Vancouver attorney continues attempt to assist area medical workers impacted by governor’s new COVID-19 vaccination mandate

Attorney Angus Lee offers an example letter that could be used to apply for a religious exemption to the vaccination mandate

Vancouver-attorney Angus Lee is continuing to provide information to Clark County-area medical workers who are facing the governor’s new COVID-19 vaccination mandate.

Vancouver-attorney Angus Lee is continuing to provide information to Clark County-area medical workers who are facing the governor’s new COVID-19 vaccination mandate.
Angus Lee, Angus Lee Law Firm

On Monday, Gov. Jay Inslee announced a requirement for most state workers, and on-site contractors and volunteers to be vaccinated against COVID-19 as a condition of employment. State employees and workers in private health care and long-term care settings will have until October 18 to be fully vaccinated.

Even before Inslee’s Monday announcement, as more and more employers in Washington state, including Kaiser Permanente, PeaceHealth and the Vancouver Clinic here in Clark County, announced they will soon require employees to get the COVID-19 vaccination as a condition of employment, Lee issued a statement reminding area residents that both state and federal law supports religious exemptions for religious objections. In that statement, Lee cited both state and federal cases in which the exemption was upheld by courts.

On Wednesday, Lee provided more information to medical workers facing the governor’s new mandate

Lee provided an example for medical employees of what a religious accommodation request letter looks like.

“There are likely many ways to write such a letter,’’ Lee said. “Below is a DRAFT of one possible letter from a Christian perspective.’’

Here is the example letter that Lee provided to area healthcare workers who are impacted by the new vaccination mandate:

[to employer]


To Whom It May Concern, 

I am a Christian seeking religious exemption from the “Covid-19 Vaccination Requirement” imposed by either Proclamation 21-14 or by you, my employer.  

I request this exemption and accommodation under the Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendment to the United States Constitution, the Americans with Disabilities Act and Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Washington Law Against Discrimination (WLAD), and Section 2 of Governor Inslee’s Proclamation 21-14, based upon my sincerely held religious beliefs.

Proclamation 21-14 specifically provides that even “Health Care Providers and Workers for State Agencies are not required to get vaccinated against COVID-19 if they are entitled under the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA), Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VII), the Washington Law Against Discrimination (WLAD), or any other applicable law to a disability-related reasonable accommodation or a sincerely held religious belief accommodation to the requirements of this order…”. Proc. 21-14(2) (emphasis added).

My sincerely held religious beliefs requiring the accommodation include the following Biblical commands and principled Christian teachings: 

    •     There is a moral duty to refuse the use of medical products, including certain vaccines, that are created using human cells lines derived from abortion during any stage of the vaccine’s development, including the testing phase of development of a medical product.
    •     The body is the Temple of the Holy Spirit and we, as Christians, are compelled to protect it from defilement.   
    •     Finally, when it comes to consuming things into our body as opposed to, say, making payments to the government, compliance with God’s law above all is required.  

Primarily, my beliefs regarding the sanctity of human life conflict directly with any requirement to inject abortion-tainted vaccinations into my body. All available Covid vaccines utilize abortion-derived cell lines in either the confirmation and testing stage of development or in the production process.

Both Pfizer and Moderna vaccines “used the fetal cell line HEK 293 in the confirmation phase,” while the Johnson & Johnson vaccines utilizes the “PER.C6 fetal cell line cells” “to manufacture the Johnson & Johnson vaccine.”  See visited August 10, 2021) (“Pfizer and Moderna did perform confirmation tests… using fetal cell lines. And Johnson & Johnson uses fetal cell lines in vaccine development, confirmation and production.”  “All PER.C6 cells used to manufacture the Johnson & Johnson vaccine are descended from tissue taken from a … elective abortion”.); (last visited August 10, 2021).

The use of abortion tainted vaccines conflicts with longstanding and well recognized anti-abortion religious teaching.  As one Christian scholar has stated, “when we use vaccines or medicines which utilize cell lines originating from aborted babies, we physically benefit from the ‘fruits’ of one of the greatest evils of mankind — the cruel genocide of the unborn. . . . As Christians, it is our duty to bear witness to the world by not accepting these vaccines and medicines.” Likewise, citing Tobit 2:21 as binding Biblical authority, Father Michael Copenhagen has stated, “the recipient [of an abortion-tainted vaccine] is an immediate participant in the commission of continuous theft of human remains obtained through deliberate killing, their desecration through exploitation and trafficking, as well as ultimate omission to respectfully bury them.”  

The Bible also informs us: “Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own.” 1 Corinthians 6:19.  It further instructs, “Therefore, since we have these promises, dear friends, let us purify ourselves from everything that contaminates body and spirit, perfecting holiness out of reverence for God.”

2 Corinthians 7:1

Because the body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, we are compelled by Scripture to follow God’s law when choosing what to put into it.  Jesus taught specifically: “Give back to Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God what is God’s.” Mark 12:17 NIV (emphasis added)

As a Christian protecting my body from defilement according to God’s law, I invoke my religious right to refuse any vaccine which utilized abortion-derived cell lines at any stage of the creation of the vaccine.  Further, insofar as the vaccines also contain neurotoxins, hazardous substances, attenuated viruses, animal parts, foreign DNA, albumin from human blood, carcinogens and chemical wastes that are proven harmful to the human body, I find injection of the same to be in direct conflict with my Christian duty to protect my body as the temple of the Holy Spirit.  See (last visited August 10, 2021).

Finally, whereas none of the currently available Covid vaccines produces a “sterilizing immunity,” meaning that vaccinated individuals can (and do) still spread Covid, failure to accommodate my request for exemption and accommodation serves no legitimate purpose.  Rather, such failure to accommodate would clearly be designed solely to deter the exercise of my religious convictions.  Since Covid vaccines only recently became available, and employers had nearly a full year to learn to operate under the threat of Covid without the use of vaccines, employers are already well equipped to offer reasonable accommodations without undue hardship.

I respectfully request an exemption from the Covid-19 Vaccination Requirement as it violates my sincerely held religious beliefs, practice, and observance.




  1. Clark W

    Wow, this guy should lose his license to practice law, he’s literally giving the anti-vax morons fuel for this pandemic. Boycott Angus Lee!

    1. Kari

      You want to boycott him for standing up for liberty of thought and practice? If these vaccines work so well, then what the heck are you so worried about???

      1. Franklin

        Your reply shows the deepness of your ignorance about vaccines and medicine in general. You should read some real data from real, peer reviewed, broad based research. You might lear a little something.

          1. Franklin

            I’ll have to read it and check if it has any citations to peer reviewed research or if it’s just sensationalist click bait

          2. DrRoberts

            Questions or matters such as “are vaccines effective?”, “do lockdowns work?”, “what is the duration of immunity to be expected from this vaccine?”, or “what epidemiologic evidence is there that the phenomenon of viral interference of COVID influenced the numbers of cases of influenza or vice versa?” are matters addressable by the scientific method, and can therefore be called “scientific” questions. [This true even though when they have been addressed “scientifically” the results and the investigators themselves have been shut up when the results have not been favorable the the preferred official narrative.] However, questions such as SHOULD vaccination be required, SHOULD lockdowns be enforced, businesses and lives destroyed, SHOULD masks be required are NOT “scientific” questions, but rather are moral, legal, constitutional, value-based questions. As a physician and scientist I say that my medical expertise and my knowledge of “science” contribute little or nothing to the answer of these latter questions, which are ultimately far more important than are the former. Too bad these are so often mixed up, sometimes deliberately.

          3. Jack Burton

            From your own article:

            Microbes resistant to vaccines, on the other hand, aren’t a major menace. Perhaps they never will be: Vaccine programs around the globe have been and continue to be immensely successful at preventing infections and saving lives.”

            So yes, like that.

        1. Freedom

          Peer Reviewed or Peer Pressured , the regurgitated Mantra fails to underscore EUA status and the Lack of long term testing as to potential adverse side effects, also that those that are Fully Vaccinated shed viral loads that are every bit as contagious and should still wear Masks but this appears to be an inconvenient truth —those that choose to not vaccinate should wear all appropriate PPE , mask and social distance—the sad fact is that the incessant Fear mongering has compelled the sheep to forego a critical understanding and implicit motive of Government overreach

        2. DrRoberts

          No, it shows no such thing. She addressed the matters of liberty and conscience. Perhaps you failed to read closely, or to think carefully.

        3. Norubu

          If you can smell fart while wearing mask then you know masks dont work.Also if vaxx are cure all then why are ppl who are vaxxed still getting covid and being hospitalized example jessy jackson and his wife are vaxxed and still got covid and are in hospital many other ppl got covid even after being vaxxed and what bout kids who by the werent suppose to get covid and being vaxxed developing heart problems the vaxxed was rushed vaxx takes years to be tested and created this whole shyt is lie. THIRD how come there arent any cases of the seasonal flue no one is reporting on that no vaxxs for that has been seen or offered ppl die more from seasonal flue but no one pushed masks or lock downs or pushing for vaxxes, stop listening the gov starting thinking for your selves, do your own research. Covid is all bout controling the masses. Just like in Australia now. There is no talk about eating better a d boosting your immune system its all vaxx. Its all political fear mungering

      2. Jack Burton

        Isn’t it possible, just possible, that some people are concerned for people other than themselves? Like perhaps the people that can’t get vaccinated because of medical reasons? Or people that are medically vulnerable and go to, oh I don’t know, a hospital? You may think it’s a great idea for your 80 year old cancer patient parent to have an unvaccinated oncological nurse, but I for one do not. Every public school kid in Vancouver has to get vaccinated or provide a reason for exemption, but this is the hill people decide to die on. Unfortunately, the people doing the actual dying won’t have a choice if we allow hysteria to overwhelm common sense and decency.

          1. Jack Burton




            Here’s where I get my information, I look forward to seeing where you get yours. Though, to be honest, most people that are against vaccination are too embarrassed to show the “research” they base their decision on. Perhaps you’ll be an exception. My doctor suggested getting the vaccine, as did my parents’, wife’s, and siblings’. You appear to know some local doctors that are against vaccines, I would love to hear their rationale. Let me know who they are and I will schedule a consultation with them. That is, of course, if they actually exist.

          2. April RDMS, RVT

            Sir, until you actually work in the medical field, on the front lines, performing procedures on lungs of Covid patients, then I suggest you close your mouth. You want to tell me it’s okay, according to your “research” (follow the money on your 3 sites you used), that I don’t get a choice and it’s okay to get fired for not wanting the vaccine? Why would I want to destroy my innate immune system that has kept me healthy for so long? For the good of others? The good for others is my healthy immune system, not toxic crap in a jab. Please research what Prions are and how it’s in the vaccine and it can shed light on what our world may look like from a healthcare standpoint in about 10 years. I will not line up with the sheep for the slaughter.

          3. Jack Burton

            The idea that every person and association that supports vaccines is purposely putting people’s health at risk for financial gain, while every antivaxxer is a shining beacon of truth, seems a bit convenient to me. I’ll have to take your word that you are more knowledgeable about vaccines, epidemiology, and communicable diseases than the doctors that have dedicated their lives to these issues at the CDC, Mayo Clinic, and Johns Hopkins University.

            Do you mean these prions?





            I made sure to only include one respected medical association (though there are many debunking the prion-vaccine connection) because you indicated that medical experts could not be trusted when it came to information on medical issues.

            If you want to believe J. Bart Classen over every reputable medical association, that’s your choice. People believed Andrew Wakefield also. History will see both Wakefield and Classen in a similar light.

            You claim to be a medical professional, which means you have at least a modicum of scientific training, which additionally means you know that anecdotes without evidence aren’t worth the time it takes to read them. Provide the peer reviewed research that indicates vaccines lead to Alzheimer’s and ALS and I will gladly read it and reconsider my position… changing your position as information becomes available is how science works.

            If you don’t believe in vaccines, don’t get one. If you don’t believe in masking, hand washing, and social distancing don’t do those either. But don’t blame institutions that are supposed to protect people, like schools and hospitals, for following the science to keep people safe. They simply don’t want the people they are trying to help to be…. how did you put it… “sheep for the slaughter”.

            We may just be talking to each other from different realities. Do you believe that the vaccine makes it less likely you will catch COVID? I ask because you imply that not getting vaccinated is the best way to protect others.

          4. Laurie

            Good for you! 🙂 Stay strong!!! If I were in the hospital, I would in a heartbeat choose you over a vaccinated nurse. They are the ones spreading this virus and that was noted by Jack Burton’s 1st so-called source. So sad the misinformation and people not having the ability to see through all the inaccuracies and lies!!

          5. Norubu

            Why would i purposly run the risk of getti g sick or dying just to give in to bs fear mongering and get the jab i dont see a y one offering to pay my bills cuz i got the vaxx and end up sick in hospital

          6. Cliff

            What if I already had Covid. Why would I get the vaccine???
            Why are they now pushing for vaccines for nurses? If this is so deadly, why for the last 18 months have Nurses gone to work. We’re exposed to Covid and other nasty bugs. And at the end of their shift went home. No quarantine. No vaccine. Being around family and friends. It is stunning that every nurses family isn’t dead yet. Why are alternative therapeutics not allowed to be discussed. This isn’t following Science at all.

          7. Laurie

            All 3 of your sources are a joke and none of them would I trust. That is your first problem. Seems you are okay with following your doctor’s orders to get the jab. Live with your choice and let the rest of us choose what’s best for us. We have never gotten a flu shot and never will. Anyone can get a religious exemption and that is what makes America still a free country. As for the man dying of cancer with a nurse that is unvaccinated. I highly doubt he is worried about the flu and probably has a greater concern about surviving cancer than getting the flu. Look at the stats for survival rate among all ages. It’s really quite silly to believe in the lies and fear-mongering when you take this into consideration.

          1. Jack Burton

            A vaccinated nurse is much less likely to catch COVID, and thus less likely to spread it. There are no 100% fail safe measures, so we have to do the best we can with what we have. For some that means getting vaccinated, masking when appropriate, and washing your hands regularly. For others that means that printing up fake vaccination cards, using a form letter to show their “sincerely” held religious beliefs that they just discovered, and comparing vaccinations to the Holocaust.

        1. Mikka

          Here’s the thing. If you feel it is so important to get the vaccine then by all means do it. That doesn’t mean EVERYBODY has to get it. What about my body my coice, or does that only apply to murdering unborn babies? People are aware of the consequences of not getting vaccinated. As with every other vaccine out there. I am not against vaccinations but there is not enough research on the covid vaccine. Hell. It’s not even FDA approved!!!! So in the mean time I will sit this one out. I hope you are also getting your flu vaccine as well as your shingles and other recommended vaccines as well since your so avid about the covid vaccine. Vaccinated people, please continue to wear your masks as you are the ones spreading the virus now that you can be asymptomatic. I know of several vaccinated people who have contracted covid and are very, very I’ll. The vaccine doesn’t prevent the spread and it doesn’t shield your body from catching it.

          1. Jennifer

            So, if it does become FDA approved this fall, will that factor into your current stance? I’ve heard several people hesitant on getting vaccinated refer to that as a deterrent.

          2. Jack Burton

            I completely agree with “my body, my choice”. However, just as a woman cannot legally get an abortion at 81/2 months, there are limits. Choose not to get the vaccine? I fully support your choice. Choose to make it more likely that our most vulnerable citizens get sick and die? I do not support that choice. I am in no way in favor of mandating vaccines for every citizen. I am in favor of private businesses being able to set requirements for employment. Why are we so surprised that hospitals, where by definition our most medically vulnerable people are, would mandate a vaccine FOR EMPLOYEES. Both getting a vaccine and working at a hospital are choices, no one is forcing anyone to do either. People are free to make the choice that is best for them.

          3. Notanidiot

            Wrong. Women have and can get an abortion up to 40 weeks at Planned Parenthood. Maybe seek more knowledge about late term abortions.

          4. Cliff

            Obviously Jack does not work in the medical field. If he did he wouldn’t be so flippant about people being threatened with losing their livelihood. It happens one drip at a time Jack. Eventually you will have to make a choice as these nurses are where the government says to you do this or lose your job. On that day I’m willing to bet Jack will be squealing like a stuck pig about “His” rights. And in that day dear Jack…… no one will give a shit about you or your issues, just like today.

        2. Earl D Norman

          If there was amy real evidence the vaccines even work for Covid 19. Look at the upsurge in”Breakthrough” infections. Clearly a failed process.

          1. Jack Burton

            Let’s follow that logic. Someone died in a car wreck wearing their seatbelt, thus seatbelts don’t work. Someone died in a bike accident while wearing a helmet, thus helmets don’t work. Someone died after going to the hospital with a heart attack, thus hospitals are the last place you should go if you have a heart attack.

            C’mon now. We’re better than this.



        3. Average Joe

          You are blatently ignoring the fact that the vaccines do not stop or prevent the spread of Covid19. Also that many people who are fully vaccinated have been documented to not only carry the virus but have also been infected and are able to spread it just as easily as a non-vaccinated person. The only proven benefit is if one is infected it has a high success rate of limiting the severity of symptoms and illnesses duration.

    2. DrRoberts

      Poor guy. You were just born in the wrong era. Germany of the mid ’30s, or USSR in the ’50s might have suited you well. And this is regardless of whether the courageous attorney is correct or not. You just don’t value freedom much, do you? Well, keep it up, and before long you will no longer have what you esteem of little value now. But it will be too late. It won’t be just the folks that you hate that have no liberty. No, your kind won’t have it, either, and the loss will be largely your fault.

    3. Angry Nurse

      The government has no right to force medical procedures. How dare you want to force untested medical procedures on people out of your fear. If your vaccine worked you wouldn’t be upset that I don’t have mine. I am a trained healthcare professional and I chose not to get the vaccine for me and my family. Most healthcare professionals I know don’t want it thats why they are trying to force it. Open your eyes why would so many healthcare workers be against this. Allowing the government to have control of your family healthcare is craziness.

    4. Lee

      I’m sorry, but do you work in healthcare? I’m an Emergency Department nurse working in a level 2 trauma who sees covid everyday and have been for the past 1.5years. I’m not vaccinated and should not be forced to do something I do not want to do. I’m not against the vaccine but want more data.

    5. Sherrye Calderon

      You belong in CUBA!!!! Maybe YOU have no need for your rights to protect YOUR body but AMERICANS DO and they reserve that right regardless of your FEAR and paranoia. GET HELP.

    6. Brenda Selvidge

      The constitution guarantees the right to life, liberty, and property. These mandates are unconstitutional. The people are above the federal government and the governor. You need to read the constitution and learn about individual rights.

    7. Mayla

      Freedom is what our country stands for. All people have the right to choose what we want injected into our bodies. This is why we live in America, where we actually have rights. You should take a trip to a country where you have no rights at all, where maybe beliefs YOU believe in are taken away.

  2. Franklin

    Idiots defending idiotic behavior. It’s going to be refreshing seeing a reduction in the conservative voter base brought on by their own self-destructive ignorance

      1. Franklin

        No ma’am. I think you are referring to yourself. I follow science and medicine closely and those not getting the vacvine are not only endangering themselves, but they are putting others at risk. Those are facts. They are not some wacko conspiracy theory, kooky religious belief, or QANON gospel. Just simple basic facts.

        1. Sugar

          Lol. Following science. Mask– no mask. Everyone is dying. Hospitals are overwhelmed. Hahahha. Boring rhetoric. What is “the” science your following exactly? “The science” that created this mess in the first place! ?

        2. DrRoberts

          Indeed? How many physicians, epidemiologists, virologists do you know personally — well enough to have a private converstaion with them, well enough to have an unguarded conversation with them? Hmmmm?

        3. Skeptical

          Why do you tie being against the vaccine to Qanon? I know plenty of Democrats who secretly confided they won’t get vaccinated and they aren’t Trumps voters either. Heck I live in Leftist Thurston County and only about 55% are vaccinated. Quit trying to portray that the unvaccinated are Trump supporters and for that matter are anti-Vaxers. Heck I’ve done most every vaccine willingly, but this one just isn’t sitting well with me. I read your studies, other studies and I’m just unsettled. Waiting as long as I can and my only worry is if I’m forced to get it. I know personally nearly 40 people who have got COVID and all survived. I’m more worried about what big Pharma isn’t telling us than getting the Rona.

        4. Notanidiot

          You’re googling for science, yet a physician and two nurses on this thread are telling you that you are wrong and your sticking to your Google MD. 🤦🏼‍♀️

        5. Laurie

          You obviously don’t even know that the survival rate for all ages is over 98%. So silly to not consider that in all the science you claim to have before injecting poison into your body. It’s been all over the news and CDC that the vaccinated are the ones spreading the virus. Guess you missed that tid bit of information, too. Might want to check your facts!!

        6. BK12

          P.S. Not an “ACTUAL” vaccine you don’t get the polio vaccine and still get polio. You can still get Rona and still spread it even if you have the shot. It’s like a flu shot where it just makes YOUR symptoms less. So it doesn’t affect anyone but YOU!!! Do you might want to educate yourself because it doesn’t put anyone at risk but yourself if you don’t get it and then it’s not YOUR business !!!

        7. Tweet

          How t we putting others at risk the vax does not stop you from spreading it it only helps you and that’s if it protects you against the Stran you com in contact with even if I get vax I still can spread it so it’s my body my choice I will take my chance with good ol Mother Nature

    1. Freedom

      Idiots ? Name calling isn’t necessary for a civil discussion but may indicate your temperament more accurately—if you are a high risk category: ie Diabetes , HTN, > 65 y/o , etc , by all means the Benefit may outweigh the Risk and should be YOUR Choice … Not a Mandated Blanket Edict —All the Best and Stay Safe ya’ll

    2. Paul

      And there it is, wishing the other side will die just because you’re not getting your way. Wishing death to someone,wow… you have deep rooted issues inside yourself that are far more harmful than Covid.

    3. Cliff

      According to you and your unfounded stupid protocols, we should all be dead already Franklin. Still here. Had the Covid. Survived like 99.9% of all those who have had it. Leave the fear porn alone and go back to looking at your porn in your moms basement

      1. Laurie

        He’s either being paid to spread the lies through fear-mongering, or he has bought the lies and needs our compassion. I feel sorry for people like him that have no eyes to see how they are being lied to. It’s not hard to see if one is truly aware of all that has been going on for the past year.

  3. M Andersen

    Healthcare employees from medical billers to nurses are required to prove that they’re vaccinated against measles, mumps, and rubella, influenza, and all of the other childhood diseases, as well as proving that they do not have TB. How is a vaccine for Covid any different? This isn’t about faith; it’s about some crackpot conspiracy-based political ideology. The attorney is in this for the money and the notoriety. The right thing to do from a faith-based standpoint is to get vaccinated to protect others.

    1. NurseK

      Healthcare workers have ALWAYS had the right to choose to be vaccinated for the above mentioned diseases, ( MMR is given to most of us before we can choose by our parents when we are young so that is invalid) and you can now sign a waiver for TB. We have never been FORCED to receive any vaccine, recommended yes, but forced no. So you’re right why is this COVID shot different? Why are they so hard pressed to make every single damned person get one when it’s not effective against speading or contracting the virus? It’s not FDA approved, I’ve never taken a vaccine that wasn’t FDA approved so I’ll just wait until we know a little more. Thank you to this attorney for attempting to help those of us who feel trapped and have seen awful side effects happen from this shot first hand.

    2. DrRoberts

      Your assertion about vacc requirements for healthcare workers is not true — at least not in any state where I have worked. The diseases against which your referenced vaccines are directed are far more of at theat tot he general population than is COVID. I believe that eventual (probably soon) ubiquitous infection is inevitable, vaccine or not. Perhaps the risk (there is a risk/benefit consideration for every vacc) of the COVID shot is less than the projected benefit for some individuals. Fine – let them choose to be injected with an experimental medical device. If it works so well, as is claimed, then they have no worries about others (who have different meidcal risks) who choose otherwise, correct? Please don’t be a vaccine bully. And use your head.

    3. Notanidiot

      Influenza vaccine isn’t required for all institutions; for example schools. The other shots you listed are required, but unlike the Covid shot they actually stop you from getting the virus and also stop you from spreading it. The Covid shot only lessens YOUR symptoms and it doesn’t stop YOU from SPREADING it. Totally different from the other shots. It also is using DNA from other beings and the spike proteins are completely unpredictable and helping the virus mutate itself. Stop comparing this shot to real preventative immunizations, it just shows you haven’t done your research.

    4. Average Joe

      Unlike Covid19 vaccine, the others have been tested, FDA approved, the manufacturer are not exempt from legal and medical liability, and there are forms available that do not contain or use cellular materials from aborted fetus.

    5. Tweet

      getting faxed does not protect others, it only some what protects the person getting the vax look more into the real science of the vax before you claim something

  4. Jack Burton

    Nothing says sincerely held religious belief like a form letter. The best part of this kerfuffle is finding the Westboro Baptist types holding a sign that says “My Body, My Choice”. The irony is almost staggering. Mr. Lee can probably wade through the paperwork to begin his own religion. He could call it the “The Selfish Church of the Opportunistic Ambulance Chaser”.

    1. DrRoberts

      Mr. Lee has assumed some degree of personal and professional risk to post this information, and I see no possibility of personal or financial gain. He does not offer a form letter. Perhaps you did not read the article or his proffered draft. The letter, you might have noticed, was a basically an outline to be personalized to conform to and to state clearly one’s own beliefs and circumstances. If others reading this also made your mistake, perhaps they will scroll up and read it again. Moreover, the draft letter is not specific to any religion, not even to yours. But you could use it, if indeed you have given more thought to your your values and beliefs than you gave to your hasty reply.

      1. Jack Burton

        It literally has a brackets where a person can insert their name and the employer name and uses the most common religion in its arguments. Are you seriously claiming it is not specific to any religion?

        I am a Christian seeking religious exemption from the “Covid-19 Vaccination Requirement” imposed by either Proclamation 21-14 or by you, my employer. “

        “As a Christian protecting my body from defilement according to God’s law, I invoke my religious right to refuse any vaccine which utilized abortion-derived cell lines at any stage of the creation of the vaccine.”

        There are plenty more examples of it being specifically Christian, but hopefully you see my point. Perhaps someone should scroll up and read the letter again.

        Advertising your services on a publication with a high concentration of vaccine hesitant individuals is altruism in your opinion. Perhaps your right and he will represent anyone that he represents on this topic for free. Time will tell. And, for future reference, perhaps come a little better prepared before condescendingly calling into question someone’s values and beliefs…. or characterizing their response as hasty.

  5. Katherine Johnson

    If this is their “excuse”, then we should insist that they are not using ANY pharmaceutical medications whatsoever, since virtually all of them, including insulin would have similar issues, and that they have refused to be vaccinated for anything in the past. Also, one would think if these are their true convictions, they would be unable to administer any of these medications as well, disqualifying them for any job that would require them to do so. Patients should also be informed when interacting with any unvaccinated medical professional, so that they have the opportunity to protect themselves and request another provider.

    1. Freedom

      Katherine , dearest your rather draconian suggestion is laughable , perhaps your thoughts and Party line are more suited to say a totalitarian regime ? The essence to a Free Society is freedom of choice while not threatening nor imposing on the Rights of Others. If you choose to take a Vaccine , which I might add does appear to lessen the severity of Covid Complications in those that are vulnerable…. That is YOUR Choice, if I on the other hand wear PPE and remain diligent to ensure Safety as an Alternative till more Substantial Testing FDA Approval and Legal recourse against the Manufactures for Adverse events I maybe subjected to in the future from an Experimental Therapy … MY Choice… very Simple , don’t let ur Fear lead you to rash behaviors nor absurd judgements—peace be unto you , stay Safe 🙏

      1. Katherine Johnson

        That’s not what this suggested letter said at all is it? It blathered on about religion and fetal cells, and how the vaccines were made, and my point is many drugs have the same kind of history, so if that’s why you’re not taking the vaccine, then you shouldn’t take those drugs or even administer them either, You most certainly have the right not to take the vaccine. Just as companies/hospitals/universities have the right to require them,as the Supreme Court has to date repeatedly affirmed. If you don’t want to take the vaccine, fine, find a different job where they are not required, don’t make us some BS story about religious beliefs. I know I sure don’t want you to be my doctor or nurse and I’m not alone. No one is making you work in healthcare. At the very least these companies/hospitals/medical offices, would have the obligation to identify the unvaccinated on their staff to allow the patients the right to refuse services from them. Or are your rights the only ones that count? My extreme reaction was to the lying about the religious basis for refusal. Your argument had absolutely no religious component, which actually just proved my point.

        1. NurseK

          Oh Or maybe we should just take all the unvaccinated people and make them get tattoos to identify themselves and then (when they can’t show their vaxx passports at the right places) gather them all up and throw them in a jail and maybe kill them for their beliefs……….. be careful you are starting to sound like this guy I heard about in history class. 😉😬😬

          1. Jack Burton

            I can’t believe I keep having to do this, but here goes. Comparing mandating a vaccine for certain populations, which has been done in the US for well over 100 years, to the Holocaust is intellectually lazy, cowardly, and despicable. No one is forcing anyone to get a vaccine. There are mandates for employees, keeping in mind that being an employee of a certain business is a choice and not a right, to get vaccinated.

          2. NurseK

            You can’t just “get another job” when all of the education you have obtained and your work history is in one field and every job in the field is being FORCED (forced; as by definition-coercion or compulsion, especially with the use or threat of violence. i.e. get the shot or get fired!) to comply with some bullshit emergency proclamation. So, if every Healthcare worker who does not want to get the shot makes a “choice” not to then will Inslee pay for the re-education of nurses, doctors, med techs, xray techs? No, no he won’t. So there really isn’t a choice now is there.
            ALSO, your friend Katherine up there is the one who thinks all “unvaccinated” Healthcare workers should be made to identify themselves and then people allowed to refuse care from them, I was just pointing out that seems like a real infringement on people’s privacy and fucked up thing to say. Maybe I should have said: we should then have all people with AIDS/HIV identity themselves and let people refuse care from them, because you know they could have prevented getting that virus too…. WAIT except people who don’t get the shot, aren’t actually infected with anything at all…and well you know about AIDS so her fucking pointing is stupid.
            As for actual vaccines in the US and hundreds of years, yeah….no. mass vaccine production didn’t even happen in the US until the 1940s so you can refer to my comment above replying to M.Anderson on that. Have a great day!

          3. Jack Burton

            Here you go, since apparently you didn’t believe me:

            And a non-Wikipedia link because Wikipedia is unreliable:
            Circumstances change and what was once acceptable no longer is. It used to be you could teach that God created the Earth in seven days in a high school science class. Now a science teacher needs to make a choice: keep creationism out of the curriculum and teach actual science or find a different job. Was the science teacher discriminated against? Now our Governor has mandated that those that work in environments that put them in contact with the most vulnerable members of our society have to take reasonable steps to protect said vulnerable populations. We may just be talking past each other, but there may be some common ground. Do you believe that the vaccine makes it less likely that a person will contract the virus, and thus make it less likely that they could transmit it to others? If not, we really can’t debate the ethics of mandates because we are coming from two different realities. It would be like discussing circumnavigation of the Earth with a flat-Earther.

            And please don’t connect me to people I don’t know as if I’m responsible for their comments. No one forced you to compare taking a vaccine to the murder of 6 million people, you had a choice. Seems to be a theme here. Standing by your principles is not always easy. I respect the people I work with that stood by theirs and will not take the vaccine as mandated by their employer. Mostly because they understood they have a choice and chose their convictions. No litigation, no picketing, no blaming everyone else. They just did what was right for them and recognized that employers can do what’s right for them.

            Finding a new job isn’t easy, I sympathize. But you don’t necessarily have to switch careers, you may just have to switch locations. There are plenty of places that don’t think vaccines are important and believe personal liberty always trumps (pun intended) common good. Coincidently, these places are in dire need of nurses and other medical professionals. While I’m sure there is no correlation (note sarcasm) here is some data anyway:

          4. Suz

            thank you for your stand, for you are on the RIGHT of this no matter what is ahead. I face the same at my job, just know you are not only.

          5. Jennifer

            Wait, when did getting fired equate to violence? Workplaces are very much allowed to fire you for not complying with their rules and standards. If they have a no drug policy, and you are found to have THC in a drug test, they can fire you regardless of whether pot is legal or not.
            Mass vaccine production and distribution was certainly present before the 1940s. There’s this disease called smallpox, you may have heard of it. Also typhoid fever, diphtheria.

          6. Suz

            might want to do some more research on that… for check out the Nuremberg trials 1945 and the tactics Hitler use to make people comply.

          7. DrRoberts

            Perhaps you would tell us which vaccines were mandated, for which U.S. populations, and most of all, perhaps you would tell us which vaccine has been around since well before 1920. Hmmmm?
            I believe in rights of property and rights of association, as you imply that you do. So perhaps you would support an employer’s right to require that his employees not be homosexual? Not drink alcohol? Not have children? Be vegan? Not drive a car? No coercion — just get another job. Consistency, you know.

          8. Jack Burton

            The first vaccine requirement was at a school in Massachusetts in the 1850s. Compulsory attendance created an environment that necessitated the smallpox vaccine. In 1855 the Commonwealth of Massachusetts had established a statewide vaccination requirement for all students entering school. George Washington required variolation (a sort of primitive vaccination) against smallpox of all his soldiers during the Revolutionary War. Soldiers were vaccinated during the Spanish American war as well. Is that enough pre-1920 examples?

            As to your other points, we may not be able to come to a common ground. I believe the vaccine makes it less likely you will contract the virus, and thus les likely to transmit it. If you don’t agree with that, we can’t really discuss any further as we are coming from different realities.

            For the homosexual example, this already happens. With the support of the government even.


            As for alcohol, I’m already not allowed to drink alcohol, or be drunk, at work. Seems pretty common.

            Businesses mandating vaccines provide justifications. Hospitals believe, for example, that since the by definition the people they serve are medically vulnerable it makes sense to minimize the risk of killing them. I don’t think it’s too much to ask that my wife’s oncological nurse be vaccinated. Others believe that those vulnerable people should get bent, this is ‘Murica and my personal freedom is more important than their lives. Anyway, perhaps you could provide a justification for your homosexual/alcohol/no children/vegan/no car scenarios… you know, a public good to weigh against personal freedom? Then we could better assess their merits.

            Question: If a surgeon doesn’t believe in germ theory, would they be within their rights to not wash their hands or wear gloves during surgery? You know, consistency.

          9. BK12

            It’s NOT a vaccine it’s like a flu shot where you can still get Rona and spread it if you have the shot. Even Dr. Falsey said that the viral loads in the unvaccinated are the same as in the vaccinated. So your point is MUTE Mr Burton. It only protects YOU if YOU get the shot doesn’t effect anyone else!!!!!

          10. Rob

            Wow, last year they were TikTok superstars and “our heroes “, and now health care workers need to “learn to code” and get another job?

          11. Jack Burton

            No, it is only the health care workers that refuse to get vaccinated that risk needing to “learn to code”. A vast majority of health care workers are already vaccinated. A vocal minority is just that, a minority. Antivaxx medical care workers are about as prevalent as anti-sex education parents at a school board meeting…. really loud, but not really representative of the population.

        2. DrRoberts

          And do you also affirm that unvaccinated patients (including those who for medical reasons cannot be vaccinated) should likewise be identified so that health care workers (vaccinated or not) may refuse to serve them? Although I can think of “religious” reasons to refuse compulsory vaccination, there are plenty of “scientific” reasons on which to base such an objection. Perhaps you should pretend that you are on a college debate team and you have to debate the pros and cons of COVID vaccination. Before the match you have no idea which side you must take. Educate yourself. And also, perhaps, again, you will identify for us the particular “drugs” that you think share commonality with the several COVID vaccines, and why. We wait.

    2. DrRoberts

      Apparently besides having difficulty understanding questions of morals, philosophy, and values, you are also a novice in the sciences; perhaps you did not take high school biology or chemistry, for example. No one (besides you) suggests that the exercise of a fundamental right is an “excuse”. Your confusion about insulin is interesting. It is not properly referred to as a pharmaceutical, but rather a biological. And perhaps you would kindly explain how taking aspirin or an H2 blocker is in any way similar to being injected with an experimental medical device, or how acceptance in the past of a vaccine with a decades long, known benefit/safety/risk profile and refusal of a COVID “vaccine” now somehow demonstrates inconsistency of belief. And would you expect that a health care worker who had had an anaphylactoid reaction to a pertussis vaccine would necessarily refuse to administer that vaccine, or that doing so would indicate hypocrisy? Your post is stunning. I hope that you refrain from voting.

    3. Madonna

      The key part of this all is choice. We all have the choice. And let me tell you, for a disease that has a 99.9% survival rate I’ll be damned if I’m going to let someone force medication that I don’t need on me. This isn’t smallpox which had a 30% mortality rate for crying out loud. Do you wanna know my medical history and whether I’m vaccinated or not? Then I wanna know are you taking medication? If so which ones? Do you have any mental health conditions? Have you ever had an abortion? Do you take birth control? Katherine, where do you draw the line?

      1. Katherine Johnson

        Do you homeschool then? Surely you wouldn’t take yourself or your children to the hospital if they were infected, since it’s really no big deal, right? You’d just stick it out at home.

  6. jason c cunningham

    the fetal cell lines are used in the confirmation stage meaning the vaccine isn’t ‘made’ of aborted babies cells. It’s mRNA, which is half of a DNA molecule. The confirmation part is testing it on human cells to see if it works/is hazardous/causes allergies etc. We have every right to refuse the vaccine, as your employer has every right to set standard of protection for it’s employees and patients. Regardless of the rights dispute, please don’t start telling people the vaccine is made from babies

    1. DrRoberts

      mRNA is not “half of a DNA molecule”. mRNA, tRNA, rRNA, etc., are much shorter, single stranded nucleic acid structures (as opposed to DNA, which is a double-stranded structure — think The Double Helix, by James Watson). You are technically correct that the vaccine is not actually made of parts of killed babies, but cell lines descended from murdered babies is indeed used in development and production. But don’t say that mRNA is “half of a DNA molecule”.

      1. Jennifer

        Cell lines descended from 1 confirmed aborted fetus in 1985 and 1 aborted or miscarried fetus in 1973 (unconfirmed).
        If you are against these fetal cell lines being utilized, then I guess you won’t be getting a hep A, rabies, or rubella vaccine either since they were used in the development of them as well.
        Don’t be a hypocrite. Plenty of other vaccines utilize these lines. If you are going to use the “murder” of a fetus as the reasoning behind not getting the COVID vaccine, fine, but make damn sure you are also applying that so called logic to every other applicable vaccine as well.

  7. Suz

    We need more constitutional lawyers and individuals to take a stand for the country or we will not have a country/county/state… to be proud of anymore. I think for our forefathers and the stand they took so we could be free. To the naysayers, have you read the constitution lately? You may want to take a look.. whom are trying to take our freedoms away. When doctors, lawyers, parents, employees, US citizens are standing for their God given rights, we are standing on the RIGHT side of this.

  8. RCxyz

    I am not aware of any major Christian group that opposes vaccines. In fact, many Christian humanitarian groups are involved in providing vaccines to third world countries. Christian hospitals administer vaccines. Almost all Christians use modern medical drugs and practices. Lastly, the apostle Luke was a physician.

  9. Mary Howard

    This looks to be very good. My question is will it work for a K-12 employee? Specifically a school bus driver. I have multiple family members in my home who have compromised immune systems. I don’t believe it is safe for me to get any of the vaccines and risk shedding the virus. Most of my household family members have underlying conditions that could cause problems if we get the Covid virus. All are adults, and none wants the vaccine.

  10. Jetan

    People are LOSING their Common Sense! Not everyone can take Vaccines or medication or even DAIRY PRODUCTS! If you believe that Vaccine / Mask WORKS then why should you worry? Who never had any FLU or COLD? there is NO WAY you can have ZERO CASES! The idea of your GOV decides who can go to school or work is TERRIFYING! Sadly, the majority do not see where this is going! for someone who lived in the country where the GOV is in control of your daily life! Once you lost your FREEDOM and Rights you will NEVER BE ABLE TO GO BACK! Personal Responsibility!

  11. Barb

    Iv worked for the state for 11 years (DCYF) And now will loose my job because I won’t take the mandatory covid shot. On top of that im dealing with cancer and can’t loose my Insurance.

  12. Lea

    Да благословит тебя Господь! Да сохранит тебя Господь и всю твою семью! Да убережёт тебя Господь от всех непредвиденных обстоятельств? Да вразумит тебя Господь! Ибо милость Его велика над боящимися Его!

  13. Heidi

    I work for a large corporation and we are told we must be fully vaccinated by Feb 9 or pay for weekly testing. Can they legally make us do the weekly testing?


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