Letter: ‘You can count on Karen (Bowerman) to always do what she promises and vote the way she says she will’

Vancouver resident Mary Olson offers her support for Karen Bowerman in the race for Clark County Council, District 3

Editor’s note: Opinions expressed in this letter to the editor are those of the author alone and do not reflect the editorial position of ClarkCountyToday.com 

Karen Bowerman is running for Clark County Council, District 3 and how lucky we are that she is. 

Mary Olson
Mary Olson

It has been my privilege to know Karen as both a colleague and a friend. We each served as elected city councilors for Lake Oswego, Oregon (though we both wised up and moved to Clark County years ago). 

I know first hand how important it is to Karen to serve her community, and that she is truly dedicated to making Clark County even better. I never cease to be amazed at her willingness to “put herself out there” – always with a smile. 

You can count on Karen to always do what she promises and vote the way she says she will. She will work hard every day for each and every one of us. 

It is with great pleasure that I wholeheartedly endorse Karen for Clark County Council District 3.

Mary Olson