C-TRAN has partnered with the Clark County Historical Museum to offer a look back on the past four decade ...
C-TRAN celebrates 40 years of transit service
C-TRAN celebrates 40 years of transit service
Mired in controversy — Rose Quarter project faces rocky road ahead
Mired in controversy — Rose Quarter project faces rocky road ahead
Does C-TRAN need ‘high capacity’ and Bus Rapid Transit on The Vine?
Does C-TRAN need ‘high capacity’ and Bus Rapid Transit on The Vine?
Should Southwest Washington taxpayers be wary of financial ties to TriMet on the Interstate Bridge replacement project?
Should Southwest Washington taxpayers be wary of financial ties to TriMet on the Interstate Bridge replacement project?
Interstate Bridge Replacement Program faces new challenges, concerns about avoiding new EIS and NEPA process
Interstate Bridge Replacement Program faces new challenges, concerns about avoiding new EIS and NEPA process
Interstate Bridge reached peak capacity in early‐1990s and the Glenn Jackson Bridge did so in the mid‐2000s
Interstate Bridge reached peak capacity in early‐1990s and the Glenn Jackson Bridge did so in the mid‐2000s
C-TRAN 2020 ridership declines due to COVID pandemic restrictions
C-TRAN 2020 ridership declines due to COVID pandemic restrictions
Portland drops to 14th worst traffic congestion in nation
Portland drops to 14th worst traffic congestion in nation
The People speak: Fix traffic congestion and provide reliable travel times
The People speak: Fix traffic congestion and provide reliable travel times