Seventeen-year-old Washington female dies from heart attack weeks after receiving second Pfizer vaccination

VAERS data indicates three Washington deaths following COVID-19 vaccination

A 17-year-old female from Washington died from cardiac arrest 36 days after having received her second Pfizer vaccination. She becomes the third known person found in the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) to possibly have died from a COVID-19 vaccine. According to information in the report, she had recovered from a symptomatic but not severe case of COVID-19 in August. 

The report indicates she got her first vaccination on Sept. 3 and her second vaccination shot on Sept. 15. She showed up in the emergency department of the hospital Oct. 23 with chest pain and difficulty breathing for the previous 48 hours. She was feeling “completely well” prior to the onset of the symptoms.

The VAERS site is run by the Food and Drug Administration and Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and collects data from all over the world. VAERS is a passive reporting system, meaning it relies on individuals to send in reports of their experiences. Anyone can submit a report to VAERS, including parents and patients. 

VAERS data shows 29 deaths in the U.S. of individuals ages 12 to 44 whose death may have been related to the COVID-19 vaccination. The 17-year-old female is one of three Washington state residents in the report. Graphic courtesy VAERS
VAERS data shows 29 deaths in the U.S. of individuals ages 12 to under 18 whose death may have been related to the COVID-19 vaccination. The 17-year-old female was a Washington state resident. Graphic courtesy VAERS

Healthcare providers are required by law to report to VAERS:

  • Any adverse event listed in the VAERS Table of Reportable Events Following Vaccination that occurs within the specified time period after vaccinations
  • An adverse event listed by the vaccine manufacturer as a contraindication to further doses of the vaccine

The young female’s initial medical evaluation showed her symptoms were mild. “No sick contacts or family members. ED evaluation remarkable for normal exam, no hypoxia, normal blood pressure.” The patient tested “SARS-CoV-PCR positive” but it was thought to be “persistent positive rather than reinfection because of lack of clinical symptoms, recent COVID-19 and recent vaccination.”

An echocardiogram showed below normal heart function. The patient was about to be transported when she suffered cardiac arrest. Hospital staff performed their advanced cardiovascular life support protocol with CPR for 65 minutes. “Unfortunately she was not able to be resuscitated and died. Cause of death possible acute myocarditis,” reads the report.

The VAERS data reviewed shows 29 deaths in the U.S. of people ages 12-17 as of Nov. 5. The youngest was a 12-year-old female in South Carolina with multiple preexisting conditions.

Earlier this summer, a 34-year-old male from Washington developed anaphylactic reaction after a Pfizer vaccination on June 15, 2021. He suffered cardiac arrest on June 23, eight days after receiving the vaccine, then died on June 25. After a full autopsy, a forensic pathologist determined the patient was a healthy adult with no heart disease, no liver disease, and no pneumonia. The coroner determined after a toxicology report that the COVID-19 vaccine was the only contributing factor. 

Jessica Berg Wilson, a 37-year-old mother of two, died Sept. 7 from what her obituary says was “COVID-19 vaccine-induced thrombotic thrombocytopenia.” It is a rare condition causing blood clots.

She was a resident of King County, and was reported to be the first person in the state to die from a vaccine-related blood clot. She received the shot on Aug. 26 and died more than a week later.

According to family members, Jessica became ill after receiving J&J’s vaccine, and went to the emergency room at UW Medical Center. Hospital staff were told Jessica had been vaccinated and was suffering various severe symptoms. But attending doctors insisted on giving Jessica a COVID test and sent her home. They did not pursue any other treatment.

One news report at the time indicated Public Health Seattle and King County said Wilson was the fourth person in the United States to die due to blood clotting issues following the Johnson & Johnson vaccine.

“Sadly, this is the first such death in Washington state. We send our deepest condolences to her family and loved ones. Losing a loved one at any time is a tragic and difficult and pain that’s become all too familiar in the last year and a half of this pandemic.” says Umair A. Shah, MD, MPH, secretary of health.

Jessica Berg Wilson died 36 days after getting her Johnson & Johnson vaccination for COVID-19. She was a healthy 37-year-old mother who got the mandatory vaccination in order to participate in her child’s school as a room mom. Graphic/obituary courtesy Harvey Family Funeral Home
Jessica Berg Wilson died 36 days after getting her Johnson & Johnson vaccination for COVID-19. She was a healthy 37-year-old mother who got the mandatory vaccination in order to participate in her child’s school as a room mom. Graphic/obituary courtesy Harvey Family Funeral Home

Wilson’s obituary included the following.

During the last weeks of her life, however, the world turned dark with heavy-handed vaccine mandates. Local and state governments were determined to strip away her right to consult her wisdom and enjoy her freedom. She had been vehemently opposed to taking the vaccine, knowing she was in good health and of a young age and thus not at risk for serious illness. In her mind, the known and unknown risks of the unproven vaccine were more of a threat. 

But, slowly, day by day, her freedom to choose was stripped away. Her passion to be actively involved in her children’s education — which included being a Room Mom — was, once again, blocked by government mandate. Ultimately, those who closed doors and separated mothers from their children prevailed. 

It cost Jessica her life. It cost her children the loving embrace of their caring mother. And it cost her husband the sacred love of his devoted wife. It cost God’s Kingdom on earth a very special soul who was just making her love felt in the hearts of so many.

In April, the CDC paused its authorization of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine to study the risks of rare blood clotting complications. Later that month, the CDC lifted the pause after determining that the benefits of the vaccine outweigh the risks. 

The Moderna and Pfizer COVID-19 vaccines had not been associated with this condition, although there are other health concerns especially myocarditis and pericarditis for young men regarding the mRNA vaccinations.

Adverse Events

As of Nov. 5, there were 18,461 deaths attributed to the COVID-19 vaccinations reported on the VAERS website, and a total of 875,653 total incidents and adverse reactions. Two percent of the adverse events were deaths attributed to the vaccine and another 3 percent resulted in permanent disability. That equals 47,565 deaths or permanently disabled people.

The hospitalization rate was over 10 percent with another 11 percent more making a visit to the emergency room. 

Of the 8,456 U.S. deaths reported as of Nov. 5, 10 percent occurred within 24 hours of vaccination, 15 percent occurred within 48 hours of vaccination and 26 percent occurred in people who experienced an onset of symptoms within 48 hours of being vaccinated, according to one news report

One of the most immediate reports of vaccine related death came from California. Tim Zook was a health care worker. A couple of hours after receiving his second vaccination, he had an upset stomach and trouble breathing. It became so bad his colleagues at work walked him to the emergency room. Within hours, he was on a BiPAP machine to help push air into the lungs.

Four days later, Tim Zook died. 

Rochelle Zook said, “her husband loved what he did. He worked in hospitals for 36 1/2 years. He believed in vaccines. I’m sure he would take that vaccine again, and he’d want the public to take it.”

Tim Zook worked in healthcare for over three decades. He had problems just over two hours after getting his second Pfizer vaccination. He passed away four days later leaving his wife, Rochelle and three sons. Graphic courtesy Facebook photo
Tim Zook worked in healthcare for over three decades. He had problems just over two hours after getting his second Pfizer vaccination. He passed away four days later leaving his wife, Rochelle and three sons. Graphic courtesy Facebook photo

“But when someone gets symptoms 2 1/2 hours after a vaccine, that’s a reaction,” she said. “What else could have happened? We would like the public to know what happened to Tim, so he didn’t die in vain. Severe reactions are rare. In reality, COVID is a much more deadly force than reactions from the potential vaccine itself.”

“The message is, be safe, take the vaccine — but the officials need to do more research,” Rochelle said. “We need to know the cause. The vaccines need to be as safe as possible. Every life matters.”

The long-awaited autopsy report, released Wed., July 14, found that Zook’s heart was severely enlarged, thicker than normal and dilated. “There is a focus of severe coronary artery disease,” it said, and his heart valves showed mild to moderate calcium deposits.

The official cause of death was listed as “hypertensive and atherosclerotic heart disease with severe cardiomegaly and heart failure.” There is no mention, anywhere, of vaccination playing a role.

His widow Rochelle, has received her COVID-19 vaccines. So have their three adult sons. “He would want us to be safe,” she said.

But she remains convinced that, somehow, Zook’s death is tied back to that last shot.

“Heart enlargement? How did his heart get enlarged?” she asked. “He had been seeing a doctor and getting checkups and tests — no one mentioned an enlarged heart.”

Zook had high blood pressure that was well-controlled with medication, and was slightly overweight but otherwise healthy, she said.

Rochelle’s theory is that the vaccines are so new that much remains unknown. She has decided to preserve samples of her husband’s tissue for future testing, hoping to unlock a mystery as more data about the vaccines emerge in years to come.

In the U.S., 427.6 million COVID vaccine doses had been administered as of Nov. 5. This includes: 250 million doses of Pfizer, 162 million doses of Moderna and 16 million doses of Johnson & Johnson according to the report.

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