Southwest Washington law enforcement agencies team up to continue additional DUI patrols during football ...
Target Zero and Region 6 Target Zero Task Force encourage area residents to celebrate the big games responsibly
Target Zero and Region 6 Target Zero Task Force encourage area residents to celebrate the big games responsibly
Clark County Sheriff’s Office seeking assistance with fatal hit and run investigation
Clark County Sheriff’s Office seeking assistance with fatal hit and run investigation
Clark County Sheriff’s Office seeks public assistance in curbing auto thefts
Clark County Sheriff’s Office seeks public assistance in curbing auto thefts
Vancouver Police in officer-involved shooting identified
Vancouver Police in officer-involved shooting identified
Target Zero: Teaching young drivers the rules of the road
Target Zero: Teaching young drivers the rules of the road
Morning accident partially closes Padden Parkway Tuesday morning
Morning accident partially closes Padden Parkway Tuesday morning
Clark County Sheriff’s Office responds to attempted robberies
Clark County Sheriff’s Office responds to attempted robberies
Disturbance leads to officer-involved shooting
Disturbance leads to officer-involved shooting
Armed vehicle prowl suspect arrested in Hazel Dell
Armed vehicle prowl suspect arrested in Hazel Dell
Homeowner shot at after interrupting auto prowl
Homeowner shot at after interrupting auto prowl