Families out trick-or-treating can help by wearing reflective clothing and glowsticks, and drivers should ...
Target Zero asks drivers to be aware of pedestrians, especially on Halloween
Target Zero asks drivers to be aware of pedestrians, especially on Halloween
Letter: ‘John Horch lacks the integrity needed to lead the Sheriff’s Office and represent the citizens of Clark County’
Letter: ‘John Horch lacks the integrity needed to lead the Sheriff’s Office and represent the citizens of Clark County’
Vancouver Fire responds to apartment fire
Vancouver Fire responds to apartment fire
Hazel Dell shooting leads to pursuit and arrest
Hazel Dell shooting leads to pursuit and arrest
Ridgefield Schools and Clark County Sheriff’s Office to host free event on the dangers of fentanyl
Ridgefield Schools and Clark County Sheriff’s Office to host free event on the dangers of fentanyl
Serious collision occurs after man attempts to elude Clark County Sheriff’s deputy
Serious collision occurs after man attempts to elude Clark County Sheriff’s deputy
Sheriff candidates participate in League of Women Voters event
Sheriff candidates participate in League of Women Voters event
Vancouver PD runs in honor of Donald Sahota
Vancouver PD runs in honor of Donald Sahota
People United for Clark County to host Saturday event with Wisconsin Sheriff David Clarke
People United for Clark County to host Saturday event with Wisconsin Sheriff David Clarke
Suspect arrested after carjacking and kidnapping
Suspect arrested after carjacking and kidnapping