Camas resident Anna Miller doesn’t believe it was a coincidence that a representative from a Satanic Temple was introduced to provide the invocation at Tuesday’s County Council meeting
Editor’s note: Opinions expressed in this letter to the editor are those of the author alone and do not reflect the editorial position of
Well, well, well. Coincidence? I don’t think so. A little background first. A short time ago, new County Councilor Will Fuentes stepped in it by suggesting we do away with the invocation at the opening of the council meetings and maybe the pledge of allegiance also. Council Chair Sue Marshall was in agreement. These two felt the prayer was not “inclusive.”

Problem was the citizens they represent were not in favor of that suggestion and made themselves well known! Fuentes apologized sort of regarding the flag salute. However, he appeared to double down on the prayer being removed.
Guess what? At the latest meeting Sue Marshall announces that a representative from the Satanic Temple would be giving the invocation. Yep. Problem, they didn’t show up, so she had to go to a moment of silence. But she didn’t let that moment pass. She went on to remind everyone that ANYONE could sign up to give the invocations. And further “instructed” them on how to go to the website to do so.
I’ll be blunt. I believe this was an “in your face” to the citizens that backed them off on getting rid of the prayer. Seems strange the satanists wouldn’t show up for their golden opportunity. Did they really sign up? Or was this bogus from the jump? A quick public records request will be done, by me, for sure.
Seeing is believing. Let’s let them know it didn’t go unnoticed! Make sure they aren’t having any fun at our expense.
Anna Miller
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