Evergreen Public Schools launches public survey

VANCOUVER Evergreen Public Schools (EPS) is giving those living within its borders a chance to comment on the condition of the buildings maintained by the school district. The survey, available at the link below, will be open until 5 p.m., Wed., April 5.

The survey can be found at www.surveymonkey.com/r/JY8Z7GM

EPS Deputy Superintendent John Steach says the survey will help the district find out what questions or concerns the community has about its schools.

“We want to know how our citizens view the schools in their neighborhoods and answer any concerns they might have about them,” Steach says.

The district passed a capital bond in 2002, which allowed for the construction of three new schools (Columbia Valley Elementary, Endeavour Elementary and Union High), the replacement of three schools (Cascade Middle, Covington Middle and Orchards Elementary), the remodeling of Evergreen High School, and several major improvement projects at other district facilities.

In 2008, a bond measure to replace eight schools, including the then 60-year-old Sifton Elementary, did not reach the 60 percent approval required to pass.

Information provided by Evergreen Public Schools district.

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