Twitter still purging COVID-19 contrarians

Amid the sudden surge of free speech following the announcement that Elon Musk had purchased Twitter, several critics of the U.S government response to the COVID-19 pandemic have been locked out of their accounts or suspended.

Offender: ‘Masks don’t work,’ censorship happens ‘when the lie loses its power’

Offender: ‘Masks don’t work,’ censorship happens ‘when the lie loses its power’

Art Moore
WND News Center

Amid the sudden surge of free speech following the announcement that Elon Musk had purchased Twitter, several critics of the U.S government response to the COVID-19 pandemic have been locked out of their accounts or suspended.

Just the News reported it’s “not clear whether the timing is coincidental or the last gasp of an old guard targeting so-called Team Reality before a new owner or courts force it to change direction.”

Notices from Twitter cite violation of its policy against sharing “misleading and potentially harmful information” about COVID.

On Wednesday, writer AJ Kay was suspended for a tweet that said that “masks don’t work” and censorship happens “when the lie loses its power.” Virginia school activist Merianne Jensen was suspended Wednesday for a similar tweet.

The account of Edward Dowd – a former Wall Street executive whose analysis of CDC data shows an alarming rise in deaths among Millennials over the past year amid the COVID vaccine rollout – is under a seven-day suspension. His offending tweet directed users to a video interview of Dr. Naomi Wolf citing Pfizer vaccine clinical trial documents that show the company didn’t test the shots on pregnant women but urged them to get vaccinated anyway.

Former New York Times reporter Alex Berenson, a leading critic of the COVID-19 vaccines, is challenging Twitter’s permanent suspension of his account in a breach-of-contract lawsuit that has been advanced by a federal judge.

Berenson’s offending tweet said the COVID vaccines don’t stop infection and transmission of the virus, which the CDC now has acknowledged.

Daniel Kotzin, who is suing federal officials for coercing Twitter to censor purported COVID misinformation, wrote a flagged tweet that said “known potential side effects” of COVID vaccines include myocarditis, “blood clots, and strokes.”

Last month, New York art gallery owner Eli Klein received a seven-day suspension for saying most immunocompromised people “are not at high risk from COVID.” The risk for children is low, he said, and “many, if not most” already have natural immunity.

Meanwhile, the Babylon Bee remains locked out of its account six weeks after Twitter cited the satirical site for “targeted misgendering” after it named transgender official Dr. Rachel Levine its “Man of the Year.”

Just the News reported the social media site Linktree deplatformed Libs of TikTok – which simply shares videos of radical progressives – for “inappropriate use” of its service.


  1. Sylvia

    What a great article, thanks for sharing. What is the real reason for blocking any and all data, opinions, discussions and even questions that differ from the mandated narrative(s)? Science is demonstrable, repeatable and, above all, ever evolving and open to debate. Unlike some religions, science is neither dogmatic nor static. Each person has opinions, questions, etc.
    It seems that the mandated narrative on SARS-Cov-2 has now become a religious Covid-19 dogma. Anyone questioning it is treated as an “outer”, threatened with dire sanctions, deregistration, punishment, or even categorized as a domestic terrorist.
    The good news is that more and more people now see the money-driven and fake propaganda for what it really is! Enough is enough.
    Social media is no longer limited to FB and Twitter – there are other platforms to choose from. Let’s see whether Elon Musk is true to his word and actually stops Twitter from religiously sticking to a prescribed dogma. I do believe he has the intelligence, rational logic, and strength of character to reform Twitter into the platform that it could, and should, be.


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