Letter: ‘I believe that others in Clark County are being scammed too’

Vancouver resident Randall Rathbun warns Clark County residents of a possible phone scam targeting Social Security recipients

Editor’s note: Opinions expressed in this letter to the editor are those of the author alone and do not reflect the editorial position of ClarkCountyToday.com

Randall Rathbun, Vancouver
Randall Rathbun, Vancouver

There appears to be a phone scam going on right now of people impersonating the Social Security Administration and alleging some type of discrepancy occurring to my SS account and asking for me to contact a person. 

The following phone numbers have been used (prefix = 360-857) 3469, 4357, 3978, 8812,9473,6956,5764,9642. This appears to have started Fri., Oct 2. Since I am on a fixed income, I am wondering if someone obtained a block of social security people like me, who are a designated target? 

The official information from the federal government social security administration website is to beware phone scams which seem to have picked up lately. I believe that others in Clark County are being scammed too. 

Randall Rathbun