Letter: ‘Heidi St. John needs to drop out’

Ridgefield resident Erin Van Natta believes that the vote in the 3rd Congressional District is being split between conservative candidates

Editor’s note: Opinions expressed in this letter to the editor are those of the author alone and do not reflect the editorial position of ClarkCountyToday.com

Heidi St. John claims to be running for Congress to take on Jaime Herrera Beutler and the political establishment. However, her campaign tactics are reminiscent of the deceptive strategies employed by many corrupt politicians in D.C.

Erin Van Natta
Erin Van Natta

St. John agreed to drop out of the race if she did not receive President Trump’s endorsement. Joe Kent received the endorsement, yet Heidi St. John has since refused to drop out. Instead, she has resorted to slanderous attacks on his campaign.

These attacks only benefit Jamie Herrera Beutler. A recent Trafalgar poll has Joe Kent in the lead among Republicans but in second place overall. Washington has a “Jungle Primary” which means the two candidates with the most votes move on to the general election – regardless of party affiliation. Heidi is splitting the vote among Republicans who wish to see Jaimie ousted from office which benefits the political establishment.

Joe Kent is the leader in individual campaign donations, is endorsed by President Trump, and is consistently the first-place contender among Republicans. If Heidi St. John genuinely wants Jamie Herrera Beutler out of office, then she should honor her word, drop out, and support Joe Kent.

Heidi claims she cannot drop out because Joe Kent is a “Bernie Bro” and a socialist. These claims are demonstrably untrue. Joe Kent voted for Bernie in a primary election because he believed Bernie Sanders was the weakest Democrat. This is a strategy known as “Operation Chaos” which was coined by Rush Limbaugh.

St. John’s ads feature Joe Kent agreeing with Bernie Sanders in a post on Twitter. If this is indicative of socialism, then President Trump was a “socialist.” He agreed with Bernie on a few choice issues, such as onshoring manufacturing, securing fair trade deals, and restricting low-skilled immigration. Joe Kent is by far the most conservative candidate in this race, yet he is still willing to work with the other side of the aisle to serve the American people. People can hear Joe Kent’s response to Heidi St. John’s ad campaign on his website.

Erin Van Natta

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