Cycle team based in Vancouver raising funds to purchase bicycles for children in need
It was a fun ride, not a race.
A chance to get together, rain or shine, and in this case, mostly rain.
They went out to enjoy each other’s company, while jump-starting a campaign that is near and dear to the hearts of those who are part of the Dialed Cycle Team.

It was the team’s annual Ugly Christmas Sweater fun ride this weekend, a beginning of the team’s fundraiser to accept donations in order to purchase and deliver bicycles to children in need.
“Ideally it’s for kids who would never have this opportunity to begin with,” said Jake von Duering of Dialed Cycle Team, a non-profit organization based in Vancouver. “If we can get those kids on a bike and plant seeds for the future of cycling, and put a smile on these kids’ faces, and show them the freedom of going out riding a bike, that’s mission accomplished for us.”

The team teams up with Cannondale Bikes, true quality in the bicycle industry. The team also gives away helmets and locks.
These giveaways are not for Christmas. Instead, the team uses the giving season to ask for donations. Then the team will purchase and assemble the bikes and give to the children during the spring, during better riding weather.
Dozens showed up Saturday for the fun ride in the rain. Most wore Christmas sweaters and some went all out by decorating their bicycles. Scott Binkley got the most votes for ugliest sweater. Sonja Ebert of Vancouver won top prize for her bike and wardrobe. She said it took about two hours to complete her project.
All of it for a good cause.
“We are doing this today to bring Christmas cheer to all of Vancouver and Camas,” she said.

The ride went from east Vancouver, into Camas, and back.
And it’s all for raising funds for children.
“To get them participating,” Ebert said.
To donate to Dialed Cycle Team, go to its GoFundMe page at: