Letter: ‘Levy propositions 12 and 13 represent a vital investment in the futures of all Ridgefield students’

Ridgefield resident and parent Jamie Heim offers her support for Ridgefield schools

Editor’s note: Opinions expressed in this letter to the editor are those of the author alone and do not reflect the editorial position of ClarkCountyToday.com

I am writing to urge my fellow Ridgefield residents to support levy propositions 12 and 13. These levies are crucial for the future of Ridgefield School District and for students who access special education services across the district. As a community, we hold the responsibility to ensure that every child, regardless of their individual needs, receives the quality education they richly deserve.

Jamie Heim
Jamie Heim

Levy propositions 12 and 13 represent a vital investment in the futures of all Ridgefield students.
Proposition 12 is not a new tax. It is a replacement levy for the current levy that expires at the end of 2025. This levy supports crucial district operations, technology, sports, student activities, and special education staffing. You may not be aware of this, but the current state provided special education funding is grossly inadequate and does not meet the escalating demands of our diverse and growing student population. It is the district’s current levy that makes up for the lack of state provided special education funding and ensures student access to special education services across the district. Voting “yes” for Proposition 12 will ensure that the district special education program continues to receive the support that our students need.

Proposition 13 will build a much needed 3rd elementary school, repair the roofs and HVAC at both Union Ridge and South Ridge, and support the district’s basic technology needs. A new elementary school will reduce the student population numbers of our current elementary schools. Both of my children have attended Ridgefield elementary schools and I know first hand the struggles of having my children attend a 700 plus student school. 12:30 daily lunch times, 30 minute long parent pick up lines, wasted learning minutes due to long transitions across the campus, portables without running water…these are just a few of the issues that our schools face daily and the addition of a new elementary school will alleviate.

Please vote “yes” on Propositions 12 and 13 and join me in ensuring that our students have access to the services, supports, and learning environments that they need to thrive.

Jamie Heim
Ridgefield resident and parent

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