Letter: Support the CCFR Emergency Medical Services Levy

La Center resident Myrna Leija offers her support for the Clark-Cowlitz Fire Rescue EMS Levy

Editor’s note: Opinions expressed in this letter to the editor are those of the author alone and do not reflect the editorial position of ClarkCountyToday.com

Soon you will have your ballot to support the Clark-Cowlitz Fire Rescue EMS levy that covers 45,000 residents in Ridgefield, La Center, Woodland and unincorporated Clark County as well as the Cowlitz Indian Reservation.

Myrna Leija
Myrna Leija

If this levy passes, it will provide full-time, around-the-clock paramedics at each of their six fire stations and drastically reduce medical response times.

Currently an ambulance wait can be up to 45 minutes, and that is intolerable. The levy’s goal is to reduce the average response time for CCFR units to six minutes. Faster response times can be the difference of saving a life and having a much more favorable outcome. In addition, this levy will allow the fire district to employ an additional 25 firefighter/paramedics and better protect our homes and businesses.

You will receive your ballots soon and they must be mailed in by the August 2 primary. Please join me in supporting this levy.

Myrna Leija
La Center

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