Letter: ‘Our schools are the heartbeat of this town’

Hockinson resident Jim VanNatta urges support for the school bond to improve education facilities and strengthen the community.
Hockinson resident Jim VanNatta urges support for the school bond to improve education facilities and strengthen the community.

Hockinson resident Jim VanNatta offers his perspective on the Hockinson School Bond

Editor’s note: Opinions expressed in this letter to the editor are those of the author alone and do not reflect the editorial position of ClarkCountyToday.com

I have been the owner of Hockinson Market here in our community for 28 years. In that time, I have met many new Hockinson residents. Some of you might remember coming into the store while looking for your new home. Almost always the conversation would turn to the schools, the very reason you were in the area in the first place. And if you already lived here, I would see you at school events, the only events in our wonderful community. We might trade stories about how our schools have shaped our lives and children’s lives and brought us together. Our schools are the heartbeat of this town – they not only provide excellent education for our children but also create the connections and sense of community that make this place so special. Being an unincorporated area, there is no community without the schools.

Jim VanNatta
Jim VanNatta

Today, I’m writing to ask you to support the upcoming school bond that will maintain the high-quality education that so many of us moved here for in the first place. The bond will address critical needs, such as adding a new elementary school to ease overcrowding, as well as making important safety upgrades to our existing facilities. Our elementary school is double the size of any other school in SW Washington.

Unfortunately, I don’t believe it’s widely known that our field at the high school is barely usable. For example, our award-winning band can’t practice on it, games have been canceled on it after being deemed unsafe, and no playoff games can be played on it, costing the district extra money to rent another facility.

These are not luxuries – they are absolute necessities if we want to continue providing our children with the best possible experience. In a small town, a thriving school system means a thriving community. When we invest in our schools, we invest in our future. Families are drawn to this town because of the outstanding education system, and we want to ensure that our children, grandchildren, and future generations have access to the same opportunities that made this community so special to us.

I understand that any vote on taxes is a serious decision, but this is an investment in the future of our children, our schools, and our town. I urge you to vote YES on the school bond. Let’s show commitment to our community and keep our town thriving for years to come.

Jim VanNatta
Hockinson grandparent
Business owner and resident

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