Letter: 100 area residents sign ‘Declaration of Independence from COVID Tyranny & Discrimination’

Rob Anderson, The Recovering Pastor, believes at the heart of mandates, lockdowns and restrictions due to COVID is discrimination

Rob Anderson
The Recovering Pastor

Rob Anderson
Rob Anderson

We believe in life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.  We ARE anti-tyranny.  We are NOT anti-COVID (i.e., that it doesn’t exist) or anti-vaccination, but we will not be subjected to these oppressions any longer nor be a part or participate in active discrimination. 

The current approach to “fight” to eliminate COVID is a fool’s errand and needs to end now (1). Never before has there been a successful all-or-nothing approach, nor should there be now, because it is irrational and a strategy that is doomed to fail. It took centuries of living with viruses like smallpox, polio, rubella, and measles until vaccines appeared, and it still took decades to “eliminate” them which hasn’t fully happened (2).

The tyrannical edicts that have been commanded by Governor Inslee, other elected officials, and medical bureaucrats here in Clark County have killed countless citizens, devastated businesses, stunted the education and development of our children, discouraged workers from returning to employment, piled on insurmountable debt, and now tragically divides communities (3). 

We cannot keep going like this and we are declaring to all governing officials that it is time to go in a different direction than this “emergency” empowered tyrannical fight to eliminate COVID that will never succeed. 

No more mandates. No more lockdowns or restrictions. No more closing down or restricting businesses, schools, homes, parks, churches, events, etc. No more forcing face coverings and absolutely NO VACCINE MANDATES OR COMPULSORY REQUIREMENTS because at the heart of all these is discrimination. Amnesty International says, “Discrimination occurs when a person is unable to enjoy his or her human rights or other legal rights on an equal basis with others because of an unjustified distinction made in policy, law or treatment.“

Instead, we demand common sense and transparent definitions and data collection, clear and visible formatting of the data, and to be fully informed as a public (4).  We require a focus on resources to the most vulnerable, and to provide the best therapeutics, supplies and support to hospitals and all medical professionals. This isn’t a time to fire or eliminate healthcare staff but to encourage them and hire more. We need to encourage and empower families and communities to join together, rather than be divided (5). We can overcome this together as free people, rather than divided and subjugated. 

We are the land of the free and the home of the brave.  It is time to live this out in the COVID era. 

IN THIS SPIRIT, We The People also petition the Clark County Council to take action and pass the following anti-discrimination  policy …

“We the Clark County Council, acting as the Board Of Health, which is the manifestation of representational government at the Public Health level, empowered by RCW 70.05.060(s3) & Clark County’s Home Rule Charter 8.2 & 8.3 & 8.7, PROHIBIT ANY AND ALL DISCRIMINATORY, including COVID, vaccine & mask, MANDATES OR COMPULSORY REQUIREMENTS WITHIN CLARK COUNTY BUILDINGS OR LAND USE.  No business, government agency, educational institution, religious or private organization that operates on land within Clark County will be allowed to discriminate against any person through indirect methods or by direct requirements to be masked or vaccinated or any other similar Covid restriction that ultimately results in inequity of rights, services or employment. 

As free citizens and legal guardians of children, parents ultimately make all health decisions for their children in Clark County, and vaccinations are a medical health choice for every citizen to make privately.  These rights should never be impeded, nor should their right to privacy (6).  As we acted before regarding discrimination, we act now to protect individuals & groups of people from being unfairly treated, denied basic services, education or right to continue employment (7). 

Reference notes:

1. Jay Inslee declaring that he couldn’t take any more questions from the press because he had to “go fight Covid.” https://www.clarkcountytoday.com/opinion/opinion-gov-jay-inslee-reacts-to-question-about-efforts-to-end-his-emergency-order/

2. Measles outbreak in Clark County WA  https://clark.wa.gov/public-health/measles-investigation

3. Stats of Covid related effects https://www.intereconomics.eu/contents/year/2021/number/1/article/covid-19-lockdowns-fatality-rates-and-gdp-growth.html, https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.com/news/health-55863841.amp, https://reliefweb.int/report/world/red-cross-red-crescent-warns-devastating-impacts-covid-19-pandemic-children-and-young,https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.wsj.com/amp/articles/covid-lockdowns-economy-pandemic-recession-business-shutdown-sweden-coronavirus-11598281419

4. Examples of death counts, hospitalizations & basic stats manipulated with convoluted definitions. https://www.freedomfoundation.com/washington/washington-state-over-reporting-covid-19-deaths/, https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.newsweek.com/studies-suggest-child-hospitalization-numbers-covid-are-inflated-1592911%3famp=1, https://med.stanford.edu/news/all-news/2021/05/covid-19-hospitalizations-among-kids-likely-overcounted.html, https://www.clarkcountytoday.com/news/icymi-protesters-descend-on-clark-county-public-health-building/

5. Jay Inslee blaming 50-year-old unvaccinated Trump supporters for being “bioreactor facilities” just a week before CDC admits vaccinated individuals have the same viral load as unvaccinated. https://www.google.com/amp/s/mynorthwest.com/3037959/rantz-jay-inslee-trump-voters-bioreactor-facility-covid-washington/amp/

6. Clark County Council authority from RCW https://app.leg.wa.gov/rcw/default.aspx?cite=70.05.060& Home Rule Charter https://clark.wa.gov/councilors/article-8-general-provisions 

 7. Clark County Council passed a resolution taking a stand against discrimination on June 16, 2020  https://clark.wa.gov/sites/default/files/dept/files/council-meetings/2020/2020_Q2/2020-06-06.pdf & nondiscrimination language is specifically addressed in the Clark County Home Rule Charter https://clark.wa.gov/councilors/article-8-general-provisions

Signed by…

Sara Tapio, Mike Terry, Alice Terry, Kim Terry, Keith Terry, Mary Ciot, Aurel Ciot, Megan Gabriel, Dave Costanzo, Dianna Costanzo, Heather Deringer, Simon Clow, Joanne Hottendorf, Kelly Fields, Gordon Kelsch, Clayton Myers, Jacqueline Myers, Nancy Lillard, Pam Lickar, Rachel Bosel, Mike Witt, Sharron Gookin, Kris Winters, Ashley Cooper, Deeane Cook, Andrew Alexander, Marsha Brady, Renee Sherman, Doreen Dings, Carol Houwen, Klista Ali, Esmerelda Godinez, LF Martini, Nichol Northrup, Mary Breitenbauch, Carol Bender, Georgia Brinkley, Sharron Gookin, Ray Greene, Glen Serl, Yvonne Cook-Sjogren, Katrina Joy, William Westrem, Ksenia Dorosh, Jim Williams, Val Williams, Teressa Silva, Ray Larson, Michael Jelineo, Ryan Gullstrand, Anja Ullensdatter, Lisa Church, Rob Anderson, Miranda Blackburn, Erin Brands, Bret Morrison, Steve South, Kris Kyle, Darin Kyle, Harlyn Thompson, Shirley Wentworth, Sally Snyder, Adam McKay, Courtney McKay, Tamara Hill, Kristen Markstrom, Kevin Gustafson, Mike Stewart, Beth Stewart, Micah Stewart, Maggie Jo, Angela Westover, Chrys Hust Hauser, Jennifer Warren, Ashley Rappleya, Suzen Cox, Debbie Bennet, Pam Lickar, Dianna Velazoo, Krista Ali, Renee Norton, Natasha Georgescu, Mike Garrison, Anita Gillingham, Jason Bellomo, Debra Kalz, Vanessa Amundson, BillieJo Moore, Wendy Rush, Chuck Miller, George Hacker, David Knight, Bridget Pierce, Bryan White, Naomi Denham, Jerry Krueger, Elizabeth Taylor, Sarah White, Bonnie Suba, Sarah Akey, Robert Freund, Julianne McAndrew

To join this commonsense movement and end discrimination via COVID orders and mandates sign via the following link:



  1. Thomas casey

    Signed. Stand against medical Lysenkoism. Anti-mandate, is not anti-mask or anti-vaccine. In a world without the mandate you can still use a mask and get vaccinated if you choose to.

    1. David

      Well THAT would be using COMMON SENSE which is a no no for these guys. All that matters to them is that their irrational fears and “thought processes” are forced upon YOU. There is NO “live and let live for these guys only do their bidding at your own costs! YOUR BODY does NOT MATTER in “THIS” CASE, only when it comes to killing full term babies!

      This world has become inverted just like the stars on the Australian foot soldiers (police’s) uniforms.

    2. David

      Hey these guys are erasing over half my comments. Good thing I’m recording this to be posted soon!

      Let’s see if THIS ONE MAKES IT!!?? Screw this website, its FAKE and completely monitored one sided! Exposed!

      1. Andi Schwartz, Webmaster/Graphic Designer

        I will share with you that we recently changed some settings on our comment platform and it is now having us approve more comments than it used to before them being seen publicly. The only comments we remove are ones that violate our comment policy (usually by use of profanity) and outright SPAM. We have not removed any of your comments. Feel free to reach out to me if you have any further issues: andi.s@clarkcountytoday.com. Thank you.

      1. don drysdale

        if it isn’t discrimination, Pat, then what is it? it sure as heck isn’t democracy–that is when Equality rules, and people’s votes matter, not being dictated to by the mainstream media and the entity that owns and runs it.

  2. Don Johnson

    I’ll stick with science over witch doctoring for my medicine; my elected officials for my governing and the good pastor should stay out of politics and medicine or lose his tax exemption.

    I have lost no freedom. I am a patriotic American that understands freedom comes with responsibilities and sacrifices. When Polio was raging, we gave every child a vaccination. Nobody was moaning about their freedom. Most of us avoided numerous agonizing diseases thanks to vaccinations required to enter school.

    The crying about following common sense behaviors after 682,000 deaths and the recent exponential increase is cases which are 99% unvaccinated people is pathetic.

    PS. Doctor’s can prescribe whatever they feel is the best treatment. Accirding to tje AMA, 96% of Doctor’s are vaccinated and few hawk politically motivated snake oil solutions.

    1. The Recovering Pastor

      Congratulations, I’ve never seen a comment stuffed with this many nonsensical statements & senseless tropes. Taking a blind eye to others being discriminated against isn’t patriotic but a plunge into dehumanizing your fellow man,

      1. Corbin

        Rob, your whole post was nonsensical statements & senseless tropes you said nothing but right wing talking point. You didn’t even do it well you essentially repeated yourself. Also just because you don’t know how to Google doesn’t mean the data isn’t easily available. Here’s a peer reviewed study on the Moderna vaccine. https://www.nih.gov/news-events/news-releases/peer-reviewed-report-moderna-covid-19-vaccine-publishes and if you look with you eyes you’ll find more studies that say the same.

      2. jmk

        You are not a member of a protected class. You are not being unlawfully discriminated against, and normal loyal Americans who support public health are tired of your whingeing.

        1. The Recovering Pastor

          if You think discrimination can only happen to “protected” classes then you don’t understand what discrimination means. Reread, especially the part of how Amnesty International, gold standard org for human rights, defines it.

          1. jmk666

            Of course, legally, you’re completely wrong.

            Morally, you’re ALSO completely wrong: It is clear that you want to deprive ALL people of the right to be in a public place without a significant health threat from those opposed to public health.

            And Amnesty International? They VEHEMENTLY disagree with you:

            There is nothing in international human rights law against a state taking mandatory measures where there is a public health necessity, such as the prevention and control of COVID-19, however, mandatory measures must be implemented in accordance with international human rights law and key safeguards.

            Amnesty continues to monitor government response to the COVID-19 pandemic to ensure measures to contain the virus are proportionate and applied without discrimination.

            But common sense tells you that wearing a mask, if it is advised or mandated by health authorities, is a reasonable measure to protect your health and the health of others.”


            That’s gonna leave quite a welt…

      3. Jennifer

        The only discrimination happening is that of natural selection.
        This person is citing truths.
        You want to talk about freedom but don’t want to grant freedom to disagree you , evidenced by your need to declare their speech “nonsense”.
        Dehumanizing, as you say .
        Hypocrisy is what I say.

        Not sure how I ended up on this page but I’ll leave you now.

        May you and your followers survive your freedom.

        1. David

          Godbless Jennifer…yes at these guys rate they will not be allowed to breathe without permission soon because they might pass “covid”
          How big of fools these people are who will not survive their own stupidity. Once you cross that line it’s pretty much certainty it won’t stop there as well your own ideas of ANTI freedom will definitely come for you once corruption has fully taken.over or didn’t you know THEY do not discriminate!?? I really don’t understand its almost like they want to be taken over and loose all their freedom. Pure ignorance! This seems to be a fake page anyway with a bunch of paid shills to push these agendas and mentality especially with it being as one sided as it is with such an easily discernable topic there shouldn’t even be a question. America full of propaganda…never would have believed it!

      4. David

        You’re absolutely right and all these other people are gullible children like taking candy from a baby they make it. There is no hope for humanity with people downing your VERY CIMMON SENSE comment. Something that ANY loving and intelligent individual would agree with! They speak of “peer review” lol have they seen the lies and hypocracy of the CDC, WHO, and government officials who believe that THEY own.science…it’s pure propaganda and “peer review” are just like the “fact checkers” full of lies and payed to say what they say! Why are their literally THOUSANDS of Drs and Nurses on the front lines claiming the complete opposite than what “peer review” states?? Why are they all refusing the vax?? They know why and show the evidence why unlike all the “peer review” who just say it. The others have nothing to gain and everything to loose which they have. That’s what happens when you tell the TRUTH. The others here should give it a try but i..sure they’re just aching to go to the bad place for their great day of judgement. Say what you want but this entire thing has been lie from the get go and ultimately God Will have the last word with all the liars, murders, thieves, who have sold their souls for whatever little bit they did it for.

    2. Vinnysgirl

      Lol, you are a moron! You have lost no freedoms? How about breathing fresh air? How bout going to a restaurant and having to sit outside because indoor dining isn’t allowed? My personal favorite, forced vaccinations. If someone told you to hand over your child or die, would you? Just because the government is holding the gun doesn’t make it ok.Those of us who did some research and used some common sense will continue to resist while you mindless puppets drop like flies from vaccine complications and all the variants. It’s called survival of the fittest. Enjoy your hysteria

      1. Will Roberts

        “Vaccine complications” are insignificant compared to the effects of catching COVID. It’s not just that you might die of COVID, it’s that you risk long term health effects as well if you survive it. At this point, you have to be incredibly selfish and fact-averse (or under 12) to not get vaccinated. YOU might be just fine if you catch COVID, but someone you breathe near at a restaurant might not. Are you saying THOSE people shouldn’t be FREE to go out and enjoy a meal as well? At least you’re right about “survival of the fittest”, except the numbers are showing it’s the unvaccinated anti-maskers who are not surviving. If all you “personal freedom” geniuses would stay out of the hospital when you’re dying from your foolish choices, this wouldn’t be a problem, but the ICUs are all clogged up with anti-mask/anti-vaxxers who masquerade as “anti-mandate”.

      1. Peter Panini

        Yeah and not talked about. “Before vaccines”, people used to turn a blind eye to anything out of the norm, but nowadays the only difference is that it’s discussed. Remember back when lead was in the paint? No one’s been talking about those consequences but I guess vaccines are easy to blame cuz people don’t understand them

        1. David

          WOW! GREAT example to show just how dumb people like you are who wish to push your own dilusiins and TRUE FEAR MONGERING onto others! Lead!?? Lead is not being pushed on others as well is now declared and deemed HAZARDOUS when vaccine damage in the 90s ALONE had shelled out BILLIONS in lawsuit settlements to those hurt. It was also deemed that vaccines were considered or proven to be “UNAVOIDABLY UNSAFE” by the Supreme Court then as well yet “Anti-vaxxers” are the the “fear mongers?? It’s like a “phobia” which is an unreasonable fear, well given this information it is VERY reasonable to fear vaccinations when the Supreme Court itself ruled them “unsafe”. If this is the case then it should be scrapped and another solution should be found not keep pushing the same “Lead” that has been since it was said to be HAZARDOUS! Now let’s go ahead and hear all the shaming and fear mongering tactics being implemented into the masses and this page specifically that we been hearing some more because it is all that you seem to have on your side besides the corrupt government who are poisoning the people which the VAERS systems very obviously shows with HUNDREDS of thousands of “adverse affects”. I’ve seen NUMEROUS people die from this as well my own grandmother after recieving while she was never in danger of a “virus” was killed by the so called “solution”. All of this I stated is pure common since and say IF the tv’s, radio, politics were not constantly popping off about “Covid” no one would ever know there even was such a thing because up until the last two or three months I never noticed anything out of the norm besides the lies on TV with empty hospitals and wavering medical staff being without work because of the propaganda and policies being implemented that make no sense. Now sense the “vaccine” has been ramped up I am seeing sick people all over as well most of them “are not positive for Covid” as the test results state (not that they were ever reliable just like the MISinformation you give). Most of the people getting sick are the ones getting “vaccintated” not the “unvaccinated” just as private studies and reports have shown which were honestly portrayed to the public that the CDC and government health will NOT do or show just their FAKE numbers which are constantly challenged by the TRUE stats that are being censored just like any other decenting or disagreeing opinions! That in itself is a HUGE redflag that any other information regarding hazards to vaccination as well that “Covid is not what it’s made out to be” are being hidden and DEMONIZED!



          There is a lot more where that came from even though this information is being censored and countered by misinformation by very vague excuses and caculated misdirection.

      2. Rip Youanewone

        This is patently false. Clearly you are not a scientist or capable of non biased research and your weak arguments reek of an InfoWars mentality. Imagine being a good person and pulling together to protect everyone and helping to limit deaths from this pandemic.

      3. Will Roberts

        I haven’t finished reading the comments here but this might be the most ironically uniformed thing I’ll read today. First of all, correlation does not imply causation. Secondly, you have cited no source or data so I can comfortably dismiss your claim. Finally, a simple internet search turned up many articles debunking any association between vaccines and mental disability, e.g. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4718347/. So don’t tell people to do their research when you’re operating at an elementary level of critical thought.

    3. David

      You’re lost…decieved. the polio vaccine killed and paralyzed, that’s what did it not “the virus” but you will never find that because you truly do not “follow the science”. Spanish flu was from the vax” which caused a pneumonia causing bacteria which all the autopsies show as well was well known back then by many people and all the info is still there…Gates father headed that one, how about that? And now we have the “Covid vax” and if you want to call that “science” then wow you’re truly gullible. Haven’t noticed the government is running “science”?? But the VAERS system.shows how great that is and literally every sign shows that the vax is killing not “curing” although there was nothing to ever “cure”. Did you not notice how the hospitals were actually REALLY full after the ramp upnof the “vax”?? I did during the summer I never seen so many sick people. Went to the e.r. because if a friend with kidney stones who they kicked out but was full of sick people with uncontrollable shakes in wheelchairs etc….ALL vaccinated just like has been everywhere as the Drs and nurses have been whistle blowing this now for months. Take a walk on the “wild side” and get off Google and maybe you will find the truth because alternative video sites other tban Yt are chalk full of these and personal testimonies, local news reports…everything that they censor.

  3. Be Honest

    This guy hasn’t been a pastor for awhile and I used to work with him at a job where he was fired due to character issues! Don’t follow people – follow God.

  4. Jennifer

    You, like many others in our country, have indeed been failed by the system. The educational system. It’s not your fault. We can’t and shouldn’t have to mandate that you be taught science well enough to understand immunology. If only we had someone to listen to who did understand… Who could guide us….like scientists who study immunology! Oh , wait. We do. We just prefer to trust only those w loudest mouth and coolest social media page who can distract us w what we want to believe. The transparency you mention is out there. It’s in the actual science journals. You will not find it on social media or on CNN, FOX NEWS, or via any other filter. Once you read the data you must try to understand it. This is where people who have spent their lives learning how to understand this data. Like a mechanic understand s your car. Like your tax attorney understands the tax code. Like a rocket scientist understands rockets. You can’t understand it all. Your God put different people here to share the burden of understanding and help you and me to get through life better. Maybe a little appreciation for those fellow humans put here by God who are trying to save you from yourself would be in order.
    Sound familiar?

    And for a servant of the lord you seem to be failing to see that thy neighbor has a right not to be killed by your poor understanding of science. I’m tired of American self-centered, money centric, freedom whining, hypocrisy embracing attitude s toward fellow humans.

    Having said that, I don’t hope you get covid and die. But I do hope you’ll think twice about what you say when discussing things you don’t understand.

    1. The Recovering Pastor

      You last wish reveals your true heart. I’m already a Covid survivor & ignoring my health preconditions is a form of discrimination. I would hope you’d stop all forms of discrimination & ill-will.

  5. Jason Barton

    Proudly signed. First of all I’m not religious, yet I agree with this gentleman’s views. A WW2 vet told me once, if you can question it, It’s science, when you’re not allowed to question it, that’s propaganda. I questioned the effectiveness of the vaccine, because at the beginning your scientific community said “It will be effective against any and all future strains” That was drilled into the public minds, it was fear that made everyone panic and not think. When the select few who questioned the science, we were labeled Wackado, cultist, conspiracy nut, etc. Yet, here we are today. Who would’ve thought a virus could all of a sudden change and mutate into something new? I know, how about your precious real scientific community? They never said that on the news did they? No, it was take this drug that’s not fda approved at the time because your president at the time took it when he was so called on deaths door, with ventilators…. all of a sudden the next day he was out and about waving to the people and all of a sudden cured. Then all of a sudden people have been lining up for that shot. Those who still questioned it, were given bribes to get the vaccine. Like free Donuts, win a $1,00,000, free grocery, etc. People lined up once again. When the remaining people who are still standing our ground, they say ok we should you the vaccine was a miracle because your president was cured the very next day, we tried to bribe you, yet you still won’t listen. So now we will take away resources, your job and where you can go. The news and social media is fear mongering, making the sheep panic. Blaming the unvaccined for creating the new strain instead of looking at the science behind the strain. People catch the flu every year, and scientifically speaking we can’t get the same flu twice because it mutates and is a different strain every year. Yet, you think covid shouldn’t have mutated well because the news said it. Every vaccine known to man has been made by an inert piece of the virus. All those vaccines have worked and protects us. This vaccine was cooked up in a lab. Gasp, shock, could it be that somehow, someway, it didn’t work…oh well let’s just blame the unvaccined and go back to the drawing board til we get it right. Then the news once again screaming the hospital is full, the medical staff overwhelmed, people are needlessly dying. The Same fear mongering and excatly the same words from the start of this pandemic. Only this time the staff shortage is on the you must be vaccinated or lose your job. So there goes 20% to 30% of the staff right there. Then a nurse, doctor etc can have the legal ratio of patients to doctor per work guidelines. Yet, the news spins it to create mass hysteria. Then let’s attack our schools. They let go of all staff who’s not vaccinated, don’t allow children who are not vaccinated. They can be taught virtually. Your teaching children that seragation is ok, that they are an outcast, that peer pressure is okay. We are creating a place where humanity is sharply divided between two classes of people. That you can have a normal life if your vaccinated, but your a plague rat if your not and not allowed to work, go to school or shop, play, etc. All people see is covid, the vaccine, who’s vaccinated or not. We only see the smaller picture and not focusing on the bigger picture. This so called vaccine is all political agenda and to further the agenda of the elite. Why now, after years of the government not stepping in, not being for the people by the people. Not caring about us but how other countries look at us. Now the government is saying that we need to cure this, we are working hard to create a vaccine which will be free to all who ask for it, we expect nothing in return. Yet, now we have the government sending in the national guard to our hospitals, to be school bus drivers, etc. This has never happened before. So why now? Since the national guard is in our hospitals, they now have full access to our medical records without hipa restrictions. Something is way wrong here and doesn’t feel right. Also think of it, why would a pharmaceutical company give away the vaccine that costs millions to make? Where most of it goes unused and wasted? Where they get nothing in return? While other medicines they make they charge astronomical prices. Where the public has to choose between eating or possibly dying? Where a single pill can cost hundreds of dollars. Think about everything that has happened in a little over a year. Think about everything precovid and how things were. Government not doing anything for its people, no government intervention, pharmaceutical companies making money and not giving away medicines. Every one was free to move about anywhere without showing papers. Our jobs were based on merits and our will to work. We were all part of society. Now we can’t go anywhere without having papers, the government is in our schools and hospitals, our jobs are dependent upon if we are vaccinated or not. The pharmaceutical companies are just giving away a vaccine out of the kindness of their hearts. As they lose millions of dollars. Yet, the majority of people don’t even find this suspicious. The only thoughts the majority has is believe in science. As a final thought, here’s the tea. At the peak of covid there was 9,034, 460 cases with zero vaccinated. Since the covid vaccine so far the peak is 9,243,682 with 71% vaccinated. I hate to break it to you but this isn’t “A pandemic of the unvaccined”. So for all the majority of people out there who say believe in science, congratulations on becoming scientologists. Now peddle your crap elsewhere.

    1. Will Roberts

      You can and should question 100% of what the CDC says. But when the data keeps coming down on their side, you need to start questioning your stubborn narrow view as well.

      “It will be effective against any and all future strains” – no one ever said this, you’re making this up. If not, prove me wrong.

      “Who would’ve thought a virus could all of a sudden change and mutate into something new?” – this has been said from the very beginning. Anyone reading even the worst news outlet was well aware of this risk.

      “So now we will take away resources, your job and where you can go.” If you could keep your COVID to yourself, no one would be concerned. But you anti-sciencers are insisting on participating in society like nothing is wrong. Stay out of the hospital and don’t spread your germs and no one will complain. But we both know that’s totally impractical so it would be WAY easier if you’d just get vaccinated, similarly to how 99% of all American children do when they’re born.

      “Every vaccine known to man has been made by an inert piece of the virus.” This isn’t true, but you can get the J&J vaccine which is a viral vector vaccine if you prefer.

      “This vaccine was cooked up in a lab. Gasp, shock, could it be that somehow, someway, it didn’t work” This is also not true. Why do you think ICUs are mostly full of unvaccinated people, despite them being the minority of the people? “Work” doesn’t mean “perfect”. It means it offers superior protection than the natural immune system.

      “The only thoughts the majority has is believe in science. As a final thought, here’s the tea. At the peak of covid there was 9,034, 460 cases with zero vaccinated. Since the covid vaccine so far the peak is 9,243,682 with 71% vaccinated.” Your data here don’t support your case because you haven’t contextualized it at all with any kind of timeline or comparison in vaccinated vs. unvaccinated, but let me just inform you that the delta variant spreads much more easily than earlier variants, testing for COVID is a lot more widespread, and the number of cases and deaths in the vaccinated is much much lower than the unvaccinated. All data points you have apparently ignored.

    2. Pat Martin

      When the virus became news-I followed it since China since I read widely- I made sure I thread a bunch of seminal texts on pandemics and virology and took some on line course from Hopkins and Harvard. Coupling that with my social science and statistical knowledge, I knew that medicine and science is incremental. In this way, I was able to avoid the headlines or discard them and take the views of all experts and make an educated decision.Vaccines are best used against viruses. They are not a cure all but they have worked for the past generations against most of the world viruses. Smallpox, to note. And herd immunity is key.and the quickest way to get there is vaccines.

  6. My2Cents

    Just get vaccinated and wear a mask. If we all did over a year ago we’d be out of this mess and many would still be alive snd business wouldn’t continue to suffer.
    suck it up and do the right thing this constant whining is getting really old
    The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.

    1. Jason Barton

      Wow! What planet are you from future boy! Vaccines over a year ago? The vaccine was just being created and not publicly distributed yet. So how can one get said vaccine when it wasn’t possible yet? Talk about spewing out garbage. Please do us all a favor and return to your nearest dumpster to await trash collection day. Thank you.

      1. Will Roberts

        The timeline might be off but the rest of their argument is spot on. Not sure why you’d latch on to something that insignificant and throw a huge fit over it.

    2. Kim

      Just educate yourself and read the book, The Real Anthony Fauci by Robert F Kennedy Jr! It’s difficult for me to take advice from people who are so uninformed yet so self righteous. You make no sense. The virus is one micron across. The holes in the masks are three microns wide so the virus slips right through. The vaccines don’t prevent people from getting COVID19. That is what vaccines are supposed to do. What they are doing,however, is lessening the symptoms so the vaccinated don’t know they have it so they are now spreading it more than the unvaccinated! Ask Jim Cramer (triple- vaxed.) This is the real truth. If you look at the data, all COVID19 cases were going down significantly and then vaccines came along and what do you know.. .the cases skyrocketed but only in highly vaccinated countries. Don’t you think it’s strange that most countries in Africa don’t have a COVID problem (except South Africa—where there are higher vaccination rates!). It’s
      called critical thinking. You should try it! But be part of the herd by all means. Pretty soon you’ll be rounding people up and putting them in camps just like the Nazis. Oh wait they are already doing that in Australia and Canada.
      Do some of your own research, Sir, before telling people to “just wear mask and get vaccinated!”

  7. Jack Burton

    These two sentences appear in the same rant and I love it:

    Never before has there been a successful all-or-nothing approach, nor should there be now, because it is irrational and a strategy that is doomed to fail.”

    No more mandates. No more lockdowns or restrictions. No more closing down or restricting businesses, schools, homes, parks, churches, events, etc. No more forcing face coverings and absolutely NO VACCINE MANDATES OR COMPULSORY REQUIREMENTS because at the heart of all these is discrimination.”

    Those two sentences, somehow unironically appearing in the same letter, are a microcosm of the antivaxx movement. Nonsensical, selfish, and poorly researched. Perhaps have someone that doesn’t blindly agree with your premise review your work. You know, like all the of peer-reviewed scientific studies conducted by professionals that contradict essentially every point you attempt to make.

    Automobile fatalities continue despite seat belt and DUI laws. I guess we’ll never win the fight so let’s allow me to drive my two year old in the front seat without a child seat after I’ve had five or six beers. If people don’t want to be in danger they can stay off the roads, and as for my kid I will make the choices for their well being. Clearly breathalyzer tests are a violation of my privacy, after all what is or isn’t present in my body (be it a vaccine or a delicious IPA) is my business and no one else’s.

    The previous paragraph is completely nonsensical. Please know that those of us that place the health of our fellow citizens over our personal convenience see your letter in a similar fashion.

    Don’t want a vaccine? Don’t get one. Employer mandates a vaccine to work there? Don’t work there. Pesky schools indoctrinating your kids to believe in science and the welfare of those around them? Teach them yourself. Don’t think masks are reasonable? Stay home or move to one of the states in the top 20 here (their elected officials largely agree with you):

  8. Bill Johnson

    There hasn’t been a case of smallpox on earth since 1977.

    Polio hasn’t been seen in the Americas since 1991 (in Peru), and even Africa was declared polio-free last year. We’re close to it being entirely non-existant.

    Rubella is out of the Americas as of 2015. In the rest of the world it is at incredibly low rates.

    Measles was following a similar trend, but has made a comeback because of idiots like you whining about vaccines.

    I’m sure you made plenty of other similarly stupid statements, but I gave up at that point.

  9. Margaret

    Covid stats should be investigated, and made accurate. “Two Oregon state senators, representing American citizens with professional expertise in medicine, law, statistics and death certificate reporting, jointly filed a formal petition for a federal grand jury investigation into the CDC’s and FDA’s reporting on COVID deaths.”

    Reports of Injuries, Deaths After COVID Vaccines Hit New Highs, as Biden Rolls Out Plan to Force 100 Million More Americans to Get Vaccinated
    “The CDC estimates that SARS-CoV-2 has infected more than 100 million Americans, and evidence is mounting that natural immunity is at least as protective as vaccination. Yet public health leadership says everyone needs the vaccine. Vaccinating People Who Have Had COVID-19: Why Doesn’t Natural Immunity Count in the U.S.?

    1. Pat Martin

      The idea that natural immunity is as protective as vaxx is untrue. We dont know. As for Covid deaths, the states pass info to CDC. Why did you mention Biden? Trump pushed vaxx too, sort of.

      1. Margaret

        Covid-19 natural immunity compared to vaccine-induced immunity: The definitive summary Excerpt: “Recent CDC data found that 74% of those who tested positive for Covid-19 in a Massachusetts analysis had been fully-vaccinated. Equally as troubling for those advocating vaccination-for-all: four out of five people hospitalized with Covid were fully-vaccinated. And CDC said “viral load” — indicating how able the human host is to spread Covid-19 — is about the same among the vaccinated and unvaccinated. Contrary to the infamous misinformation by CDC Director Rochelle Walensky last May, vaccinated people can— and are— spreading Covid. (CDC officials later corrected Walensky’s false claim.)” See full article.

        The title of the article in green mentions Biden’s recent vaccine mandate. If you click on the green hyperlinks, the full article is available to review. Biden recently issued a vaccine mandate. Trump promoted the Operation Warp Speed vaccine, rushed into production skimping on safety studies typically required for vaccines.

  10. Bob Runnells

    There is great concern that this public health situation is being used to permanently deprive people of their rights. People who are otherwise healthy and present no direct threat. We are in the middle of perhaps the most shameful period in modern history where some people seem enthusiastic to restrict the rights of others – based on a taking a risky medical intervention. The Government/Public Health/Media juggernaut has been very successful in completely blowing this out of proportion. The fervor does not match the chance of dying from COVID-19 estimated at 1 in 19.1 million (ranges from 1 in 3.1 million to 1 in 159 million). https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.06.06.20124446v1

    This is what you get when you mix politics and science – you get politics.

    Those who are so happy with their vaccines should be happy because they’re ‘protected.’ They should stop crapping on those who have likely already recovered, those who can’t take the shot for medical reasons, those who have valid scientific/data concerns about this course of action, and those who want to protect their God-given bodies and rights. Given this fervor, there is unfortunately a need for a petition/resolution like this.

    1. Some guy

      You people always cite a single statistic free of context and think it’s illustrative of your point when it’s actually exactly the opposite. That number you cited is your chance of contracting COVID and dying per time you are exposed to an infected individual, not your overall likelihood of dying if you contract COVID. Also, dying isn’t the only potentially disastrous personal consequence of COVID as most working class families would be utterly crippled by a 10-day ICU bill even if the infected individual survived. You also fail to realize that overwhelming amounts of COVID cases deprive other sick and/or injured individuals to receive life saving medical care. Look no further than the neighboring state of Idaho for evidence of what happens when “personal freedom” is prioritized over public health and objective sanity. The entire state is in a state of emergency, critical care is being rationed and the emergency medical infrastructure is buckling. You know why? Because they have the lowest rate of vaccination in the country. Your freedom stops when it starts infringing on my ability to literally live and breathe. Vaccination mandates have been upheld by the Supreme Court and have been around hundreds of years so buckle up and enjoy your jab dummy.




    2. Bob Runnells

      Correcting: 1 in 19.1 million person contacts. Obviously, 660k deaths out of 340M people is 2 in a thousand (P=0.0019) over a year and a half. Is that risk worth segregating society? Is it worth betting on a product that is not completely safe and not completely effective?


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