Opinion: This is the hill I will die on. Have you thought about yours?

Clark County Today Administrator Heidi Wetzler warns others that ‘one day the fight for a liberty you care about will come to your doorstep.’

Clark County Today Administrator Heidi Wetzler warns others that ‘one day the fight for a liberty you care about will come to your doorstep’

Today, one of my sons was having an online conversation with a young man, unknown to him, who told him he was joining the National Guard for the sole purpose of being able to come to his house and forcefully vaccinate him. I have had many moments over the past 18 months where I actually felt a twinge of remorse for choosing to bring my children into this fallen world. This was one of them. How have we let our society become this hateful? 

Heidi Wetzler, administrator, ClarkCountyToday.com
Heidi Wetzler, administrator, ClarkCountyToday.com

This hate is bred by our leaders. And the media. A particularly vile CNN anchor recently called on Americans to “shun stupid unvaccinated people: Leave them behind. It’s time to start shaming them,” he said.  My son then said, “I can now understand how people willingly died in the fight for freedom. I would rather die than live like this.”  Agreed.  I consider it my moral responsibility to do all I can to fight for his future. In doing so, I am fighting for the future of the person who wants to spitefully plunge a needle into his arm as well. 

The young man he spoke with is being conditioned to self-righteously hate. Look at how a virus with an average survival rate of 99.9 percent has been weaponized to divide. Division begets government control. It truly is a brilliant accomplishment. And the majority are proudly accepting the challenge to follow along with things that make no scientific sense, for the mighty virtuous “good of the group.” Our society has been convinced that the chance of dying from this virus is so great, that people are quite literally afraid to live. And now our young people don’t want anyone else to live freely either. This has been the most successful psychological experiment of my lifetime. 

Treatments given out at the first sign of illness by the governments of other countries, are criminally banned in America. If you’re interested in thinking critically, here’s a question. How many people have died from Ivermectin? When has a treatment ever been banned because it “doesn’t work.” You might as well ban Tums for the same reason. But that would be silly wouldn’t it? This vaccine is the ticket to tyrannical control, not global health. I implore you to open your eyes.  

President Biden said recently in a pivotal speech that “this is not about freedom or personal choice.” What is it about then sir? My family’s previously beloved bodybuilder turned actor, turned governor, infamously exclaimed recently to those exercising bodily autonomy, “SCREW YOUR FREEDOM.”  An Austrian immigrant, who came to America and created a fairytale life BECAUSE of blood-bought freedoms said this. Screw you Arnold Schwarzenegger!  

My husband is on the verge of losing his career due to this widely accepted rape of our freedoms. He has had COVID and likely still has antibodies, but apparently the science has forgotten that’s how science works. The unvaccinated are often called selfish. Selfish because we are more concerned about a vaccine with no long-term safety data, than a largely survivable illness. Selfish because we want the chance to strengthen our own immune systems – and now that the vaccinated are largely considered protected, then why not? Selfish because we simply want the freedom to choose. I know this is an unpopular concept, but those of us being called selfish, are actually experiencing great sacrifice.  

One day everyone will meet their line in the sand. The hill they will die on. This is mine. Be it figuratively or literally. We are sacrificing our family’s future financial security for it. And I believe we are fighting for YOUR hill as well.  Because one day that moment will come for everyone. Everyone will have their own line they will not step across. What if in order to keep your employment freedoms you must accept each and every booster shot that comes your way for the rest of your life? Is anyone even asking what comes next? What if at some point the government mandates something into your body that you DON’T want there? It is easy to comply today if you are on board. But what if one day you aren’t. I’M FIGHTING FOR THAT DAY, FOR YOU.  So many of us are. And we are being vilified. And crucified. And shamed. And being told we aren’t worthy of medical care – or even life. The concern for our health is so great they say, that we should be denied medical treatment. The concern for our health is so great, that hundreds of thousands will lose their employer-sponsored health insurance.  

Maybe some people are more concerned about other types of government overreach. For example, the idea of monitoring every transaction that comes in and out of our bank accounts is currently on the table — every transaction on a financial app will have government eyes on it for the purpose of taxing your babysitting money – or simply for prying into your private life.  What if, for population control, there is a restriction on family size one day? What if certain foods and supplies begin to be rationed? What if you are only allowed to eat meat on special occasions? What if masks never come off of school children? What if an unvaccinated person can never patronize your business again? At some point, something will matter to you. If the government can require you to inject something into your body that you don’t want, in order for you to keep your job, then what can’t it do? I believe they can only do what “We the People” allow them to do.  

There is risk inherently in life. One in every 107 people die in car accidents. But I am still free to get in my car every day and possibly kill myself. Or you. Still free for now. Maybe one day in order to reduce the risk of dying in car accidents, we will only be allowed to drive on certain days. After what we are experiencing, nothing would surprise me. 

I am asking you today to step off this runaway train. Every person who supports this vaccine mandate is responsible for what is to come. I will continue to fight for the freedoms of those who stand with me, and by doing so I am also fighting for the future freedoms of those who stand against. For I promise you one day the fight for a liberty you care about will come to your doorstep. And when it does, hopefully there will be people left who are willing to fight with you too.  


  1. K.J. Hinton

    You had me until you whipped out that 99.9% survival rate. That is simply untrue and that someone in your position would repeat that falsehood is frightening.

    No one should be forced by anyone to get vaxxed against their will. But the reality is that there are 43.6 million covid cases in this country, meaning that, according to you, only 43,600 people have died from this… When the actual number is 704,000.

    Words and numbers have meaning. In my case, one of the dead is my brother.

    I appreciate your position in all this, but that position should mean the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

    Hopefully, no one in your family will join the list of the unimportant-to-you dead.

    After all, to you?

    They’re just numbers, and inaccurate numbers at that.

    1. Thomas casey

      Experts don’t have information about the outcome of every infection. However, early estimates predict that the overall COVID-19 recovery rate is between 97% and 99.75%.Aug 7, 2021

      1. K.J. Hinton

        Not sure what experts there are that can counter the numbers.

        This is the time for as much accuracy as we can get. Being off by a factor of 18 or so is not accuracy… it’s agenda.

        Further, “surviving” does not mean “recovering.”

        Millions of people who were not killed by this have suffered symptoms related to it for months…

        They are survivors… but they have not recovered.



    2. Rick

      You are forgetting that there has been millions of people infected with COVID that never knew they even had it. Count everyone. Also remember that if you died of a heart attack but had COVID they classified the death as a COVID death not a heart attack. That is why the true number is closer to 99.9%

      1. K.J. Hinton

        I appreciate that. But the number isn’t “true” beyond the extent that deniers want it to be true.

        For her actual number to be correct… that is, that only 1/10 of one percent have died from this, that would require both a population total of 693,000,000, or roughly twice our current population(.1X10= 1 1=6,930,000. Multiply by 100 (to achieve 100%) and you have have a population total 693 million people AND that every single one of those people were covid positive.

        So, no. It’s NOT closer to 99.9%. In fact, it’s no where close to it, based on what that figure is supposed to represent.

        But I suppose, since deniers never look at these numbers to actually represent PEOPLE, it’s easy to suggest that the number is insignificant.

        Whatever fits your meme.

      1. K.J. Hinton

        Sure. Deniers will typically claim that 704,000 dead is “insignificant.”

        Until they or a family member become one of those in the dead column.

        Then, not so much.

        And since the death rate is 1.6% of the total cases… why do deniers insist on the fallacy that 99.9% recover? Accuracy matters. Lying doesn’t help your cause.

        1. Bart Collins

          KJ Hinton, would you be willing to have an open dialogue with me regarding your views? I strongly believe we can all learn and become better informed when we respectfully engage in dialogue. Too many things are misconstrued and misunderstood in written posts.

    3. Heidi Wetzler

      The CDC admitted early on that for every positive COVID test, there are at least 2 others who have been exposed, who are not tested, making the more accurate number of COVID cases 43 million multiplied by 3, which supports the figure I used.
      Shame on you for suggesting that I consider any death unimportant, simply because I do not believe in the principal behind mandated vaccinations.

      1. Atul Mathur

        As I believe that you are a moral person, please consider this argument: since you are not vaccinated, you can unfortunately get infected with Covid. Like many others, you may be lucky enough so that you feel almost fine. Though you may have no symptoms, however you are still infectious, and may unknowingly infect someone else. Let’s say that starts a chain of infection that ultimately infects 20 people. One of the infected person gets really sick and has to be hospitalized. For that sick person’s suffering, what moral burden do you bear?

        1. Heidi Wetzler

          Unknowingly sharing viruses is nothing new. This is a new concept to bear a moral burden for that. Life is full of risk.The vaccinated are actually greatly capable of spreading the virus as their symptoms are masked, and they often do not know that they are sick.

  2. Jesse

    How many vaccines were you required to take to be able to go to public school? The mandates are designed to keep the public safe. This is nothing new, The government hospitals employers have always required vaccinated person so they could have a safe workplace environment. And could offer a safe environment to the public they serve. Just stop with a fake information.

    1. heather w

      No one of your age was REQUIRED to be vaxxed to go to school. there were always exemptions, or not even a form to fill out, depending on the state you were in. and now there are not exemptions.

    2. Hingle Mckringleberry

      Any vaccine that’s given to attend school are for diseases that HAD high mortality rates. Your comparison is absent logic when the survival rate of COVID is extremely high. Try again.

    3. Lisa

      And individuals were always allowed to take religious, personal, or health-related exemptions. Not so with these jabs. And what about those with natural immunity? When has natural immunity ever been so ignored? Why are 2/3 of current (not cumulative) cases in Wales amongst the vaxxed? There simply is not evidence to support these mandates.

    4. Democrats are Evil

      Have you ever attended a school that mandated a flu shot? Me neither… You’re comparing apples to oranges. Polio, MMR and whooping cough don’t have 220 known mutant protein variants like the flu (that includes the corona “or Crown” virus which was actually discovered in the 50’s) and thus, those vaccines have an extremely high efficacy vs. flu vax shots. Your argument holds no water. Why don’t you stop with the fear based fascism and go eat some healthy food to allow your own immune system to do what it’s supposed to do.

  3. Jack Burton

    Here are some other great Americans and the hills they chose to die on. You know, to save us all whether we liked it or not:

    James Henry Hammond and John C. Calhoun. Both men were congressmen from the American South. They explained that slavery was moral and necessary for America to remain free. In short, they attempted to describe that freeing the slaves would create an unpredictable, unlanded underclass. These free, poor citizens would be uneducated and unpredictable and thus would destabilize this great nation. In order to maintain the freedom and liberty of America, they claimed, we must keep the slaves enslaved.

    Madeleine Dahlgren and Helen Kendrick Johnson fought tirelessly against women’s suffrage. Allowing women to vote would erode the family institution, in their opinion. Voting should be left to men to save America. You’ll see a theme developing.

    Strom Thurmond fought against integrating society, and particularly schools, serving in the U.S. Senate for 48 years. I could have chosen any number of segregationists, but I actually met this guy in 1998 so I chose him. He felt, like many of today’s antivaxx heroes, that the people he represented (Southern white people) were the real victims. Here are some quotes – “The white people of the South are the greatest minority in this nation. They deserve consideration and understanding instead of persecution and propaganda. ” Sounds pretty familiar. They weren’t racists, they just wanted to preserve America. Here’s another – “All the bayonets of the Army cannot force the Negro into our homes, into our schools, our churches and our places of recreation and amusement.” Mr. Thurmond had a hill to die on as well it seems. You know, because America.

    Phyllis Schlafly fought tooth and nail against the Equal Rights Amendment. She feared women having some sense of equality would endanger America. Pretty much every member of one of our political parties was against marriage equality. Gay people getting married would ruin America and all that. I could continue and share the brave culture warriors that fought for torturing prisoners in the name of American freedom, or those that explained that you can’t have First Amendment rights during the National Anthem, or any number of any issues that we have faced over the years. But I won’t because it is simple… every one of these comes down to politics.

    And so does this most recent anti-vaxx movement. Before Covid the anti-vaccine crowd was split pretty evenly between the left and right, Democrats and Republicans, liberals and conservatives. Since Covid one side has a monopoly on the hysteria. Want proof? Here are just a few nuggets:
    1) The 12 states with the highest per capita Covid case rates are all run by Republican governors.
    2) The 13 states with the highest per capita hospitalization rates are all run by Republican governors.
    3) The 15 states with the highest per capita Covid death rates are all run by Republican governors.
    Some may call this a coincidence. But I believe that fighting against this pandemic has been so politicized that people are dying, unnecessarily, to prove political points.

    Prove me wrong by fighting against the vaccines I had to get to attend public school. And fighting against the vaccines I had to get to join the military. And the vaccines I had to get to serve the U.S. Government overseas. Fight against those and I will believe your sincerity and not assume this is just the next culture war.




    1. Citizen 2

      Yes. Please continue to write in and speak the truth, Jack Burton. Thank you for highlighting real parallels in history and citing accurate data. Most of all, thank you for your service to our Nation.

      1. Jack Burton

        Full disclosure: As I reread my post, I see that I wrote it as if I served. That was in a draft. I should have fixed that wording before I submitted. I did not serve.

    2. Heather W

      I have been fighting against mandatory vax for EVERYONE for years. This is NOT a political issue. The “anti” vaxxers (most of us actually EX-vaxxers) are from all walks of life and all political parties. We all THINK and RESEARCH and believe in the Constitution. Unfortunately, most republicans are letting all this skullduggery slide as much as the democrats. But the PEOPLE of the United States – they are united together for bodily autonomy. No one should be forced to participate in these experiments against their will. And since when did we have to participate in a mass science experiment in order to get or keep a job? I live in California, where hospitals are actively denying treatment to the unvaxxed, so your point about pointless deaths goes both ways, IF your statistics are even true, because the whistleblowers and personal friends who are on the ground are all saying the vaxxed are the greatest covid populations in hospitals. Please, listen to the people, not the tv.

      1. Citizen 2

        You are trying to make a point with anecdotal information which holds zero weight. Where you acquire your information (research) actually matters. Your passion to promote bodily autonomy is the ONLY thing that makes sense here – stick with that. When you start calling the covid vaccine a science experiment you lose any credibility – clearly you don’t know the 20 year history of this vaccine. Your last statement “listen to people, not the tv” conjures images of you talking to people in your little bubble (like the the childhood party game “telephone”) to draw uninformed conclusions and pass it on as research and sound data.

        1. MCee

          There are many drugs that have been researched for years that end up causing damage and illness to people, so saying it’s safe means nothing to me. If it was studied for years, then why wasn’t it used for the common cold and flu that are Corona viruses as well? Look how many people die of heart attacks and cancer, should we ban cigarettes and junk food? Have someone show up at our doors forcing us to exercise? People die from the common flu every year, even the vaccinated. As stated in the article, should we not be allowed to drive because people die in car accidents?
          Our bodies are made to make antibodies, that is how it works. It is MY choice to go the natural route and not put something in MY body that no one truly knows the long term effects off! If the vaccine works, then why should the vaccinated care, you’re vaccinated and safe, right? The flu virus mutates, this is a flu, it’s going to be around forever. How many “boosters” do you get that alter your DNA before it causes permanent damage? This alteration can NOT be undone!! Someone mentioned that us against the vaccine only listen to the ones in our “bubble”. Well isn’t that what you are doing only trusting what the TV tells you? If the talking heads on TV and politician with an agenda tell you to drink poison Kool-Aid, would you? Your news and “leaders” push hatred and division. Welcome to the modern day Nazi Germany!!

          1. Citizen 2

            I never spoke on mandating the vaccine. People ought to have autonomy – but that may come with undesirable consequences. It may exclude you from things. So I think it’s important to have actual facts about this vaccine in order for people to make informed decisions. It’s not a grand experiment with no efficacy – it’s been in development for at least 15 years. There is no evidence that a high number of people are dying from this vaccine. The patients that are overwhelming our hospitals are not vaccinated. And sadly, this has become so politicized that a large faction of society has seemingly become deaf and blind to peer reviewed studies and data. This group is screaming at the wind and citing anecdotal information when there is an entire world trying to fight and overcome this worldwide pandemic. It isn’t about democrats or republicans. This isn’t about fascism or socialists. It’s about humanity trying to slow the spread, reduce a death toll, get a handle on an unrelenting virus. Don’t get vaccinated if you don’t want to but do your part to end the pandemic. Wear a mask, wash your hands, and don’t complain if you can’t walk into a school, community gathering or business without it.

          1. Citizen 2

            Corona virus research and development have been underway for nearly two decades. That research and advances in medicine are what enabled scientists to develop the vaccine rapidly. Read science journals or simply actual news sources, as opposed to opinion pieces.

    3. Thomas Casey

      Anti mandate is not the same as Anti-vaccine. It is not the governments job to mandate health to us. Look up Eugenics , and Thalidomide, and Lysenkoism and then tell me you think the government should mandate our health decisions.

  4. John Laird

    Thank you, Heidi, for supporting the concept of We The People. I’m sure you realize that We The People favored Hillary Clinton for president by 3 million votes in 2016 (pending audits), and that 80 percent of We The People support background checks for gun purchases, and that 70 percent of We The People support gay marriage according to Gallup, and that 59 percent of We The People support abortion rights according to the Pew Research Center. Welcome to the right side of history, Heidi!

    1. Democrats are Evil

      You don’t speak for this “We The People” citizen. And I certainly don’t follow your effed up mindless liberal ‘narrative’. But let’s focus back to this thread – looking at Heidi’s approval rating on the array of comments alone, you look like you’re following more of the liberal “exception” than the “We The People” rule… Nice try… By the way, most Americans who voted for Trump were sick and tired of both establishment Repubs and Demoncrats, sick and tired of both Clinton’s and Bush’s… and thus Trump won handedly against the Hildebeest, and actually beat his own voter turn out this last election by 10 million more LEGITIMATE votes. The only way for crooked uncle Joe to beat a winner? Cheat! That’s what Pedo-Joe did, and so many of you really believe he won. What sorry lot you are. A day of reckoning is coming, and certainly not soon enough.

      1. Sachiko

        And Trump lost the election by having far fewer votes, FACT, so “we the people” really isn’t up for interpretation, but you cannot handle the truth.

  5. Margaret

    It is not too late for anybody on the verge of losing their career to keep fighting for their rights. George Mason University granted a veteran law professor a medical exemption from its COVID-19 vaccine mandate after he filed a lawsuit demanding recognition of his natural immunity, according to his lawyers.

    InformedChoiceWA.org reports on medical freedom:
    Natural immunity is recognized for measles and other diseases in WA state.
    “ALSO NOTE: You may get your child’s blood checked for protective antibody titers for the infections targeted by the required vaccines. If the test(s) are positive, those results can be recorded by your child’s doctor on the Certificate of Immunization form, in lieu of vaccination.”

    “Not only do the mandates violate medical freedom and bodily autonomy, they are unscientifically sound. They are, in fact, dangerous. The COVID-19 vaccines do not prevent infection, transmission, hospitalization, or death. They actually increase risk of infection and risk of severe disease through antibody dependent enhancement (ADE). And they have proven to be the most dangerous vaccines ever introduced.” This article YOUR Rights: COVID-19 shots, masks, tests, highlights actions by WA residents to defend their medical freedom. https://informedchoicewa.org/your-rights-covid-19-shots-masks-tests/
    ChildrensHealthDefense.org offers daily reports on medical freedom
    “The bottom line is this: mandating products authorized for Emergency Use Authorization status (EUA) violates federal law as detailed in the following legal notifications.
    “All COVID vaccines, COVID PCR and antigen tests, and masks are merely EUA-authorized, not approved or licensed, by the federal government. Long-term safety and efficacy have not been proven.
    “EUA products are by definition experimental, which requires people be given the right to refuse them. Under the Nuremberg Code, the foundation of ethical medicine, no one may be coerced to participate in a medical experiment. Consent of the individual is ‘absolutely essential.’If you’re like most, you’re probably thinking, “Well, Biden’s executive order came after the U.S. Food and Drug Administration gave full approval to the Pfizer/BioNTech COVID shot Comirnaty, so the vaccine is not under EUA.” You’d be partially right. But mostly wrong.
    The difference between Pfizer’s BNT162b2 shot and Comirnaty
    The FDA did indeed give full approval to Comirnaty, but that product is not predicted to be available for over a year. The only Pfizer shot currently available, called BNT162b2, remains under EUA. We have the FDA to thank for this unusual and befuddling situation, but the key take-home is that while approval has been granted to Comirnaty, that product is not obtainable…” Full article, Biden’s Vaccine Mandate — Who’s Fighting Back, and How?

    “On Sept. 17, Children’s Health Defense (CHD) filed an amended motion to stay as a follow up to its lawsuit, filed Aug. 31, against the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for simultaneously approving and authorizing Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine in a classic “bait and switch.”
    The FDA’s action created mass confusion, disorder and deception regarding the differences between the two Pfizer vaccines.
    The FDA approval purportedly allowed the U.S. Military, the Biden administration and other U.S. companies to exhort people to take “licensed” vaccines when in fact the vaccines routinely available and being administered in the U.S. continue to be the Pfizer-BioNTech Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) vaccines.” Full article 14 Military Members Detail Toll Vaccine Mandates Are Taking on Service Members in Amended Motion to CHD Lawsuit Against FDA
    Consider Esther who called for fasting and prayer to save the lives of her people. The miraculous answer as recorded in the book of Esther in the Old Testament has given courage and hope to generations. There are several inspiring dramatic renditions of the book.

  6. Scott Hooper

    You show so many misunderstandings here I have to say: I don’t watch FOX, so thank you for telling us what they’ve taught you.

    But you are right about one thing: hate. It’s not CNN in the lead–but I’ll admit even the left-wing media does a little of that too.

    If you listen to centrist or progressive media (NPR, for e.g.), you will hear stories, discussion, problems and possible solutions. If you listen to right-wing media (FOX, KXL, etc.) there is nothing but complaints, lies and hate-mongering with terms like “Freedom-hating Democrats.”

    There’s a force behind this all, and it’s going to ruin us if we don’t find a way to stop it.

  7. Democrats are Evil

    If that fateful day comes where the National Guard attacks it’s own citizens for a forced vaccination (Hitler would be be so proud!), then this citizen will go down fighting, guns blazing.

  8. Edward

    Liberty is overrated. Nearly 8 Billion sapiens roaming the earth. We need more control of our herd, like it or not. Not just with vaxes. But with everything. We are becoming a sickness upon ourselves.

  9. Tjones

    Your screed reeks of callous ignorance and deranged arrogance. It is appalling and mind-numbing. You prattle about “freedom” while overlooking the fact that you have no intrinsic “freedom” to irresponsibly sicken those around you.

    You criticize “government overreach” while remaining blind to “libertarian overreach” – you have no problem with driving to the store in a car made by other people, on roads built by other people, to buy food grown by other people, and clothes made by other people, all the while beating your chest about your freedoms and independence, and thumbing your nose at the public good.

    You turn the situation on its head, and you make me ill. Find something meaningful to do with your life instead of this pathetic display.

      1. Fletcher

        God I hate your views, if only you were worth my time and energy…A time will come when you will have the big picture right in front of you and it will be painful. Enjoy

    1. Truth-Seeker

      Your comments actually sound childlish. You talk about “a car made by other people, etc” as though he didn’t pay for those things. Does he not pay taxes to maintain the roads? Does he not pay for the clothes “made by other people”? How does the cloth-maker by groceries if he doesn’t sell his cloths? How can you confirm for sure that one person’s freedom to remain unvaxxed is what is sickening others? And how many vaccines would be willing to have injected into your body to “save others”? When would you say enough – after 3 vaccines and 1 new booster every 2 months? When?

  10. Atul Mathur

    As I believe that you are a moral person, please consider this question:

    since you are not vaccinated, you can unfortunately get infected with Covid. Like many others, you may be lucky enough so that you feel almost fine. Though you may have no symptoms, however you are still infectious. So you may infect someone else. Let’s say that starts a chain of infection that ultimately infects 20 people. One of the infected person gets really sick and has to be hospitalized.

    For that sick person’s suffering, does anyone bear a moral responsibility? Suppose in the first place, it was I who had unknowingly infected you, what moral burden do I bear?

  11. Scott Hargrove

    The inaccurate testing, the categorizing of all deaths as covid related, the prohibition of effective medications, the hiding of vaccine side effects and deaths, the lies about the origin of the virus, the changing of the definition of the word vaccine to match the experimental mRNA jab, and the general lying to us every step of the way all raise concerns.

    I agree with everything you said, but would add this:

    “He also forced everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on his right hand or on his forehead, so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of his name.” Rev 13:16-17

    While I don’t think the jab is “the mark”, it is all clearly a preparation for the above prophecy. The forced nature of it all, the division and dehumanizing of those who are resistant, and the economic penalties will seem old hat and “normal” when they roll out the mark, whatever that will actually turn out to be.

    I might have been convinced or persuaded to take the jab until they began echoing that prophecy. I consider my non-compliance to be my preparation for the prophesied mark, too.

  12. Bob Roberts

    The reasons we want people vaccinated are (a) not overwhelming hospitals with the unvaccinated causing the rest of us risk of care, (b) Covid has killed 700,000 Americans in the past 18 months, on par with the number one killer heart disease. If the unvaccinated are willing to give up access to hospitals that would take care of the first concern. Given it is mostly the unvaccinated that are dying at this point rates above the nation’s number one killer, that is their choice. Perhaps this will strengthen the gene pool.

    This is a sacrifice for the community we are being asked to make. It’s not about the individual, it’s about the health of our communities. A small ask.

  13. US CItizen

    Heidi – What has happened to you? You used to be fairly sensible, fairly reasonable, able to separate the noise from the real. But now you are part of the noise, generating noise. Playing doctor, scientist, and rebel against a non-enemy. You are not qualified. Please, check yourself. Take a breath. Find the love and commonalities that you have in you for your fellow American. YOU, HEIDI, are now the one stoking fear and hate. YOU, HEIDI, are the divisive one. You are not helping anyone or standing up for anyone’s rights.

  14. Cindy Lester

    Heidi, from Louisville Ky, I just love you and your boldness! Keep speaking truth! I can only imagine the backlash you must get- but you are spot on and I am ever grateful for your strong voice!

  15. Tucker Pendleton

    To answer your question – I am a Constitutional Patriot. I have taken the oath. But as I have watched this treacherous coup unfold here, at home, I have come to the conclusion that American’s are unworthy of our Constitutional Liberty. Sure, our “leaders” will cause wars for any number of reasons, mostly in the name of freedom. And the apparatus will glorify it, while making billions and even trillions. And our young men and women will willingly kill, die, be mutilated, and even kill themselves for the propaganda.
    But then here at home we are feckless. I hear others call our “leaders” feckless but the reality is that they work for us and we are allowing them to do what they are doing. We’re scared of the names that they may call us instead of dragging them into the streets for the comings that they deserve. Oh yes, and I hear “lawful and rule of law” thrown around. A convenient excuse.
    I have an opinion that all the soc med platforms and the ability to have an innocuous opinion on chats has handcuffed us to fecklessness.

  16. Sachiko

    Youre speaking about false equivalencies and talk about fear mongering; youre dramatically over the top. Im good, dont need you fighting for my freedoms on this matter. Im sure you dont give a damn about the freedoms that matter to me anyway. And count yourself lucky, your husband can get another job, a choice he is free to make.


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