Wil Fuentes announces candidacy for Clark County Council in District 3

Wil Fuentes has officially announced his candidacy for Clark County Council in District 3.
Wil Fuentes

Fuentes has a background spanning nonprofit program management, banking operations, higher education, and community engagement

VANCOUVER –  Wil Fuentes, with a background spanning nonprofit program management, banking operations, higher education, and community engagement, has officially announced his candidacy for Clark County Council in District 3.

With nearly three years of residency in the Landover-Sharmel neighborhood of east Vancouver, Fuentes states that he brings “a deep understanding of the needs and challenges facing the community. His commitment to serving the public is exemplified by his extensive experience and active involvement in various initiatives aimed at community empowerment.’’

Fuentes’s work in the community has given him first-hand insight into residents’ challenges, especially concerning affordable housing, small business obstacles, and the urgent need to address addiction and substance abuse. These experiences have motivated his candidacy for County Council to tackle these pressing issues.

Currently, Fuentes serves on the Clark County Low Income Housing Committee and The Heights Community Investment Committee in Vancouver, where he plays a role in addressing housing affordability and fostering community development. Additionally, his service on the planning commission and various housing committees in Hillsboro, Oregon, demonstrates his dedication to shaping comprehensive plans and policies for the betterment of communities. He also serves on the city of Vancouver’s Comprehensive Plan Climate Community Working Group, underscoring his commitment to environmental sustainability.

Fuentes is an advocate for environmental sustainability, affordable housing, and compassionate solutions to homelessness and substance abuse issues. He believes in collaborative leadership and is committed to working with stakeholders across the county to address challenges collectively.

“I am honored to announce my candidacy for Clark County Council in District 3,” said Fuentes. “I am deeply committed to prioritizing the well-being and prosperity of all residents, and I am dedicated to fostering a more inclusive, resilient, and vibrant community for generations to come.”

For more information about Wil Fuentes and his campaign, visit electwil.com or contact him at (360) 553-1933. You can also follow him on Facebook: facebook.com/ElectWil4Clark and Instagram: @ElectWil4Clark

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