Doug Dahl of The Wise Drive explains the laws and considerations for using high beams on parallel roads a ...
Opinion: High beams and parallel roads
Opinion: High beams and parallel roads
Opinion: New law increases penalties for pedestrian deaths
Opinion: New law increases penalties for pedestrian deaths
Opinion: Red light runners and green light waiters
Opinion: Red light runners and green light waiters
Opinion: What to do when the lights go out
Opinion: What to do when the lights go out
Opinion: Right of way for opposing drivers
Opinion: Right of way for opposing drivers
Opinion: Should I trust my teen driver?
Opinion: Should I trust my teen driver?
Opinion: Riding bikes in the dark
Opinion: Riding bikes in the dark
Opinion: Who are bike lanes for, really?
Opinion: Who are bike lanes for, really?
Opinion: Two right turn lanes and red lights
Opinion: Two right turn lanes and red lights
Opinion: Waiting for pedestrians
Opinion: Waiting for pedestrians