Battle Ground resident Vern Jeremica takes a look at issues with area schools
Editor’s note: Opinions expressed in this letter to the editor are those of the author alone and do not reflect the editorial position of
In the next week, voters will have the opportunity to mark ballots for school levies. Whether the levy passes or fails, the Democrat state superintendent and legislators have set in motion destruction that continues with the current 2025 Democrat majority session. Like a wrecking ball destroys a building, piece by piece, at each session there are more restrictions, more regulations, more taxpayer money required, more staff, more counselors, more administrators, more salary, more Marxist/Communism, and our children in Clark County suffer! Our Washington state public educational system, piece by piece is implementing Marxist/Communist doctrines and programs in Washington Public schools. Children are the focus, destroying them, socially, spiritually, morally, and academically, piece by piece.

Too many parents in Clark County do not understand and/or have the knowledge that education has taken a back seat to indoctrination. Most families, both husband and wife, are working to make ends meet and trust a broken system that continues to diminish and impair our children’s education. This generation as well as the previous generation trusted public education. After 12 years of school, 32-35+hours weekly, parents looked forward to their children gaining basic knowledge to read, write, do math, and science and then go on to college or into the work force. Like cancer’s tentacles, indoctrination has infested school lesson plans molding them into confused haters of self, of God and our nation.
Why is the public educational system exposing students from K-12 to Marxist/Communist ideology and anti-American doctrine? Voters who know this fact see a failing system of education that will not be fixed by tax dollars through levy propositions or bond initiatives and will vote NO for any initiative or proposition that asks for additional money, even though there is threat that facilities, services, support, counseling, etc. will be cancelled.
During COVID, parents were brought to reality in Battle Ground Schools as they observed their children during online lessons. Parents discovered that Washington Public Schools teach Marxism and Communism, such as Critical Race Theory (CRT), Class warfare, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion (DEI), and ESG (environment, social, governance). There is limited time for each day of class. Besides wasting taxpayer money indoctrinating our children, it was and continues to be an impingement on learning, persecution of children, antithetical to the American way of life, the nuclear family, parental rights, our freedom, and Christian values.
After in-person school attendance resumed, many parents, to protect children from academic, cultural, health, and spiritual warfare, choose homeschooling or other options to educate their children. Test scores have not recovered or exceeded pre-COVID era, since the significant drop in test scores that occurred during and after COVID.
Left unprotected, Battle Ground students are being exposed to UN Agenda 21’s abhorrent Comprehensive Sex Education Program (CSE). Also, there is a growing volume of pornographic literature available in school Libraries (70+ different books as of 2025) designed to sexualize children at an early age, promote and groom children to non-heterosexual relationships, fornication, sodomy, gender confusion, and homosexual practices. In 5 years of constant intervention from concerned groups to remove pornography from Battle Ground, and the rest of the county, the original number of pornographic books has grown. Why does the school district comply with these mandates? Who is responsible?
Checking state and local voting records, in lock step, irresponsible Washington State Democrats have voted and or are in support of this radical change. Unfortunately, many Democrats, elected under non-partisan labels in school boards are also responsible. When Washington State returns to a Republican (common sense majority), this Democrat attack on our children in public schools will subside and reverse course.
Another Marxist/Communist program, Social Emotional Learning (SEL), is being evaluated, and implemented this year in Battle Ground! This curriculum is Democrat supported, embedded in the curriculum, and not labeled making discovery difficult and timely. Since even pre-Covid, effective curriculum review is rarely available to BG parents, and for brief periods, it is often too late for input before implementing into classrooms. Parents are blinded to what is going on in our school district and are impotent in their ability to make objections or constructive critique. Parents, this is planned and happening almost statewide!
Also, Washington State Democrat Legislator and State Superintendent policies of OSPI discipline rules have created chaos, confusion and a waste of our tax dollars and a serious dilution of learning in the classrooms. Students are being exposed and indoctrinated to accept chaotic uncontrolled behavior. Did you know that a perpetrator of bad or illegal behavior is rarely expelled or suspended and that it is common for a classroom to be cleared of all the students during these types of incidents? One or more classroom disruptions requiring clearing of the room due to illegal or improper behavior is common in the BG School District? This is a widespread problem statewide. Are children learning when classrooms are cleared? I want my taxes paid for schools returned for this allowed behavior! In my entire life educational experience, I never experienced or heard of a shutdown as described. Would you agree? This is common in all districts in Clark County because the state discipline rules require specific or in many cases no consequence for unruly behavior. Innocent children are exposed and if continued long term, eventually accept this behavior. Children are learning that there is no consequence for injury, unruly, and immoral behavior. America is shocked when a woman in a New York subway is burned alive by some insane person while people watch, and no one comes to her aid! Is this Democrat OSPI policy developing a mass-formation, psychologically grooming children in schools to eventually be those observers on that subway in New York?
What about academics? Recent data from the Washington State Report Card for Battle Ground District indicates student proficiency overall is: 46.5 % in English Language Arts, and 40.1% in Math. In terms of college readiness only 45.4% meet benchmarks in English, and sadly 29.1% meet benchmarks in mathematics. These numbers, well below state averages, give the district an “F.” If schools were run privately like businesses, would they get a severe pay cut for their lack of performance? The test numbers not only lag the Washington State Average but even worse, lagging the USA which is only ranked 14th in the world, spending annually over ¾ of a trillion dollar on education! As Clark County Schools march towards being the runner-up to the participant trophy, a radical reversal in the culture and quality of our schools is needed. Our children are depending on us to make a change.
The Democrat agenda, utilizing Global Marxist and UN programs is leading our children to a serfdom that will be run by oligarchs and elites. A global elitist and Marxist at the World Economic Forum, Heir Klause Schwab said: “By 2030 You will own nothing and be happy.” At the rate of indoctrination and dumbing down of our students in Clark County, we are on schedule for 2030. Public schools in Clark County are under a Democrat siege, and many in this camp are devotees of Klaus Schwab. A Levy or bond is not the solution. Removal of these Democrat Marxist indoctrination programs to include DEI, ESG, CRT, SEL, and CSE is the common sense solution. Lord helps us all fight, fight, fight for our children!
Vern Jeremica
Battle Ground
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