Stephanie McClintock sworn into Washington State House of Representatives

Rep. Stephanie McClintock
Rep. Stephanie McClintock

McClintock is taking the seat of former Rep. Brandon Vick who decided not to seek reelection

Vancouver Republican Stephanie McClintock was sworn into office on Monday, to serve as a state representative for the 18th Legislative District.

McClintock was sworn in on the first day of the 2023 legislative session. She is taking the seat of former Rep. Brandon Vick, R-Vancouver, who decided not to seek reelection.

“It’s an honor and privilege to be a member of the Washington State House of Representatives and I’m excited to work on real solutions that help everyone in our great state,” said McClintock, R-Vancouver. “I have always been involved and active in my community. As I watch our state continue to suffer under its current leadership and broken policies, I know more can be done to help all Washington families, individuals, and businesses.”

McClintock will serve on three committees as she begins her first term in the House: The Capital Budget Committee, the Consumer Protection & Business Committee, and the Education Committee.

“I am proud to serve in the state Legislature and I’m grateful to the people of the 18th District for placing their trust in me,” said McClintock. “I look forward to working for everyone in my district and being their advocate in Olympia.” The 2023 legislative session began Jan. 9 and is scheduled to last 105 consecutive days.

Information provided by Washington State House Republicans,

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