Letter: ‘Vicki Kraft has a perfect temperament to serve as an elected official’

Candidate for state representative in the 17th District ‘is also an expert in K-12 education’

Jennifer Dickson
Jennifer Dickson

There are a number of reasons why I support the re-election of Vicki Kraft for State Representative in the 17th District.

She has a perfect temperament to serve as an elected official – serious, studious, approachable and collegial with everyone. She will not compromise on integrity or principle. As a well-tested fiscal conservative, she will fight for Clark County in Portland’s drive to impose immediate tolls on Washington drivers without any guarantee of benefits.

Kraft is also an expert in K-12 education. During the past 10 years, while working as a senior account executive with Dell, she worked in-person, bringing technology to over 50 Washington K-12 school districts across the state — including Evergreen School District, Vancouver School District, and Battle Ground School District.

I’m definitely casting my vote of support for Vicki Kraft.

Jennifer Dickson

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