2025 Project Homeless Connect, Point In Time count scheduled for Jan. 30

Project Homeless Connect returns on January 30, offering vital resources for Clark County’s unhoused community.
Project Homeless Connect returns on January 30, offering vital resources for Clark County’s unhoused community.

Project Homeless Connect is a one-day event to help people living without homes easily access a variety of resources in one location

Council for the Homeless’ Project Homeless Connect event is set for Jan. 30 from 11 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at New Life Recovery Services (formerly The Lord’s Gym), 2410 Grand Blvd., Vancouver. 

Project Homeless Connect is a one-day event to help people living without homes easily access a variety of resources in one location. Offerings include housing information; eyeglasses; help signing up for social service benefits and healthcare; employment resources; winter clothing; hygiene items; foot care; a pet clinic; and lunch. Anyone throughout Clark County who is experiencing homelessness is encouraged to attend.

“Project Homeless Connect has served Clark County’s unhoused community for 17 years,” said Iden Campbell, Council for the Homeless’ continuum of care manager. “Through this annual event, we provide community members access to services they may not otherwise receive. We look forward to our continued commitment to the unhoused community by providing opportunities and a gateway to much-needed services.” 

Interpreters will be at the event to assist people who speak Chuukese, Spanish and Russian. Shuttle service will be available via three routes to and from the event. Pickup/dropoff locations will be posted on Council for the Homeless’ Instagram and Facebook social media. 

New Life Recovery Services is donating the use of its facility for Project Homeless Connect. The event is sponsored by Molina Healthcare and Wellpoint. Northwest Natural Gas Co. is the catering sponsor. Couve Collective is providing logistical support to Council for the Homeless for the event. 

Point in Time count

Project Homeless Connect returns on January 30, offering vital resources for Clark County’s unhoused community.
2024 PIT count. Project Homeless Connect returns on January 30, offering vital resources for Clark County’s unhoused community. Graphic courtesy Council for the Homeless

On the same day, the annual countywide census of persons without homes, known as the Point in Time (PIT) count, will take place. Every year the PIT count provides a census of the number of individuals and households who are currently unsheltered, in an emergency shelter, or in transitional housing on the last Thursday in January. During the last 10 days of January, agencies and volunteers from across Washington State will collect data to comply with Washington State Department of Commerce requirements. Data and analysis from PIT will be released in spring 2025.

CFTH staff, partner agencies and trained community volunteers will divide the county into 13 outreach zones. These teams travel to the zones early Thursday morning and throughout the day to ask survey questions of people living outside, in a tent, in a trailer with no running water, in their car, or escaping domestic violence, and to encourage them to attend PHC. 

The PIT survey includes voluntary questions regarding the last permanent ZIP code, demographics, and the circumstances that contributed to homelessness. An important aspect of the count is to “de-duplicate” people who may be counted more than once that day in order to provide a more accurate count. 

Council for the Homeless is a nonprofit organization that provides community leadership, compelling advocacy and practical solutions to prevent and end homelessness in Clark County, Wash. www.councilforthehomeless.org

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