High school students launch future goals at Hockinson’s largest college and career fair event

Students explore career pathways at the Launching Futures event. Photo courtesy Hockinson School District
Students explore career pathways at the Launching Futures event. Photo courtesy Hockinson School District

The event brought together 94 representatives from local colleges, universities, trade schools, military, and career industries

On May 16, over 600 Hockinson School District students and family members gathered in the HHS commons for the Launching Futures College and Career Fair event. The event brought together 94 representatives from local colleges, universities, trade schools, military, and career industries. This is part of a broader initiative to prepare students for Senior Launch Week, a week-long celebration packed with college and career readiness activities leading up to graduation day on June 7, 2024.

Students speak with reps from Piper Mechanical, a full mechanical company in Vancouver. Photo courtesy Hockinson School District
Students speak with reps from Piper Mechanical, a full mechanical company in Vancouver. Photo courtesy Hockinson School District

“We’re always looking for new ways to provide students with opportunities to explore many different post-secondary pathways,” said Tim Fox, Principal at Hockinson High School. Hockinson School District created a new College and Career Specialist position at the high school this year to support student career exploration, preparation and launch. College in the High School (CiHS) course offerings at Hockinson High School have also expanded in 2023-24. Students can now take up to 35 free university credits at the high school with courses like pre-calculus, environmental science, statistics and more.

“All the reps were really nice. It helped me narrow down some of the things I want to do after high school,” said Skylar Picard, ninth grade student at Hockinson High School.

Washington State Patrol representatives speak with Hockinson High School students about career options. Photo courtesy Hockinson School District
Washington State Patrol representatives speak with Hockinson High School students about career options. Photo courtesy Hockinson School District

At over 98%, the graduation rate at Hockinson School District tells a story of student support and success. Graduation rates in Hockinson are higher now than they have been in the last 10 years. “We’re extremely proud of Hockinson students for setting big goals and going after them,” said Superintendent Steve Marshall. 

Career and college exploration begins for Hockinson students in elementary school and culminates with launching postsecondary plans in high school. Hockinson School District models college and career exploration, preparation, and launch in every K-12 grade level.

Student speaks with rep from Heidelberg Materials, one of the world's largest integrated manufacturers of building materials and solutions. Photo courtesy Hockinson School District
Student speaks with rep from Heidelberg Materials, one of the world’s largest integrated manufacturers of building materials and solutions. Photo courtesy Hockinson School District

Career Exploration at Hockinson Heights Elementary School

At Hockinson Heights Elementary School, students explore careers through various interactions with professionals across many career fields. This year, fifth graders met with a range of guest speakers including a sports coach, insurance adjuster, business owner, home care provider, cyber security consultant, and a nurse, while fourth graders learned about environmental careers from the Lower Columbia Estuary. Second and third graders were visited by police officer and firefighter guest speakers, respectively. This spring, fourth graders constructed toolboxes as part of a trades workshop. For fifth grade students, a year of learning about how to start and run a business will culminate with a field trip visit to JA BizTown where students work in a business, earn a paycheck, complete banking activities, and spend money in a mock town this June.

High school students meet military representatives at the Hockinson college and career fair. Photo courtesy Hockinson School District
High school students meet military representatives at the Hockinson college and career fair. Photo courtesy Hockinson School District

College and Career Preparation at Hockinson Middle School

At the middle school, teachers draw connections between classroom learning and relevant career applications throughout the year. The new middle school science curriculum, Amplify, includes videos about real scientists in the field in each unit of learning. 

Eighth grade students at Hockinson Heights Elementary School will tour Clark College and Washington State University this year. This experience helps students to better visualize what their future plans may look like after high school.

Hockinson High School students speak with reps at the college and career fair. Photo courtesy Hockinson School District
Hockinson High School students speak with reps at the college and career fair. Photo courtesy Hockinson School District

Information provided by the Hockinson School District.

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