Report: Study dooms idea that your life depends on COVID vax

A new study from the government in the United Kingdom appears to doom the idea that your life depends on COVID vaxes.
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Nine in 10 deaths over two years fell among those who are up-to-date on shots

WND News Center

A new study from the government in the United Kingdom appears to doom the idea that your life depends on COVID vaxes.

A new report from Exposé reveals that official numbers from the U.K. government show that the “fully/triple/quadruple vaccinated population has accounted for 9 in every 10 COVID-19 deaths in England over the past two years.”

The report revealed that just days ago, the U.K.’s Office for National Statistics showed that for the month of October, there were 125 COVID deaths among unvaccinated residents.

But there were 24 deaths for those getting at least the first dose, 100 among those who got their second dose at least six months ago, more than 2,100 among those who have their third does or booster and nearly 2,300 of those ever vaccinated.

“This isn’t an anomaly,” the report said.

The report said, “We took the figures provided by the ONS and have produced [a] chart showing COVID-19 deaths per month by vaccination status in England between 1st April 2021 and 31st December 2022, a period of 21 months.

“May 2021 saw the lowest number of COVID-19 deaths, with 205 among the vaccinated population and just 84 among the unvaccinated population. But fast forward a year and we find COVID-19 deaths increased by 450%, with 1,494 among the vaccinated and just 96 among the unvaccinated,” the report explained.

“Surely if the Covid-19 injections were effective we would expect to see deaths decreasing year on year, not increasing?”

But, in fact, “COVID-19 deaths among the unvaccinated population have become almost negligible, while deaths among the vaccinated population have become more significant as time passes,” the report said.

“For instance, between April 1st and December 31st 2021, there were 17,150 COVID-19 deaths, 13,116 of which were among the vaccinated, and 4,034 of which were among the unvaccinated. This means 76.5% of COVID-19 deaths were among the vaccinated, whilst 23.5% of deaths were among the unvaccinated,” it explained.

Ultimately, the report explains, the COVID-19 deaths among the vaccinated surged to 94%.

The report notes “9 in every 10 COVID-19 deaths over the past 21 months” comes from the “fully vaccinated population.”

The report concluded, “These aren’t the kind of figures you would expect to see if the COVID-19 injections really are up to 95% effective at preventing death, are they?”

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