Letter: Firefighter states the current Fire District 3 levy is ‘not adequate to fund what our community requires’

Firefighter Charlie Campbell asks members of the Fire District 3 community to learn more about the current levy lid lift

Editor’s note: Opinions expressed in this letter to the editor are those of the author alone and do not reflect the editorial position of ClarkCountyToday.com

As a firefighter, I am asking our community to learn more about Fire District 3’s lid lift. We are struggling to meet the emergency service needs of our community.

Charlie Campbell
Charlie Campbell

Call volumes have increased 25 percent in six years and our community requires more firefighters to respond. This includes paramedic-certified firefighters to provide critical patient care during medical emergencies (now 70 percent of all calls). We also need to staff the station on Rawson Road full-time to improve our emergency response district wide.

The current fire levy is not adequate to fund what our community requires. The levy rate falls every year and we have had to cut funding for two firefighter/paramedics as a result. A failed levy lid lift will continue to result in reduced staffing, longer response times, unstaffed fire stations and higher homeowner insurance premiums for residents.

I have lived in Fire District 3 for 25 years and have served it for 20 years. Our fire district doesn’t control growth, but we must serve it. Without adequate funding, all residents (new and old) suffer from longer response times and outdated medical/rescue equipment. Please learn more at www.fire3.org.

Charlie Campbell
Clark County

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