Letter: Candidate’s withdrawal from debate denies voters of vital information

Vancouver resident Kris Greene believes every candidate should face scrutiny

Editor’s note: Opinions expressed in this letter to the editor are those of the author alone and do not reflect the editorial position of ClarkCountyToday.com

Kris Greene
Kris Greene

I’m deeply concerned about the Camas City Council election. 

Incumbent John Nohr’s sudden withdrawal from the League of Women Voters debate, citing a work conflict, deprives voters of vital information. What’s more concerning is the League’s refusal to allow candidate Gary Perman to speak. This denies the public a chance to hear both sides. 

Is Nohr’s withdrawal an attempt to evade questions? Every candidate should face scrutiny. It’s a disservice to voters and democracy itself. Fairness demands that all candidates be heard.

Kris Greene

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