Letter: ‘Greg Kimsey is our only choice for county auditor’

Vancouver resident Lew Waters weighs in on the race for Clark County auditor

Editor’s note: Opinions expressed in this letter to the editor are those of the author alone and do not reflect the editorial position of ClarkCountyToday.com

Greg Kimsey has served as Clark County County Auditor for several years with integrity and honesty.

Lew Waters
Lew Waters

Brett Simpson, on the other hand, is neck deep in the fringe, far-right group that infiltrated and now wields far too much power, division and infighting within the Clark County Republican Party. We see his campaign deeply steeped in slander and defamation and not any qualifications of his to hold the office.

It should be frightening to Clark County voters imagining that fringe, win by any means element controlling our elections as they do their party.

Greg Kimsey is our only choice for county auditor if we want to keep our Elections Department fair and honest.

Lew Waters

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