Fourth annual event is scheduled for Aug. 19-22
VANCOUVER — Dennis Fuqua has heard the stories first-hand of how an annual day of prayer has impacted Clark County schools.
“We had a group of people at a school,’’ said Fuqua, executive director of Vancouver-based Clark County Prayer Connect. “They had permission to go inside the school. The janitor wasn’t sure why they were there so she asked them what they were doing. When they told her, she said, ‘go right there, that’s where all the fights start.’ So, here’s a situation where a janitor was there to tell them where to pray and how to pay.’’

For the fourth consecutive year, Clark County Prayer Connect is inviting members of the community to join them to pray for students returning to area high schools. The event will take place Aug. 19-22.
“Praying at, for an even in (when invited) each high school in Clark County because we believe prayer is one of the best things we can do for our students,’’ read a release from Clark County Prayer Connect.

Fuqua shared another story with about the impact of prior prayer events.
“One of the point people who told me they prayed at a particular school told me the next day that they had been contacted by the staff at that school and they were told how peaceful the school was and that there was a change in the atmosphere there,’’ Fuqua said.

Fuqua said those interested in participating can meet at the flagpole of the particular school at 7 p.m. on the day that school is scheduled for prayer. Organizers offer a suggested prayer pattern but Fuqua said “we don’t dictate how people should pray. The suggested pattern is that they should pray for God’s peace.’’

Clark County Prayer Connect organizers believe the four years of high school are four of the most formative years in a person’s life because of:
- The habits they form.
- The friends they make.
- The choices they face.
- And the things they learn.
Fuqua and his organization believe these years will influence them the rest of their lives and will also greatly determine the kind of citizens they will be in society.
“There’s value in praying for an area while you’re at that area because you can see things that help you pray better and also sense things that help you pray better,’’ Fuqua said. “For example, there is a sign at almost every school that this is a safe zone. That’s fine, but when I saw that sign I said, ‘yes Lord, you want these schools to be genuinely safe zones, not just physically but you want these people to have spiritual safety as well.’ So that sign sparked some prayers for me in addition to those I would have had at my home or office.’’
Clark County Prayer Connect is also promoting “See You at the Pole’’ on Wed., Sept. 26, at 7 p.m. The nonprofit is also encouraging members of the community to practice “School Zone Prayer,’’ which encourages prayer whenever you drive through a school zone.
For more information, visit Clark County Prayer Connect on Facebook or