Half of all fatal crashes in Washington state are due to someone driving under the influence
VANCOUVER – Southwest Washington will have extra officers conducting DUI enforcement today (May 5) to help keep roadways safer this Cinco de Mayo holiday.

Those who plan to celebrate are asked to plan ahead and get home safe. Half of all fatal crashes in Washington state are due to someone driving under the influence. When drivers are drunk or high, they have big ideas, but not necessarily good ideas. Before the party starts, everyone needs a plan for a safe ride home. Drunk-you will thank you. For that matter, so will hungover-you. The alternative is risking a DUI, up to a year in jail, $5,000 fine, a suspended license, an ignition interlock device installed in your car, legal bills … and lots of uncomfortable conversations.
The hundreds of traffic deaths and injuries that happen each year in Washington state due to impaired driving crashes are 100 percent preventable. Target Zero communicators ask that you “always remember that you have the choice to drive sober and prevent impairment-related deaths on our roadways. How many impaired driving related deaths are acceptable for your family? Zero!’’

Pledge to plan ahead and intervene:
- Use a taxi or rideshare
- Take public transportation
- Spend the night
- Leave your car at home
- Download and use the Safer Ride app to your phone (download for Android or Apple), which can help get you home safely
- Step in to prevent someone else from driving impaired
If you are driving and see a suspected impaired driver, call 9-1-1.