Opinion: Are vaccine risks worth the cost?

The question I’d like to have answered regarding the global vaccine rollout is, “How many vaccine deaths are considered acceptable?” Can someone in charge please give me a number? Scientifically speaking, how many heart attacks, miscarriages, blood clots or neurological side effects are considered to be an appropriate trade-off for the value of the vaccines? How about episodes of Guillain-Barre Syndrome, myocarditis, and life-threatening hospitalizations? How many of those who are now permanently disabled are deemed an acceptable price to pay to conquer this virus?
File photo.

Clark County Today Administrator Heidi Wetzler asks a very important question

The question I’d like to have answered regarding the global vaccine rollout is, “How many vaccine deaths are considered acceptable?” Can someone in charge please give me a number? Scientifically speaking, how many heart attacks, miscarriages, blood clots or neurological side effects are considered to be an appropriate trade-off for the value of the vaccines?  How about episodes of Guillain-Barre Syndrome, myocarditis, and life-threatening hospitalizations? How many of those who are now permanently disabled are deemed an acceptable price to pay to conquer this virus?  

Heidi Wetzler
Heidi Wetzler

I have received many emails from people who are looking to tell their stories of vaccine injuries. They are a silenced group. You’d think that doctors and scientists who are truly interested in the health and safety of their patients would be carefully investigating all of the potential vaccine-related side effects, then adding their findings to the rest of the world’s while continuing to actively weigh the benefits of the vaccines versus their risks. But the truth is, the immense pressure doctors are under to turn a blind eye to adverse events is real. Dr. Mollie James, a courageous ICU doctor in New York City recently decided to speak out regarding her personal experience. Here is an excerpt from her interview. 

“I feel pressured not to use VAERS and many of my colleagues confidently tell me the same,” Dr. James said exclusively to the Gateway Pundit. “They are scared of the politics, of being outed, shamed, and ridiculed. It’s easy for a Doctor to lose their admitting privileges somewhere, and many know if they report something as a vaccine side effect they could lose their job. I just can’t believe what I’m seeing over and over again, and I’ve decided to come forward because this is such a silent crisis of public health, people have to know how bad things are and they need to know the real risks of the COVID vaccine. Dr. James points to peer-reviewed studies and surveys that show the VAERS system is off by a factor of 100, and says this matches her own experiences. 

Dr. James estimated that in her intensive care unit in New York City, or ICU, with a major medical chain, she sees 30 percent or more who clearly have complications after having received the vaccine. “There is clearly an increased risk of strokes, heart attack, blood clots, autoimmune issues, arterial issues, and neurological issues associated with the vaccine that are not being tracked because politics is demanding that the vaccine be considered perfect. The risks go all the way up to death. People are suffering major adverse reactions and I have no doubt many are dying from these vaccines but we can’t discuss this openly without fear of political consequences. I have to speak out.” 

The question I’d like to have answered regarding the global vaccine rollout is, “How many vaccine deaths are considered acceptable?” Can someone in charge please give me a number? Scientifically speaking, how many heart attacks, miscarriages, blood clots or neurological side effects are considered to be an appropriate trade-off for the value of the vaccines? How about episodes of Guillain-Barre Syndrome, myocarditis, and life-threatening hospitalizations? How many of those who are now permanently disabled are deemed an acceptable price to pay to conquer this virus?
File photo.

Adding credence to Dr. James’s testimony, Dr. Peter Doshi spoke out at recent FDA proceedings. He asked, “what is the FDA doing to ensure the people can speak freely, without fear of reprisal?” He shared that three medical boards, the American Board of Family Medicine, the American Board of Internal Medicine, and the American Board of Pediatrics are all threatening sanctions or discipline against doctors who question the current line of thinking and protocol. 

The afore-mentioned assertion regarding the potential inaccuracy of the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS)  is bone chilling. Today there are 14,925 deaths reported to the system. If it is truly off by a factor of 100, then we are talking about 1.5 million deaths. The following data is taken from the OpenVAERS.com website and is current through Sept. 10.  

One of the many questions I have regarding the data reported to VAERS, is why the FDA approved the Pfizer vaccine when it is reportedly responsible for 69 percent of all deaths? 

One reader recently sent me the following: “I had a heart attack after getting the Pfizer jab. I started a FB group asking if others had severe reactions to the vaccine. I wasn’t spreading any information. I only wanted to provide a place where people could share their experience, support each other and compare notes. I had thousands of people join in a couple of days and immediately received a warning from FB that if I continued to post “false” information I would be shut down. FB was removing them as FB saw fit. They would deny a post as partially false, and say the information wasn’t verified or proven. That doesn’t make it false. Such as VAERS numbers. The information from the VAERS official site was deemed “false.” Yeah, tell me again we are getting honest figures on who has suffered adverse effect and how many people have died. It would be easier to risk my life by getting my 2nd jab if I saw that it was working. But why would I go through risking another heart attack for something that isn’t working? How stupid would I be? 

Facebook has not only censored this person’s attempt at an information sharing group, but it has completely removed many other groups with memberships in the hundreds of thousands. Back in April and despite the First Amendment preventing lawmakers trying to silence citizens, Democrat Senators Amy Klobuchar (D-MN)) and Ben Ray Luján (D-NM) wrote a letter addressed to the CEOs of Facebook and Twitter, urging them to take more action against vaccine misinformation on their platforms. 

“For too long, social media platforms have failed to adequately protect Americans by not taking sufficient action to prevent the spread of vaccine disinformation online,” the senators wrote in the letter. “Despite your policies intended to prevent vaccine disinformation, many of these accounts continue to post content that reach millions of users, repeatedly violating your policies with impunity.” 

For starters, since when has it been the utterly subjective job of social media platforms to “protect Americans?” And secondly, I believe it’s the silencing of the harm being done by these vaccines, that is the true egregious disservice to humanity. If Facebook or Twitter were truly interested in protecting Americans, these stories of vaccine harm would stand. 

On Sept. 10, a Detroit news station – WXYZ-TV Channel 7 – put out a call on their Facebook page. They asked if anyone who had lost an unvaccinated loved one to COVID-19 was willing to share their family’s story. The post brought hundreds of thousands of comments, and as I scanned them, I could only find stories of vaccine harm. Vaccine death. Many called for the news channel to actually do their job and report on THAT. To Channel 7 I say, shame on you and get out of the journalism business, if you ignore the overwhelmingly terrifying response to your post, and refuse to report on what is dangling in front of your face. 

The question I’d like to have answered regarding the global vaccine rollout is, “How many vaccine deaths are considered acceptable?” Can someone in charge please give me a number? Scientifically speaking, how many heart attacks, miscarriages, blood clots or neurological side effects are considered to be an appropriate trade-off for the value of the vaccines? How about episodes of Guillain-Barre Syndrome, myocarditis, and life-threatening hospitalizations? How many of those who are now permanently disabled are deemed an acceptable price to pay to conquer this virus?
File photo.

A young man by the name of John Stokes, a Division 1 golfer at Tennessee State University, recently took to social media to chronicle his bout with myocarditis, an inflammation of the heart muscle, following the Pfizer vaccine. While the fact that he will most likely have to sit out his senior season and may never fully recover is heart-breaking, his claim that he has had offers to buy the rights to his vaccine reaction story so he can’t share it, is in many ways, worse. While we are on the subject of myocarditis, 46 people have died of COVID in all branches of the military combined, and now over 80 military members have myocarditis after being given the vaccine. Why in the world would the federal government be mandating a vaccine to a group of people that has caused more harm than the virus it is protecting them from. When will people wake up? 

Over the weekend I listened to a podcast on YouTube put out by CannCon.locals.com. Of course, it has since been taken down since we apparently live in the era of state-run media. It gave voice to a local whistleblower from our very own Legacy Salmon Creek Medical Center in Vancouver. She claimed, among other things, that there is active data suppression going on at her hospital. There is a widespread failure to report to VAERS, mandatory reporting conditions such as stroke, heart attack, bleeding conditions, multisystem inflammatory syndrome, and autoimmune and neurological disorders.  And on top of that, she also claimed that the Clark County Medical Examiner refuses to perform autopsies on those who have died with a “natural death designation.” 

Dr. Lee Merrit, an orthopedic doctor from Iowa recently suggested in an interview that, “If we were in a real pandemic, we would be doing pathology on those that die.” Now I’m not a doctor, but it does seem fairly obvious that in the interest of science, autopsies would be essential to gather information regarding those who have recently been vaccinated and subsequently have died due to a mandatory reporting condition.  

Another troubling bit of information to me is the way the CDC defines “unvaccinated.” People within 14 days of their first dose of the vaccine, are considered unvaccinated. This means if someone was hospitalized, admitted to ICU, required mechanical ventilation or died within two weeks of getting the jab they are being counted as “unvaccinated.”  It makes me question all of those hospitalization charts floating around on social media with the little people in the “vaccinated” and “unvaccinated” columns. How does this definition help if we are trying to honestly ascertain vaccine harm?  

I have received a healthy number of emails from vaccine reluctant nurses. I have always been particularly interested in their reasoning as they have a unique vantage point. They see the effects of illness from COVID as well as the side effects from the vaccines up close and this is the choice they make. Why isn’t anyone placing value on their professional opinions? They talk of the money being made by hospitals and clinics by administering this vaccine. Forty dollars per shot, 10 shots per hour, 9 hours per day and 30 days per month equals $108,000 per vaccine station. Add to that the tens of thousands the hospital receives for every patient put on a ventilator, as well as compensation for every COVID positive person. It’s no wonder we have ended up in this mess, created by financially incentivizing medical institutions in this way. The current system generates the grave conflicts of interest we are experiencing. The schmoozing of doctors by pharmaceutical companies is a $20-billion-dollar-a-year industry. And as long as main-stream media and big tech is funded by Big Pharma to the tune of $6 billion dollars per year, why would they bite the hand that feeds them and choose to report on stories of vaccine injuries or allow them on their platforms. 

If medical organizations are going to begin to earn the trust of the unvaccinated, this train wreck of dishonesty, censorship, and suppression of adverse vaccine-related events must stop. In 1976, the vaccination campaign for the Swine Flu was halted after 40 million vaccinations due to 500 cases of Guillain-Barre Syndrome and 53 deaths.  

Frankly, I find it demeaning to have the president tell the unvaccinated that “his patience is wearing thin.”  How about this, Mr. President. Our patience is wearing thin regarding the news blackout on vaccine safety data. Start by looking into the eyes of your citizens and tell us how many deaths are acceptable, stop intimidating and silencing doctors, allow all deaths and adverse events to be openly and honestly reported and then promise to disband the program, when that number is reached.  


  1. The Recovering Pastor

    Great point. Thank you for sharing. Even with all the adverse side-effects you have on top the breakthroughs are exploding here in CC. Tenfold increase from July to august and OVER 50% in the last two weeks plus a 33% jump in hospitalizations. There should absolutely be NO MANDATES!

  2. Stephen

    This sounds like Mouselinis Italy. My wealthy great grandfather escaped Italy with the family to work in a sweat shop in Boston and when the family was safely in America he died in 1938. Now we have a repeat of history.

  3. Lets be Rational

    VAERS reports are for all “Serious Adverse Events” regardless of causality.

    Lets repeat that: regardless of causality…

    If you look at the data More than 386 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines were administered in the United States from December 14, 2020, through September 20, 2021. During this time, VAERS received 7,899 reports of death (0.0020%) among people who received a COVID-19 vaccine.

    So that’s a 0.002% fatality rate regardless of causality…your readers here are smart enough to know that this is a very very very very very very small percentage of people.

    Spinning this with silly salacious opinion pieces that are clearly meant to get people riled up are not helpful to productive public discourse.

    1. Dev

      Did you not read the part about how the actual data is being suppressed and under reported?
      that’s a huge point if this. They are not reporting. Harvard study suggest actually 1% of deaths are being reported

      1. Lets be Rational

        What Harvard study?

        The statements above about data being suppressed are ALL about Facebook. VAERS is, by design, open for all to submit adverse events.

        I intentionally don’t look to social networks, including Facebook, for my news. It’s hard to sort opinion from fact on CCT, let alone social media.

        1. Cheryl Mealey

          Have you ever tried to submit a VAERS report? It is a tedious and lengthy process, takes at least 30 minutes and often much longer. Moreover, many lack the details necessary to make the report and require the help of a medical professional (who should be doing it for them).

          the reference is to the Harvard Pilgrim study of VAERS that was done a while ago. It was a study about how to improve the system and it noted the following: “fewer than 1% of vaccine adverse events are reported”

          1. Peter Ringo

            The claim of a 1% reporting rate is not a “finding” of the Harvard Pilgrim study. It’s from an unsourced statement contained in its report of a trial of the ESP-VAERS automated reporting system, which did not collect or estimate unreported adverse events and which would have been necessary in order to come up with a reporting rate (events reported/events experienced). Other commenters here have said that the study “suggested” or “noted” a 1% reporting rate, which is technically accurate, however what should be cited is the original source of that rate, not the Harvard Pilgrim trial. And what is that?

            Checking the Gateway Pundit interview with Dr. James, the wording, “peer-reviewed studies and surveys that show the VAERS system is off by a factor of 100,” is GP’s, not hers. Later on in the article, it says, “Dr. James says the research says VAERS captures, at best, 1-10% at most of the actual complications.” So, the 1% is at the very lowest end of that estimate. Still no original source, though.


    2. Speaking of Being Rational

      One of the points in the article is that the people who should be investigating causality IN CASE the vaccine is causing these injuries, aren’t doing their job. The reason why the NIH requires ALL reactions to be reported within a certain time “regardless of causality” is because both logic and studies of previous new treatments for other diseases shows that if a reaction is more common after a treatment than what occurs in non-treated individuals, the likelihood is it is the treatment that is the problem. Most of the adverse reactions being reported for the COVID vaccines were predicted by the FDA in October 2020, so they knew it would happen, but aren’t willing to be upfront about the risks or determine how often they are likely to happen. Why should anyone be forced to take an unknown amount of risk? How can anyone determine whether the risk is worth the gain if the experts won’t try to analyze the risk? We pay for their salaries and they are supposed to be OBJECTIVELY trying to keep up safe and healthy. If this isn’t a valid reason to be riled up, I don’t know what is.

    3. Mike M.

      Let’s be even more rational…It is interesting that the CDC is reporting “More than 386 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines were administered in the United States from December 14, 2020, through September 20, 2021” when according to Worldometer, the current population of the united states is only 333+ million. And consider the percentage of the population that has refused the vaccine…

      1. Johan

        I read some where else that the discrepancy comes from the fact that “fully vaccinated” means you got two doses of the Moderna or Pfizer vaccine. So, while 386 million doses were given — that means 193 million people were fully vaccinated (I suppose some people only received one dose).

    4. Crazyma3

      As proven only 1% of all injuries and deaths are reported to VAERS! Your figures are way off! I would TRUST Israeli numbers above our own. There is far too much corruption and let’s not forget the incentives!

    5. Terry

      That’s of the reported deaths. Doctors are discouraged from reporting this at risk if losing their jobs. My family is living this nightmare. Not death but major long term illness. All doctors and the 6 ER visits won’t report it as vaccine related even though it is. They will say it under their breath directly to you but they won’t put it in the system. All hush hush. It’s a crime!!!

  4. Lets be Rational

    Wow, so Clark County Today is so concerned about anyone disagreeing with these opinion pieces that they deleted my previous comment.

    Simpler version, if you look at the Adverse Effects data, which are regardless of causality, you will see that:
    Reports of death after COVID-19 vaccination are rare. More than 386 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines were administered in the United States from December 14, 2020, through September 20, 2021. During this time, VAERS received 7,899 reports of death (0.0020%) among people who received a COVID-19 vaccine.

    If you’re worried about these odds, I suggest you dont bother getting out of bed tomorrow.

  5. Lets be Rational

    Wow, so Clark County Today is so concerned about anyone disagreeing with these opinion pieces that they deleted my previous comment. I would give them the benefit of the doubt and assume it’s SPAM filtering, but the comment SPAM here has been pretty terrible lately…

    Simpler version, if you look at the Adverse Effects data, which are regardless of causality, you will see that:
    Reports of death after COVID-19 vaccination are rare. More than 386 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines were administered in the United States from December 14, 2020, through September 20, 2021. During this time, VAERS received 7,899 reports of death (0.0020%) among people who received a COVID-19 vaccine.
    www cdc gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/safety/adverse-events.html

    If you’re worried about these odds, I suggest you dont bother getting out of bed tomorrow.

  6. Lets be Rational

    Wow, so Clark County Today is so concerned about anyone disagreeing with these opinion pieces that they deleted my previous comment. I would give them the benefit of the doubt and assume it’s SPAM filtering, but the comment SPAM here has been pretty terrible lately…

    Simpler version, if you look at the Adverse Effects data, which are regardless of causality, you will see that:
    Reports of death after COVID-19 vaccination are rare. More than 386 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines were administered in the United States from December 14, 2020, through September 20, 2021. During this time, VAERS received 7,899 reports of death (0.0020%) among people who received a COVID-19 vaccine.

    If you’re worried about these odds, I suggest you don’t bother getting out of bed tomorrow.

  7. Not as scary as it sounds

    Wow, so Clark County Today is so concerned about anyone disagreeing with these opinion pieces that they deleted my previous comment. I would give them the benefit of the doubt and assume it’s SPAM filtering, but the comment SPAM here has been pretty terrible lately…

    Simpler version, if you look at the Adverse Effects data, which are regardless of causality, you will see that:

    Reports of death after COVID-19 vaccination are rare. More than 386 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines were administered in the United States from December 14, 2020, through September 20, 2021. During this time, VAERS received 7,899 reports of death (0.0020%) among people who received a COVID-19 vaccine.


    If you’re worried about these odds, I suggest you dont bother getting out of bed tomorrow.

  8. Andi Schwartz, Webmaster/Graphic Designer

    Lets be Rational I will share with you that we recently changed some settings on our comment platform and it is now having us approve more comments than it used to before them being seen publicly. Apparently, I still need to adjust the settings. The only comments we remove are ones that violate our comment policy (usually by use of profanity) and outright SPAM. We have not removed any of your comments. Thank you.

      1. Peggy Day

        So I am a 58 year old woman and by CDC’s own chart of following the number of deaths from COVID, there have been 7,483 deaths,(from January of 2020 to September 11, 2021), supposedly, from COVID. There are over 4 million 58 year old’s, leaving a 0.170 percent that I will die from COVID……please tell me, why do you think the powers that be are pushing such a hard smear campaign towards people that are choosing to not get the vaccine?

  9. Lets be Rational

    If you look at the Adverse Effects data, which are regardless of causality, you will see that:

    Reports of death after COVID-19 vaccination are rare. More than 386 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines were administered in the United States from December 14, 2020, through September 20, 2021. During this time, VAERS received 7,899 reports of death (0.0020%) among people who received a COVID-19 vaccine.


    If you’re worried about these odds, I suggest you dont bother getting out of bed tomorrow.

  10. Scott Tucker

    Thank you for writing this, we are in a new age of information suppression which makes articles like this monumentally important. Please everyone share and spread. Information is power, which is why it is being withheld. Don’t let your voice be silenced.

  11. Rachel RN

    Thank you so much for what you are doing to help create awareness among those who are still sleeping. I wish this could be shared widely! I’m going to try to share it to Facebook.

  12. Margaret

    Federal Lawsuit Seeks Immediate Halt of COVID Vaccines, Cites Whistleblower Testimony Claiming CDC Is Under-Counting Vaccine Deaths“America’s Frontline Doctors (AFLDS) filed a motion July 19, seeking immediate injunctive relief in Alabama Federal District Court to stop the use of Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) COVID vaccines — Pfizer/BioNTech, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson (J&J) — for three groups of Americans.
    According to a press release, AFLDS is asking to immediately stop administration of experimental COVID vaccines in anyone 18 and younger, all those who have recovered from COVID and acquired natural immunity, and every other American who has not received informed consent as defined by federal law…
    The whistleblower — a computer programmer who developed more than 100 distinct healthcare fraud algorithms, and who has expertise in healthcare data analytics that allows her to access Medicare and Medicaid data obtained by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Systems (CMS) — filed a sworn statement under penalty of perjury alleging the actual number of COVID vaccine-related deaths is closer to 45,000.
    The whistleblower alleged that VAERS, while extremely useful, is under-reported by a conservative factor of at least five.
    In her statement, she said:
    “On July 9, 2021, there were 9,048 deaths reported in VAERS. I verified these numbers by collating all of the data from VAERS myself, not relying on a third party to report them. In tandem, I queried data from CMS medical claims with regard to vaccines and patient deaths, and have assessed that the deaths occurring within 3 days of vaccination are higher than those reported in VAERS by a factor of at least 5. This would indicate the true number of vaccine-related deaths was at least 45,000. Put in perspective, the swine flu vaccine was taken off the market which only resulted in 53 deaths.”’

    Nearly 15,000 Deaths, More Than 700,000 Injuries Reported to VAERS Since December 2020 Rollout of COVID Vaccines in U.S.VAERS data released Sept. 17 by the CDC showed a total of 701,561 reports of adverse events from all age groups following COVID vaccines, including 14,925 deaths and 91,523 serious injuries between Dec. 14, 2020 and Sept. 10, 2021. Click link to article for details on serious adverse events and deaths after COVID vaccinations

  13. RCxyz

    The vaccine is not an immortality drug. 100% of the people who got the vaccine will die at some point after getting it. Just like 100% of the unvaccinated people will eventually die. I saw many bogus statistics where people were trying to imply that the vaccine causes thousands of deaths. In reality, those were just people who died after getting the vaccine but not necessarily because of the vaccine. Some even died in car accidents or committed suicide. Some people visited their doctor after the vaccine and were then counted even if the visit had nothing to do with the vaccine. Anyway, I am not saying the vaccine is perfect; but, like all statistics, vaccine statistics can be misleading.

    1. Guest

      RCxyz…”Some even died in car accidents or committed suicide. Some people visited their doctor after the vaccine and were then counted even if the visit had nothing to do with the vaccine.”… can you please provide your source of data here?

      1. Guest

        Here are some facts quoted from the recent FDA Hearing on Pfizer booster shot … Dr. Steve Kirsh spoke to the “elephant in the room.” The vaccines kill more people than it saves, he said. He reported there are “four times as many heart attacks in the Pfizer treatment group — that wasn’t bad luck. VAERS shows it happened 71 times more often than any other vaccine group,” he said.
        Kirsh showed a graphic indicating there were two “excess deaths” for every life saved, from VAERS data. He reported there are 411 deaths per million doses. That would translate to about 150,000 people who have died from the vaccine according to Kirsh.
        He cited a nursing home study in Canada where about 50 percent of the vaccinated people died, whereas none of the unvaccinated people died. https://www.clarkcountytoday.com/news/pfizer-covid-19-vaccine-delivers-less-long-term-protection-from-hospitalization-after-four-months/

  14. Jenny Stewart

    I really appreciate this article. We need more people digging and asking questions. I have no doubt that this information is legit, however, I really want to get a hold on your sources, because as I share this information with family and friends the question that continues to surface is: “Where are their sources on the peer reviewed study that shows that the VAERS system is off by a factor of 100” — This information is HUGE, can I get any links, sources etc to this peer reviewed study. I am thankful for your truth telling journalism, but please bring along with this sources to back up your sound journalism so that it remains honest in the eyes of the reader. Please respond to me as soon as you can with the source info, because I would really like to forward that to my family and friends that question this information. If this info is so vital, we must have answers and back up so that we can view these actual studies. Thank you so much for taking the time to respond to me. Take care and keep truth telling.

  15. reuschracer

    Thank you for being brave and writing this. We need more people like yourself asking questions and pointing out the lack of transparency as it relates to big pharma, hospitals, etc. I’m sure you will get lots of flack for this article from the majority, so thank you for taking a risk and writing it. People in general need to start thinking for themselves and as they say…follow the money. When you do, you see how and why things happen as they do.

  16. Margaret

    What is the risk of or death from the vaccine vs a COVID infection? A table of deaths associated with COVID infection from mid March 2020 to Sept 23, 2021 in Clark County shows,
    (Suspect death: COVID is not listed as a contributing factor on the death certificate and the person died after testing positive for COVID within 28 days.
    Confirmed death: COVID is listed as cause of death or contributing factor on the death certificate and the case has a positive COVID test.
    No flu deaths reported in the same time period.

    Ages Suspect death Confirmed death
    0-19 0 0
    20-29 0 1
    30-39 0 11
    40-49 0 12
    50-59 2 34
    60-69 4 61
    70-79 8 91
    80 and older 22 152
    Total 36 362

    Not reported How many of these deaths occurred after a COVID vaccine injection?
    Vaccine Breakthrough deaths are not counted until 14 days after J&J, or 14 days after the second shot of a 2-part vaccine like Pfizer or Moderna.

    Of the 6,756 U.S. deaths reported to the CDC Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System VAERS as of Sept. 10, 17% occurred within 48 hours of vaccination and 31% occurred in people who experienced an onset of symptoms within 48 hours of being vaccinated.
    See Nearly 15,000 Deaths, More Than 700,000 Injuries Reported to VAERS Since December 2020 Rollout of COVID Vaccines in U.S.
    Failing to report all deaths after a COVID vaccination conceals hospitalizations and deaths.

    1. Margaret

      “When someone who is fully vaccinated – two weeks after the second dose of Pfizer or Moderna, or two weeks after the single-dose Johnson & Johnson vaccine – contracts COVID-19, that’s called vaccine breakthrough.”
      8 deaths have been reported in Clark County among those who meet the “fully vaccinated” definition above ages since Feb. 2021. Ages of those who died “fully vaccinated” are not reported. Those who suffered an adverse event like a heart attack and were hospitalized or died after one dose of Moderna or Pfizer are not included in the hospitalization or death counts as “vaccine breakthrough”. Children’s Health Defense asks anyone or their parents or caregivers of somebody who has experienced an adverse reaction, to any vaccine, to file a report following these three steps. Deaths after vaccination should also be reported by family members, caregivers, and healthcare providers.

  17. Jim Luce

    Your opinion is your opinion. Mine differs 180 degrees.
    Just got my “booster” and would have broken down the door to get it: never any negative reaction.
    But Opinion is Opinion and facts are facts.
    The fact is there are no significant negative impacts from the vaccines.
    And the fact is that those who chose not to get them are putting me and my loved ones at greater risk.
    Oh yes, I wear a mask too and while I do t like it I know that it helps, in some small way, protect us.

    1. Rachel

      Absolutely brainwashed to death! Think about what you have just said Jim!? Getting a vaccine has always been a choice and never caused harm to anyone, now all of a sudden unvaccinated are now apparently causing harm by not getting a vax that doesn’t even prevent you catching or spreading a virus 😕🤔 very very silly

    2. Ada

      Yes, everyone has their own opinion, and everyone has that right so there shouldn’t be censorship and that is what I believe the author is trying to make. Also, when you made the comment that the unvaccinated are putting you and your family at risk; are you aware that there are millions of breakthrough cases of the vaccinated; and that the mNRA vaccine does not stop transmission of covid or stop vaccinated people from getting covid or stop them from transmitting covid to others. So people really shouldn’t blame the transmission on just the unvaccinated. It’s been proven in scientific peer reviews that the vaccinated can still transmit covid to others. Also many unvaccinated have gotten covid and have natural immunity which has been known to be six times more effective than the covid mNRA vaccine. This vaccine is not an immunization; as proven how it wanes over time and are requiring boosters. Also, the CDC recently changed the definition of a vaccine so it’s no longer defined as an immunization. If your loved one or good friend had adverse effects from the vaccine; perhaps you would also think it be wrong to censor them. The vaccines should be available for those who want it but just as there are side effects from any drug; it shouldn’t be mandated because a lot of people have gotten myocarditis/pericarditis and other neurological effects from it.

  18. AKAG3891

    without an inch of doubt , politics are running the whole scene now ….. CDC , WHO , health institutions whereever they are just following the instructions , and as a matter of fact what got me truely surprised that social media platforms too do the same !
    i myself wasnt convinced with the vaccins safety … until it became mandatory to take so, i was forced to
    and let me tell you that i myself got adverse reaction n it was aggressive ( pfizer biontech 1st dose ) …. in a nutshell i wasnt able to catch my breath LITERALLY for 24 hrs
    only God knows how it cleared up and frankly i cant find a single article , opinion , press , medical paper , even a social thread discussing such an adverse event !

    weird isnt it …..

  19. Samuel

    Great article. This is what we need more of, objective truth in these times. No anger or hatred just truth. The pendulum is swinging back and the script is flipping, so do not hate your neighbor for falling for the scam. Just don’t trust them with your family’s wellbeing.

  20. Ada

    Thank you for sharing; and please continue the excellent work you’ve been doing with the truth in your opinion pieces which I’m sure is helping hundreds of thousands of people, if not millions. I’ve been following the craziness that has been happening with the vaccine mandate and am also appalled at what is happening here and in the world. I never thought I’d see so much censorship of doctors, scientists and citizens who only want to share their experiences with the adverse effects and deaths caused by the covid mNRA vaccine, especially here in America and it’s happening right before our eyes. It’s been proven that the vaccinated can still transmit and get covid; due to the breakthrough cases so the vaccine mandate does not make sense. It’s turned into a flu shot with the boosters. The covid mNRA vaccine is not an immunization; and shouldn’t be called a vaccine, due to all the breakthrough cases. The Biden Administration, CDC, FDA needs to admit that the mNRA vaccine is not working and stop the mandate since it’s killed so many people and caused hundreds of thousands of people with adverse effects. What’s also bone chilling is that the vaccine companies are not held liable so those who ended up with adverse effects are paying out of their own pocket and are facing censorship from Big Tech, Big Pharma and our own government. People should never be forced to take a vaccine where it’s been proven that it does not help with herd immunity due to all the millions of breakthrough cases. The CDC stopped counting the vaccinated breakthrough cases in May 2021, when there were too many of them and only counted the vaccinated breakthrough cases only if they died or were hospitalized. What kind is science is that when they stopped counting “all” the breakthrough cases. The CDC is also funded by vaccine companies; so there really is no longer any type of regulatory oversight. It’s bone chilling when connecting the dots to our public health care system and “the powers that be” when it comes to this covid vaccine. I only hope there will be a light at the end of the tunnel sooner than later as this vaccine mandate has harmed more people than it has helped; and there is “no herd immunity” (due to millions of vaccinated breakthrough cases) as indicated by the false messaging of our very own public health authorities. No wonder so many people choose to not be vaccinated. There’s just too much censorship, false narratives from our current administration, and public health care system. It’s turned into a debacle and the American people have become even more divided and it will be even more difficult to believe anything that is coming out of our government, big tech, big Pharma who has censored anything that is different from their narrative or agenda.

  21. Scott Miller

    I’m curious if Jim Luce would change his mindset or thinking now that the truth of what we knew in 2020 is now fact. Him beating down the door to get a booster did not make him a patriot saving other people’s lives, he wasn’t heroic, jumping on the grenade to protect those around him. I mean, he jumped on the grenade, it’s just that the grenade has gone off in him at a cellular level. And the fact that Jim would get the shots and the booster and still wear a mask shows his subconscious awareness that he didn’t get a vaccine.

    I am not saying this about Jim because I’m pretty sure he’s a good fellow, but when people of mediocre character who have little to offer elevate themselves as patriotic heroes for participating in an experimental Extinction inoculation campaign that does nothing to prevent infectivity or spread of a disease… I’m not sure how to finish this sentence, the part from being acutely sad for everyone that has been brainwashed into destroying their body, and horrified at the fact that there are parents who were convinced to destroy their children.


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