The Nov. 8 General Election won’t be certified until Nov. 29 but it appears most races affecting Clark Co ...
Area general election races all but sewn up
Area general election races all but sewn up
Artists open up on Clark County Open Studios Tour
Artists open up on Clark County Open Studios Tour
Clark County Prayer Breakfast set for Friday morning
Clark County Prayer Breakfast set for Friday morning
Washington voters say no to campaign-finance reform initiative
Washington voters say no to campaign-finance reform initiative
Clark County Republicans celebrate Trump lead, local Republican victories
Clark County Republicans celebrate Trump lead, local Republican victories
Local Dems weather upsets together at Young Democrats’ Election Night party
Local Dems weather upsets together at Young Democrats’ Election Night party
Area voters turn out for General Election
Area voters turn out for General Election
Law enforcement agencies receive $60,000 grant to help reduce region’s high pedestrian death rate
Law enforcement agencies receive $60,000 grant to help reduce region’s high pedestrian death rate
Clark County volleyball teams begin playoff competition this week
Clark County volleyball teams begin playoff competition this week
Community members take part in annual Apple Cider Pressing
Community members take part in annual Apple Cider Pressing