Artwork was designed by Washington artist Garth Edwards
RIDGEFIELD — On Sat., October 7, newly-installed public artwork was dedicated at Union Ridge Elementary School. The artwork was designed by Garth Edwards, a Washington artist who has created work for a number of public commissions in the past, including the Seattle Children’s Theater.

Edwards was selected to create the design for the school by a committee made up of Ridgefield community members, teachers and school district administrators. Over the last year and a half, the committee collaborated with Edwards to refine the design, and the completed artwork was installed at the school this past summer.
“The birds and creatures you see in the Union Ridge piece appear in a lot of Garth Edwards’ work,” said Alan Adams, Union Ridge Elementary School art teacher. “The committee felt that his artistic style was a good fit for the Ridgefield community — playful, family-friendly and nature-oriented. The response has been overwhelmingly positive.”

Funding for the art project came from “percent-for-art” funds from the state’s Art in Public Places program (AIPP) of the Washington State Arts Commission. The program allocates one-half of 1 percent of the state’s portion of the cost of new construction at state agencies and public schools be used to acquire artwork for the state.
Both Union Ridge Elementary and South Ridge Elementary qualified to receive the funds when recent new school construction was completed at their schools. Adams was instrumental in applying for the funds. Union Ridge’s newly-dedicated artwork is now part of the State Art Collection.
Stuart Nakamura, another Washington artist, is currently installing his work at South Ridge Elementary. A dedication of his work is scheduled at the school later this fall.

Information provided by Ridgefield School District.