County to host March 28 information sessions on Comprehensive Plan Update

County to host March 28 information sessions on Comprehensive Plan Update. Virtual sessions will focus on population forecast and new housing requirements.
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Virtual sessions will focus on population forecast and new housing requirements

VANCOUVER – As part of the county’s efforts on the 2025 Comprehensive Growth Management Plan update, Clark County Community Planning has scheduled two virtual public information sessions for Tue., March 28 at 1:30 p.m. and 2:45 p.m. 

  • Session 1: 20-Year Population Forecast – Led by staff from the Office of Financial Management, information will include how OFM forecasts are created, what factors go into their consideration, and the accuracy of prior forecasts. 
  • Session 2: Housing Requirements for 2025 Comprehensive Plan Update – Led by staff from the Department of Commerce, information will be presented on the new housing requirements established by HB 1220 and codified in RCW 36.70A.070 that requires local governments to “plan and accommodate” for housing affordable to all income levels and how to examine racially disparate impacts, displacement and exclusion in housing policies and regulations, and recommended policies to address them.

The meeting will be held virtually via Webex. Details on how to join the meeting can be found at The meeting will also be carried live by CVTV on Channel 23. The meeting recording will be posted the next day on the same meeting and event web page.

To find details and information about the project, upcoming meetings, and how to sign up for email updates, please visit the project page at 2025update

Information provided by Clark Co. WA Communications.

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