Opinion: The parasitic infestation of progressivism

Vincent Cavaleri discusses the impact of progressivism on American democracy, individual freedoms, and political divisions.
Vincent Cavaleri discusses the impact of progressivism on American democracy, individual freedoms, and political divisions.

Vincent Cavaleri believes the entire world is watching how America handles the divisions that currently exist politically

Vincent Cavaleri, director of education
Silent Majority Foundation

In the coming days, the United States will be faced with a crucial endeavor. As the leader of the free world, we have been tasked to either preserve and promote democratic values or allow modern-day Marxism to continue to manifest throughout the world. Make no mistake about it, the entire world is watching how America handles the divisions that currently exist politically. 

For centuries, the United States has been viewed as the world’s leader when it comes to promoting democratic values. Always emphasizing the importance of individualism over collectivism and respecting the unique identity, beliefs, and aspirations of the individual citizen.

American society has always valued individuality, diversity of thought, and freedom of expression. The People have always been encouraged to pursue their own passions and goals without fear of conformity or undue social pressure. Respect for individual liberty has been construed as a cornerstone of a fair and just America. 

In contrast, progressivism or collectivism is characterized by the concentration of power in the hands of a single leader or party, typically undermining individual freedoms, human rights, and the rule of law. Progressivism is a social construct that prioritizes the needs and goals of the group over those of the individual. 

Websters defines a progressive as “one believing in moderate political change and especially social improvement by governmental action.” Progressives do not believe in individual autonomy and have zero tolerance for alternative viewpoints. Make no mistake about it, progressivism is about total control, which is one of the many reasons the despotic ideology is so reviled. 

Some progressives may differ in their assessment of the issues facing America, but they share the same common view that government must be actively involved in reform. They believe the U.S. Constitution is antiquated and must be turned into an “evolutionary instrument of social change,” with an administrative intellectual bureaucracy calling the shots.

It involves central control over its population and its economy and relies heavily on fear and intimidation to carry out the oppressive doctrine. The use of violence, mob rule and of course, identity politics are all used as arrows to pierce the hearts of the proletariat. In progressive society the free flow of debate has no place. Cancel culture, political correctness and the shouting down of descending viewpoints are foundational elements of the authoritarian movement. All of which are geared to prey on the conscious of good people.

Efforts to reject progressivism must involve supporting and advocating for equal rights under the law. Bigoted initiatives like diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) or critical race theory (CRT) has no place in America’s meritocracy. Additionally, it’s essential to strengthen America’s institutions that uphold America first values; and eliminate those that don’t, beginning with the department of education (DOE). 

Ultimately, rebuffing the progressive mantra means standing up for the fundamental rights of individuals, the principles of good governance, and the inclusive participation of all citizens in the decision-making processes. It’s an ongoing commitment that requires vigilance and resilience at every level.

Furthermore, it is crucial to encourage and engage in open discussions about democracy, human rights, and the dangers of progressivism with friends, family, and the community. By raising awareness and encouraging a more informed electorate, you can help cultivate a culture of harmony and stability for generations to come.

In addition, it is essential to support political parties and organizations that are dedicated to promoting and defending constitutional values. These organizations can work towards strengthening democratic institutions, advocate for political reforms, and defend the rights and freedoms of its citizenry. By doing this, America will be in a strong position to promote democracy both home and abroad. 

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