfunctional antibodies – PubMed (nih.gov)

  132. Bill

    I totally agree with everything said. I will not take the vaccine and admonish that others not take it as well for all the above stated reasons and more.

  133. Robert Brown

    40 hrs after my second shot, mandated by my employer even though I had china flu, I woke up with the full force of symptoms of extreme “brain fog”, severe pain in my head and heart, and no endurance at all. That was two months ago. My employer “put me on hold” until I get these symptoms cleared up. My doctor will not connect the jab with my symptoms and I am being dribbled attention while my condition worsens. I have had numerous tests, including a lumbar puncture, while in the hospital, after I went through the emergency. Those tests were largely inconclusive and follow up visits are requiring more of the same tests because they did not test all things while they had my sample. I am also looking foreward to another spinal tap because, again, they did not test for all they could have. I have had no income since then and the state will not help me, my employer will not help, and the medical institution keeps scheduling appointments months away. I can not work or play. I can barely do some home chores. As I get worse, nobody is curious enough to look at this vaccine. I feel like a cog in a money making machine as my health is just a reason to submit another billing to my crappy insurance company. If this were a performance based payment system, like mine is as a woodworker, not only would this process be quicker, it would be more accurate. Beyond frustrated. -Bob

  134. Mike Maglothin

    Heidi, thank you!! I’ve said every one of these things at some point in the last 12 months.
    Vaccinating kids… negligence.
    No one has liability.. tell the drug companies they are liable and I bet we’ll get all sorts of people that “should not take this”.. and on and on.
    Why we’re not tracking natural immunity along with vaccinated and unvaccinated when we’re looking at hospital admissions, ICU, and death.

    One thing I have not seen definitively is unvaccinated vs vaccinated in terms of where the variants are coming from. Arguments on both sides seem to have gaps, if you have anything on that, please share!

    Love that you’re speaking out!.

  135. Ann

    Amen!! I feel exactly the same and will probably leave my therapy job of 34 years if I am subject to nasal swabs and harassment even after getting a religious exemption!

  136. DeNeil Feldmayer

    I am a nurse in a hospital and provide care for COVID patients. Many have died. Many have lived. I also have cared for patients who are admitted with complications from the vaccine. Some patients get COVID even after being fully vaccinated. Many patients have told me, “I didn’t have “said diagnosis” until I took the vaccine(s)”. I see firsthand how people are affected. Now, I am being told I have to take this vaccine that I know is unsafe or I will lose my job; taking away my career, money, food and benefits from my family. Who will stand up for us? My body, my choice. Great article!

    1. Darrell Solberg

      Listen to the real MEDICAL AND SCIENCE EXPERTS!!! The Majority of those hospitalized, placed in ICU; ON VENTILATORS and die are unvaccinated individuals!!

  137. Kathleen Algeier

    I don’t want the government, anyone to mandate what I should be doing. Schools should not be mandating shots to attend classes or to join activities. Give me all the information to make a decision and I will do what is best for me Thank you

  138. Ed Johnson

    Heidi Weizler – Are you going to be accountable for all the people you infect if you come down with Covid-19. That includes the med bills, funeral bills, Lost wages, suffering of love ones. If you desire to be personal responsible the take care of your actions, isolate

  139. Don

    Fuck the vaccine! I’ll take my chances in this world of shit and if anyone tries to force the jab on me I’ll come after all involved with my gun and kill all! My right not to have something put in me that has not been approved by the FDA scam that’s going on!!

  140. T. Doster

    Osha has you covered ever since the small pox vaccine was released it states that any employer that forces you to take a vaccine you can file a workers comp claim this claim will remain open forever if at any time you have complications due to the vaccine the employer is responsible but you will have to file the claim or it does not work

  141. Dee
    1. Aborted fetal cells were used in the development of these vaccines. It is horrific, how we have made precious lives of our children so valueless.
    2. The clinical trials for these are corrupt. They’ve removed the control group. There is no accountability – FDA, you’ve lost any credibility you ever had.
    3. No accountability to investigate and properly report the averse reactions/deaths. When these vaccines have far more reports than any other vaccine in the history of our record keeping. Used to be the use was stopped if even a small number of averse reports were in.
    4. Science – no accountability to real medicine or science.

    Where does this leave us – wake up people – it’s a grab for power/money/insanity.

  142. CarlySue

    I really appreciate seeing this perspective. Those of us in the public sector are really feeling the squeeze; our kids need to eat, after all.

  143. Lynn Mullaney

    This is a great publication and read. I was wondering what would happened if most of the world were to contact the White House about the mandate vaccine, CDC,FDA, NIH and WHO and the Pharmacies and exposed them all? Reverse the fear back on them and cause them to come out with the truth. Americans is getting worn down being toss to and fro everyday about everything.

    1. Darrell Solberg

      Does she have a MEDICAL DEGREE and if so where from? She needs to quit watching FOX and the other conspiracy outlets and opinions?

  144. Gertrude Boo

    this article is bullshit and written in bad faith. Quit hiding behind hypotheticals. You as the author of this article and “administrator” of this site are implying that it’s possible you may be mandated to get the vaccine or termination if you refuse. Have you been mandated to get a vaccine or is this just a hypothetical? I thought you were the “administrator”.

    And since we are speaking in hypotheticals what happens if you are infected by an employee at work and have a heart attack, or neurological problem, or die having NOT taken the vaccine? Will you still hold your hand out and expect that the government, or your employer, or Pfizer takes care of everything for you? Are you going to sue the employee that infected you?

    13,000 people self reported their own deaths from the vaccine to VAERS? I didn’t know that dead people could log onto a website to self diagnose their cause of death.

  145. Ted Weiland

    Today’s police-state mask, lock downs, and vaccine mandates would all be impossible under a biblical government established upon the Bible’s moral law, including its quarantine statutes for *only* the infectious diseased and ill.

    These are but more of the compounded consequences of the whirlwind today’s America is reaping thanks to the wind sown by the constitutional framers when they replaced the Bible’s immutable/unchanging moral law with their own capricious man-made traditions, aka the biblically seditious Constitution:

    “[B]ecause they have … trespassed against my law … they have sown the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind….” (Hosea 8:1, 7)

    Today’s America is reaping the inevitable ever-intensifying whirlwind resulting from the wind sown by the constitutional framers and fanned by today’s hoodwinked Christians and patriots who have been bamboozled into believing today’s whirlwind can be dissipated by appealing to the wind responsible for spawning the whirlwind.

    Matters will only worsen until Christians and patriots become courageous to identify and address the genesis of all of America’s national woes!

    For more, see Chapter 3 “The Preamble: We the People vs. Yahweh” of free online book “Bible Law vs, the United States Constitution: The Christian Perspective” at Bible versus Constitution dot org. Click on the top entry on our Online Books page and scroll down to Chapter 3.

    Then find out how much you really know about the Constitution as compared to the Bible. Take our 10-question Constitution Survey in the sidebar and receive a free copy of the 85-page “Primer” of “BL vs. USC.”

  146. Laurie

    THANK YOU for your educated, level, correct point of view!!
    It’s like we’re in Bizarro World: people, who don’t know what they don’t know, are operating from an EASILY controllable fear position.
    I think that truthful information is deliberately withheld from us: one has to search far and wide to even BEGIN to have a grasp on reality. As for me, it’s been a journey 5 years + in the making.
    Thank you for speaking up. Keep on doing so!

    1. Darrell Solberg

      If you have children, how many vaccinations were they required to have before going to school? GET vaccinated, wear a mask, social distance and avoid large gatherings!! YOU give credence to the fact that “COMMON SENSE IS A FLOWER THAT DOESN’T GROW IN EVERYONE’S GARDEN!”

  147. Carl

    Thank you for your article! I totally agree with it! I have refused the vaccine because I had complications the last two years from the flu shot, which I have never had before, and I have taken them for years. My Pulmonary Dr. and I got in a heated argument over this vaccine, she was throwing Stats at me and I was throwing them right back! I informed her it was my decision and would not hold her or the hospital accountable if I came down with Covid-19.

  148. Renee

    This article is phenomenal. Thank you. It is everything I’ve been beating my head against the wall trying to explain to people. My daughter was just “forced” by her employer and it’s just a matter of time for me. I work in healthcare and many if us are holding out as long as possible. It is baffling to me that anyone would trust the government given their utter lack of transparency. All critical thinking has vanished. Fear is creating insane irrational behavior and wretched treatment of others. Again, thank you for imparting your wisdom so eloquently.

  149. Bob

    I wonder who will pay (this being a play on title of your article) if they follow the information you wrote here much of it undocumented lacking any references if they get sick from the disease! I think I will follow my Doctors advise when it come to medical matters (since that is what I pay him for) and not someone trying to sell newspapers. Just what source came up with that 45,000 number out of the 173,000,000 people that are fully vaccinated?

  150. Kay Smith

    This is probably the most logical, realistic and truthful article I have read on this subject. Every person should read this. At my husband’s insistence, I did get vaccinated. I will NOT get a booster. I’m done.

  151. Katrina

    So terrible to be reading all of this negativity. Everyone placing blame everywhere, it’s ok to be scared, scared of covid/government/the vaccine. Just stop being so incredibly mean to one another.

  152. Ken Christensen

    I completely agree with this position. There was a poll on the page that talked about unemployment benefits being available if someone loses their job because they don’t want to be vaccinated. I’ll take it one step further. The company doing the firing should be required to continue paying all healthcare benefits, and at least 75% of the employee’s pay. If the job they hold can be done remotely, then that needs to be accommodated, and pay needs to be 100%.

    If the government and pharmaceutical companies are protected from lawsuits due to these mandates, there needs to be some level of protection, and the opportunity for a trial. Otherwise, constitutional rights are being trampled on. Not only that, but common sense. You don’t let a fox guard the hen house!

  153. Julie

    The vaccines do not protect against COVID. People need to remember this. Their stated purpose is to lessen the symptoms once a person gets it. If person A is vaccinated and person B is not and they are both exposed. person B is likely to stay home sick while person A may decide that they feel good enough to go to work (especially if they do not get paid for sick time.) Who then is the spreader? Yep. The vaccinated one.

  154. Wesley Coburn

    This is a terrible opinion! None of it’s true and SO many will believe it! My wife has been an RN for over 20 years and my mom is a Nurse Practitioner with 40 years in Healthcare. My wife talks to many Doctors daily that know exactly what the real info is. My mom also has to keep up with the real information to advise her patients. No one wants facts, but they are true whether you believe them or not. Shame on you Heidi Wetzler!

  155. Diane

    I stand with you 100%. I will not take this shot due to lack of our government leadership and our Dr.s whom swear to up hold their oath to protect us. I also love that I know great Dr.s that stand with me. Here is the best thing of all I have Jesus The Christ!! He is the Master Healer and he alone holds my future!
    Fear Not Believers We Are Covered In That Chrisom Blood And The Cross!

  156. Tara

    My mother had covid and passed and i had asked what strand is it and the hospital responds we don’t test for specific ones. So how are we being told the correct information about any of this and the correct statistics on what variants are what.

  157. S mo

    Excellent piece! I hope those who choose not to take the vaccine will remain strong. Once hospitals and other companies find themselves so short staffed that they can’t operate, their policies may change.

  158. Larry delancey

    This is bullshit. “Option piece” where is the proof? Everything you stated is found on Facebook. You may need a new profession . Unless you watched a loved one gasp their last breath of air and die stfu! They (cdc) has been transparent about all. The media twists this up. Blood clots(7 people ,taking the Johnson and Johnson , had preexisting issues. NO ONE DIED FROM THAT) . A rare case of heart problems in a few , was again preexisting , no one died !!!
    you are gaslighting . You are putting info out there that is wrong, And your confusing people. Simple fact is people are dying because they aren’t getting the vaccine . Unprotected! And let’s just end this with “my opinion “ people who say my body my choice on the vaccine , are also saying abortions should be ended it’s killing babies!!! You can have it both ways. “My body my choice “ can’t work for one snd not the other. Get a grip people . We are selfish humans. Unless it’s what we want and doesn’t infringe on our rights its fine. But ask yo save your fellow american and NOPE NOPE NOPE .

  159. Kathy

    America is supposed to be a free country and if People choose not to get a Vaccine that is their right and should have no repercussions from their decisions. If we give into this, there will be more rights in the future that we will lose and we will no longer be a FREE America!!!

  160. Kim Beckett

    Thank you, thank you, thank you!
    More people need to speak out against this tyranny. As Dr. Roger Hodkinson Says, Politics playing medicine, that’s a very dangerous game.

  161. Ronnette

    My job at a hospital has mandated the shot. My Gastroenterologist wrote a medical exemption for me after having me test for antibodies, as I had Covid last October. I still have antibodies per testing. I have suffered a lot of long haulers side effects since, and that is one of his reasons for me not to get the shot. Great article, many concerns I have.

  162. Anna

    This article is a HUGE disservice to the public and spreading baseless narratives to sow division in our country . Please spend a day in an ICU. You know who is responsible for you when you contract COVID and end up in the hospital? Doctors, nurses and countless healthcare workers who are EXHAUSTED.

  163. Kristen

    Thank you for being brave enough to speak up, speak the truth, and question the insanity of mandates! We need more of you! Thank you, thank you!

  164. Christine

    May I use your article to read at our St Louis County council meeting?
    we have tyrannical members who are continuing their mandates at all fronts

  165. Jennifer

    Its the same news for any vaccine really. None of them are completely safe. My son had a very serious reaction to his mmr vaccine and we’re still dealing with the repercussions over 4 years later. He lost the ability to eat, run, walk and talk. He had to relearn how to do all of those things. No one discussed these possibilities with me beforehand. And you cant sue anybody about it. The companies and government are immune to persecution. Also the directions on the mmr vaccine from the manufacturer specifically state that it is to be given by itself and not at the same time as any other vaccines to avoid serious adverse reactions. Guess what? On the governments vaccine timetable it is administered with another shot. So they deliberately ignore the directions of the manufacturers in order to save costs. Its better for them to only pay one doctor appointment rather than two. We face the same arguments as youve stated. Its for the common good! Theres no informed consent. The doctor says bring in your babies for all these shots. Its safe! Except when its not. Same shit different day.

  166. M Bell

    Imagine publishing something with so much conjecture and so little citation. Perhaps it’s the FBI reading our minds. Perhaps it’s the aliens trying to track us through the vaccines. Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps…

    Scientists can’t do that, of course. All of their research is double-blind, all of their published articles are selected anonymously and without bias. They get published in prestigious journals because they have created new knowledge or discovered causation. Not because they are an admin at the publication source.

    The truth is elusive”

    It really isn’t. It’s only elusive when you want it to be elusive, muddled, obfuscated, and you don’t want to verify what isn’t aligning with your preconceived ideas. It’s called confirmation bias. The truth is actually quite easy to sort out and find.

    Let me help. The first thing you should do is verify your info comes from unbiased and trusted sources.

    “Recently there was a lawsuit filed against the federal government accusing the government of covering up the fact that 45,000 people have died within the first three days of receiving a COVID-19 vaccine.”

    The leader of the far-right group (American Frontline Doctors) who filed this lawsuit is a terrorist who was recently arrested for storming the Capitol. They have a history of misinformation campaigns. Source: https://www.medpagetoday.com/infectiousdisease/covid19/90536

    “To this I say, 78 percent of those who have been hospitalized with COVID-19 are overweight or obese. As many as 95 percent of those who die are obese.”

    As of 2014, according to NHANES, the more than 2 in 3 adults in the U.S. were considered to be overweight or have obesity. In light of this, I’m not sure what point you’re making.

    I’ve read that vaccinating during the height of a pandemic causes stronger variants.”

    I’ve read that space aliens did 9/11. Where are you sources?

    “I have watched countless videos, and read many more stories from health care professionals as well as individuals”

    Wow, health care professionals AND individuals? Great sources.

    As long as 480,000 Americans die from tobacco-related illnesses each year, and we still have tobacco products on the store shelves, you will never convince me that the government cares about my health.”

    I’m not a fan of smoking, but…Are you saying when I go to the store, I put smoke in my lungs because they sell cigarettes? It’s not at all analogous. You seem to be confused.

  167. Ana MacMillan


    • A claim that 45,000 people died from COVID-19 vaccines came from a woman who did not reveal her method for calculating the figure and who has not been publicly identified.
    • The figure she calculated drew on data from the government’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), which contains reports that can be submitted by anyone and are not verified. 
    • The claim was part of a lawsuit on behalf of America’s Frontline Doctors, whose members have a history of making unproven and conspiratorial medical claims.

    See the sources for this fact-check

  168. Ruth Rendely

    Elsewhere I have heard that it is important to not resign if you are threatened with mandatory vaccination. Let the company fire you, and put every move you make in writing, so that you have a legal record of what took place for a later lawsuit. If you resign you have no right to legal compensation.

  169. Rodney

    I think everyone involved should take their responsible place. The manufacturer, whoever mandates it, etc. It’s not right to push something and not be responsible. Drug dealers are held responsible if they sell tainted drugs and people die or are harmed! Why is this any different?

  170. sean carey

    I 100% agree this is bull crap to tell people You have to get this POISON…NO WAY I will DEFEND MY RIGHTS and with WEAPONS IF I MUST.

  171. M Monk3yskull

    You obviously have the IQ of a potato. You remind me of someone who would smoke 2 packs of cigarettes a day then sue the tobacco company when you get lung cancer

  172. Twanger

    What a load of crap. Think! Who in the world wants the most for you to believe that there’s a problem with Coronavirus vaccines? Those working for the governments of Russia, Iran, North Korea, etc.

    Who loads up the unsecured VAERS system with fake claims of vaccine issues? Those working for the governments of Russia, Iran, North Korea, etc

    If you believe this anti-vax swill, you’re a complete dupe! Get a clue!

    Over 3.1 BILLION people have received at least 1 Coronavirus vaccine dose at present. About 5.3 BILLION doses have been given, saving millions of lives.

    Meanwhile, COVID-19 has killed 4.5 MILLION people worldwide, and has left many millions to struggle with debilitating “long-haul” symptoms that could last for years.

    The writer admits that she is “terrified” of COVID vaccine because of some lies and propaganda, when in actuality she should be terrified of COVID-19. Dupe!

    The blind trying to lead the blind. Sad.

  173. Glass

    There is now compelling evidence that the vaccinated spread the virus with the same viral load as the unvaccinated. ” I would be super super curious to see the study showing this, as that would be the opposite of what I have read and heard before. Any source would be greatly appreciated.

  174. RM Keating

    The CDC and FDA are the sponsors of the C shots, major conflict of interest. They have no ethics committee, no safety committee, not one person to over see if what they are recommending is in the best interest of the people (which we know it’s not). The Children Health Defense is or has filed a law suit against them, let’s all pray for a win for them. That’s the only thing that will stop this madness is going after their pocketbooks (which is sad because I think a large part is all about money) I think Government control is another driving force. Dr. Peter McCullough has some great information all backed up by facts, he has people coming after him now for speaking the truth about successful treatment and the dangers of the C shot. This world has gone crazy.

  175. Jess

    Why do you think you’ve cracked some secret code never having studying viruses, pandemics, medicine, etc? Stop relying on personal anecdotes when it comes to matters of public health. It doesn’t matter what one nurse from Idaho says about what they “think” the vaccine causes. Read peer reviewed studies and stop spewing your opinion likes it’s facts. You’re killing people. This vaccine is in no way “experimental”, it’s been in the works since the SARS outbreak in the early 2000s. Natural immunity works, but we can prevent deaths and disabilities due to COVID if we vaccinate everyone. Much sooner than if we let COVID infect the masses. That’s why there’s not rampant polio today WE VACCINATED AGAINST IT.

    If you’re terrified of the vaccine consider that over 90% of doctors are fully vaccinated. Why would people who are highly trained on the human body willingly get this shot? Because it can prevent a terrible illness. Being afraid does not mean assuming the worst.

  176. Shannon Johnson

    I agree with the opinions in this article so so much! I argue it all the time! I’d love to know some of your sources for your statistics (80% of those that get Covid have low Vitamin D, vaccinating can cause stronger variants, 78% are overweight, etc) as being able to show the source data would help me so much to seem legitimate in my argument!

    Any sources you can share would be greatly appreciated!

  177. Rachael

    Apologies if I’m missing them, but would love a list of your sources. A link to the lawsuit filed that you referenced in your first paragraph. I’m curious where that lawsuit is happening. Even a link to the CDC numbers you’re mentioning would be immensely helpful. It’s important that, even in opinion pieces, the data and figures you’re referencing are included to help others do the research they need. Otherwise, we’re left to take your word for this and it leaves all the people who truly want to do their research out to dry.

  178. Tina

    Again another person with a platform spouting off with no links to the data that they “supposedly know”. 46,000 deaths in first 3 days of vaccine?, covid deaths not vaccine deaths. What is your answer to end this lethal virus? Or do you think they just deserve to die cuz they are obese? Anyone, and everyone, like you, should be mandated to work in a covid hospital ward before they have any right to have an opinion about the vaccine.

  179. Jen

    If I catch Covid from you and die from your selfishness, who’s held responsible? If someone gives me covid and I get disabled, who’s held responsible? Sit down honey.

    And comparing this to tobacco is laughable at best. If I smoke, I kill myself. I don’t potentially kill those around me. You are beyond ignorant.

    1. cheetah7

      Oh give me a break! If the vaccine is so effective why the hell are you so worried about someone giving covid to you? Shouldn’t the vaccine be protecting you from serious illness and death? And yeah if you smoke tobacco, you can still affect those around you due to second hand smoke. Apparently you’re the ignorant one, not to mention so damn afraid.

  180. Norman

    I am very dissatisfied with the way Donald Trump handled Covid. I am a lifelong Conservative Christian who voted for Trump but his cavalier approach to Covid-19 has cost thousands of lives and it has divided the GOP between the ignorant and the intelligent who know the important of COVID-19 vaccinations and masks with other means of defeating this virus from Hell. I may vote GOP again, most likely, but Trump needs to grow a brain and lead the Republican Party toward vaccinations, proof of vaccinations, and when needed wearing masks . Otherwise he will make a Democrate our of this Red Neck Radical Christian Conservative Republican. Trump has done way too much to waste it now by allowing the liberal left to stay in power by playing dumb . Trump needs to step up to the plate and be a man fighting covid and lead this Christian nation. He needs to tell everyone to get the shots and respect others by wearing masks when needed. Otherwise , many of us will likely stay home and vote for no one one!!!!

  181. Glenn

    Well said – *slow clap*. 100% agree. The problem is that the apposing side are violating our 1st Amendment rights on almost every other platform. We need to find a rallying point and stand united as We the People and fight for our rights. Where do we go to get our voices heard?

  182. Tom

    Sorry for this late response, I live in North Carolina and I truly enjoyed reading your article. I really thought that West Coast States were totally loss in this COVID vaccine issue. I feel like I’m live in the Twilight Zone. The CULT like response to this is so overwhelming it literally boggles the mind. Hippies that used to question the government, the establishment and corporations are now falling in line to the Jim Jones COVID vaccine cool-aid, some are even cutting in line to do so. I caught COVID and had NO symptoms and people still tell me that I should take this experimental vaccine that might have side effects or untoward effects in the near future and there is absolutely no protection for the vaccinated. The federal government has give pharmaceutical corporations legal immunity. Their certain humans who are the guinea pigs/lab rats and they are okay with this. Experimental drugs are for those who are at “”high risk”” and are willing to take an experimental drug or vaccine, because if they don’t the chances for dying is HIGH. Most people have annoying symptoms due to COVID and then it’s gone, but to shoot up an experimental drug that might cause cancer, renal issues, liver issues, strokes, heart attacks, early Alzheimer’s or who knows what is crazy. I have gotten my Hep A and B vaccine and other vaccines because it has been tested. I just don’t want this until evidence shows other wise.

  183. Laura

    I don’t think anyone should have to get the vaccine. But, if you don’t get the vaccine, you shouldn’t be allowed out in public, period. If you choose to say “screw you” to the general public, the general public should be allowed to say the same right back.

  184. Bob Haun

    What I read here is it boils down to one thing and one thing only. Choice! All this horse shit on both sides justifying the shot or not illustrates the division of this country, which is destroying our freedom. I really don’t give two shits about who gets the shot and who doesn’t. Stop telling everyone how to think and mind your own business.

  185. Ada

    I agree with you 100%! Thank you for a well written piece that makes sense among all the ridiculous mandates for vaccinations that has caused fatalities and adverse effects. And all the breakthrough vaccinated cases that have shown how the vaccinated can pass on covid as well, and the mainstream medical field as well as media blaming it on the unvaccinated. My daughters co-workers father died from the vaccine. It’s unconscionable for the CDC and vaccine industry to bury and cover up the facts with their agenda. And now the Biden Administration is doing the same thing by trying to suppress any information that is contrary to pro-covid vaccine since there are billions of dollars of covid vaccines leftover when 50% of the US population do not want to take the vaccine.

  186. Maggie

    Right on! I’ve been saying these things from the beginning and no one will listen! It’s pure logic. You cannot outrun a cold virus. This is why we don’t have a cold vaccine. A RNA virus has nothing better to do all day than make improvements/variants/better versions of itself. I stated earlier this year that I believed the vaccinated would “teach” the virus, quicker than any unvaccinated person would, how to skirt our immune systems and create a super variant, for which, the unvaccinated will be blamed. If only they would have isolated the elderly and immunocompromised in the beginning and let the rest of us take our chances with the original strain, we all could’ve had natural immunity to the later variants or had milder versions and by now (or very soon,) would have been closer to true herd immunity. This vaxx is dangerous and they know it. Big govt and big pharma must have some kind of agenda to risk us all like this. That, or there is even more they’re not telling us. Either way, 🎼 It’s The End Of The World As We Know It…” 🎶
    By the way, I am getting tested for antibodies tomorrow after having Delta a couple of months ago. A friend of mine tested positive for antibodies having been infected by original covid May 2020. No, there is not enough good info out there on this. I’ve never seen anything like this. I was a RN and some of my friends in the medical community are trying to speak out but are silenced or too afraid to risk it. One brave MD I know needed up in his own ICU following the jabb. He is screaming INFORMED CONSENT everyday. Everyone just make the right choices for yourself and leave the rest of us alone. #MyBodyMyChoice

  187. G. Klein

    When will we the people understand that the politicians and bureaucrats do not dictate to us, they work for us? Does anyone remember “taxation without representation” and the reprecussions thereof? Of course not. That was 10 or 12 generations ago and we seem to forget what happened 10 or 12 minutes ago. These people are not about helping us or anyone else in the world. They want our money and our votes. They vote themselves raises in closed door sessions at 2:00am, for gods sake. Does anyone remember George Orwell? The famous book…1984? Where the powers that be, create an emergency situation, of biblical proportions. Then by design, offers the people a fix. Its either take the fix or remain in this. But it means giving up part of their rights as a citizen in the name of a false sense of security or safety.
    The situation is upon us. We are in a manufactured crisis. A manufactured solution has been offered. If we oppose, they will force it upon us. THINK PEOPLE!
    Do you trust the judgement of a man with dementia? Which side of the isle that he represents, is not the issue at hand. Never was. We are under an attack from within. A different type of attack. One for our liberty. Eroding our constitution. Ultimately disolving it. Then what??? These self serving, one way, inept, losers with entitlement issues, need to go. Its time to go back home. Its time for you to be self sufficient. End of story.

  188. mad as H*ll

    yes i said back in March 2020 that they would blame “vaccine” failure on variants. Covid was severe right from the beginning. All strains of Covid are deadly,
    the mRNA is artificial, maybe it doesnt turn off, maybe you keep making spike, maybe spike protein is actually competing for any antibody made, leaving less to fight the virus, causing “vaccine” failure.

  189. mad as H*ll

    Pharma took a bath on the opioids. But dont worry about them, theyre making it back now with shot after shot after booster shot of almost useless “vaccine”. A real vaccine prevents disease, like smallpox & polio. A real vaccine is made of killed virus or protein. mRNA &DNA “vaccines” are cheap, experimental, don’t prevent disease & dont prevent transmitting disease to others. Milder disease is not no disease. “Vaccinated” people can infect others. Pharma should make a real vaccine now. they have made enough money, enough cheap RNA & DNA fake “vaccines”

  190. mad as H*ll

    There are two types of people, those who had Covid & those who will get Covid. Get checked for anti-nucleocapsid antibody. If you have that, you had Covid already. The “vaccine” makes your body make spike protein, then you supposedly make anti-spike antibody. But you will not make any other type of Covid antibodies. if you have other anti- Covid protein antibodies, then you already had Covid.

  191. cheetah7

    My issue with this whole thing is the fact that the NO- Liability clause is still in effect for the vaccines. Like the author says, if you’re injured or die from the vaccine, no one is held accountable except yourself. This right here is one of the reasons why so many people are reluctant to get the jab even if they’re FDA approved. If the vaccine is so safe, why not remove the no-liability clause? And to the people saying there are millions of doses given to people with no ill effects, well…you may feel fine now but how do you know you won’t develop some kind of disorder down the line months or even years later as a result of the vaccine, especially an mRNA based one since it’s a new technology? Fact is we don’t have enough data to know the long term effects of these vaccines. And no, a few months is not long enough to collect enough data.

    1. Living in the real world

      What guarantee do you have with anything in medicine? And do you not know you live in a country where there’s always accountability and more than enough lawyers to handle it? Why would a hospital refuse treatment for an adverse reaction any more than refuse treatment for unvaccinated?

  192. C Verde

    I just said/explained most of what you wrote to my wife after thinking through things logically and objectively. To then see you actually put the exact same thoughts in your article is incredible. Spectactular article.

    1. Living in the real world

      She’ll probably be first in line. I agree with her opinion on the “no mandates.” But that comes with a price. Your “rights” to make money don’t entitle you to endanger someone else. So making millions developing a vaccine is corrupt, but making money at the expense of someone else’s potential loss of life is ok??

  193. Jim Durham

    Great article but you are asking for too much and something I may never see in my lifetime from our corrupt government and the medical professionals (the CDC, WHO, FDA etc)…………….the truth and accountability.

  194. Toby

    Ian a healthcare worker, specifically a RN. I had covid when it first started due to the hospital where I was working not allowing us to wear masks to protect ourselves. Now the same hospitals that were hiding PPE from its employees are threatening our jobs with mandatory vaccinations. I am in a real bind here. I need to provide for my family. If I lose my job I will lose my house and not be able to feed my family. If I take the vaccine and I get a severe reaction or wore yet die then my family will lose the house and starve. If the government and or our employers are forcing our hand with vaccines why do they insist on us signing a waiver? How can we be forced to do something and then if something terrible happens leave our families to suffer? How can no one be responsible for the outcome of doing what is being mandated? At the very least there should be a way to protect my family from losing everything they have because am being forced to take a vaccine we know very little about.

  195. Katherine3456


    My coworker is back from having covid. He said they could not test for any variant and they have no idea. He also mentioned both his fully vaccinated inlaws had worse symptoms than he and his wife who are not vaxd

  196. Katherine3456

    There is no such thing as a Delta Variant and for sure NO WAY to test for it!!! SO. How then can the Media focus the fear NOW, on HOW rampant and dangerous this Delta is?

  197. Ruben Gonzalez

    Its obvious to me now that we’re never going to get the truth to make our own choices. There is too much money involved for big pharma. May God have mercy on us

  198. Bianca Frank

    Hon bun, you’ve been smoking a little too much of that minty fresh crack. Step away from the pipe and go get some shots. You might see a minute increase in overall side effects at points where the companies make their effective dosage adjustments (example: adjusting from adult dose size down to a safe yet functional kid size) but outside of these (that you have no cause to worry about unless you’re actively in a vaccine study) they have beauty safety ranking, a minimum of side effects, and do a nice job of keeping folks off the vent. Very few people are spontaneously combusting or randomly turning gay. Trust me, I’m a scientist.

  199. Bianca Frank

    You want the safest of them? Get your Moderna. You want the one most likely to succeed against mutations, especially those that snack hard on and get spread by kids 12 and under? Get Pfizer. In the last 20 years or so the most you’ve been endangered by vaccines was the flu shot from either ‘01 or ‘04 and you didn’t even notice that, amirite? This one is goober-safe in adults compared to many and side effects not too bad – I got an arm ache and took an afternoon nap that I usually would not. Naps are good. Not dying in a gasp as you get skull-fucked by plastics is also good. You can get your shot like an undercover ninja, sneaking in like a shadow in the dark, never ever telling all your Trump friends, but they might guess when you fail to get sick.

  200. Michael

    I’m sorry is she a medical doctor a medical scientist a medical professor does she work in the hospital no she doesn’t. Yes she is absolutely entitled to her opinion. And yes you are absolutely entitled to believe that opinion. But be very wary I personally know many unvaccinated people that got covid and said in hindsight they wish they would have got vaccinated some of them are still alive today to get vaccinated others aren’t and this 95% of people dying from covid or obese or overweight like I said it’s an opinion not one word that came out of her mouth although she is entitled we must remember did not come from any medical facts nor does she have the credentials or the qualifications to speak on this as though what she’s saying should be believed.

  201. Anne Boylon

    Thank you for these articles on the Covid vaccine mandates. Strong winds of sanity which are so necessary in the present – well described in your articles – atmosphere created by the powers. I thank you. Heartfelt thanks. Yours is one of few voices.

  202. Living in the real world

    Average time to become infectious disease expert, 9 years. Average time to write a non-researched, opinion-based, self-centered article, 9 minutes!

  203. Living in the real world

    Heidi, maybe since you won’t get good medical care anyway, we should let the doctors and nurses go on a much needed break until you’re sure you won’t have a reaction to the vaccine!

  204. brian jackson

    So very well written. Thank you for putting so many of my thoughts and I’m sure, so many other peoples thoughts as well onto paper for everyone to see and read. Everyone has the right to make there own choices and decision based on our experiences truthful facts. Please keep feeding us knowledge.
    Brian Jackson

  205. Shelly D

    So well written. Just look who is exempt from the mandates (White house, executive branch, Congress, CDC, NIAID, FDA, Pfizer, Moderna, & ILLEGAL aliens) that should tell you it’s Not about your health! We have the right to medical freedom & choice. The EUA was given under the false claim that the vaccine prevented covid19- clearly it does not. The covid19 vaccine that was approved by the FDA is not even available in the U.S. I have a teenage son who recovered from covid just fine; why would I risk myocarditis, any other life long side effect or even death for antibodies he already has. The benefit does not outweigh the risk. It’s not a one size fits all. As Americans we have the right to make our own health decisions. This is Medical Discrimination & it’s both illegal & disgusting!
    Here is another site by CDC & WHO similar to VAERS they don’t want us to see: http://www.vigiaccess.org/

  206. Robert Stoddard

    I work for the DOD and Im also getting forced to get the shot or lose my job. This forced mandate Is a population control they dont want us to know about. Wife and two children recieved the shot without me knowing so I might as well get the shot and join the suicide masses. I guess Im ending my life a little sooner than I wanted but we all are going to die sooner or later this really sucks!

  207. Julia

    I too am terrified of the vaccine. I had COVID-19 at the beginning of August this year and it was absolutely awful but I’m still alive! I will not have my children be forced into the vaccine either. My sister, brother in law, niece and nephew just moved out of Illinois to Florida due to bullying from our “law makers”.

  208. Rob E

    Thank you for asking the questions we should all be demanding answers for. This mandate has strained my marriage and within a few weeks will result in me being unemployed for the first time since I began working 30 years ago at the age of 16. My wife doesn’t want our kids, 9 and 12, to not be able to go to school and is starting to consider getting them vaccinated which I cannot accept. She has threatened to leave me and take the kids with her because I “will have ruined our family” due to not taking the vaccine.
    I have the best job of my life and most likely would have retired there, but now will have to find another without any support from my wife. As a so called essential worker I was able to work through the lockdowns and now I am considered a risk to the health and safety of others. Quite a few of my coworkers, who I thought were friends, have mocked me and others for refusing the vaccine.
    This mandate is wrong for so many reasons especially when they haven’t been transparent with the data as you pointed out. In fact I can’t believe I actually found your article because every time I try and research the vaccine all I get is sites telling me it’s safe and take it so I don’t put others at risk and spread variants. People on blogs and social media sites are hoping the unvaccinated suffer so we get what we deserve. Now I know one can’t put too much into what people write online but it is disturbing none the less.
    We must stick together and not let them take away our freedom to choose what’s best for us. Thanks again for writing this because it helps to know there are others who feel the same.

  209. Val

    I agree with you on this. It takes, on average, 10 years to know the long term side effects for a vaccine. How can the president, not even congress, demand I put some experimental vaccine in my body? He wants to sit there and say women have the right to choose abortion, because it’s their body. but I don’t have the right to choose about this vaccine. Then also it becomes, like you said, who is going to be held responsible in years to come about the side effects? Do we get to sue the government, the makers of the vaccine, orJoe Biden himself?

  210. Aden

    i’m going to suggest a lot of people who died from the vax were probably listed as dying from cov19, and a lot of people dying from cov19 are dying from being mistreated put on machinery when simply they could have just been given ivormectin

  211. MaryAnn

    There are microbiologists who state There are strange ingredients in the covid 19 vaccines for about 1 out of 3 vials. The other 2 vials contain saline.

    With more and more information coming out, the vaccine keeps up the number dying in case the death rate goes lower.

    WHO and UN are under control of the deep state which wants depopulation described in THE GEORGIA STONES.

    The only people who know nothing are those who only watch alphabet news. The whole population of USA has been dummies down so are not able th understand or problem solve.

    With communists on both shorelines of USA, it can enhance China and Russia to split North America down the middle.

  212. David Gault

    Apparently 240 million have been infected with this Covid madness and 235 mill recovered most didn’t even know they had it and some say its milder than the common cold. There is NO live sample of the virus as one doesn’t exist as stated by the CDC, and strangely Influenza and terrorism have taken a break since Covid 19 took the stage in 2019. All we know about politics reflecting on past events is that they lie with no accountability, poisoning peoples desires for improvement with broken promises.
    I like so many struggle to make my self so stupid as to depend on their honesty – I have no faith in Government and see no reason why i should conform to a censored internet of controlled information. I say that the only person that can tell you what you should or shouldn’t be doing is either your parents or yourself and not this self proclaimed regulator of your liberty, AKA Government. (its all BS)

  213. Sharon Crowson

    I totally agree with Ms. Wetzler. These mandated vaccinations must stop, as well as discrimination against those who choose not to have the vaccination. I am horrified at what I’m seeing going on in our county, our state, our nation, and the world. What we are witnessing is unprecedented in the 68 years I’ve been on this earth. The news media whipped up the fear frenzy in the beginning of all of this, so they are also complicit in the deceit we’re seeing both behind the vaccine and the virus. The pharmaceutical companies have made BILLIONS on this vaccine. Now they want to authorize CHILDREN 5- 12 to take this vaccine, and for what reason??? The FDA is holding hearings on this issue 10/26 and you can go to their website to vote and to submit your comments. Here is information to go to the website: IMPORTANT: “The FDA is meeting on 10/26 to discuss mandating vaccines for kids ages 5-12. For the next two days, the public can submit comments for consideration. THIS TAKES TWO MINUTES.  
    Click the link below, write your comment and select “individual consumer” in the alphabetized drop-down menu under “what is your comment about?” That’s it. Please forward to everyone you know. Let’s flood the FDA with opposition to this madness!  
    THE LINK: https://www.regulations.gov/document/FDA-2021-N-1088-0001

  214. Offthepink

    The “vaccines” are actually therapeutics. They DO NOT stop spread or infection. They were created to mitigate “cytokine storm”, which was killing already unhealthy people who have covid. They are SYMPTOM SUPPRESSORS. There is no way to prevent a coronavirus infection. Basic fact. What’s going on is 1: people who get the shot are NOT getting exposed to covid (when they DO, they become infected 9 times out of 10 and are called “breakthroughs…which is a misleading term because the shots, again, provide no protection from infection), or 2: the are silent carriers, because the shots suppress symptoms to prevent serious illness.

    What happened was mainstream media AND the white house started lying to the american public after Trump lost the election. NOW they are “not collecting” (concealing) covid shot side effect accounting, and trying to discourage americans from doing their own research on this OPTIONAL shot “to avoid medical misinformation”. They want you ignorant and only relying on their propaganda.

  215. Cher

    I will never put an experimental drug in my body. My body is my temple for my God. I am not going to die because I have allergies and almost died from a flu shot before. I will not wear a mask because I am epileptic and the governors, the politicians when they prove to me that they have 50 years of medical experience working with patients, not killing them using medications that are experimental like Fauci. He paid to have this virus made. His hatred of people of the world makes me think he is psychotic and narcissistic. He made money from the world’s woes and I for one will NEVER FORGIVE HIM. But he cannot take money with him when he dies, and he will work for the devil.

  216. Dwayne Oxford

    I hope to live to see ALL involved in coercing/forcing the poisons on folks get their due. If that’s not God’s will and we’re entering the Great Tribulation, may God help His thru it.

  217. Marie

    THANK YOU. My family is tired of feeling like criminals for being more educated about the vaccine than the vaccinated. You are 100% spot on, we feel the same way. Thank you for being our voice!

  218. Emon Gray

    I am reading ur post the end of October. I find it compelling and am in agreement with u about the robustness of natural immunity. At this point I am concerned about the robustness of the immunity testing. I was tested and told I had no antibodies , but I know I had the virus, a mild case. I believe it is because I have had numerous flu / corona type illnesses through my life. I am of the opinion that antibodies don’t stay in ur blood , but are cataloged by ur body and when needed generates antibodies as needed. Otherwise we would have so many antibodies from everything we’ve ever overcome there would be little room for red blood cells. An active antibody test is therefore indecisive and just one more rung on the ladder of truth we must address to prove natural immunity is fact best and robust regardless of what is detected in our blood.

  219. Deniszka

    You are right on the dot with it all. Well written EASY to understand and expresses EXACTLY how my family and I feel. But how can we make the governments stop?

  220. Bob Larimer

    People! Do you understand that this 99.7% survivable disease – 99.9975% survivable in children – sham ’emergency’ has been used by your government to trifle with your personal freedoms, wreck the economy and your personal finances, attack small business owners, punish innocent citizens and give even more centralized political power to would-be tyrants?
    OSHA has been forced to back down on unlawful mandates.
    Travel from other countries has been re-opened.
    Fauci has now been forced to admit that vaccines are failing.
    People, including children, are getting sick and dying from the vaccines.
    Will you keep believing and obeying manipulative idiots in government and media?
    Wake Up!
    Take your stand now for Freedom.
    Or lose it, permanently.

  221. Steven Hart

    You can literally sign in to the data base and see the stats. This article is stupid, just like 99% of the people commenting on it . Stop sucking Trump off.

  222. Maria

    Absolute truth! Stores are full of unhealthy processed food, never mind the already mentioned cigarettes. And suddenly huge care for our health. Something doesn’t add up.

  223. Doug Brown

    Heidi sounds like a very well balanced person asking well balance questions… questions I’ve been asking myself now for nigh on 2 years about this. Also Christine (in below comment) – I absolutely whole heartedly agree with Heidi there, write a piece! 🙂 … I once did a job for another VERY well known pharma company (not proud of it) for the sales training of pharma sales people selling their products to GP’s and let me tell you it was an eye opener “Can we count on you to prescribe our product in so many amounts this month?” no question whether it was going to help people, it’s all about Sales… Sanofi is another (watch Malcolm is a little unwell” on amazon this gives you a personal insight of one man’s battle with insanity caused by a yellow fever jab he had to take for his job (Malcolm Brabant – he’s a journailst) – It truly makes me sick. I’ve been round the world, I’ve taken no injections or so-called ‘medication’ and using a bit of due diligence I’m 100% healthy… We are becoming slaves to pharma for that “quick fix” and they know it..

    The trust in Pharma and in Government is gone… it’s time for people to take the power back, for themselves and for their futures.

  224. Ricky G

    100% agree with your views and well said. I too am now at risk for loosing my job. Its not right and we need to fight for our freedoms of choice. It’s what our country has been fighting for up until recently. Time to stand together. Fjb fji fkb.

  225. eri

    100% agree. I already have an over active immune system and I’m nervous this will just make it worse. My family has never even gotten flu shots and guess what….. none of us get the flu. My mother is a nurse and was exposed to pathogens etc her whole career. She worked as a nurse way b4 flu shots and never got one when they came out because her belief was a healthy person doesn’t need it, that is what you have an immune system for. I don’t actually ever remember her having the flu growing nor has my grandmother. I have had it maybe twice in my life and my brother and sister maybe once. My mom was pro the elderly and ppl with certain ore existing conditions and even said when she is old and needs one she will get one but she doesn’t need it now. The same goes for this “vaccine” and I like how you pointed out the variations coming out. I have often wondered how the vaccines were affecting mutations. A disease wants to live and if u throw this crap at it early it will adapt quicker and quciker and stronger to get around it. Usually a virus will appear super deadly and then it will peak and kill a bunch of ppl which doesn’t serve its purpose if it kills all its hosts so it then evens out and becomes LESS deadly, with this vaccine the OPPOSITE is happening now. Not to mention I am not against vaccines in general and in this case what pisses me off is we are not allowed to wait for the vaccine we want and are being forced to do the mRNA one. I wanted to simply wait for the Novavax one which is more tried way if vaccinating and has been used in other vaccines that have been oit awhile but Im not allowed to wait and these pharma companies have purposefully gotten the clause if they release it for emergency use then they r not responsible for any adverse effects that may crop up…. forever and now we are past the emergency need they are still off the hook for side effects. Great…. so it was basically a grab to make BILLIONS with no repercussion and make no mistake, that’s what it was. It was not some altruistic reason on big pharmas side, it was MONEY MONEY MONEY and if you are STUPID enough to trust big pharma just look up thalidomide

  226. DJ Ross

    I’ve had Covid and absolutely refuse to take any of the current vaccines. In my own circle of friends, family and acquaintances, I know quite a few that have died or had severe reactions to (primarily) the Moderna vaccine – including my 26 year old son, who was hospitalized with severe heart pains two days after the Moderna vaccine. My son’s co-worker has a dead brother in law (28 yo male) days after a Moderna dose. Another friend’s niece is basically in a wheelchair, unable to care fir her three kids. She had severe paralysis after the first dose of Phizer.

  227. Joe Byron

    At the most basic level:

    At the age of 18 you are tried as an adult in the court of law, and therefore you and you alone are responsible for your own actions.

    Considering this, why would anyone else be responsible for you getting sick? If you get sick, who’s fault is it?

    Take responsibility like everyone else has to. If you, for whatever the reason, are scared or at risk then wear 100 masks and get every vaccine known to man. You will be safe (or so they say), but do not force others to stop contributing to the country (through travel, purchases, work, etc.) because you never learned about accountability at the age of 18.

    The author of the post goes into greater depth of the misdoings taking place, however this conversation should be stopped at: take care of yourself and do not put your issues on me.

  228. Kat M.

    Very well written and reasoned article. I am also afraid of the vaccines; I have had allergies all my life and have experienced anaphylactic reactions to drugs and other substances. In addition, the zeal with which they promote this, and the suppression of side effects–up to and including death–means I have zero trust in anything they say. No jab for me!

  229. Tady

    Holly Moses Heidi, it is as if I had written this article. I am not antivac . I have supported those dear to me in their decission to get vaccinated. Natural immunity has worked for me for 55 years, because I take care of my immune system. I don’t join any group of people which is in part, how the so called vaccinated and safe keep passing it on, as if any one vaccine was universal. As if every single year those who get vaccinated for the flu virus don’t have to get a new shot, because the nature of a virus is to mutate if you will new strands!!!! Now I have to think jobless and homeless or put in my body something “they” believe in. Its all about money and they don’t hive 2 craps about me or anyone else. They never have. But now there is a mandate. I am praying that there really is a higher dimension that can assist the voiceless in this government/pharma money making mess.

  230. Alien joe

    I would never ever get the vaccination and you can’t ever in your life talk me into getting it. Wolves come in sheep’s clothing remember that. Whoever got vaccinated tell me how you feel 2 year’s down the road. The human body naturally build’s immunity. Let me make one thing clear when you create a vaccine and give it to humans the virus manipulates the vaccine and becomes stronger so you created stronger strains that mutated past the vaccine only and I say only if you wouldn’t of created a vaccine this virus would of adapted and would be just like a simple cold but because you created a vaccine to make this virus stronger and deadlier you brought hell on earth and you know that you can’t go back and change it

  231. Brandon

    Wow! I’m so glad I stumbled on this article buried away in my search results.. I wish more people would: 1: read this. 2: be open minded enough to consider this as unbiased TRUTH. You got many nails right on the head with this 👏🏼

  232. Kevin Walker

    Agree 100% with everything in this article I wish I could be this articulate when this subject comes up but I get so frustrated with those sheep that are so irrational and one more point about mandates and it being about our health one point the lack of concern with illegals coming across the border being held to same standards end of debate LET’S GO BRANDON!

  233. KKT

    I became suspicious from the very beginning when all fatal and the side effects of these experimental Covid gene therapy shots (not yet approved as an actual vaccine) were and are still censored and minimized by the Secular Media Worldwide.. The VAERS system is grossly underreported. Here are three uncensored websites to get Covid/Vaccine Truth from many highly reviewed and wonderful Doctors and Scientists with Truth: https://sebastianrushworth.com, https://vaccines.daystar.com and https://covid.daystar.com. Thank you Heidi for your articles that are right on target.

  234. elizabeth

    I was alarmed when I watched Dr Malones talk on Covid and Vaccines on the World Council for Health website and the potential for MRNA to change our DNA https://worldcouncilforhealth.org/multimedia/dr-robert-malone-covid-19-genetic-vaccines/ Our DNA pattern is the mathematical frequency of the Golden or Divine ratio. https://www.goldennumber.net/dna This is the ordered pattern since the dawn of creation. { see Leonardo Da Vinci Vitruvian Man} and watch and Michael Schneider “A Beginners Guide to Constructing the Universe: The Mathematical Archetypes of Nature, Art and Science” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YPU0xinDY4s
    The implications for this change when they vaccinate children is profound. Can you please look into this? This video from Dan Winter shows how important this ordered pattern is. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z2HZGXqhE7A

  235. Billie Dodd

    That was the most well written article I have seen written with regard to craziness of pushing vaccines known to cause severe side effects and death. Who is responsible for the adverse reactions of a vaccine pushed through coercion and no scientific backing that proves any sort of immunity? If you question the vaccine and refuse to get it you are labeled a terrorist. Completely crazy world under massive psychosis induced by fear mongers like Bill Gates and Fauci. Follow the money.

  236. Scott Hooper

    Yikes. Old post, but popular!

    You have some good and interesting questions, and a lot of claims. If you’re serious about wanting answers, I can help you find some. That would come with a few corrections too.

    I’m sort-of asking if you’re interested, because I know a lot of your readers aren’t. When someone shares facts in the comments, people down-vote it strongly.

    Note: I’m neither a medical professional nor scientist, but I know how to think, learn, and find answers 🙂

  237. Bryan Hill

    If adults want to risk their life not wearing a motercycle helmet or not getting a vacine, then f em. One less moron in the world. The only reason for a mandate should ever be minors. The question should be, are minors at risk do we need to mandate their vaccines. There is another factor, immuno comprimised. I dont know what percentage are immuno comprimised, but it is likely so small that it is their issue. They need to isolate and mask, not the rest of the country. So what do the number say, are minors in signifcant risk of death from covid…..

  238. Miss lucky

    People who are control freaks,that allow 3ed world, an endless open border into our country,without the jab,yet Americans must jab this poison or loose their jobs??? We don’t believe for a second,any of those gov.control freaks have taken 1 jab for themselves!! We have been put into a thousand years ago BARBARIC gov.control!! Nothing new here to be called new world order!!!


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