Letter: The bizarre ‘purpose’ Auditor Greg Kimsey gives election observers in Clark County

Vancouver resident Mark Engleman addresses the role of election observers in Clark County

Editor’s note: Opinions expressed in this letter to the editor are those of the author alone and do not reflect the editorial position of ClarkCountyToday.com

Election Observers are citizens who watch the processing of ballots at the election office.

Mark Engleman
Mark Engleman

Below is the stated purpose, from the official training materials for citizen election observers, that demonstrates the agenda and establishment arrogance of our incumbent auditor Greg Kimsey.

The first two circled items below are completely out of the control of the observer and only serves to give lip service to the concepts of “integrity” and “openness”.

In reality, the rules election observers have to follow basically “ensure” they cannot “confirm” much of anything.

The third and fourth item circled intends to put the observers to work to only defend the current ballot processing . . . and not to ask questions and actually encourage integrity/transparency. 

Vancouver resident Mark Engleman addresses the role of election observers in Clark County.

For this slide, go to 49 minutes in this video for training election observers in Clark County

Or here is a 20 second clip of the training with the specific comments.

Mark Engleman

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