Letter: ‘I think Republicans would be better off if we did not divide off into a bunch of warring groups destroying other Republicans’

Dr. Brad Jensen, a Camas resident, shares his thoughts on a recent column by Clark County Today Editor Ken Vance

Editor’s note: Opinions expressed in this letter to the editor are those of the author alone and do not reflect the editorial position of ClarkCountyToday.com

This letter is in response to Editor Ken Vance’s recent column about Congresswoman Jaime Herrera Beutler. 

Dr. Brad Jensen
Dr. Brad Jensen

I think Republicans may be good at getting some people upset but not good at putting together a large enough group to defeat Democrats. Let’s think this through! “Let’s turn your question around — How many of us are saying we are white supremacists and identify as being fringe-y by pilling on Jaime Herrera Beutler? 

Are we not saying those labels apply to us if we say we are offended? Think carefully about the actual words. To me, she is not saying this is about all Republicans or even about all Trump supporters (she supported Trump during the election if we are honest with ourselves). 

Do we really mean to say that if we had a plane ticket to DC we would have been standing inside the Capitol next to the Q’anon Shamen? Really? Maybe Craig Wheeler did not hesitate to answer you because the actual meaning is obvious if not put in a context to distort the meaning. 

This whole discussion reminds me of the Monty Python skit, “She’s A Witch!” which can be found here — https://youtu.be/zrzMhU_4m-g. Watch it and see if you agree. I think Republicans would be better off if we did not divide off into a bunch of warring groups destroying other Republicans.

Dr. Brad Jensen