Leading promoter of vaccination drops bomb at triple-vaxxed Davos confab
Art Moore
WND News Center
Attendees at the World Economic Forum meeting must be triple-vaccinated, but in a panel session in front of the elite leaders gathered in Davos, Switzerland, vaccine promoter Bill Gates dismantled the rationale for vaccine mandates and passports in a matter of seconds.
“The idea of checking if people are vaccinated – you know if you have breakthrough infections – what’s the point?” the billionaire philanthropist said in the session Wednesday.
Yesterday in #Davos, @BillGates said "the vaccines have saved millions of lives" yet admitted that current COVID-19 vaccines "don't have much in the way of duration and they're not good at infection blocking." @wef #WEF22 pic.twitter.com/Q2Co8R5mRf
— Matt Gaspers (@MattGaspers) May 26, 2022
Stanford University epidemiologist Dr. Jay Battacharya is among the many medical scientists who have been arguing for more than a year that the inability of the COVID vaccines to stop infection and transmission undermine vaccine passports and the requirements by governments and businesses that employees get the shots.
“Now that @BillGates has seen the light on the uselessness of vaccine passports (& mandates), I would like to extend an invitation to him to sign the @gbdeclaration,” he wrote on Twitter.
His reference was to the Great Barrington Declaration he drafted along with epidemiologists Dr. Sunetra Gupta of Oxford and Dr. Martin Kulldorf, then of Harvard. The declaration criticized COVID-19 measures, particularly universal lockdowns, calling instead for focused protection of the vulnerable older population based on data showing they are more than a thousand times more likely to die from COVID infection than the young.
During the WEF panel Wednesday, Gates said that any future COVID vaccines must block infection and be of “long duration.”
The current vaccines, he said, “have saved millions of lives, but they don’t have much in the way of duration. and they’re not good at infection blocking.”
Davos attendees must be tested for COVID-19 both before and after the five-day event along with being “fully vaccinated,” which means two doses and a booster shot, CNBC reported.